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Concluding remarks and recommendations

Dans le document Studies reports in hydrology 29 (Page 112-125)


6. Concluding remarks and recommendations

6 .1 Concluding Remarks

The traditional division between surface water and groundwater disciplines has tended to be reduced in recent years with the result that some useful advances have been made in under-standing the interaction process. This report has emphasised the importance of underunder-standing

the interaction between surface water and groundwater in different climatic conditions. In different climates certain aspects of the interaction are dominant. For example, in arid regions groundwater recharge may be derived from mountain rivers or from intermittent surface runoff that is generated by intense storms, in temperate regions recharge is derived mainly from precipitation and in colder regions recharge is associated with prevailing temperatures and snow melt.

In many regions an understanding of the interaction process is necessary for the satisfactory operation and long-term planning of water resource schemes. This may include a study of the characteristics of groundwater recharge, aquifer properties, groundwater flow and river flow. In temperate regions the groundwater component is frequently the main component of low river flows, and in arid regions schemes may be designed to increase groundwater recharge from surface runoff. Water resource schemes are beina developed to take advantage of the differing storage, recharge and flow characteristics of surface water and groundwater. For example some schemes are designed to utilise groundwater storage to artificially regulate river

flows. High flows are reduced and low flows are increased, thus reducing the natural

variability of river flows. The efficient development of water resources in all these cases depends in part upon a study of the interaction between surface water and groundwater.

In arid areas techniques to fully utilise available water resources may include dams strategically placed to induce a higher proportion of groundwater recharge during times of flood flow. Thus a higher proportion of recharge occurs at a favourable location for

resource development and flows to the oceans, seas or other saline areas are reduced. Where irrigation is practiced careful supervision is necessary to utilise fully the available water and at the same time to minimise the build up of harmful chemicals in the soil. The continued re-cycling of irrigation water through soils, aquifers and river channels may lead to salinity problems and reduced crop yields.

The development of groundwater resources in temperate regions is likely to have some influence upon the quantity and quality of river water especially during periods of low river flow. In addition, the direct abstraction of river water for supply purposes is limited by quantity and quality considerations. During periods of low river flow the main component of flow may be from groundwater sources. Thus, although the quality of groundwater generally is very good, this can be maintained only by the careful control of possible sources of pollution.

Once a groundwater source has become polluted it may take several years and a considerable cost to restore the aquifer to its original state. The quality of groundwater and base flow may be affected seriously by fertilisers applied to farmland, waste disposal tips and

accidents such as oil or chemical spillage.

Various improvements have been made in recent years in the methods for assessing the interaction between surface water and groundwater. These improvements are in several fields such as instrumentation, the use of tracers and improved conceptual and mathematical models of the system. Improvements have been made in the accuracy of estimating all elements of the hydrological cycle. A method that has been used widely to assess the interaction process is that based upon the channel water balance. Measurements of river flow are made at carefully selected locations and appropriate meteorological and hydrogeological information is obtained.

In addition the analysis of river flow hydrographs including flow separation and recession curve analysis can provide useful information.

A particularly useful aid in understanding the interaction process has been the use of tracers. For example environmental isotope techniques now provide the hydrologist and hydro-geologist with a method to study the actual mass transfer of water. The method has the

advantage that radioactive tracers are not introduced into the system so that problems of health and safety do not arise. Furthermore the scale of the investigation is not limited since studies may be carried out in different climatic regions far removed from the laboratory where the analyses are made.

In many situations the use of a mathematical model is advisable and often essential to investigate the interaction between surface water and groundwater. The models may comprise mainly the groundwater aspects, the combined surface water and groundwater system, or mainly the surface water components. In addition the model may include water quality considerations.

A complete knowledge of the hydrogeology and the geometry of a given problem area is rarely if ever available. Thus estimates have to be made of suitable parameter values to be used in models. Sensitivity analyses may be carried out over a range of parameter values to give an indication of the reliability of a simulation exercise. Such analyses may be used also to indicate what further field work is necessary so that each component of the hydrological cycle can be represented adequately by the modelling technique.

In addition models may be used with long-term weather records, where available, to synthesise long sequences of groundwater recharge and river flow data. By such means the severity of historic droughts can be assessed and the synthesised data may be used to assist in the management and design of water resource schemes.

The further understanding of the interaction process will be of considerable benefit to mankind. The management of water resources may be improved, in arid regions a scarce commodity may be utilised more efficiently, crop production may be improved and safeguarded, and in temperate regions local amenities and nevigation may be protected. The characteristics of the interaction should be understood so that harmful developments are avoided and positive benefits ensue. The international dissemination of knowledge as described in this report is intended to contribute towards this objective.

6.2 Recommendations and Further Research

International co-operation should be maintained to disseminate information concerning the development of new instruments and techniques that contribute to the understanding of the interaction between surface water and groundwater.

Some elements of the hydrological cycle are not easy to measure. Those that require further effort to improve the accuracy of measurement include, the estimation of areal rainfall in arid areas, the estimation of evaporation for specific types of land use at various

latitudes, the estimation of flow characteristics within the unsaturated zone and the estimation of river flows in arid areas.

The use of remote sensing for estimating areal rainfall and soil conditions should be investigated further.

Changes in land use may directly or indirectly influence the quantity and quality of both groundwater and river flow. Therefore the effect of changes in land use should continue to be studied especially its effect upon evaporation, groundwater recharge and quality.

Water quality problems that may arise due to human interference includes those associated with heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury. These should be monitored together with the presence of bacteria and viruses in groundwater and base flow.

The movement of water in the lower levels of aquifers and semi-permeable rocks should be studied to assist in the location of waste disposal sites. In particular the location of nuclear waste sites should take into account the movement of groundwater and its interaction with surface water.

Techniques for estimating the age of groundwater may be developed further as an aid to understanding the movement of groundwater at depth.

Many types of mathematical model are available for investigating groundwater and surface water problems and these should be used to investigate the characteristics of the elements of the interaction process.


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