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Date: Place of survey: Name of enumerator:

Introduction to the survey

Today, the sale of timber is a dynamic activity as it meets the needs of many urban consumers. However, most of the timber sold in markets is not produced in a sustainable way and tends to deplete the forest resource. We have to get further and further into the forest in order to get trees for small-scale chainsaw milling.

Making this activity legal and sustainable is likely to result in an increase in the prices of sawnwood in the markets. The purpose of this survey is to find out to what extent you would agree or not agree to pay more expensively for sawnwood sold in urban markets to ensure that it was produced legally and sustainably. This survey is conducted in collaboration with the MINFOF, but no personal information will be transmitted to the public authorities. The information that you give us is strictly confidential.

The MINFOF and actors in this sector are thinking about the future of this activity in Cameroon. The purpose of this survey is to take into account the views of buyers, who would otherwise be ignored.

The questionnaire takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Do you agree to give answers our questions?

Socioeconomic characteristics of the respondent

Name of the respondent:

Sex: Age :

Profession: Employment status:

1. Salaried; 2. informal; 3. unemployed

Level of education: Region of origin:

Marital status: Number of people living in the household:

Monthly income: (XAF) 1. Less than 62,000 2. 62–155,000 3. 155–310,000 4. More than 310,000

Number of sawnwood purchases in the last 2 months:

Location of residence (quarter): House ownership:

Annex I. Questionnaire for buyers of sawnwood

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