• Aucun résultat trouvé

Additional study of the efficacy of various informal and formal educational contexts would help discover the specific factors (e.g., developed safe spaces, innovation cultures, stability, and “offbeat” contexts) that facilitate the development of innovators and help replicate their successes, potentially leveraging more innovation from aspirants. Specifi-cally, a future study could corroborate the self-report responses of participants with class-room observations. Given that the task value findings of this study implicate overempha-sis on evaluation for grades as stymieing innovation, research evaluating the formative assessment alternatives to assigning grades on aspirant capacity to innovate is necessary.

As a natural extension of this study, a future comparative case study could examine the qualities of various exemplary formal learning environments to evaluate the mechanisms by which they promote innovation. In a similar vein, experimental research is needed to ascertain the optimal methods for debriefing failure among innovators as an educational opportunity, as well as the optimal way to evaluate innovation to promote growth.


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