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Avaliação, diagnóstico e tratamento de uma família mexicana usando análise de conteúdo de programas


NUM. eigenvalue % of inertia % Sum

1 0.5929 27.05 27.05

2 0.4720 21.54 48.59

3 0.3207 14.63 63.23

4 0.2702 12.33 75.56

5 0.2377 10.85 86.40

6 0.1264 5.77 92.17

7 0.1170 5.34 97.51

8 0.0547 2.49 100.00

Table 4 shows the groups that have the highest and lowest contribution, as well as the quality of representation to form the first and second factorial axis. At the factorial level, the group that contributes the most and has the highest quality of representation is Fraternal Subsystem and the least contribution and quality of representation is Family Context.


GROUPS Contributions

F1 F2 sum


F1 F2 sum

1. Family context 0.00 4.75 4.75 0.00 0.07 0.07 2. Family atmosphere 0.01 7.15 7.16 0.00 0.19 0.19 3. Communication 10.82 0.67 11.49 0.42 0.02 0.44 4. Affective state 9.67 2.34 12.01 0.30 0.05 0.35 5. Boundaries 15.99 5.10 21.09 0.41 0.08 0.49 6. Marital subsystem 14.19 2.18 16.37 0.55 0.05 0.60 7. Fraternal subsystem 25.58 49.25 74.83 0.39 0.48 0.87

8. Parents/sons’


14.13 0.55 14.68 0.30 0.01 0.31

9. Parental functioning 9.61 28.02 37.63 0.24 0.44 0.68

In the first factorial axis, the most contributing groups are Fraternal Subsystem with 25.58%, Border Limits (15.99%) while Fraternal Subsystem (49.25%) and Parental Functioning (28.02%) contribute to forming the factorial axis 2.

Chart 2 EIGENVALUE, %INERTIA NUM eigenvalue % of


% sum

1 0.2844 28.97 28.97

2 0.1832 18.66 47.62

3 0.1348 13.72 61.35

4 0.1187 12.09 73.44

5 0.0890 9.06 82.50

6 0.0801 8.16 90.65

7 0.0551 5.61 96.27

8 0.0366 3.73 100.00

The Groups Marital Subsystem (55%), Communication (42%) And Limits (41%) they present the best quality of representation for factor 1 and factor 2 the groups with the best quality of representation are Fraternal Subsystem with 48% and Parental functioning with 44%.

Figure 1 shows the graphical representation of correspondence analysis showing the groups in the factorial foreground. The first factor is defined by parental relationships and parental functioning in opposition mainly to groups with marital subsystems and communication. Factor 2 is defined by parent relationships as opposed to the family pathology group, family atmosphere and affective state.

Figure 1. Factorial correspondence analysis

Fig. 2. Factorial Correspondence Analysis

Figure 2 shows the graphical representation of correspondence analysis showing the groups on the factorial plane. The first factor is defined by the Fraternal Subsystem in opposition mainly to the Border Limits group. Factor 2 is defined by the Fraternal Subsystem as opposed to the Parental Functioning group.

Modal responses in the factorial plane.

Tabla 5. Words with greater contribution and quality of representation above the average associated with the groups in the factorial plane.

Group Words

Communication Years, save, talking, do, family, that, hear, friction, screams, I speak. when she, I'm talking, I do, now, fight, say, indifferent, come, do, talk

Affective State Guilt, that, my children, unconsciously, never, feeling, account, talking, treatment, feelings.

mom, I only, natural, problem, baby, three, hear, arrive, I come.

Boundaries kid, understand, you can, if, if you can, still, mom, I can, brother, do.

Marital Subsystem Who, I said, friendships, pained, certain way, I am, talking, talking, lack, arrives.

Fraternal subsystem Medicine, they are very different, says, punishment, powers, look, go, play, day.

Parents’ children relationships Enter, I want, share, sleep, then, you can, mine, very abused, clean. she says, I say look, I don't cry them, no children, voice, children, scream, scream, our, treatment

Parental Functioning Routine, have, you, quality, leave, want, time, we had, seriously, two. children, anything, thirty, says she, same, treat, voice, copy, she also, problems.

Family Pathology Leave, sleep, didn't could, times not, years, six, morning, you can't, times, leave.

Family Myths I can, guilt, ten, god, i can't, evil, unique, fail, again, it arrives

Diagnosis. According to the evaluation carried out, the areas of family functioning most affected were parental and matrimonial subsystems, communication, atmosphere, and family pathology, as well as the boundaries between parents and their children.

Prognosis. Dysfunctions in the communication area and in the marital relationship represent the greatest risk to the survival of the family, because these areas affect the total functioning of the family group.

