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Joint ZF-IN feasibility conditions

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Beamformers Design with AF Relays

6.6 Joint ZF-IN feasibility conditions

We consider MISO IBRC with MIMO FD relay with direct links (Figure6.3).

So, BS and users communicate both directly and via relay. hU Bc,c,k and hU Rc,k are

Figure 6.3: Relay and direct links

now vectors of dimensions 1×MBS and 1×MRS respectively. In this section we do not use system-wide numbering of the users. Let us suppose that we haveK users per cell. The received signal can be written as:

yc,k=hU Bc,c,kgc,kxc,k+




hU Bc,j,kgj,ixj,i+vc,k

| {z }

direct signal +hU Rc,kF{

(C,KX) (j,i)=(1,1)

HRBj gj,ixj,i+nc,k

| {z }

link via relay

} (6.29)

where the conditions for joint ZF-IN on the BF vectorsgj,i and the AF matrix Fare indicated. The noise-free received signal can be rewritten as:

yc,k= (hU Bc,c,k+hU Rc,kFHRBc )gc,k

| {z }


= 0




(hU Bc,j,k+hU Rc,kFHRBj )gj,i

| {z }




These conditions can perhaps be more easily interpreted in a dual UL in which we have an Interfering Multiple Access Channel (IMAC) plus Relay:

gHj,i(hU B,Hc,j,k +HRB,Hj FHhU R,Hc,k ) = 0∀(j, i)6= (c, k) (6.31) in which the BFgHj,i now plays the role of ZF Rx. HavingMBS antennas, the BS Rx can zero force MBS −1 interfering streams while still receiving the stream of interest. For user (j, i), let Sj,i denote the set of MBS−1 users that will be suppressed bygj,i. Then, the conditions (6.31) become IN conditions for the AF matrixFfor the interfering users (c, k)6∈ {{(j, i)}, Sj,i}.The number of such conditions is KC(KC−1)(MBS −1)KC =KC(KC−MBS). Note that the ZF conditions for thegj,i and the IN conditions forFinvolve different (and hence independent) user channelshc,j,k. Hence, even though the ZF and IN conditions are coupled, the BF can be considered as independent ofFin the IN conditions. For the same reason also, the direct overall channel gains appearing in (6.30) (for (c, j, k) = (c, c, k)) will be non-zero, in spite of the conditions (6.31).

By introducing the vec(:) operator, which stacks consecutive columns of a matrix in a supervector, with the property vec(AXB) = (BT ⊗A)vec(X) where⊗denotes the Kronecker product, and taking Hermitian transpose of the scalars in (6.31), we can rewrite the IN conditions from (6.31) as:

vecH(FH)(hU R,Tc,k ⊗HRBgj,i) =−hU Bc,j,kgj,i (6.32) which need to hold for ∀(c;k) ∈ {{/ (j;i)}, Sj,i}. There are many ways of selecting the setsSj,i, leading to many solutions for joint ZF-IN. Each solution will correspond to a local optimum for utility optimization designs. Let us consider one specific choice for the Sj,i in which the MBS −1 users to be ZF’d comprise in any case the K −1 other users in cell j and such that Sj = {{(j, i)}, Sj,i} is independent of i. Then let HU Rj = [hU R,Tc,k ,(c, k) ∈/ Sj] which is a matrix of sizeMRS×(CK−MBS). IntroduceGj = [gj,1· · ·gj,k] of sizeMBS×K andhU Bj = [hc,j,kGj,(c, k)∈/ Sj], then we can rewrite (6.32) as vecH(FH)[HU R1 ⊗HRB1 G1· · ·HU RC ⊗HRBC GC] =−[hU B1 · · ·hU BC ] (6.33) This system of equations can be solved forvecH(FH) if the matrix of coefficients has full column rank. To investigate this, we can use the following Lemma.

