• Aucun résultat trouvé

4.6 Practical Implementation

4.6.2 Faster MPC Approaches Fast MPC Approach

Now, let us consider a stronger fast control approach to be implemented in real-time to the full vehicle testbed. This method has been introduced in [93].

Firstly, let us use the original non linear damper force formulation, as given in equation (4.4), instead of using the approximated linear version (4.6). This will imply that the dissipativity constraints of the semi-active suspension system will be linear inequalities on u, as in (4.5), and the use of Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming will not be needed.

The goal here in to use an LPV model of the system to handle the nonlinearities of the damper force (4.4). Doing so, the use of Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming is no longer needed.

Then, let us assume that u is no longer what is given in (4.11), but the actual incremental damping coefficients ∆cij[k], over the nominal values, as given by equation (4.34). The actual damping coefficients will be regulated by the PWM signal, given that

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cij[k] =cnomij[k] +∆cij[k].

u= [ ∆cf l ∆cf r ∆crl ∆crr ]T (4.34) ρ= [ (zs˙f l−z˙usf l) (zs˙f r−z˙usf r) (zs˙rl−z˙usrl) (zs˙rr−z˙usrr) ]T (4.35) Then, the (discrete-time) system representation will change from what was presented in equation (4.14) to


LP V F ull V eh.



x[k+1] = Ad.x[k] + B1d.w[k] + B2d(ρ).u[k] y[k] = Cd.x[k] + D1d.w[k] + D2d(ρ).u[k]


⎭ (4.36) The matrices of (4.36) are not equivalent to those of (4.14), since the matrices B2d(ρ) andD2d(ρ) are, now, LPV. Let us remark that the difference between these two system representation models are those explained through equations (4.37)-(4.39).

B2dLPV=B2d.diag{z˙defij[k]} (4.37) D2dLPV=D2d.diag{z˙defij[k]} (4.38) ρij[k] =z˙defij[k] (4.39) LPV systems can be understood as a range of systems well suited for the control of dynamical systems with parameter variations. These systems can be represented as an extension of LTI systems, assuming that the classical state-space representation matrix are dependent on bounded scheduling parameters ρ.

For this representation, the scheduling parameters taken are those presented on (4.35). Remark: this implicitly assumed that (z˙sij−z˙usij) is bounded.

Given this representation, the dissipativity constraints, combined with the LPV parameter assumption, imply the following (linear) problem constraints:

umin≤u[k] ≤umax (4.40)

xmin≤x[k] ≤xmax

Then, theMPC problem consists on minimizing (4.25), subject to (4.40) in avid time. For this, theFast Model Predictive Controlapproach, using online optimization, first proposed in [93], can be considered. This method can evaluate a MPC control rule, at every sampling instant k, even for time-varying input disturbances and space-state representation matrices, which is our case (for B2d(ρ) and D2d(ρ) are time-varying, as well as w(t)). This method is also interesting since it has been proved to work with a system with 12 states,3control inputs and a horizon of30 samples, computing the control actions in around 5 ms - the problem herein studied is of similar size.

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This method (FMPC) greatly speeds up the computational time of the control action. It consists on exploiting the special structure of the MPC quadratic problem and solving the problem approximately with the use of an early terminated primal barrier interior-point method combined with warm-start techniques. The quality of the achieved control is very high, as demonstrated in [93]. Notice that this method only considers linear inequality constraints on control inputs and states, which, for the present control problem (using the LPV formulation) is sufficient.

Note also that theFMPC control law that will be obtained at each sampled instant k depends on the matrices B2d(ρ) and D2d(ρ) fixed at instant k for ρ[k] (considered constant throughout the prediction horizon Np). This is, after all, a gain-scheduling approach. See [94] for further reading on the stability and optimality issues of this kind of approach, and in particular on the procedure to determine bounds on the suboptimality of this FMPC solution.