Psychotherapeutic Treatment Plan. 1. Family pathology and environment. Intervention with the family. Healing wounds. Conversation and hypnotic trance. Hypnotic and trance conversation and acted metaphor. 2. Family pathology. Conversation and hypnotic trance about being at peace with others.

Family Constellation Technique. 3. Marital Subsystem. Intervention with the couple. Session of being at peace with the significant losses of your life. The symbols of the family and their transformation. I feel like I want to feel. Projection to the future. 4. Limits between subsystems. Working with the boy and his mother. The fence Differentiate what is the self with what is not, through the creation of healthy limits and trust in each other. Techniques: Hypnotic Trance and Conversation. 5. Relations between parents and children. Rewrite the story of mom and son. Promote a secure attachment. Metaphor acted.

Bounderies. Mom insisted on staying out of it. And he finally looked at her through the screen saying, "I love you, Mommy." "Here I look at you." Later, we ended up with a joint hypnotic trance, where we were going with the image that each one had built of its fence and that from there to inside were the things of us and from there to outside, were the things that we did not want to put. The boy finally built his fence with Legos.

In addition to observing the healthy boundaries that were established between mom and her son, we realized that in these entering and leaving the spaces, they were giving each other positive energy and establishing an order relationship between them.

Both the parents and the child accepted and normalized the epilepsy and were calmer, perceiving as only a small aspect of the child's functioning and development, recognizing that the rest of his person was evolving. This caused an optimistic and supportive attitude in the family.

Affective State and parent/son relationship. Mom's Emotions "and remove the disguise one can bring. I feel at peace. The fence. Today I have very good things to share in my son's change. I feel so much better and it reassures me. I'm glad the neurologist says AI is doing very well. For me it's a difficult day because five years ago my mother died, it's a hard and long day, but it makes up for it with the happiness of having my children well. A great day!

The family learned efficient forms of communication. In the last sessions, the parents mentioned that they were already speaking well among themselves, referring to the needs of each one of them and what they expected of the other.

The family now have projects, both jointly and separately. These achievements relate, inter alia, to the session aimed at achieving this change. There were also changes in the pace to speak, there is more eye contact in the spouses, now they seem more relaxed. We think these moments were transcendental and initiated a healthy change, both as individuals and as parents. It was also time to see a new universe of possibilities and to open to life. They left behind the guilt, the claims, the helplessness learned and emerged in them a healthy and renewed energy.

Rewriting history. It was induced hypnotic regression to the mother at the time of her son's conception, was addressed month by month with hypnotic suggestions until the age of, it was suggested that she will enjoy that great event as you will need to accompany it with love with respect every moment.

When the child was born, the birth was revived as it wanted and needed it to happen at that time. The following were the experiences that took part in the first months of the child's life, highlighting a division, among what happened at the time, for example: the one that the mother could give the care that the child needed, giving him the food, bathing him, stroking him, putting body lotion on him, combing it, singing a song to him, and then all of this was performed by the mother and child.

Projection into the future. The dad imagined a big hand and for him it meant they needed help to have better experiences as parents.

The mother : "no, I'm like the four of us, like in a clay pot or something stuck for a long time, with a rope, and that none of the four can do anything, and sometimes the four of us are in a deep hole, and he shouts, I scream, and it's like we don't have the solution, we can go out one by one or we can go out helping and pass so we can go out and climb and we get balls"

The mother said: "Well, calmer, with less stress, because I saw myself on a bench alone, alone, I really like to be alone, I really enjoy walking alone, alone does not mean alone, but without my family, without problems, without stress, I like, I take advantage of how I walk, even if it's going to the market, with no one."

The dad said, "Well, I still imagined myself, first as in a kid's park with my dad, so in the park, and I do feel that yes, yes the feeling that I felt, yes it went completely and then we have to do an exercise to make that go. Then I figured in what I like, is being in a field and it's feeling the air and it's raining, and I sit there getting that, that calmed me down. And it was transformed."


The objectives of the study were achieved, since the use of content analysis methods and techniques proved its usefulness in the parts of the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment process of a Mexican family.

But it was also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapist's intervention, which was an unconsidered objective at the beginning of the investigation. The use of qualitative and quantitative methodology is perfectly complementary and can provide elements of analysis that allow the formulation of theories based on empirical data, and validate the instruments used for their Analysis. Ericksonian Hypnosis proved to be a useful tool for psychotherapeutic work, since it was crucial for the achievement of established therapeutic objectives (Matthews, Lankton y Lankton, 1993; García, Short, Erickson y Klein, R. 2015). Robles, 2016; Mendoza y Capafors; 2009). It would be necessary to follow up the evaluated family to see if the changes were maintained.


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