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Data-driven modelling for environmental data science 2

3.3 Criticism on data-driven models

First of all, Guisan and Thuiller (2005) mention that, when using observations to predict a species’ presence, the obtained model describes the realised niche (as part of the fundamental niche). Moreover, by using observation data, species are assumed to be in equilibrium with their environment, thereby ignoring tolerance capacity and mobility behaviour (source-sink dynamics and dispersal limitation, respectively, sensu Pulliam (2000)), along with the characteristic disequilibrium displayed by recently introduced species (Gallien et al., 2012). Presence in an unsuitable habitat and absence from a suitable habitat negatively affect the performance of observation-based models (Guisan and Thuiller, 2005; Pulliam, 2000; Sinclair et al., 2010), causing the creation of overly complex models and incorrect distributions of predicted suitable habitats. When willing to describe the fundamental niche, one needs to fall back on autecological experiments and process-based models (Gallien et al., 2010).

Secondly, the pool of existing modelling techniques has increased greatly throughout the last decades and impedes the creation of a useful, concise overview. Whereas in most cases higher diversity is cheered for, here it brings along two important consequences (Guisan and Thuiller, 2005): (i) an increased range of model-specific errors and uncertainties, and (ii) divergence of the modelled response variable. So far, comparative research on both aspects remains insufficient to perform a qualitative comparison of all techniques, illustrating one of the challenges when faced with appropriate model selection (De'ath and Fabricius, 2000). As a partial solution, Araújo and New (2007) suggested to apply ensemble forecasting to combine the predicted responses of several models, resulting in a consensus prediction and a probability range. Despite its promising applicability, ensemble forecasting only provides an end-of-pipe solution and leaves the real causes of the divergence untouched.

Thirdly, scale and resolution vary depending on the type of data (e.g. small-scale nutrient state at high resolution versus large-scale climatic conditions at low resolution) and can lead to the decision of excluding specific variables (Elith and Leathwick, 2009).

However, this decreases the transferability of a small-scale model to a larger scale (e.g.

outside the originally considered climatic conditions), while up- and downscaling avoids variable exclusion, though introduces errors via data aggregation (reduction of detail) and the assumption of similar conditions (generalisation), respectively. Alternatively, a cascade of models can be developed, starting with global models providing coarse suitability maps, out of which specific areas of interest can be selected for investigation at a smaller, more detailed scale (Roura-Pascual et al., 2009). The development of regional high-resolution models provides a potential bridge between the low-resolution climate change scenarios and high-resolution field observations, though attention should be given to the boundary conformity with the large-scale models.


81 Finally, overarching these points of criticism, is the limited inclusion of temporal dynamics by HSMs, especially within the framework of forecasting the effects of climate change on habitat suitability. The inherent interactions included in observation-based HSMs are likely to change when climatic conditions differ. For instance, increased atmospheric carbon dioxide causes higher aquatic carbon dioxide concentrations, acidification and elevated temperatures (IPCC, 2014), all of which influence the metabolic processes of organisms in a different way and, by consequence, the prevailing interactions (Gallien et al., 2010). In short, correlative HSMs are a straightforward way of linking habitat conditions to species occurrence, but the underlying assumptions caution the consideration of their response as the one and only truth, additionally highlighting that models are only a mere simplification of reality (Wilson et al., 2011).

3.3.1 Including dispersal dynamics to predict species distributions

Suitable habitats provide potential for a macrophyte to be present, yet natural barriers and limited connectivity decrease dispersion efficiency and thereby impede introduction, establishment and colonisation. Dispersion efficiency greatly depends on the prevailing species pools in the immediate surroundings and the applied dispersion strategy (Galatowitsch, 2006; Sundermann et al., 2011). For instance, Sundermann et al.

(2011) illustrated that river restoration success largely depends on the surrounding species pools, while indicating that species-specific dispersion rates are limitedly known due to distinct dispersion strategies (e.g. stolons, cloning and root growth).

