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D Local error contraction with backtracking line search

Whenµi.kxk2, lettingκii/kxk2 and settingε˜=ε/2κi &ε, we obtain

P yi−µi≥εkxk2

=P(yi−µi ≥2˜εµi)≤exp (−min{ε,˜ 0.5} ·εµ˜ i)

= exp

−0.5 min{ε,˜0.5}εkxk2

= exp −Ω ε2log2m . In view of the union bound,

P ∃i:ηi≥εmax{kxk2, |a>i x|2}

≤ mexp −Ω ε2log2m → 0. (155)

Similarly, applying the same argument on−yiwe getηi≥ −εmax{kxk2,|a>i x|2}for alli, which together with (155) establishes the condition (145) with high probability. In conclusion, the claim (146) applies to the Poisson model.

D Local error contraction with backtracking line search

In this section, we verify the effectiveness of a backtracking line search strategy by showing local error contraction. To keep it concise, we only sketch the proof for the noiseless case, but the proof extends to the noisy case without much difficulty. Also we do not strive to obtain an optimized constant. For concreteness, we prove the following proposition.

Proposition 4. The claim in Proposition 1 continues to hold ifαh≥6,αubz ≥5,αlbz ≤0.1,αp≥5, and

khk/kzk ≤tr (156)

for some constant tr>0 independent ofnandm.

Note that if αh ≥ 6, αubz ≥ 5 and αlbz ≤ 0.1, then the boundary step size µ0 given in Proposition 1 satisfies



2 1.02 + 0.665α−1h ≥0.384.

Thus, it suffices to show that the step size obtained by a backtracking line search lies within (0,0.384). For notational convenience, we will set

p:=m−1∇`tr(z) and E3i:=

a>i z

≥αlbz kzk and a>i p

≤αpkpk throughout the rest of the proof. We also impose the assumption

kpk/kzk ≤ (157)

for some sufficiently small constant >0, so that a>i p

/ a>i z

is small for all non-truncated terms. It is self-evident from (79) that in the regime under study, one has

kpk ≥2n

1.99−2 (ζ12)−p


khk ≥3.64khk. (158) To start with, consider three scalarsh,b, and δ. Settingbδ := (b+δ)b22−b2, we get


b2 −(b+δ)2+b2= (b+h)2log (1 +bδ)−b2bδ (i)


bδ−0.4875b2δ −b2bδ = ((b+h)2−b2)bδ−0.4875 (b+h)2b2δ

=hδ(2 +h/b) (2 +δ/b)−0.4875 (1 +h/b)2|δ(2 +δ/b)|2

= 4hδ+2h2δ

b +2hδ2

b +h2δ2

b2 −0.4875δ2

1 +h b

2 2 +δ

b 2

, (159)

where (i) follows from the inequalitylog (1 +x)≤x−0.4875x2 for sufficiently smallx. To further simplify the bound, observe that


Plugging these two identities into (159) yields (159) ≤ 4hδ+2h2δ

The next step is then to bound each of these terms separately. Most of the following bounds are straight-forward consequences from [6, Lemma 3.1] combined with the truncation rule. For the first term, applying the AM-GM inequality we get


Secondly, it follows from Lemma 4 that 1 Fourthly, it arises from the AM-GM inequality that


Finally, the last term is bounded by 1






3 ≤ 1





1.95τ3 a>i p


a>i z

a>i x a>i z



1 m




a>i x2

. τ3kxk2 kzk2kpk2.

Under the hypothesis (158), we can further derive m1 Pm


3 ≤τ(1.1 +δ)kpk2. Putting all the above bounds together yields that the truncated objective function is majorized by

1 m




{`i(z+τp)−`i(z)}1Ei 3 ≤ 1





(I1,i+I2,i+I3,i+I4,i+I5,i)1Ei 3

≤τ(1.1 +δ)kpk2−1.95




τ(1.1 +δ)−1.95



kpk2 (160)

for some constant˜ >0that is linear in.

Note that the backtracking line search seeks a point satisfying m1





2τkpk2. Given the above majorization (160), this search criterion is satisfied only if τ /2≤τ(1.1 +δ)−1.95(1−ζ˜1−ζ˜22+τ˜

or, equivalently,

τ ≤ 0.6 +δ+ ˜

1.95(1−ζ˜1−ζ˜2) :=τub.

Taking δ and ˜ to be sufficiently small, we see that τ ≤ τub ≤ 0.384, provided that αlbz ≤ 0.1, αubz ≥5, αh≥6, andαp≥5.

Using very similar arguments, one can also show that m1 Pm


3 is minorized by a similar quadratic function, which combined with the stopping criterion m1 Pm

i=1{`i(z+τp)−`i(z)}1Ei 3


2τkpk2 suggests thatτ is bounded away from 0. We omit this part for conciseness.


E. C. is partially supported by NSF under grant CCF-0963835 and by the Math + X Award from the Simons Foundation. Y. C. is supported by the same NSF grant. We thank Carlos Sing-Long and Weijie Su for their constructive comments about an early version of the manuscript. E. C. is grateful to Xiaodong Li and Mahdi Soltanolkotabi for many discussions about Wirtinger flows. We thank the anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.


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