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3.1 Introduction

The construction and demolition sector is a very diverse industry with project sites ranging in size from single family dwelling additions to multi-billion dollar heavy engineering projects.

In addition, emissions occur at many different stages during construction and demolition operations, irrespective of the size and scope of the project. These and other factors result in challenges in presenting a Best Practices document that is comprehensive and representative of all potential construction situations, while being reader-friendly and concise.

Many of the work practices and technologies that are identified and described in this Best Practices document can be applied irrespective of the size and scope of the construction and demolition project. For example, most of the actions to address dust emitted from storage piles can be applied at just about any construction site. Therefore, it is useful to identify and describe the practices/technologies contained in this document according to emission sources. This should allow readers to quickly scan the Table of Contents and identify the pages in the Best Practices document where actions to mitigate emissions from specific sources can be found. This presentation also ensures that the Best Practices document is kept concise (i.e., avoids repeating the same practices).

One of the challenges associated with grouping and describing the work practices/technologies by emissions source is that there are some differences between the PM mitigation options that can be utilized by different segments of the industry. For instance, some actions that may be applicable to road construction companies are not relevant for firms that are building residential homes.

It is difficult to identify where these distinctions are located within the Best Practices document when the practices/technologies are grouped by emission source. The Construction and Demolition Multi-stakeholder Working Group recommended that some method be applied to the Best Practices document to allow those in the industry to quickly identify which work practices/technologies are most relevant for their particular operations.

As a result, a series of cross-referenced tables have been prepared and presented in this chapter. These tables enable various construction firms to quickly identify the practices/technologies that are relevant for their operations. The utilization of this approach has allowed the various work practices to be presented in this Best Practices document both by emission source as well as by construction and demolition segment.

3.2 Presentation of Cross-Referenced Tables

The segmentation of the construction industry that has been chosen for this document is as follows:

• Residential Building Construction Operations;

• Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Construction Operations;

• Road-building and Other Heavy Construction Operations; and

• Demolition and Deconstruction.

The work practices/technologies that are relevant for firms within these segments are presented in tables on the following four pages.

Note that the use of pollution prevention practices to mitigate emissions are preferred and consequently these options have been bolded in the various tables.

Best Practices for the Reduction of Air Emissions From Construction and Demolition Activities5


T a b le 1 : S u mm a ry o f P rac ti ces fo r R es id e n ti a l B u il d ing C on s tr u c ti on O p e ra ti on s

Guidance OnPractices to Reduce EmissionsPageGuidance OnPractices to Reduce EmissionsPage Water ApplicationWide range of practices applied to site preparation, storage, etc.9-10Control mud and dirt trackout and carryout19 Dust SuppressantsWide range of practices applied to site preparation, storage, etc.9, 11Minimize material drop at the transfer point and enclosure21 Plan for minimizing dust generation12Utilize foam suppression systems21 Choose building materials to reduce dust generation12Secure loads on haul trucks21 Minimize distances travelled for delivery of materials14Prevent PM emissions from spills22 Use green building materials14Minimize material handling operations22 Design Design and construct for maximum energy efficiency15Capture fugitive dust emissions22 Grade the construction site in phases16Utilize wind barriers22 Utilize wind fencing16

Material Handling & Transfer Systems Reduce certain activities during windy conditions22 Stabilize surfaces of completed earthworks with vegetation16Establish on-site vehicle restrictions23 Stabilize earthworks with stone/soil/geotextiles17Surface improvements to unpaved road surfaces23 Create ridges to prevent dust17Proper maintenance of unpaved roads23 Compact disturbed soil17 Road Surfaces Work practices associated with de-icing materials23 Eliminate open burning17Cutting, grinding and drilling24

Site Preparation Reduce certain activities during windy conditions18Avoiding cutting and grinding24 Storage pile activity should be conducted downwind18Sand and grit blasting and façade cleaning24 Utilize enclosures/coverings for storage piles18Concrete cutting25 Utilize wind fences/screens for storage piles18Mixing processes25 Use vegetation cover as a wind break19 Fabrication Internal and external finishing and refurbishment25 Properly shape storage piles19Durable and high performance coatings with a low VOC content should be used32