Lemma 4.1: Full column rank conditions of Khatri-Rao product. We consider the block matricesA= [A1· · ·An],B= [B1· · ·Bn] with compatible column block structure, their Khatri-Rao productA·B= [A1⊗B1· · ·An⊗Bn] has full column rank if and only if (iff)

1. allAi and Bi have column rank

2. at least one ofA orB has full column rank.

Proof. Sufficiency is fairly straightforward. For necessity, (1) is a result of rank(Ai⊗Bi) =rank(Ai)rank(Bi). (2) for the case n=2, by contradiction:

given that theAi andBi have full column rank, but if bothA andB didn’t have full column rank, then vectors ai,bi exist so that A1a1 = A2a2 and B1b1=B2b2. Then A1a1bT1B1 =A2a2bT2B2 and

vec(BibiaTi ATi) = (Ai⊗Bi)vec(biaTi ) = (Ai⊗Bi)(ai⊗bi) (6.34) Hence, (A·B)[(a1⊗b1)T −(a2⊗b2)T]T = 0, which means that A·B would not have full column rank. Applying Lemma 4.1 to (6.33) leads to the following.

Theorem 4.1: Interference Neutralization Feasibility IN the MISO IRBC with MIMO relay with the dimensions considered above, IN is feasible iff

MRS ≥max(K, CK−MBS, Cmin(K, CK−MBS)), K ≤MBS (6.35) This leads to the following evolution for the number of relay antennas:






0, 1≤K ≤ MCBS


where in the first regime only ZF BF is needed. The following are two variations on the basic scenario.

Intracell BF. In this case, the BF is non-cooperative between cells and only considers the intracell users (the BF is multicell oblivious). All intercell interference needs to be canceled by IN. Hence, N = C(CK−MBS) gets replaced byMRS =C(C−1)K.

BF-independent AF The IN equations will not depend on the BF Gj (though the BF will still depend on the AFF) if interference is not neutralized starting from the BF inputs but starting from the BS antennas. Then, the factorsGj disappear from the equation in (6.33). This leads to IN conditions:

MRS ≥ max(MBS, CK −MBS, Cmin(MBS, CK −MBS). The ZF and IN conditions can be solved iteratively as follows. Start e.g. withF= 0.

1. The BFs gj,i can be solved by ZF the direct links in (6.30) w.r.t. the effective channels in (6.31) of the other users in Sj.

2. The AF matrixFcan then be determined from the equations (6.33).

Iterate (1) and (2) until convergence. Whereas joint ZF-IN can have many solutions, fixing the setsSj forces convergence to one particular solution (apart from underdeterminacy issues of course if N is larger than necessary). For the case ofC= 2 cells, MRS = 4(K−M2BS)+ which evolves from 0 to 2MBS asK evolves from M2BS toM. For the Intracell BF case, we getMRS = 2K, whereas the BF-independent AF case (typically) also leads toMRS = 4(K− M2BS)+.

6.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, we treat the problem of communications with relays. In the first study, we treat the case where the BSs and the users can’t communicate directly but via a relay. Again, the problem of interest is to design jointly all the BFs and the relay matrix. We suppose perfect CSIT. A WSMSE-type solution exists. We propose a WSMSE-DC based solution where the relay matrix is always given by the WSMSE approach, but the BFs at the Tx side are given by a DC approach. Briefly, the BFs are given by linearizing the objective function corresponding to the sum rate of all the users except for the one of interest. We show that this solution is better. In the second study, we suppose that the BSs and the users can communicate via two ways, directly or via the relay. Two interference management techniques are at stake: IA and IN.

IA is the interference management technique highlighted in all of the chapters of this thesis. IN appears here for the first time, where artificial multipath is introduced to provoke destructive interference superposition at Rxs. We derive the DoFs of such scenario. The difficulty of IN is that the relay must know the channels from BSs to users which is hard to be achieved in practice.

Conclusions and Future

Dans le document The DART-Europe E-theses Portal (Page 119-123)