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2.— Enseignement des Mathématiques aux filles

Dans le document femmes & math (Page 38-44)

J.M. ARMSTRONG : Achievement and participation of women in mathematics : an overview, 1980, Education Commission of the States, 1860 Lincoln St, Cenver CO 80 295.

Jane M. ARMSTRONG : Achievement and participation of women in mathematics, Journal for Research in Mathematics and Education 12, 1981, pp. 356-372.

J. ARMSTRONG and S.R. KAHL : An Overview of factors affecting women's participation in mathematics, Denver (1979) National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Helen S. ASTIN : Sex Differences in Mathematical and Scientific Precocity, pp.7086 in J.C. STANLEY, D.P. KEATING and L.H. Fox : Mathematical Talent, 1974, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London; pp.79-92 in Journal of Special Education, 9 (1975).

Dale BAKER, Grace M. BURTON and Ken PETERSON : Sex differences in perception of ideal and actual behaviors and attitudes among geometry students, Journal of Research and Development in Education, Summer 1985.

Corinna BATH, Nicola SCHALICKE und Christine KNIPPING et al. (Hrsg.) Frauen und Mathematik, Studentinnen des Fachbereiches Mathematik, FU Berlin 1991.

A.D. BECKER, E. FENNEMA, J.P. PEDRO and P. WOLLEAT : Election of high school mathematics by males and females : attributions and attitudes, American Educational Research Journal 18 (1981) pp. 207-218.



treatment of females and males in mathematics classes, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 12 (1981) pp. 40-53.

Jon BECKWITH and John DURKIN : Girls, Boys and Maths, Science for the People, September/ October 1981, pp. 6-9, pp. 32-35, 857 Main St., Cambridge MA 02139.

Lilly BEERMAN, Kurt A. HELLER und Pauline MENACHER : Mathe : nichts für Madchen ? Verlag Hans Huber, Bern - Göttingen -Toronto - Seattle 1992.

S.L. BOSWELL : Nice girls don't study mathematics : the perspective from elementary school, April 1979, annual meeting of AERA, San Fransisco CA, ERIC Document ED 174477 (adresse : voir paragraphe III.4.)

Ilse BREHMER, Hildegard KÛLLCHEN und Lisa SOMMER : Madchen, Macht (und) Mathe-Geschlechtsspezifische Leistungskurswahl in der Oberstufe. In : Leitstelle, Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau des Landes NRW (Hrsg.); Dokumente und Berichte (Nr. 10), Düsseldorf, Bonifatius GmbH 1989.

J. BROOKS-GUNN, Patricia CASSERLY, Marlene E. LOCKHEED and Margaret THORPE : Sex and ethnic differences in middle school mathematics, science and computer science : what do we know ? May 1985, Educational Testing Service, Princeton NJ 08541.

P. W. BRUNSON : A classroom experiment involving basic mathematics and women, Two-Year College Math Journal 4 14, September 1983, pp. 318-321.

Lorelei BRUSH : Encouraging girls in mathematics : the problem and the solution, 1980, Abt Books, Cambridge MA.

G. M. BURTON : Math anxiety : a curable condition, Women and Technology Tape Exchange, December 1977.

Grace M. BURTON : Mathematical Ability : is it a Masculine Trait ? School Science and Mathematics 78 , November 1978, pp. 566-574.

G. M. BURTON : Women in mathematics : ways to make it happen, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Newsletter, 1978.

G. M. BURTON : Regardless of sex, The Mathematics Teacher 72, mars 1979, pp. 261-270.

Grace M. BURTON : Revealing Images, School Science and Mathematics (March 1984) 89, pp. 199-207.

L. BURTON (ed.) : Girls into Maths Can Go, Holt, Rinehardt and Winston, London, 1986.

M.A. CLEMENTS : Sex Differences in Mathematical Performance : an Historical Perspective, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 10 (1979) pp.305-322.

D. DOWNIE, T. SLESNICK and J. STENMARK : Math for girls and other problem solvers, 1981, The Regents, California.

D. DOWNIE, A. KASEBERG and N. KREINBERG : Use Equals to promote the participation of women in mathematics, 1983, Equals, Laurence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720.

John ERNEST : Mathematics and Sex, American Mathematical Monthly 83, October 76, pp. 595-613.

Elizabeth FENNEMA : Mathematics learning and the sexes : A review, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 5 (1974) pp. 126-139.

