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Future Research - Problems remaining

Dans le document PRIVACY PRESERVING DATA MINING (Page 115-123)

In a few short years, the field of privacy-preserving data mining has developed a suite of techniques to address many of the standard data mining tasks. These techniques address privacy in a variety of ways; all open new opportunities for data mining in areas where privacy concerns have hmited (or may in the future hmit) access to data.

V/hat challenges remain? Perhaps the most apparent is adoption; these techniques have not yet seen real-world application. We see two most likely routes to adoption of privacy-preserving data mining technologies, both will demand effort that goes beyond algorithm development. The first route is to develop new markets for data mining: Identify areas where data mining has not even been considered, as the sharing or disclosure of data is inconceivable.

While legally protected data on individuals could be the source of such data, a more hkely scenario is protecting secrecy of corporate data where collabo-ration meets competition. The interaction between legally protected data and privacy-preserving data mining technology has not yet been explored by the courts, and until it is a cost-benefit tradeoff" between the risk of using data and the rewards from data mining will be difficulty to evaluate. With corporate secrecy, the tradeoff's are clearer and more easily measured. There has been research work moving toward such applications [6, 7], continued progress could well serve as a driver to bring privacy-preserving data mining technologies.

The second route we see as a likely adoption path for this technology is based on the increasing cost of protecting data. While data is rightly viewed as a valuable asset, legislative actions such a EC 95/46 and California SB 1386 as well as court cases regarding privacy are driving up the cost of protecting that asset. It is rarely the data itself that provides value, instead it is the knowledge that can be gleaned from the data. The case of CardSystems is a clear example; an information security breach resulted in the theft of about 239,000 names and credit card numbers. Of particular importance is that the files stolen were no longer needed to carry out CardSystems' primary task of authorizing and processing credit card transactions, instead the data

"consisted of transactions which were not completed for a variety of reasons.

114 Future Research - Problems remaining

This data was stored for research purposes in order to determine why these transactions did not successfully complete." [71] Although as of press time of this book the future of CardSystems was uncertain, the testimony cited above noted that Visa and American Express had decided to terminate CardSystems as a transactions processor, potentially dealing a fatal blow to the business.

While it is not clear that existing privacy-preserving data mining techniques would have enabled the knowledge discovery CardSystems desired from the stolen data, development and use of such technology certainly would have been financially prudent. Such financial drivers could well lead to adoption of new technology as a cost-saving measure as well as a better means of protecting privacy.

Continued development of privacy-preserving data mining techniques will help to address the adoption problem. If techniques already exist that address the needs of data mining users, the cost of adoption will be lowered. One approach to this is through developing a toolkit that can be used to build privacy-preserving data mining solutions. As we have seen, many algorithms for both perturbation and cryptographic approaches reuse a few basic tools:

determining original distributions from distorted data, summation, counting of items in common, etc. The challenge is not in implementing these basic building blocks, but in how to securely assemble them. The programming chal-lenges are straightforward, but designing an algorithm and proving it secure still demands a level of expertise beyond what can be expected of develop-ers who have the needed domain expertise to build a real-world application.

While education (and hopefully this book) will help, frameworks supporting easier privacy proofs are needed.

A second way to speed adoption of privacy-preserving technology is to integrate this technology with existing applications. For example, building perturbation techniques into web survey software could serve as a selling point for that software. Ensuring that the techniques provide for the varieties of analysis that may be needed, without knowing the specific applications in advance, is a challenging issue.

Perhaps the most technically challenging issue is to develop a better un-derstanding of privacy, and how the outcomes of data mining impact privacy.

The scarcity of material in Chapter 2 demonstrates the need for more research in this area. Without a clear understanding of how much or little is revealed by the results of a particular data mining process, it is unlikely that privacy-preserving data mining will be fully accepted in highly sensitive fields such as medical research. While it is likely that such fields will use privacy-preserving technology, the real win will come when these fields recognize the technology as sufficiently effective to waive the normal controls put in place when private data is involved. This will be a long process, involving significant work by the research community to fully prove the efficacy of the technology in guar-anteeing privacy. Once such guarantees can be made, we may see knowledge discovery that today is inconceivable due to privacy considerations.


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/c-anonymity, 8 approximation, 74 association rules, 71 California SB1386, 4 CardSystems, 113

conditional privacy loss, 12, 15 data sanitization, 11

data swapping, 10

Data-Mining Moratorium Act, 1 Data-Mining Reporting Act of 2003, 1 differential entropy, 12

EC 95/46, 7, 13 HIPAA, 7, 8, 29

horizontal partitioning, 18, 38, 47, 68, 72, 79, 89

indirect disclosure, 13

individually identifiable data, 7, 8, 29

need to know, 13

perturbation techniques, 19, 34, 72, 86 privacy breach from data mining

outcomes, 13, 82

privacy laws and regulations, 4, 7, 8, 13, 29

privacy metrics, 7, 12, 75 quasi-identifier, 8

secure multiparty computation tech-niques, 21, 38, 40, 46, 50, 60, 68, 79, 91, 95, 102

select-a-size randomization operator, 73 statistical disclosure limitation, 10 summarization techniques, 79, 89 Toysmart.com, 4

transformation techniques, 87

vertical partitioning, 18, 40, 48, 50, 60, 80

microdata, 10 Weak Security Model, 59

Dans le document PRIVACY PRESERVING DATA MINING (Page 115-123)