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Capacity to within a constant gap

This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 3. We first adapt the cut-set upper bound [16] and the NNC lower bound [20] to the HD case by following the approach proposed in [18]. We then show that these bounds are at most a constant number of bits apart. In particular, since the unicast Gaussian network with HD relays is a special MGN withK=N+ 2 nodes (one source,N relays, and one destination), we first prove that for a single-antenna complex-valued MGN with HD power-constrained nodes the cut-set upper bound can be achieved to within 1.96 bits/node (while for the FD case the gap is 1.26 bits/node [20, Theorem 4]).

3.3.1 Channel Model

A MGN with K nodes 4 is defined similarly to the multi-relay network introduced in Section 3.1 except that now each node k 2 [1 : K], with channel input (Xk, Sk) and channel output Yk, has an independent mes-sage of rate Rk to be decoded by the nodes indexed by D ✓ [1 : K].

The channel input/output relationship of this HD GMN readsY = (IK

diag[S])Hdiag[S]X+Z. We let Cmulticast be the capacity region.

4Here, for notation convenience, we number the nodes from 1 toK, rather than from 0 toN+ 1.

3.3 Capacity to within a constant gap 73

3.3.2 Inner Bound

The capacity of a HD GMN can be lower bounded by adapting the NNC scheme for the general memoryless network from [20] to the HD case by following the approach of [18]. In particular, NNC achieves the rate region

Cmulticast◆[( X


RiI(XAc;YbA|XA, S[1:K], Q) I(YAc;YbAc|YbA, X[1:K], S[1:K], Q) such thatA✓[1 :K], Ac 6=;, A\D6=;

) ,

where Ybk represents a compressed version of Yk, for k2[1 :K], and where the union is over all input distributions that factorize as


YK k=1


and satisfy the power constraints. We consider jointly Gaussian inputs so as to get a rate region similar to [20, eq.(20)]. In all states s 2 [0 : 1]K, we consider i.i.d. N (0,1) inputs, time sharing random variable Q set to Q = S[1:K] (with this choice the nodes can coordinate), and compressed channel output Ybk := Yk+Zbk, k 2[1 :K], for Zbk ⇠N(0, 2) independent of all other random variables and where the variance ofZbk does not depend on the user index k. With this the NNC achievable region evaluates to



: X


Ri  X


s log I|A|+ 1

1 + 2 HA,sHHA,s


✓ 1 + 1


such thatA✓[1 :K], Ac 6=;, A\D6=; )

, (3.16)

where the union is over all s := P[S[1:K] = s] 2 [0,1], 8s 2 [0 : 1]K : P

s2[0:1]K s = 1 and over all 2 2 R+, and where the matrix HA,s 2 C|A|⇥|Ac|is defined as HA,s :=⇥

(IK diag[s])Hdiag[s]⇤


3.3.3 Outer Bound

The cut-set upper bound, adapted to the HD case by following [18], gives

Cmulticast✓[( X


Ri I(XAc, SAc;YA|XA, SA)

such thatA✓[1 :K],Ac 6=;,A\D6=;},

where the union is over all joint input distributionsPXK,SK and satisfy the power constraints. Similarly to [20, eq.(19)], we upper bound each mutual information term as


=I(SAc;YA|XA, SA) +I(XAc;YA|XA, S[1:K])

H(SAc) + X


s log I|A|+HA,sKA,sHHA,s (3.17a)

|Ac|log(2) + X


s log I|A|+ 1


+ X


s |Ac| log⇣

e maxn

1,e rank[H|Ac|






o , (3.17b)

where: (i) KA,s represents the covariance matrix of XAc conditioned on S[1:K] = s; (ii) the inequality in (3.17a) follows since conditioning reduces the entropy, since the entropy of a discrete random variable is non-negative, and by using the ‘Gaussian maximizes entropy’ principle; (iii) the inequality in (3.17b) follows since the entropy of a discrete random variable can be upper bounded as a function of the size of its support and from [20, Lemma 1] for all e 1. Finally, since the function log(e maxmax{1,x{1,x} }) in (3.17b) is decreasing in x, the function in (3.17b) attains its maximum value when rank[HA,s] is maximum, i.e., when x = e rank[H|Ac|

A,s] = e min{|A||Ac,||Ac|}, from

3.3 Capacity to within a constant gap 75

which it thus follows that Cmulticast ✓[8 tighten the RHS of (3.18).

3.3.4 Gap

We now proceed to bound the worst case gap (over A) between the cut-set upper bound in (3.18) and the NNC lower bound in (3.16) (recall that the parameters and 2 can be chosen so as to tighten the bound). By choosing

2 = 1 in (3.16) and by definingµ= |AKc| 2[0,1], the gap is given by

where the last inequality follows by numerical evaluations. The gap result in Theorem 3 follows by substitutingK =N + 2.

The di↵erence between the HD and the FD case is the factor 2 (inside the logarithm) for the HD case. Also notice that the HD gap of 1.96 bits/node is smaller than (1 + 1.26) bits/node where 1.26 bits/node is the FD gap [20]

and the extra 1 bit/node is due to random switch.

Remark 7. The gap in Theorem 3 improves on the previously known gap

result of 5N bits [28]. ⇤

Remark 8 (Single relay case). The gap result in (3.6) forN = 1 givesGAP 5.88 bits, which is greater than the 1.61 bits gap we found in Chapter 2. This is due to the fact that the bounding steps in the special case of N = 1 are tighter than those we used here for a general MGN withKnodes. Notice also

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Number of relays


Figure 3.1: Gap in (3.6) (dash-dotted curve), gap in (3.6) specialized to the HD diamond network (solid curve) and gap in [1] (dashed curve) for the HD diamond network.

that for a single relay, PDF is optimal to within 1 bit (see Chapter 2). PDF has been extended to a general HD multi-relay network in [91]. However, to analytically evaluate this achievable rate and show that it achieves the cut-set upper bound to within a constant gap seems to be a challenging task, which is the main motivation for considering NNC here. ⇤ Remark 9 (Diamond networks). A smaller gap than the one in (3.6) may be obtained for specific network topologies. For example, in [25] and [26]

it was found that for a Gaussian FD diamond network with N relays the gap is of the order log(N), rather than linear in N [20]. Moreover, for a symmetric FD diamond network with N relays the gap does not depend on the number of relays and it is upper bounded by 3.6 bits [27]. The key di↵erence between a general relay network and a diamond network is that for each subset Awe have that rank[HA]2; hence in (3.17b) we can use rank[HA]min{|A|,|Ac|,2}. With this and by numerically evaluating the resulting gap we obtain the result plotted in Figure 3.1. From Figure 3.1, we observe that the gap for the HD diamond network is in general smaller

3.4 Simple schedules for a class of HD multi-relay networks 77