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Future directions and study limitations

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Does Normobaric Hyperoxia Cause Oxidative Stress in the Injured Brain? A Microdialysis Study

154 NBO and oxidative stress

2.9. Future directions and study limitations

Our study shows that 4 h of NBO only induced OxS in the injured brains of patients with pre-existing OxS. These findings, combined with the increasing evidence that in TBI metabolic crises are common without brain ischemia,85,289 open new avenues for the use of this accessible therapeutic strategy in patients with TBI.

Our study was not designed to evaluate the impact of NBO on short- or long-term outcomes in these patients, nor was it designed to define the best way to optimize NBO treatment in terms of frequency, dose, and length. Additionally, we cannot disregard the fact that longer exposures to hyperoxia (> 4 h) or repetitive doses of NBO in the same day can induce OxS. In some experimental studies, the presence of OxS has been observed in prolonged (> 24 h) NBO or HBO, but have not been found in shorter periods of hyperoxia.14 Using longer periods of NBO (24 h) may be the next step, but such an investigation requires proof of safety, and ideally the use of robust biomarkers of brain OxS and metabolic impairment. Furthermore, only a few patients in our study had lactate levels >3.5 mmol/L at baseline, and although there was a positive trend toward improving energy metabolism in this subgroup, our study lacked sufficient power to replicate the metabolic findings reported by our group previously.12

In light of our data, it can be hypothesized that TBI patients would benefit from receiving NBO when they show indications of brain hypoxia, objective indicators of metabolic stress, or evidence of increased anaerobic metabolism. An important step in defining potential subgroups of patients who can benefit from NBO will be to use both MD and PtiO2 monitoring to detect such patients. Patients with either low PtiO2—once other causes of brain hypoxia have been ruled out—or in whom [Lac]brain and the LP ratio are increased—suggesting mitochondrial dysfunction— may be potential targets for NBO.

In the era of personalized treatment and precision medicine, new clinical trials should focus on these subgroups of patients to determine whether or not NBO may be a useful tool in patients in whom oxygen delivery, metabolic crisis, or mitochondrial dysfunction (either in isolation or in combination) play a role in the pathophysiology of brain damage.



c o n c l u S I O N s




1. Cerebral MD combined with ICP-MS is a powerful tool for better understanding of the complex ionic disturbances that occur after severe TBI as well as ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Furthermore, the correlation between this method and the ion-selective electrode analyzer used in our previous study was excellent for Na+, K+, and Cl-. Thus, chemistry analyzers used in most hospitals are excellent alternatives to ICP-MS, except for their low temporal resolution.

2. The ionic composition of the brain ECS differs according to the severity of the tissue disturbance. Thus, the results should be interpreted according to the region of the brain sampled by the cerebral MD catheter. The ionic profile of the ischemic tissue is characterized by very high [K+]o and pseudonormal levels of [Na+]o and [Cl-]o. In contrast, the core of the traumatic tissue following a TBI presents high levels of [Na+]o, [Cl-]o, and [K+]o. Finally, in the regions bordering both types of lesions (the penumbra), there is a slight increase in all of the ions analyzed.

3. Glycerol is a good biomarker for determining brain tissue viability. Together with the [K+]o in the ECS, these findings could be used as a BM to define brain tissue viability, and the increase of [Na+]o may suggest an increased permeability of the BBB.

4. NBO increased PtiO2 in both macroscopically normal injured brain and in traumatic regions at risk (traumatic penumbra). This suggests that pressurized oxygen may be delivered to the target and offered to the mitochondria in regions with brain edema and impaired oxygen diffusion.NBO did not change energy metabolism in the whole group of patients. In the five patients with [Lac]brain>3.5 mmol/L at baseline, NBO induced a marked reduction in both [Lac]brain and the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio. Although these differences were not statistically significant, together



with the results of our previous study, they suggest that TBI patients would benefit from receiving NBO when they show indications of disturbed brain metabolism.

5. NBO maintained for 4 hours did not induce OxS in patients without pre-existing OxS at baseline, except in one case. OxS was measured using a robust indicator (8-iso-PGF2α) and directly analyzed from the brain extracellular fluid. However, for patients in whom OxS was detected at baseline, NBO induced a significant increase in 8-iso-PGF2α. Combined with the increasing evidence that metabolic crises are common in TBI without brain ischemia, these findings open new avenues for the use of this accessible therapeutic strategy in patients with TBI.







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