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Eigenvectors in the bulk: proof of Theorem 1.10

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In this section we prove Theorem 1.10. In the bulk the eigenvalue spacing is of orderN−1 as opposed to N−2/3 at the edge. Thus, we shall have to take spectral windows of sizeη=N−1−ε. To that end, we begin by extending the strong local semicircle law from Theorem 2.1 to arbitrarily small values of η >0. Recall the notationz=E+ iη.

Lemma 5.1. For any |E|65 and0< η610, we have with high probability maxij |Gij(z)−δijmsc(z)| 6 ϕC

sImmsc(z) N η + 1

N η


(5.1) for large enough N.

Proof. By Theorem 2.1, we only need to considerη 6y :=ϕC1N−1 for someC1>0. We use the trivial bound

ImGii(E+ iη) 6 y

η ImGii(E+ iy) for η 6y , as well as Gij(E+ iη) 6 ClogNmax

k ImGkk(E+ iη),

which follows by a simple dyadic decomposition; see [15], Equation (4.9). Thus we get Gij(E+ iη) 6 ClogN y


k ImGkk(E+ iy) 6 ϕCy

η 6 ϕC N η. This completes the proof.

The strategy behind the proof of Theorem 1.10 is very similar to that of Theorem 1.6, given in Section 3.

In a first step, we express the eigenvector components using integrals involving resolvent matrix elementsGij; in a second step, we replace the sharp indicator functions in the integrand by smoothed out functions which depend only on the resolvent; in a third step, we use the Green function comparison method to complete the proof.

For ease of presentation, we shall give the proof for the caseθ=θ(Nu¯α(i)uα(j)); we show that



θ(Nu¯α(i)uα(j)) = 0, (5.2)

whereρN6α6(1−ρ)N. As outlined in Section 4, the extension to general functionsθ, as given in (1.15), is an easy extension which we sketch briefly at the end of this section.

We now spell out the three steps mentioned above.

Step 1. The analogue of Lemma 3.1 in the bulk is the following result whose proof uses (1.5) and Lemma 2.5, and is very similar to the proof of Lemma 3.1 (in fact somewhat easier). We omit further details.

Lemma 5.2. Under the assumption of Theorem 1.10, for anyε > 0 there exist constants C1,C2 such that

Step 2. We chooseη =N−1−εfor some small enoughε >0 and express the indicator function in Euθ using Green functions (as before, we writeIα≡I). Using Theorem 2.2, we know that

(5.5) = Euθ

As explained in Section 1.3, the approach in Step 2 has to be modified slightly from the one employed in Section 3. The reason is that the size of the interval [EL, E] is no longer small, but of order one. proof of Lemma 3.2, we find that

(5.6) = Euθ

Now we expressfE(H) in terms of Green functions using Helffer-Sj¨ostrand functional calculus. Letχ(y) be a smooth cutoff function with support in [−1,1], withχ(y) = 1 for|y|61/2 and with bounded derivatives.

Then we have (see e.g. Equation (B.12) of [13]) fE(λ) = 1

Thus we get where we introduced the parameter ˜ηd := N−1−(d+1)ε. We shall treat the last term of (5.10) as an error term. From (5.1) we find with high probability

σm(e+ iσ) 6 ϕC N .

Therefore the third term of (5.10) is bounded, with high probability, by where in the first step we used thatR

|fE′′(e)|de=O(η−1d ).

Step 3. We estimate (5.8) using a Green function comparison argument, similarly to Section 3.1. As in Section 3.1, we use the notation

x(E) = N η π



Gαk(E+ iη)Gβk(E+ iη). (5.12)

Similarly to Lemma 3.4, we begin by dropping the diagonal terms. Using Lemma 5.1 we find Z with high probability, so that it suffices to prove


Using (5.11) we find that it suffices to prove Ev−Ew

By a telescopic expansion similar to (3.25), we find that (5.15) follows if we can prove, with high probability, Eθ



xS(E)q (y+y)eS(E) dE

−Eθ Z


xR(E)q (y+y)eR(E) dE

= A+o(N1(a=b)−2), (5.18) where we use the notation of Section 3.1; hereAis a random variable that depends on the randomness only throughQ and the first four moments of hab if a 6=b, and the first two moments of hab if a= b. (As in Section 3.1,Edenotes expectation with respect to the product measure of thev andwensembles.)

Now we prove (5.18). We use the resolvent expansion

S=R−N−1/2RV R+N−1(RV)2R−N−3/2(RV)3R+N−2(RV)4R−N−5/2(RV)5S. (5.19) Similarly to Section 3.1, we decompose

∆m := mS−mR = ∆m0+ ∆m1, where

∆mr := 1 N



(Sii−Rii)1 r=1(i∈ {a, b}) .

Using (5.19) we can expand ∆mr, for|σ|>η˜d and with high probability,

∆mr(e+ iσ) = X4


∆m(p)r (e+ iσ) +O N−5/2+CεΛ2−2rσ N−r

, (5.20)


|∆m(p)r | 6 N−p/2+CεΛ2−2rσ N−r (5.21) with high probability, and ∆m(p)r is a polynomial in the matrix elements ofR andV, each term containing preciselypmatrix elements ofV; here we set Λσ:= sup|e|65maxi6=j|Gij(e+ iσ)|. Putting both casesr= 1,2 together, we get, for|σ>η˜d|and with high probability,

∆m = X4 p=1

∆m(p)+O N−5/2+Cε2σ+N−1)

, |∆m(p)| 6 N−p/2+Cε2σ+N−1). (5.22)

We may now estimate the variablesx, y, andey. Let us first consider the variablesy. From the definition ofe χ, we find that in the integrand of (5.17) we haveσ>cand therefore by Theorem 2.1 we have ΛσCN−1/2 with high probability. Thus we get from (5.17)

∆ey(E) = X4


∆ey(p)(E) +O(N−5/2+Cε), |∆ey(p)(E)| 6 N−p/2+Cε (5.23)

with high probability.

In order to estimate the contributions of the variablesy, we integrate by parts, first in eand then inσ, Using (5.22), it is easy to see that the sum of the two first terms of (5.24) is bounded byN−p/2+Cε. In order to estimate the last term of (5.24), we use (5.22) and (5.1) to get the bound


Finally, as in (3.40), we find that

∆x(E) = X4 p=1

∆x(p)(E) +O(N−3/2+Cε) (5.26)

with high probability. Moreover, we have the bound Z

I|∆x(p)(E)|dE 6 N−p/2+Cε (5.27) with high probability. This concludes our estimate of the terms in the resolvent expansion ofx,y, andy.e

Now using the power counting bounds from (5.23), (5.25), (5.26), and (5.27), we may easily complete the Green function comparison argument to prove (5.18), as in Section 3.1.

Finally, we comment on how to deal with more general observablesθ, as in (1.15). The basic strategy is the same as in Section 4. In fact, the argument is simpler because the errors made in replacing sharp indicator functions with smooth indicator functions are easier to control in the bulk. In Section 4, the relatively large errors arising from the soft edge of the function1[EL,E]∗θη˜were controlled by Lemma 2.7. In the bulk, we replace1[EL,E]with the functionfEwhose edges are sharper. Thus, in the bulk the error resulting from this replacement is bounded byN(E−ηd, Ed), whose integral may be estimated exactly as in (4.4). The estimate (4.6) is replaced by the trivial estimateR



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