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Dans le document Data Mining: A Heuristic Approach (Page 52-57)

In this work, we have put forward a case for approximation of objective criteria and of proximity information as keys to the development of generic, scalable and robust methods for clustering for data mining applications. In particular, random-ized sampling and partition techniques seem to hold the greatest promise for pushing back the barrier of scalability for these important problems.

Although some of the solutions we have presented are specific to certain problem settings, others can be applied in a wide variety of settings, both inside and beyond the field of data mining clustering. The idea of using approximations to full proximity information is a very general one, and there is much potential for the application of these ideas in other settings. The underlying spirit of these solutions is the same: obtain the highest quality possible subject to a rigid observation of time constraints.

There are other settings in which approximation to the full proximity informa-tion has been used to good effect. In physics, researchers applied simulated annealing to predict the motion of particles in 2D and 3D used a hierarchical structure to aggregate distance computations (Carrier, Greengard & Rokhlin, 1988;

Barnes & Hut, 1986), reducing the cost of an iteration of the simulation from Θ(n2) to O(n log n). These structures have been taken up and extended to the area of graph drawing, where graphs are treated as linkages of stretchable springs between nodes with repulsive charges. Layouts of these graphs are generated by simulating the effect of forces along springs and between nodes, also using simulated annealing (Quigley & Eades, 2000). Similar structures have also been used in facility location (Belbin, 1987). Although scalability with respect to dimension is not an issue in these fields, the techniques presented here provide yet more opportunities for the development of fast and robust algorithms.

Our techniques contribute to the area of robust statistics. We showed (Estivill-Castro & Houle, 2000) that robust estimators of location could be computed in subquadratic time using random sampling and partitioning. Even though the statistic itself is a random variable, its robustness can be proved according to several standards.

Finally, there is great potential for our techniques to be hybridized with other search strategies, such as genetic algorithms (Estivill-Castro, 2000; Estivill-Castro

& Torres-Velázquez, 1998; Estivill-Castro & Murray, 2000; and references) and

simulated annealing [Murray & Church, 1996]. Genetic algorithms and simulated annealing have extended the power of local search hill-climbers due to their ability to escape from and improve over local optima, at the cost of an increase in the computation time. These areas can also benefit from a stricter management of the distance computations performed.


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Dans le document Data Mining: A Heuristic Approach (Page 52-57)