• Aucun résultat trouvé

Fonctions d’´echange

}; // end of ty_square

A.2 Fonctions d’´echange

Les fonctions d’´echanges sont les fonctions que Dynamic Graph va explicitement chercher dans la librairie avec la fonction dlsym (dans le fichier d’entˆete standard dlfcn.h). Parmis ces fonctions, ont remarquera celle qui se charge de la cr´eation du premier amplifieur, racine de l’arbre d’´evaluation.

extern "C" {

typedef boostEXT::te_array<GLfloat,4> glvec4; typedef boostEXT::te_array<GLfloat,3> glvec3;

// called one time when loading the model void init() { dpGV::initSlider(7,1,"Rapport",333,1000); dpGV::initSlider(7,2,"GL_SPOT_CUTOFF",200,1000); dpGV::initSlider(7,3,"GL_SPOT_EXPONENT",145,1000); dpGV::initSlider(7,4,"GL_AMBIENT",380,1000); dpGV::initSlider(7,5,"GL_DIFFUSE",500,1000); glPushMatrix();

glLoadIdentity(); // on est dans le repere de la camera glvec4 light_ambiant = glvec4(

4*dpGV::sliderF(7,4), 4*dpGV::sliderF(7,4), 4*dpGV::sliderF(7,4),1); glvec4 light_diffuse = glvec4(

4*dpGV::sliderF(7,5), 4*dpGV::sliderF(7,5), 4*dpGV::sliderF(7,5),1);

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, glvec4(0,0,0,1).c_array()); glLight(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, glvec4(0,0,-1,1).c_array()); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, light_ambiant.c_array());

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, light_diffuse.c_array()); glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 180*dpGV::sliderF(7,2)); glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, 128*dpGV::sliderF(7,3)); glPopMatrix();

} // init

// called one time when unloading the model void kill()


// Nothing } // kill

// called one time before each tree generation void initFrame()


glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); } // initFrame

// call one time after each tree generation void killFrame()


// nothing } // killFrame

// create the root node (the axiom) void getStartInfo(ty_tree& tree) {

// color vec3 color =

vec3(dpGV::sliderF(3,1),dpGV::sliderF(3,2),dpGV::sliderF(3,3)); // size and position of the first square

ty_float size = 1;

vec3 position = vec3(0,0,0); // initial repere:

ty_repere ri = tree.initialRepere; // construct the axion

if(tree.isAncestorAxiomAlive()) {

ty_nodeBase& ancestor = static_cast<ty_nodeBase&>(tree.ancestorAxiom()); NEW(ty_square,tree.ptAxiom()) (ty_pt_nodeBase(),0,ancestor,0,size,color,ri*position); } else { NEW(ty_square,tree.ptAxiom())

(ty_pt_nodeBase(),0,0,size,color,ri*position); }

} }


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