Elizabeth FENNEMA and Julia A. SHERMAN : Sexual Stereotyping and Mathematics Learning, Arithmetic Teacher 24 (5), 1977, pp. 369-372.

Elizabeth FENNEMA and J.A. SHERMAN : Sex related differences in mathematics achievement and related factors : a further study, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 9 :3 (May 1978) pp. 189-203.

Elizabeth FENNEMA : Teachers and Sex Bias in Mathematics, Mathematics Teacher, March 1980, pp. 169-173.

Elizabeth FENNEMA : Increasing women's participation in Mathematics : an intervention study, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 1 12, janvier 1981, pp. 3-14.

Elizabeth FENNEMA : Mathematics education research : implications for the 80's, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 225 N Washington St, Alexandria, VA 22314.

E. FENNEMA (ed) : Explaining sex-related differences in mathematics : Theoretical models, Educational Studies in Mathematics 16 (3), 303-320.

Judy GENSHAFT and Jack NAGLIERI : A mindset for math : techniques for identifying and working with math-anxious girls, 1988, Women's Educational Equity Act Publishing Center, EDC, 55 Chapel St, Newton MA 02160.

Barbro GREVHOLM and Gila HANNA (eds.) : Gender and Mathematics Education, an ICMI Study, Sweden 1993, Lund University Press 1995.

Gila HANNA (éd.) : Towards Gender Equity in Mathematics Education, an ICMI Study, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996.

Béatrice HANNER : La princesse japonaise, Editions Critérion, 1995.

Monica HARDESTY, David MAINES and Noreen SUGRUE : Social processes of sex differentiation in mathematics : role model processes and educational inequityfor graduate and undergraduate students in mathematics, 1981, Program on Women, Northwestern University, Evanston IL 60201.

E.W. HAVEN : Factors associated with the selection of advanced academic mathematics courses by girls in high schools, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1971.

J.E. JACOBS : Women and Mathematics Education : 1985-86 resource list, Education Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030.

Judith E. JACOBS : Women and Mathematics Education : computer equity references, Education Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030.

Judith E. JACOBS : Perspectives on Women and Mathematics, 1978, ERIC Document 166051 (adresse : voir paragraphe III.4.)

Helga JUNGWIRTH : Mi dchen und Buben im Mathematikunterricht, Wien 1990 Gabriele KAISER-MESSMER : Frauen und Mathematik - ein verdriingtes Thema der Mathematikdidaktik. Zentralblatt der Didaktik der Mathematik (1989), 56-66.

Stanley KOGELMAN and Joseph WARREN : Mind over Math, Dial Press, New York, 1978.

Bettina SROCKE : Màdchen und Mathematik, Deutscher Universitfits Verlag, Wiesbaden 1989.

L. LAFORTUNE : Quelles différences? Les femmes et I'enseignement des mathématiques, Editions du Remue-Ménage, Montréal, 1989.

L. LAFORTUNE : Boule à Mythe, Démythification de la mathématique, Matériel didactique, Direction générale de l'enseignement collégial, Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Science, Gouvernement du Québec, septembre 1990.

P. LAMBERT : Mathematical Ability and Masculinity, The Arithmetic Teacher 7 (1960) pp. 19-21.

G.C. LEDER : Gender Linked Differences in Mathematics Learning : Further Explorations, Paper presented at the research Presession to the NCTM 64th Annual meeting, Waschington, D.C. April 1986.

A.S. LUCHINS and E.H. LUCHINS : Geometric problem solving related to differences in sex and mathematical interests, Journal of Genetic Psychology 134 (1979) pp.255-269.

C.T. MAC DONALD : Introductory math and the adult woman student, Two-Year College Math Journal 3 9, juin 1978, pp. 159-161.

Irene PIEPER-SEIER : Studien- und Arbeitsbedingungen von Mathematikerinnen in westdeutschen Hochschulen, pp. 30-47 in Annette GRABOSCH und Almut ZWÔLFER (Eds.) : Frauen und Mathematik. Die allmàhliche Rückeroberung der Normalitàt ? Attempto-Verlag, Tübingen 1992.

Cornelia NIEDERDRENK-FELGNER (Hrsg.) : Arbeitsbericht Mathematik-Informatik.

Màdchen im Mathematikunterricht, Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien an der Universitàt Tübingen 1991.

