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Improving performance in Safety & Rule of Law: rights, participation and welfare policies appear key


RIGHTS Civil Rights & Liberties +0.85

WELFARE Environmental Policies +0.77

GENDER Women's Political Empowerment +0.77

INFRASTRUCTURE Transport Infrastructure +0.76

WELFARE Social Safety Nets +0.76

PARTICIPATION Effective Power to Govern +0.75

RIGHTS Un-likelihood of Human Rights Abuses by the Government +0.75

PUBLIC MANAGEMENT Effectiveness of the Public Service +0.74

PARTICIPATION Capacity of Election Monitoring Agencies +0.72

WELFARE Promotion of Environmental Sustainability +0.71

PARTICIPATION Civil Society Participation +0.71

WELFARE Social Protection & Labour Policies +0.70

GENDER Promotion of Gender Equality +0.70

PARTICIPATION Democratic Elections +0.70

PARTICIPATION Political Participation +0.70

IIAG indicators showing strong statistical correlations with performance in Safety & Rule of Law (2017)*

*excluding indicators used within the Safety & Rule of Law category Source: MIF Ibrahim Index of African Governance (2018)

Priority Areas first ten years Agenda 2063 (2014-2023)

2018 IIAG Agenda 2030

Overlapping theme: Prosperity and Economic Opportunity

Aspiration 1

Income, jobs and decent work Business Environment Goal 8. Decent work and economic growth Modern and liveable habitats

and basic quality services

Infrastructure Health

Goal 6. Clean water and sanitation Goal 7. Affordable and clean energy Goal 11. Sustainable cities and communities Economic diversification

and resilience

Business Environment Public Management Rural Sector

Goal 2. Zero hunger

Goal 8. Decent work and economic growth Goal 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure Agricultural productivity and production Rural Sector Goal 2. Zero hunger

Water Security Infrastructure

Rural Sector

Goal 6. Clean water and sanitation

Aspiration 2

Framework and institutions for a united Africa (political and economic integration)

Business Environment Goal 17. Partnerships for the goals

Communications and infrastructure connectivity Infrastructure Goal 7. Affordable and clean energy

Goal 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure Aspiration 3

Institutions and leadership Public Management Goal 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions Aspiration 7

Fiscal system and public sector revenues Public Management Goal 17. Partnerships for the goals

Source: MIF own analysis (2019)


Agenda 2063

Aspiration (1) A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development

(2) An integrated continent politically united and based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of African Renaissance

(3) An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law (7) Africa as a strong, united, resilient and influential global player and partner

Goal Aspiration 1

(1) High standard of living, quality of life and well being for all (4) Transformed economies

(5) Modern agriculture

(7) Environmentally sustainable and climate resilient economies and communities Aspiration 2

(8) United Africa

(10) World class infrastructure Aspiration 3

(12) Capable institutions and transformative leadership in place Aspiration 7

(20) Africa takes full responsibility for financing her development Priority Area Aspiration 1

Income, jobs and decent work

Modern and liveable habitats and basic quality services Economic diversification and resilience

Agricultural productivity and production Water security

Aspiration 2

Framework and institutions for a united Africa (political and economic integration) Communications and infrastructure connectivity

Aspiration 3

Institutions and leadership Aspiration 7

Fiscal system and public sector revenues

A key aspect of both Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 relates to the climate for economic opportunity and prosperity and whether the foundations are in place for the continent’s citizens to take these opportunities. This features in Aspirations 1 and 2, and to a lesser extent in Aspiration 3 of Agenda 2063 which all contain priority areas related to this theme as well as in SDGs 8 and 9. The IIAG’s Sustainable Economic Opportunity category focusses on whether governments are creating an environment that fosters sustainable economic opportunities, through the assessment of Public Management, Business Environment, Infrastructure and Rural Sector. It is therefore a useful tool to assess whether there is a conducive environment for the achievement of relevant goals in both Agendas. Aspiration 1: A Prosperous Africa Based on Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development, contains four goals and five priority areas for which the Sustainable Economic Opportunity category, including its sub-categories, can provide proxy measures, the biggest overlap of any Aspiration with the IIAG. The sub-categories of Sustainable Economic Opportunity which reflect whether the governance environment is conducive to inclusive economic development can also be used to assess whether there is a conducive environment for achieving goals included in Aspiration 1 such as Goal 1: High Standard Of Living, Quality Of Life And Wellbeing For All, Goal 4: Transformed Economies, and Goal 5: Modern Agriculture. The biggest overlaps with Agenda 2030 are in SDGs 8 and 9 although infrastructure is a cross-cutting issue across goals including SDGs 6 and 7.

The 2017 continental average score for Sustainable Economic Opportunity is 44.8, the lowest of the four Index categories. However, between 2014 and 2017 the category has improved by +0.9, the largest improvement of all four categories in that period. This has halted the trend of deterioration prior to the implementation of Agenda 2063’s FTYP, as between 2008 and 2014 Sustainable Economic Opportunity

on the continent deteriorated by -0.8, an average annual deterioration of -0.13. Indeed, between 2014 and 2017 there has been a notable improvement with an average annual trend of +0.30.

However, this trend is not universal across Africa. While 32 countries have improved between 2014 and 2017, 20 have deteriorated and two remain unchanged in the same period. At regional level, West Africa improved by +1.8, with 12 out of 15 countries recording a better score now than in 2014 whereas Southern Africa, along with North Africa the joint highest scoring region with a score of 49.9, has also been the only region to worsen, deteriorating by -0.7 with eight out of 12 regional countries worsening since 2014.

Africa: IIAG Sustainable Economic Opportunity category, average scores & annual average trends (2008-2017)

Sustainable Economic Opportunity annual average trends Sustainable Economic Opportunity scores

2008 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2017

Source: MIF Ibrahim Index of African Governance (2018)

Country-level performance and trends since 2014 in