• Aucun résultat trouvé

In considering the statistical properties of RBF networks it is useful to know how the networks transform the probability distributions of the inputs. Clearly this trans-formation depends on the type of basis function used and the dimensionality of the problem considered. However, we note that a fundamental attribute of this transfor-mation comes about from the use of a distance metric.

To see this, assume we have a random variable x 2 <d with uniform probability distribution on thed-dimensional sphere of radius R, i.e.



) =C(R;k


k) (A:1)

where is the Heaviside (step) function and C is a normalization constant. Let us computeC, imposing:

1 =ZRd d




) =CZRd d




k) =CZ R


dr rd;1Z dd =CRd ;d d where dd is the element of solid angle in d dimensions, and ;d is its integral over



the entire sphere1. Therefore the uniform probability distribution on the sphere is:



) = dRd;d(R;k


k): (A:2) Denoting r k


k, we can now compute the probability distribution of the norm of the vector



P(r) =ZRd d






k;r) = dRd;d


Rd d






k;r) =

= dRd;d




dh hd;1(R;h)(h;r)Z dd = dRdrd;1(R;r)

This result is simply a statement of the fact that as the dimensionality of a problem increases, the bulk of the volume of a hypersphere is concentrated more and more in its outermost \layers". In fact, the probability that a point


has normr between R1 and R2 is:

P(R1 k


kR2) =ZR


kxkR2 d




) = Rd2 ;Rd1

Rd : (A:3)

Taking R2 = R we have that the probability that the distance of a point from the surface is greater than R1 is:

P(R1 k


k R) = 1;(RR )1 d : It is also instructive to compute the average value of r:

< r >= Z 1


dr rP(r) = dd + 1R

Notice how the average value ofr tends to the radius of the sphere R as the dimension increases.

1The function ;d=R ddcan be computed in terms of the Euler ;-function.

149 The implications of this phenomena on the basis function outputs of an RBF network can be seen in the following related result. Let h(k


k) be the output of a Radial Basis Function unit. We want to derive the probability distribution P of the random variabley = h(k


k) given the probability distribution of


, which we assume to be the radial function P(k


k). We have:

P(y) =ZRd d






k) = ;d




dr rd;1P(r)(y;h(r)) :

We also assume that the basis function h(r) is invertible on the real positive axis.

Performing the change of variable s = h(r) we obtain:

P(y) = ;d




h0(hds;1(s))[h;1(s)]d;1P(h;1(s))(y;s) and consequently:

P(y) = ;d 1

h0(h;1(y))[h;1(y)]d;1P(h;1(y)) (A:4) If we now setg(y) = h;1(y) this expression can be rewritten as

P(y) = ;dg0(y)[g(y)]d;1P(g(y)) : (A:5) where we used the rule of dierentiation of the inverse function:

g0(y) = 1 h0(h;1(y)) :

If we are given the probability distribution P, and we want to nd out what kind of basis function h transform P in P, the previous equation can be seen as a dierential equation for g.

Although the dierential equation (A.5) is very dicult to solve in general cases, in the case in which the probability distributionP is uniform over a sphere the function


h can be expressed in terms of the inverse of the density of the probability distribution P. In fact, taking the sphere of radius 1 for simplicity, it can be rewritten as :

P(y) = dg0(y)[g(y)]d;1(1;g(y)) : (A:6) We now make the following choice for g:

g(y) =Z y


ds P(s)1d : (A:7)

The rst derivative of g is therefore:

g0(y) = 1dZ;1y ds P(s)1d;1P(y) and substituting it in equation (A.6) we obtain

P(y) =Z y


ds P(s)1d;1P(y)Z y


ds P(s)1;1d(1;g(y)) = P(y)(1;g(y)) : Since by denition g(y) < 1 for all the values of y, the step function has always value equal to one, and the previous equation is an identity.

Consequently we conclude that, if we want the output of a Radial Basis Functions unit to be distributed according to the distribution P whenever the input variables are distributed uniformly inside a sphere of radius 1, the basis function h should be such that:

h;1(y) =Z y


ds P(s)1d : (A:8)

If, for example, we want the output of a radial basis function unit to be have a Gaussian distribution, the basis function should be:



k) =erf;1(k



151 where erf(y) is the error function, that is the density of the gaussian distribution.



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