Storage Piles Properly schedule the delivery of landscaping materials19Minimize emissions from storage, handling & preparation33 Use diesel particulate filters, fuel-borne catalysts, diesel oxidation catalysts27-28Minimize coatings wastage through spillage/splashing34 Ensure catalytic converters are operating efficiently28Surface to be coated should be properly prepared34 Evaluate alternative technologies to reduce emissions28Paint heaters should be used instead of paint thinners34 Properly maintain engines and exhaust systems29Technologically advanced spray-guns should be utilized34 Use low sulphur diesel29Apply correct application techniques35 Alternative fuels should be utilized where feasible29Proper technique should be used when cleaning spray guns35 Reduce or eliminate idling time30Alternative coating application techniques should be used36 Evaluate alternatives for heat and air conditioning30Alternative cleaners or low-VOC cleaners should be used36 Minimize cold starts30Solvents used for cleaning should be minimized36 Vehicles and Equipment Evaporative losses should be minimized31Paint colour changes should be optimized36 Temperatures of material inside kettles should be minimized38 Surface Coatings Alternative finishing practices should be used37 Close fitting lids on roofing kettles should be used38 Kettle should be kept closed38

Asphalt Roofing Roofing kettles should be equipped with afterburners38

Best Practices for the Reduction of Air Emissions From Construction and Demolition Activities6


T a b le 2 : S u mm a ry o f P rac ti ces fo r Indu s tr ia l, C o mm e rc ia l a nd In s ti tu ti on a l O p e ra ti on s

Guidance OnPractices to Reduce EmissionsPageGuidance OnPractices to Reduce EmissionsPage Water ApplicationWide range of practices applied to site preparation, storage, etc.9-10Control mud and dirt trackout and carryout19 Dust SuppressantsWide range of practices applied to site preparation, storage, etc.9, 11Minimize material drop at the transfer point and enclosure21 Plan for minimizing dust generation12Utilize foam suppression systems21 Choose building materials to reduce dust generation12Secure loads on haul trucks21 Minimize distances travelled for delivery of materials14Prevent PM emissions from spills22 Use green building materials14Minimize material handling operations22 Design Design and construct for maximum energy efficiency15Capture fugitive dust emissions22 Grade the construction site in phases16Utilize wind barriers22 Utilize wind fencing16

Material Handling & Transfer Systems Reduce certain activities during windy conditions22 Stabilize surfaces of completed earthworks with vegetation16Establish on-site vehicle restrictions23 Stabilize earthworks with stone/soil/geotextiles17Surface improvements to unpaved road surfaces23 Create ridges to prevent dust17Proper maintenance of unpaved roads23 Compact disturbed soil17 Road Surfaces Work practices associated with de-icing materials23 Eliminate open burning17Cutting, grinding and drilling24

Site Preparation Reduce certain activities during windy conditions18Avoiding cutting and grinding24 Storage pile activity should be conducted downwind18Sand and grit blasting and façade cleaning24 Utilize enclosures/coverings for storage piles18Concrete cutting25 Utilize wind fences/screens for storage piles18Mixing processes25 Use vegetation cover as a wind break19 Fabrication Internal and external finishing and refurbishment25 Properly shape storage piles19Durable and high performance coatings with a low VOC content should be used32

Storage Piles Properly schedule the delivery of landscaping materials19Minimize emissions from storage, handling & preparation33 Use diesel particulate filters, fuel-borne catalysts, diesel oxidation catalysts27-28Minimize coatings wastage through spillage/splashing34 Ensure catalytic converters are operating efficiently28Surface to be coated should be properly prepared34 Evaluate alternative technologies to reduce emissions28Paint heaters should be used instead of paint thinners34 Properly maintain engines and exhaust systems29Technologically advanced spray-guns should be utilized34 Use low sulphur diesel29Apply correct application techniques35 Alternative fuels should be utilized where feasible29Proper technique should be used when cleaning spray guns35 Reduce or eliminate idling time30Alternative coating application techniques should be used36 Evaluate alternatives for heat and air conditioning30Alternative cleaners or low-VOC cleaners should be used36 Minimize cold starts30Solvents used for cleaning should be minimized36 Vehicles and Equipment Evaporative losses should be minimized31Paint colour changes should be optimized36 Temperatures of material inside kettles should be minimized38 Surface Coatings Alternative finishing practices should be used37 Close fitting lids on roofing kettles should be used38 Kettle should be kept closed38

Asphalt Roofing Roofing kettles should be equipped with afterburners38

Best Practices for the Reduction of Air Emissions From Construction and Demolition Activities7


T a b le 3 : S u mm a ry o f P rac ti ces fo r R o a d -bu il d ing a nd O th e r H ea v y C on s tr u c ti on O p e ra ti on s

Guidance OnPractices to Reduce EmissionsPageGuidance OnPractices to Reduce EmissionsPage Water ApplicationWide range of practices applied to site preparation, storage, etc.9-10Control mud and dirt trackout and carryout19 Dust SuppressantsWide range of practices applied to site preparation, storage, etc.9, 11Minimize material drop at the transfer point and enclosure21 Plan for minimizing dust generation12Utilize foam suppression systems21 Choose building materials to reduce dust generation12Secure loads on haul trucks21 Mitigate traffic congestion13Prevent PM emissions from spills22 Minimize distances travelled for delivery of materials14Minimize material handling operations22 Use green building materials14Capture fugitive dust emissions22 Design Design and construct for maximum energy efficiency15Utilize wind barriers22 Grade the construction site in phases16