Heidrun SARGES : Frau und _Mathematik - Mgdchen und Mathematikunterricht. In : Louise F. PUSCH : Feminismus. Inspektion einer HerrenkuItur, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 1983.

Erika SCHELDKAMP-KÜNDIGER (ed.) : An international review on gender and mathematics, 1982, ERIC Document (adresse : voir paragraphe III.4.)

J. SCHR6DER : Die neuzeitliche Entwicklung des mathematischen Unterrichts an den hdheren Màdchenschulen Deutschlands, Teubner Verlag, Leipzig, Berlin 1913.

Lucy W. SELLS : The critical role of elementary school mathematics in equalizing opportunity, Arithmetic Teacher, September 1981, pp. 44-45. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906 Association Dr Reston, VA 22091.

Dora Helen SKYPEK : Girls need mathematics too, Arithmetic Teacher, February 1980, pp. 5-7. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906 Association Dr Reston, VA 22091.

P. STAMP : Girls and Mathematics : Parental variables, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 49 (1979) pp. 39-50.

Sheila TOBIAS : Overcoming math anxiety, W.W. Norton and Co, New York 1978;

Houghton-Mifflin, Boston 1980.

Renate TOBIES : Zum Beginn des mathematischen Frauenstudium in PreuBen, NTM -Schr.-Geschichte-Natur.-Techn.-Medizin 28 (1991/92) no.2, 151-172.

R. WALDEN and V. WALKERDINE : Girls and Mathematics : From Primary to Secondary Schooling, Institute of Education, University of London, 1985.

II.3.— Enseignement scientifique en général.

Monika AICHELE-MAY, Helga KRAHN und Cornelia NIEDERDRENK-FELGNER : Madchen und Computer, Arbeitsbericht Mathematik/Informatik/Nat urwissenschaften, Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien an der Universiti t Tübingen (DIFF) 1989.

Hans ANGER : Probleme der deutschen Universitgt, Tübingen, 1960.

E. Scott BARR : Margaret Eliza Maltby, 1860-1944, first woman to receive Ph.D from German University, American Journal of Physics, vol. 28, 1960, pp. 474-475.

V. CANO : Les instituts universitaires de technologie 1994-1995, référence 13-152 dans le Bulletin du Centre de Documentation du service des droits des femmes.

R. CLAIR : La formation scientifique des filles : un enseignement au-dessus de tout soupçon ? Paris, éditions Liris, 1995.

Sylvia CURRUCA : Als Frau im Bauch der Wissenschaft. Was an deutschen Universitii.ten gespielt wird, Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993.

Marie DURU-BELLAT : Recherche-action, filles et science : rapport final I.R.E.D.U, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, 1994. Référence 16 -152 dans le Bulletin du Centre de Documentation du service des droits des femmes.

Hannelore FAULSTICH-WIELAND und Anneliese DICK : "Wir Màdchen kdnnen das, auch wenn die Jungen lachen ... " Dokumentation und Vorerhebung des Vorhabens

"Mgdchenbildung und neue Technologien." Hessisches Institut für Bildungsplanung und Schulentwicklung, Wiesbaden 1988.

A. FINS : Women in science, VGM Career Horizons, 8259 Niles Center Rd., Skokee IL 60 077.

C. FONTANINI-MARTIN : Vol au-dessus d'un nid de taupines, Paris VII, DEA Sexes et Sociétés, 1995, référence 18-152 dans le Bulletin du Centre de Documentation du service des droits des femmes.

Frauen-Handbuch Tübingen : Nicht mehr heimlich, still und leise, Tübingen 1989.

Edith GLASER : Hindernisse, Umwege, Sackgassen. Die Anfânge des Frauenstudiums in Tübingen, Deutscher Studien Verlag, Weinheim 1992.

Gabriele JUNGINGER (Hrsg.) : Maria Grgfin von Linden, Erinnerungen der ersten Tü-binger Studentin, Attempto, Tübingen 1991.

J.B. KAHLE : The Disadvantaged Majority : Science Education for Women, 1983, Carolina Biological Supply Company, Burlington NC.

Dinah MOCHE : Women

in Science,

American Association of Physics Teachers, Publications Department, Graduate Physics Building, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY 11794.

Wilma MOHR :

Frauen in der Wissenschaft, ein Bericht zur sozialen Lage von

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