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qr Competitions-Combat Typical robot combat involves human operators

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con-trolling a remotely operable “robot” (I put “robot” in quotes because there are some who feel these aren’t real robots). The most famous combat robots have so far appeared on television, but regional—and untele-vised—combat events are starting to appear as well.

Many of the combat robots are outfitted with various weapons, such as saw blades, pickaxes, and hammers.

Also included in this section are some support sites for builders and fans of combat robots, including how-tos for better robot battle.


Communications-RF: Radio control Competitions-Entrant: Robots who fight Internet-Personal Web Page: Owners show

off their robots, some of which do battle Radio Control: Transmitters and receivers for

remotely operated robots

BattleBots 202836

701 De Long Ave.

Unit K

Novato, CA 94945 USA

(415) 898-7522

(415) 898-7525



BattleBots is an American television bot-bashing event with a decided comic flavor. The robots are anything but humorous, with such denizens as BioHazard that rip, shred, and punch, metallic-gladiator style.

BattleBot events are open to all contestants, though your robot must qualify in prematches before you’re allowed on TV.

Battlebricks 202240


Battling LEGO: “When Good Plastic Goes Bad.” You can imagine the rest. The Battlebricks team is located in Albany, N.Y.

Bot Bash 203334


People who like to build robots and then go out and smash them into each other.

Central Jersey Robo Conflict 203336 http://users.rcn.com/ljstier/rules.html

Remote-controlled devices in competitive and combat-oriented games.

DragonCon Robot Battles 203339 http://www.scenic-city.com/robot/

Immobilize your opponent. Kill, kill, kill. The competi-tion is staged at Atlanta’s Dragon*Con science ficcompeti-tion convention.

Web site for annual robotics competition staged at Atlanta's Dragon*Con.

MechWars 203709


Big brute robots that like to bash one another.

Robot Conflict 203349


Home page of the Robot Conflict series of events and also the home of the Northeast Robotics Club (NERC).

Robot Dojo 202167


Help and history about, and for, combat robotics.

Robot Wars 203351


A TV show produced in the U.K. about robots that want to tear each other apart. And they seem like such nice robots, too.

RobotCombat.com 202978 http://www.robotcombat.com/

RobotCombat.com (operated by ro-battler Jim Smentowski) is a portal for robotics, where the spe-cialty ofthe house is machines that bash up each other.

A very useful feature is their continually updated links pages at:


Robotcombat.com Web site.

Care and Feeding of the “Combot”

Combat robots (combots) are designed to inflict damage on an opponent. That makes them potentially dangerous to humans, too. So, if you're planning on building a combat robot—whether or not you enter competitions—remember, safety is Rule One. Ignoring safety procedures, or lapsing into carelessness, may cost you fingers, hands, arms, eyes, even your life.

Here are some simple pointers to keep in mind when building and experimenting with a combat robot:

1. Don't even think about building a combat robot unless you're experienced. They are notfor first-timers.

2. Don't try to skimp on the proper materials, especially for the weapons systems of the robot. A fast spinning lawnmower blade needs a proper bearing and housing. Trying to make do with thin sheet metal, plastic, or other lightweight material may cause dam-age to your robot, and you!

3. Always work with a friend. Have your friend standing by while you try out the remote controls of the robot.

4. Because of their weight, and the need for good speeds, most combat robots use motors requiring 30 to 100 amps of battery current. Batteries that deliver this much current are dangers in themselves if they are not treated with respect. Nevershort out the terminals of the battery just to “see what would happen.” I'll tell you what will hap-pen: You'll melt the metal used to short the terminals, you'll get severe—and possibly life-threatening—shock and burns.

5. Work in an adequately sized workshop. Never, everoperate the weapon system of the robot while in an enclosed room (do it outside, in the open) or while you or others are nearby. There's a reason they have thick, unbreakable plastic surrounding the are-nas in televised robot bouts.

6. The machinery and tools used to build a heavy-duty robot can be just as dangerous as the robot. Wear protective gear and always use safe materials-handling proce-dures. If you're welding the robot frame, be sure you know all about welding safety.

Yes, people have burned down their houses because of careless welding practices.

Don't be the next!

7. Finally, if you doubt your construction abilities, pass on the combat robot and build something else.

Robotica 203015 http://tlc.discovery.com/fansites/robotica/


The Learning Channel’s answer to BattleBots. Not as funny, but the competitions are more varied, with added obstacles like the Gauntlet and the Labyrinth.

The Web site also includes Q&A, short articles, and a user-to-user forum.

Robots@War 203716


Open-air live robot battle from the U.K.

Robotwars 203014


Main site of the venerable Robot Wars television com-bat show, seen in over two dozen countries. The show may be from the U.K, but these robots are no English gentlemen!

when Robot Wars is not on TV? Come to Robot Wars MAD.co.uk for all the latest news, gossip on all the Robots, teams and also, lots of Quiz’s, Polls and more things to keep you active.”

Society of Robotic Combat (SORC) 202412 http://www.sorc.ws/

The WWE of battling bots. Not as much sweat, but the same amount of swearing.

Technical Guide to Building Fighting

Robots 202299


Several useful and insightful articles on intermediate and advanced robot-building techniques by Paul Hills.

Examples include:

• Making a high-power servo-theory and circuits

• “The physics of axe weapons”

• Using DC motors in fighting robots Fairly technical and in-depth.

RobotWars Web site.

Movers and Shakers

Mark Thorpe http://www.marcthorpe.com/

Mark Thorpe, an industrial designer and artist, is generally attributed to be the “father” of remotely controlled robotic combat.

RobotWars MAD 203717


Says the Web site: “Getting sick and tired in being behind in the world of Robot Wars? What happens

Web site for serious combat robot builders.

qr Competitions-Entrant

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