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Exponential moments and quadratic variation Finally, one might check that the quadratic variation (E.13) converges to

Appendix E. Some considerations about the microscopic Cole–Hopf process

E.3. Exponential moments and quadratic variation Finally, one might check that the quadratic variation (E.13) converges to

E2t 2

Z 1 0


where Φ· is the limit of the current field J·n inD([0, T],C([0,1]). Heuristically, this is indeed the case if one is able to replace ξsnn2(x)2 in (E.13) with (E[ξsnn2(x)])2. This could be proved by using some ideas taken from [GLM17, Lemma 4.3] which permit to control all the exponential moments



hξsnn2(x)−E[ξsnn2(x)]ki, with k ∈N.


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Manuscript received on 19th March 2018, revised on 24th October 2018,

accepted on 8th February 2019.

Recommended by Editor A. Debussche.

Published under license CC BY 4.0.

This journal is a member of Centre Mersenne.


Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Dynamical Systems, Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa

Av. Rovisco Pais

1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal) pgoncalves@tecnico.ulisboa.pt Nicolas PERKOWSKI Freie Universität Berlin

FB Mathematik und Informatik Arnimallee 7

14195 Berlin (Germany) perkowski@math.fu-berlin.de Marielle SIMON

Inria, Univ. Lille, CNRS

UMR 8524 - Laboratoire Paul Painlevé 59000 Lille (France)


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