Let us, now, detail the FMPC method applied to the LPV system (4.36); this follows [93]: in section, the primal barrier interior-point method is presented and its application to the quadratic problem is shown; in section, the infeasible start Newton method is shown, in order to deal with the quadratic problem’s constraints; in section, the used warm start techniques are presented and, finally, in section, some other possible adjustments are briefly described. Primal Barrier Interior-Point Method

From here on, let us consider the quadratic program as expressed in equation (4.41), where z represents an overall optimization variable given by (4.42). It is important to depict that the matrices H, P, . . ., b have a special considerable structure, as exposed in [93]. Herein, Np stands for the prediction horizon, n represents the number of states, whereasm depicts the number of control inputs.

minimize zTHz+gTz

subject to P z≤h, Cz=b (4.41) z= (u[k], x[k+1], . . . , u[k+Np−1], x[k+Np]) ∈RNp(m+n) (4.42) The primal barrier method resides, roughly speaking, on replacing the inequality constraints of (4.41) by a barrier term, finding, then, an approximate problem. This is put on equations (4.43)-(4.44), considering pTi as the rows of P. This problem is, after all, a convex optimization problem with linear equality constraints.

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minimize zTHz+gTz+κ.φ(z)

subject to Cz=b (4.43)

φ(z) =



−log(hi−pTi .z) (4.44) A complete discussion of this approximate optimization method is discussed on [95]. Infeasible Start Newton Method and Fast Computation of the Newton Step The presented FMPC approach resides on the primal barrier method, but as well on the infeasible start Newton method (see the book [96], Sect. 11.2.2 for a complete discussion) and fast computations of the Newton step.

Let us associate the equality constraints on z with a dual variable µ∈RNp.n. The conditions of optimality for our modified problem (4.43) become those seen on equation (4.45), whereκPTdis the gradient ofκφ(z)anddi= hi1pT

iz. The residual vectorr, composed by the primal residual rp and the dual residual rd, is to be stacked by the solver.

rd=2Hz+g+κPTd+CTµ=0 (4.45) rp=Cz−b=0

The infeasible start Newton method consists, then, on initializing the optimization algorithm at point z0 (given by any µ0 such that the inequality constraints are strictly satisfied). From this point, the solution (zsol, µsol) is maintained if the residuals (r) are small enough; else, the estimative solution is refined by linearizing the optimality conditions (4.45) and computing the dual and primal increments ∆z and ∆µ, to be summed uponz and µ. The search for these increments is done by solving the following linear equations:



2H+κPTdiag(d)2P CT

C 0







⎥⎦= −⎡⎢


rd rp


⎥⎦ (4.46)

The fast computation of the Newton step, then, resides on the following steps, considering Σ=2H+κPTdiag(d)2P :

• Computing the Schur complement (see [97]), Y =CΣ1CT and β = −rp+CΣ1rd -this is done using the Cholesky factorization of each sub-block of Σand forming Y by backward and forward substitution ;

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• Determining∆µby solvingY∆µ= −β - using, once again, theCholesky factorization of Y and backward and forward substitution ;

• Finally, computing ∆z by solving Σ∆z = −rd−CT.µ - this requires only matrices already computed in previous steps. Warm Start Techniques

Let us remark that the studiedFMPC method also uses some warm start techniques for the described approximate optimization method. The used warm start method is, simply, to use the previously computed z as the initial z0 for the next optimization (Newton) step.

Using this technique, it can be proved with self-concordance, that the total number of steps will be bounded by a polynomial function of (4.43)’s dimension.

The application of the warm start to theMPC algorithm is, basically, using the previous plan of control actions (u[k]tou[k+Np−1]), shifted in time (z+1) as the starting point for the next Newton loop. Other Adjustments and Comments

Some other adjustments can be used upon the Infeasible Start Newton Method coupled with Warm Start techniques and the Approximate Primal Barrier Method applied to MPC. These are discussed on [93] and, herein, shall be only enumerated:

• Use of a fixed parameter κ in (4.46);

• Use of a maximal iteration limit, for the Newton algorithm.

Also on [93], we can see a number of problems tested using the FMPC method and a SDPT3-based (see [98])MPC solution. TheFMPC method far outperforms the SDPT3 solver, in terms of computational time.

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