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Exercice no 1 – CAMPAGNE A Fortement Fortement

en désaccord en accord

Dans l'ensemble, j'aime cette idée Je crois en ce qui est dit

Elle attire mon attention.

Elle me touche personnellement

Exercice no 1 – CAMPAGNE B Fortement Fortement en désaccord en accord

Dans l'ensemble, j'aime cette idée Je crois en ce qui est dit

Appendix D:

Interviewer Protocol

Testing Creatives for the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (POR-07-88 / HEA001-1019)

~ Final Interview Protocol – May 2, 2008 ~

Introduction 3 minutes

I would like to begin by thanking you for taking the time to help us with our market research study. Our discussion should take about 30 minutes. As you may recall from the information provided when we first contacted you, Health Canada has undertaken social marketing approaches to generate increased

awareness and knowledge of type 2 Diabetes among First Nations people. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the creative materials currently developed. We are conducting focus groups/dialogue circles with First Nations people, as well as telephone interviews with health and para-health professionals working with First Nations people.

With your permission, I would like to audio tape our discussion today, so I don’t have to write a lot of notes. I will be the only person who will listen to the tape, and it will only be used to help me write my report on the findings from this study. Everything you say today will be kept anonymous and confidential.

Your comments will be combined with those from other people that I interview, as part of a detailed study report. Any questions before we begin? Did you have time to review the creative material we sent you/you accessed online? IF NO, RESCHEDULE THE INTERVIEW

We will discuss a lot of different ideas in a short timeframe, so I will direct you to the appropriate document for each section of the interview. I suggest you pull them out in front of you while discussing them.

Campaigns 17 minutes

To begin, I would like your thoughts on the two different ideas for an advertising campaign. Each campaign includes one poster, one print ad, one booklet, a series of magnets and one radio public service announcement. All of these components together form one campaign that includes a family of ads. We will discuss each campaign one at a time, without comparing them. Let’s begin with

campaign [A/B]. Rotate order by interview.

For each campaign, ask:

• What do you like about this campaign? In your opinion, what could be improved?

• What do these campaign materials suggest about diabetes?

• Based on your experience, who will this message appeal to?

• What would make it more relevant to the First Nations people you work with?

• Is anything unclear or confusing? How could that be improved?

• How, if at all, would you use these materials as part of your work? Probe for: referencing the message in discussions with clients; giving out magnets/booklets; other

Let’s look at the second campaign idea. Keep in mind that we are not comparing the campaigns.

Repeat questions above.

Now that we have looked at both ideas…

• In your opinion, what specific radio stations and print publications should be considered?

• And where should the magnets, the booklet and the poster be featured?

Fact Sheets / Brochures 5 minutes The government’s program on diabetes prevention would include a variety of activities, like education programs in schools, promotions through the community health professional(s) or via media like print, radio, the internet or television, like what I have shown you already, but it could also include other components. I would like to show you some of these other components. First, let’s discuss different fact sheets that could all be available at a nursing station or health clinic. The purpose for these fact sheets is to provide more information regarding diabetes. Since the content has not yet been finalized, we will only discuss the layout and the format. There are two different versions. Let’s discuss them together.

• What do you think of the way the information is presented on each version? (e.g. layout; font style and size; bullet point format)? Please comment on each version.

• What do you like? Dislike?

• Which of the two versions do you think First Nations audiences would prefer? Why?

The information included on the fact sheets could be available on separate sheets of paper or in a brochure format. Have a look at the brochure design we sent you.

• What do you think of the way information and visuals are laid out in the brochure?

• What do you like? Dislike?

• Would you think First Nations people would prefer to have the fact sheets available separately as tear off panels, similar to a pad of paper, or do you prefer them combined in a brochure? Why?

Slogan / Visuals (If time permits) 5 minutes

I would like your thoughts on two different design concepts for the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative

program. Each concept includes a design for the slogan and a graphic - and these may appear together or separately on program materials. Let’s look at each concept one at a time, beginning with discussing the slogans without graphic elements.

For each slogan, ask:

• What is the statement suggesting to you? What do you think it would suggest to First Nations people?

Looking at the slogan with graphic elements…

For each slogan, ask:

• Seeing the slogan with a visual design, does it suggest something different to you compared to seeing the slogan on its own? If so, how?

Now looking at the slogan and the visual image together…

For each concept, ask:

• Seeing the slogan with a graphic, does it suggest something different to you compared to seeing the slogan on its own?

• What do you like about the image? Is there anything you consider to be in need of improvement?

Let’s review the second concept. Repeat questions above.

Now that we have looked at two different concepts…

• Which one do you think First Nations people would like best? Why?


That concludes my questions. On behalf of Health Canada, thank you for your participation.


IF QUESTIONED REGARDING AVAILABILITY OF THE REPORT: The report should be available to the public by July 2008. To access a copy from the Library and Archives Canada website at www.porr-rrop.gc.ca.

Test de concepts créatifs pour l'initiative sur le diabète chez les Autochtones