Dispersal dynamics play a major role in the observation of false absences (i.e. no observation in a suitable habitat) and false presences (i.e. observation in an unsuitable habitat). For instance, false absences are caused by a suboptimal introduction frequency into a suitable habitat. Current absence of the species can be linked with a recent stochastic disappearance or abiotic restoration and is exacerbated by decreased environmental connectivity or a relatively low tendency to disperse (Jiménez-Valverde et al., 2008). Similarly, false presences represent the process of continuous species introduction into a habitat that does not support the development of a viable population and acts as a sink environment (Pulliam, 2000). Both cases illustrate the criticism on the assumption of HSMs that species are in equilibrium with their environment and how this can interfere with consolidating conclusions (Guisan and Thuiller, 2005).

Knowledge of species-specific dispersion rates provides the potential to predict future species distributions and the timeframe needed for a macrophyte to establish and subsequently colonise the identified suitable habitats. Inclusion of species dispersion rates transforms HSMs into species distribution models (SDMs) and can be performed prior to abiotic filtering (Guisan and Rahbek, 2011), although a lack of data impedes its inclusion. This highlights an important field of future study in case short-term restoration via natural succession is aimed for.



3.4 Contribution to the study objectives

Each technique has specific advantages and drawbacks, the latter of which can often be resolved (partially) by technique-specific extensions. Yet, as the number of explanatory variables is expected to be high and only limited expert knowledge is available, it would be unwise to choose FL or BBN. Similarly, GLM development and interpretation is expected to be hampered due to the high number of explanatory variables and potential interactions that require explicit inclusion in the model structure. In addition, the black box behaviour of ANN is hardly resolved via technique-specific extensions, which impedes transparency towards the end user. Finally, DTs suffer from relatively high instability, though this can be reduced by alternative data use methodologies and algorithm application. A specific implementation of repetitive tree development is the random forest technique, which is recommended for further analyses. A tabular overview of technique-specific advantages and drawbacks with respect to the study objectives (see Section 1.2.1) is provided in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6: Drawbacks and advantages of the selected techniques framed within the study objectives.

Technique Advantages Drawbacks

DT - Transparent;

- Identifies variable interactions.

- Instability of single tree;

- Influenced by data set dimensions.

GLM - Easy to use - Assumed distribution;

- Explicit inclusion of variable interactions.

ANN - Tolerates noise and errors;

- Identifies variable interactions.

- Black box model;

- Lack of guidelines.

FL - Fuzzy boundaries - Influenced by data dimensionality;

- Data discretisation.

BBN - Accounts for uncertainties explicitly;

- Straightforward error propagation.

- Data discretisation;

- Time-intensive rule construction.

Aside from supporting technique selection, this chapter additionally provides a basis for the efficient usage of data within the model development framework (i.e. combining holdout with k-fold cross-validation) and the assessment of model performance with the threshold-independent AUC, presence-oriented sensitivity (Sn) and absence-oriented specificity (Sp).



3.5 Conclusion

Both habitat suitability and species distribution models provide a promising approach to support conservation and restoration management in a changing world. A variety of modelling approaches exists with specific advantages and drawbacks, making the selection of a single technique highly subjective. Overall, decision trees are relatively simple techniques allowing for the integration of variable interactions without the need to specify a distribution (GLMs) or a number of hidden layers (ANNs), while the relative recent random forest reports comparatively high performance. The possibility to include ecological knowledge within DTs is relatively limited and requires the use of a more advanced technique like FL or BBN, with the latter showing promising results when combining experimental experiences and expert knowledge. Data becomes, more than ever, a valuable resource and deserves to be treated with care and properly cleaned prior to being mined. To increase data use efficiency and limit model overfitting, cross-validation is to be applied during model development, while performance assessment based on non-transformed observed or predicted response values is most informative.

The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) represents a single-value and threshold-independent metric, while sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp) provide valuable additional information on model characteristics.


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