Material Handling & Transfer Systems Reduce certain activities during windy conditions22 Utilize wind fencing16Establish on-site vehicle restrictions23 Stabilize surfaces of completed earthworks with vegetation16Surface improvements to unpaved road surfaces23 Stabilize earthworks with stone/soil/geotextiles17Proper maintenance of unpaved roads23 Create ridges to prevent dust17 Road Surfaces Work practices associated with de-icing materials23 Compact disturbed soil17Cutting, grinding and drilling24 Eliminate open burning17Avoiding cutting and grinding24

Site Preparation Reduce certain activities during windy conditions18Sand and grit blasting and façade cleaning24 Storage pile activity should be conducted downwind18Concrete cutting25 Utilize enclosures/coverings for storage piles18Mixing processes25 Utilize wind fences/screens for storage piles18 Fabrication Internal and external finishing and refurbishment25 Use vegetation cover as a wind break19Durable and high performance coatings with a low VOC content should be used32 Properly shape storage piles19Minimize emissions from storage, handling & preparation33

Storage Piles Properly schedule the delivery of landscaping materials19Minimize coatings wastage through spillage/splashing34 Use diesel particulate filters, fuel-borne catalysts, diesel oxidation catalysts27-28Surface to be coated should be properly prepared34 Ensure catalytic converters are operating efficiently28Paint heaters should be used instead of paint thinners34 Evaluate alternative technologies to reduce emissions28Technologically advanced spray-guns should be utilized34 Properly maintain engines and exhaust systems29Apply correct application techniques35 Use low sulphur diesel29Proper technique should be used when cleaning spray guns35 Alternative fuels should be utilized where feasible29Alternative coating application techniques should be used36 Reduce or eliminate idling time30Alternative cleaners or low-VOC cleaners should be used36 Evaluate alternatives for heat and air conditioning30Solvents used for cleaning should be minimized36 Minimize cold starts30Paint colour changes should be optimized36

Vehicles and Equipment Evaporative losses should be minimized31

Surface Coatings Alternative finishing practices should be used37 Hot Mix Asphalt ProductionMaintenance, inspections, calibration, low-sulphur fuels31-32Traffic MarkingsAlternatives to VOC coatings, use minimization techniques37 Asphalt Concrete PavingMinimization of cutback and emulsified asphalts, other options37Asphalt Roofing KettlesMinimize temperatures, close fitting lids, vents, afterburners38

Best Practices for the Reduction of Air Emissions From Construction and Demolition Activities8


T a b le 4 : S u mm a ry o f P rac ti ces fo r D e m o li ti on a nd D ec on s tr u c ti on O p e ra ti on s

Guidance OnPractices to Reduce EmissionsPageGuidance OnPractices to Reduce EmissionsPage Water ApplicationWide range of practices applied to site preparation, storage, etc.

9-10Apply deconstruction techniques26 Dust SuppressantsWide range of practices applied to site preparation, storage, etc.

9, 11Minimize drop heights for debris26 Storage pile activity should be conducted downwind18Enclose chutes and cover bins26 Utilize enclosures/coverings for storage piles18Use fogging systems26 Utilize wind fences/screens for storage piles18Barriers to prevent dispersion26 Use vegetation cover as a wind break19Avoid blasting when feasible26

Storage Piles Properly shape storage piles19Vacuum debris26 Control mud and dirt trackout and carryout19Work practices for loading debris26 Minimize material drop at the transfer point and enclosure21

Demolition and Deconstruction Avoid prolong storage of debris26 Utilize foam suppression systems21Use diesel particulate filters, fuel-borne catalysts, diesel oxidation catalysts27-28 Secure loads on haul trucks21Ensure catalytic converters are operating efficiently28 Prevent PM emissions from spills22Evaluate alternative technologies to reduce emissions28 Minimize material handling operations22Properly maintain engines and exhaust systems29 Capture fugitive dust emissions22Use low sulphur diesel29 Utilize wind barriers22Alternative fuels should be utilized where feasible29

Material Handling & Transfer Systems Reduce certain activities during windy conditions22Reduce or eliminate idling time30 Establish on-site vehicle restrictions23Evaluate alternatives for heat and air conditioning30 Surface improvements to unpaved road surfaces23Minimize cold starts30 Proper maintenance of unpaved roads23

Vehicles and Equipment Evaporative losses should be minimized31

Road Surfaces Work practices associated with de-icing materials23

Best Practices for the Reduction of Air Emissions From Construction and Demolition Activities 9


4. Using Water and Chemical Dust