• Aucun résultat trouvé

Le taux de citation par année correspond au rapport entre le nombre de citation et l’écart entre l’année n et l’année de publication

Remarque : les « impact factor » et les notoriétés 2015 ne paraitront qu’au cours du 2e semestre 2016. Les données affichées 2015 et 2016 sont celles de 2014 extrapolées pour les revues de 2015 et 2016.

Indicateurs bibliométriques Inra URA 2011-2016 – K. Robineaud - Inra DIST Pôle Bibliométrie – août 2016 - Page 16

Tableau 9b. Articles triés par taux de citation, par notoriété et facteur d’impact

Titre de l'article Année Revue

Taux citation / année Nombre de citations Facteur d'impact à 2 ans Notoriété * A comprehensive evaluation of normalization methods for Illumina high-throughput RNA sequencing data analysis

2013 BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATI CS 39,75 159 5,919 1 - Exception nelle

The eggshell: structure,

composition and mineralization 2012



8 40 3,286 3 - Correcte

Quantitative proteomics and bioinformatic analysis provide new insight into protein function during avian eggshell biomineralization


PROTEOMICS 6,5 13 3,888 2 - Excellente

Consequences of divergent selection for residual feed intake in pigs on muscle energy metabolism and meat quality

2013 MEAT SCIENCE 4,75 19 2,231 3 - Correcte

Cancer cachexia is associated with a decrease in skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacities without alteration of ATP production efficiency

2012 JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE 4,4 22 Sans notoriété Transcriptome-wide investigation of genomic

imprinting in chicken 2014 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 4 12 9,112

1 - Exception


Hen uterine gene expression profiling during eggshell formation reveals putative proteins involved in the supply of minerals or in the shell mineralization process

2014 BMC

GENOMICS 4 12 3,986 2 - Excellente

Epigenetics and phenotypic variability: some interesting insights from birds

2013 GENETICS SELECTION EVOLUTION 3,75 15 3,747 1 - Exception nelle Transcriptional analysis of abdominal fat in genetically fat and lean chickens reveals adipokines, lipogenic genes and a link between hemostasis and leanness 2013 BMC GENOMICS 3,75 15 4,041 2 - Excellente Ovalbumin-related Protein X Is a Heparin-binding Ov-Serpin Exhibiting Antimicrobial Activities 2013 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 3,5 14 4,6 2 - Excellente

Amorphous calcium carbonate controls avian eggshell mineralization: A new paradigm for understanding rapid eggshell calcification 2015 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 3,5 7 3,231 3 - Correcte Characterization of major elements of insulin signaling cascade in chicken adipose tissue: Apparent insulin


Indicateurs bibliométriques Inra URA 2011-2016 – K. Robineaud - Inra DIST Pôle Bibliométrie – août 2016 - Page 17

refractoriness GY

Harmonization of methodologies for the assessment of poultry meat quality features 2011 WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL 3,17 19 1,104 3 - Correcte

The Loss of Adipokine Genes in the Chicken Genome and Implications for Insulin Metabolism 2014 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 3 9 9,105 1 - Exception nelle Nutritional regulation of glucokinase: a cross-species story 2014 NUTRITION RESEARCH REVIEWS 3 9 3,912 2 - Excellente

Seaweeds for livestock diets: A

review 2016


3 3 1,997 2 - Excellente

Thermal manipulation of the embryo modifies the physiology and body composition of broiler chickens reared in floor pens without affecting breast meat processing quality 2013 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 3 12 1,92 2 - Excellente

Meat quality: influence of animals' characteristics and rearing conditions 2015 INRA PRODUCTIONS ANIMALES 3 6 0,726 4 - Acceptable

Leucine supplementation in rats induced a delay in muscle IR/PI3K signaling pathway associated with overall impaired glucose tolerance



2,83 17 3,891 2 - Excellente

Advances in research on the prenatal development of skeletal muscle in animals in relation to the quality of muscle-based food. I. Regulation of myogenesis and environmental impact

2011 ANIMAL 2,83 17 1,744 2 - Excellente

Amino acids downregulate the expression of several autophagy-related genes in rainbow trout myoblasts

2012 AUTOPHAGY 2,8 14 12,042 1 - Exception nelle Transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling of chicken adipose tissue in response to insulin neutralization and fasting

