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The group of maximal order

In this section, we give a projective model of 81c. Let Y be the surface in P5 defined by the following equations:

Moreover,Y has an automorphism h of order 4:

(7.5) h: (x1 :· · ·:x6)7→(x1 :ix2 :x5 :ix6 :x3 :ix4).

There are 16 singular points p1, . . . , p16 of Y, e.g. (0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1) ∈ P5. They form one orbit under theHs-action and each of them is of type A1. Let π:XY be the minimal resolution. Then X is a K3 surface. The induced action ofHs on X is symplectic and we have hωX = X. Let l0 ∈ NSX denote the pull-back of the class of hyperplane section ofY. Furthermore, let d∈ NSX denote the sum of the classes of the 16 exceptional curves ofπ. Then we have

l :=3l0d, l2 = 9·l02 +d2 = 9·8 + 16·(−2) = 40, (7.6)


H0(X, l)∼={s∈R3|s(p1) =· · ·=s(p16) = 0}/I3R3/I3 ∼= H0(X,3l0), (7.7)

where R3 andI3 are the homogeneous parts of degree 3 of R:=C[x1, . . . , x6] and the defining ideal I of Y, respectively. (Hence I3 is spanned by xifj for 1 6 i 6 6 and 16j 63.) We take the following basis of H0(X, l)∼=C22:

(z1, . . . , z22) =x1x2x3, x1x2x4, x3x4x5, x3x4x6, x1x5x6, x2x5x6, x1x2x5, x1x2x6, x1x3x4, x2x3x4, x3x5x6, x4x5x6,

x21x2, x1x22, x23x4, x3x24, x25x6, x5x26, x1x3x5, x1x4x6, x2x3x6, x2x4x5. (The Riemann–Roch theorem also implies dim H0(X, l) = l2/2 + 2 = 22.) The

complete linear system forlgives a smooth embedding ofX intoP21with coordinates z1, . . . , z22. Moreover, the coordinates z1, . . . , z6 define a non-normal model X of X in P5. By using [DGPS19, Singular], one can check the following: the defining ideal of X is generated by (gi)q for 06i64, where

q:=−z12+z22z32z42z52+z21z22z23z24z26+z54z64, (7.8)

g: (z1, . . . , z6)7→(−iz2,−z3,−z5,−iz1,−z4, z6).


The automorphism ofX (of order 5) induced by g is extended to an automorphism g of X embedded into P21, where g is given by

(7.10) g: (z1 :· · ·:z22)7→(−iz2 :−z3 :−z5 :−iz1 :−z4 :z6 : iz12 :−z10:z9 :−z7 :−z8 :iz11:

−iz16 :iz22:z13 :−iz19:z18 :iz21:−iz20:−iz15 :−z14:z17).

By a direct computation, one can check that the following Cremona transformation acts onY and induces g:

(7.11) (x1 :· · ·:x6)7→(x3x4 :−x2x5 :x1x2 :−ix3x5 :−x5x6 :−ix2x3).

The groupGsof all symplectic automorphisms ofXwith polarizationlis generated by Hs andg. We have Gs∼=M20. The groupG∼=M20oµ4 of all automorphisms of X with polarization l is generated by Gs and h.

Remark 7.1. — The motivation for this construction is as follows. LetX be a K3 surface with an action ofG =M20oµ4 as in 81c. We consider a maximal proper subgroup Hs of Gs = M20 isomorphic to 24.A4. From [Has12, Table 10.3], we get rank ΛHs = 4 and the genus symbol of ΛHs is 2−2II ,8−22 . (In [Has12], Hs is No. 75 and its structure is written as 42A4.) Consider the lattice L of rank 4 with basis (b1, . . . , b4) and Gram matrix


4 0 0 0

0 4 0 0

0 0 8 0

0 0 0 −8


The latticeL generated by L and (b1+b2+b3)/2 is isomorphic to ΛHs. Consider an isometry of h defined by (b1, . . . , b4) 7→ (b2,−b1, b3, b4), which extends to L. By a lattice-theoretic argument, it follows that the action ofµ4 on ΛHs corresponds tohhi and there is an ample classl0 of degree 8 giving rise tob3. This suggests that there is a complete intersection of type (2,2,2) in P5 birational to X, which is nothing but Y above. The classesl andd correspond to 3b3−2b4 and 2b4, respectively. Indeed, calculating the orthogonal complement ofl0 inside the Néron–Severi lattice one finds 16 vectors (up to sign) of square (−2). These give the 16 singular points of typeA1 of Y and their sum is 2b4.


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Manuscript received on 4th May 2020, revised on 7th October 2020,

accepted on 23rd November 2020.

Recommended by Editor S. Cantat.

Published under license CC BY 4.0.

This journal is a member of Centre Mersenne.


Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes,

Campus E2.4, 66123 Saarbrücken, (Germany) brandhorst@math.uni-sb.de


Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo,

3-8-1 Komaba, Maguro-ku, Tokyo, 153-8914, (Japan)


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