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Appendix B. A TIHTN Planner Based on ASP 154 states.

Proposition B.2. For a TIHTN problem P = (D, sI,tnI), tnIAD tn where tn is primitive iff tn is obtained from an answer set of ΠP ∪ΠDe.

Sketch. As ΠDedescribes the acyclic procedure of decompositions, the task network Dwherefinal(D) holds is a primitive task network. Given the upper boundk|C|for D, ΠP∪ΠDehas an answer set includingendDecompiff the decomposition procedure terminates.

Appendix B. A TIHTN Planner Based on ASP 155 Algorithm 1: Decomposition-first TIHTN Planning

input : P = (L, O, C, M, sI,tnI) and a state bound n output: o1, . . . , om and dotask

1 while true do

2 decompose until tn is primitive

3 repeat

4 for i= 0 →n−1 do

5 s←si

6 while there is no (o, j)∈uncons(T, s) such that s |=pre(o) do

7 choose an o where s|=pre(o)

8 oi ←o

9 s←(s\eff(o))∪eff+(o)

10 i←i+ 1

11 choose a (o, j)∈uncons(T) wheres |=pre(o)

12 dotask(o, j)←i

13 oi ←o

14 s←(s\eff(oi))∪eff+(oi)

15 i←i+ 1

16 until for all (o, j)∈T, dotask(o, j) is defined;

17 return o1, . . . , om and dotask

Every primitive task is performed once and only one primitive task is selected to perform in a state.

0 {dotask(O,J,S)} 1 :-do(O,S),tn(O,J,D),final(D). (B.27) :- dotask(O,J,S1),dotask(O,J,S2),S1!=S2. (B.28) :- dotask(O,J1,S),dotask(O,J2,S),J1!=J2. (B.29)

The schedule of primitive tasks satisfies the constraint ≺:

:- dotask(O1,J1,S1),dotask(O2,J2,S2),



If every primitive task is performed, then the plan is found.

dotask(O,J) :- dotask(O,J,S). (B.31) :-not dotask(O,J),tn(O,J,D),final(D). (B.32)

Appendix B. A TIHTN Planner Based on ASP 156 We use ΠS to denote the set of formulas (B.27)–(B.32). Then we define Π = ΠP∪ΠO∪ΠDe∪ΠS and its every answer set forms a plan of the TIHTN problem:

Theorem B.3. For a TIHTN problem P, if Π has an answer set, then P is solvable.

Sketch. As ΠDe decomposes the initial task network into a primitive task network, ΠO finds an action sequence executable in sI and ΠS schedules all primitive tasks into the sequence which is consistent with the constraints. Given the bound n of states, a basic action sequence is a plan of P iff it is formed by an answer set of Π.

If before the scheduling of tasks finishing, i.e., unfin(S), every action on the se-quence is a task, it forms an HTN solution. Then we define Π0 from Π by adding the formulas:

state dotask(S) :-dotask(O,J,S). (B.33) done(O,J,S) :-dotask(O,J,S). (B.34) done(O,J,S+1) :-done(O,J,S),state(S+1). (B.35) unfin(S) :-tn(O,J,D),final(D),not done(O,J,S),state(S). (B.36) :- not state dotask(S),unfin(S). (B.37)

Lemma B.4. For an HTN problem P, if Π0 has an answer set then P has a solution.


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