2012 BMC

GENOMICS 2,8 14 4,397 2 - Excellente

Modulation of glycogen and breast meat processing ability by nutrition in chickens: Effect of crude protein level in 2 chicken genotypes 2012 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2,8 14 2,093 2 - Excellente

Chicken lines divergent for low or high abdominal fat deposition: a relevant model to study the regulation of energy metabolism

2013 ANIMAL 2,75 11 1,784 2 - Excellente

Expression of Toll-Like Receptor 4 and Downstream Effectors in Selected Cecal Cell

Subpopulations of Chicks 2011 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY 2,67 16 4,165 2 - Excellente

Indicateurs bibliométriques Inra URA 2011-2016 – K. Robineaud - Inra DIST Pôle Bibliométrie – août 2016 - Page 18

Resistant or Susceptible to Salmonella Carrier State Selecting broiler chickens for ultimate pH of breast muscle: Analysis of divergent selection experiment and phenotypic consequences on meat quality, growth, and body composition traits 2014 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2,67 8 2,108 2 - Excellente

Effects of stocking density on the growth performance and digestive microbiota of broiler chickens


SCIENCE 2,67 16 1,728 2 - Excellente

Early bovine embryos regulate oviduct epithelial cell gene expression during in vitro co-culture 2014 ANIMAL REPRODUCTIO N SCIENCE 2,67 8 1,511 3 - Correcte

Minimising pain in farm animals: the 3S approach -

'Suppress, Substitute, Soothe' 2012 ANIMAL 2,6 13 1,648 2 - Excellente

Detection of a Cis eQTL Controlling BMCO1 Gene Expression Leads to the Identification of a QTG for Chicken Breast Meat Color

2011 PLOS ONE 2,5 15 4,092 2 - Excellente

Cyclic variations in incubation conditions induce adaptive responses to later heat exposure in chickens: a review

2015 ANIMAL 2,5 5 1,841 2 - Excellente

Objectives and applications of phenotyping network set-up for livestock 2012 ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL 2,4 12 1,037 3 - Correcte

Ovocalyxin-36 and other LBP/BPI/PLUNC-like proteins as molecular actors of the mechanisms of the avian egg natural defences 2011 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS 2,33 14 3,711 3 - Correcte

Plasma insulin levels are rather

similar in chicken and rat 2011



2,17 13 3,267 3 - Correcte

Improving the efficiency of feed utilization in poultry by selection. 2. Genetic parameters of excretion traits and correlations with anatomy of the gastro-intestinal tract and digestive efficiency

2011 BMC GENETICS 2,17 13 2,475 4 - Acceptable

Improving the efficiency of feed utilization in poultry by selection. 1. Genetic parameters of anatomy of the gastro-intestinal tract and digestive efficiency

2011 BMC GENETICS 2,17 13 2,475 4 - Acceptable

Three-dimensional NMR Structure of Hen Egg Gallin (Chicken Ovodefensin) Reveals a New Variation of the beta-Defensin Fold 2014 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2 6 4,573 2 - Excellente

Indicateurs bibliométriques Inra URA 2011-2016 – K. Robineaud - Inra DIST Pôle Bibliométrie – août 2016 - Page 19

Gene Expression Profiling Reveals New Potential Players of Gonad Differentiation in the Chicken Embryo

2011 PLOS ONE 2 12 4,092 2 - Excellente

Advances in research on the prenatal development of skeletal muscle in animals in relation to the quality of muscle-based food. II - Genetic factors related to animal performance and advances in methodology

2011 ANIMAL 2 12 1,744 2 - Excellente

Meta-analysis of phosphorus utilization by growing pigs: effect of dietary phosphorus, calcium and exogenous phytase

2012 ANIMAL 2 10 1,648 2 - Excellente

The effect of albumen removal before incubation (embryonic protein under-nutrition) on the post-hatch performance, regulators of protein translation activation and proteolysis in neonatal broilers 2013 BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2 8 3,342 3 - Correcte

Données Thomson Reuters – Traitement Inra DIST (août 2016) * Notoriété de la meilleure subject category du WoS

Indicateurs bibliométriques Inra URA 2011-2016 – K. Robineaud - Inra DIST Pôle Bibliométrie – août 2016 - Page 20