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We will intensively use the following notation. Given 2 G, h 2 H and i 2 N we will denote bybh the history at which i has played for the last time before h; namely,bh is such that (i) bh h; (ii) ibh =i and (iii) there is no eh 6=bh such that bh eh h and ieh =ibh. Of course,bh depends oni but sincei will be clear from the context, we will omit its reference when denoting this earlier history.

6.1 Theorem 1

Let be a sequential allotment rule satisfying individually rational with respect to q 2X and let be the extensive game form obtained from the speci…c phase of the algorithm de…ned in Subsection 4.1.1.

We …rst present preliminary results that we will use in the proof of Theorem 1.

Lemma 1 Let h = (h00; aih00; aih0) be the output of Step 2.t.b (for t 1), with h0 = The inequality in the …rst raw of (11) follows from strategy-proofness, single-peakedness, (10) and the fact thatih00 2Nuh00. The inequality in the second raw follows from the de…nition of ih0 and qh0 =qh00. The inequality in the third raw follows from replacement monotonicity and (10). Since qh00 is a feasible allotment, the inequality in (11) can be replaced by an equality, and since

To prove that the statement in (1.1) holds, we proceed by distinguishing between two cases, depending on the action aih0 2Ah0

ih0 =fd; qh0

ih0 1g:

Case 1: Suppose aih0 =d: Then, Ndh =Ndh00 and, by (12), (0Nh; qhNnNh) =qh:

Case 2: Suppose aih0 = qihh00 1: Then, Ndh = Ndh0nfih0g = Ndh00nfih0g; where the second equality follows from Ndh0 =Ndh00: Hence, by (12), strategy-proofness of implies

ih0(0Nh This …nishes the proof of (1.1) for the case t= 1:

Induction hypothesis: for t> 1; if h00 = (h0000; aih0000; aih000) is the input of Step 2.t-1.a,

Observe that in the proof of (1.1) for the case t= 1, (10) can be replaced by (14) and using the same argument, it follows that


d; qhNnNh

d) =qh:

(1.2) Assume Nuh 6=;: By condition (1) in the characterization of e¢ cient rules,


In order to show that the other inequality holds as well, we proceed by induction on t.

Suppose t= 1: Hence, h00 is the output of Stage 1 and Nh00 =N, Nuh00 6=;, Ndh00 6=;;

Let i1 2 Ndh00: By strategy-proofness (for i1), single-peakedness, replacement monotonicity and (16), Let i2 2 Ndh00nfi1g; if any. By strategy-proofness (for i2), single-peakedness, replacement monotonicity and (17),

Furthermore, by de…nition of ih00; strategy-proofness (for ih00) and replacement monotonicity,


This, together with (15), …nishes the proof of (1.2) for the case t= 1:

Induction hypothesis: fort>1;ifh00= (h0000; aih0000; aih000)is the input of theStep 2.t-1.a, that (23) implies (18). Then, to obtain (22), the proof follows the same argument used in the caset= 1.

If ih000 2=Ndh00; then qjh0000 =qjh00 for all j 2Ndh00: Therefore (23) implies (18) and the proof follows as in the case t= 1:

If ih000 2 Ndh00; then qjh0000 1 = qjh00 1 if j 2 Ndh00nfih000g and qjh0000 1 = qhj00 if j = ih000. Then, by strategy-proofness (for ih000)and (23),

ih000(kNh00 Therefore, (24) and (25) imply (18) and the proof of (1.2) follows as in the case t= 1:

Lemma 2 Let h2HT be a terminal history (and hence, Nuh =; orNdh =;). Then,

Case 1: Suppose j has not played along Stage 2. Then, by replacement monotonicity and the de…nition of qjh,

Thus, (28) and (29) imply that

Proof of Theorem 1 It follows from the three statements that we will present and prove successively.

Statement 1.1 Let be an individually rational sequential allotment rule. Then, the extensive game form is well de…ned and …nite.

Proof of Statement 1.1 We …rst argue that the agents that are called to play along the speci…c phase of the algorithm are uniquely identi…ed and well de…ned. This is clear in any Step 1.t fort 1.

Consider now Step 2.t.a and Step 2.t.b, for t 1; with corresponding inputs h00 and h0, where h00 is not a terminal history. Since i2Ndh00 implies 0< qih00;


u ;(qh00 1)Nh00 d ; qNh00h00

s ) (31)

is well de…ned for all j 2N. Moreover, the sum of the components of the vector where j

is applied in (31) is larger or equal than k. Hence, by e¢ ciency, P

is well de…ned for all j 2N. Moreover, the sum of the components of the vector where j

is applied in (32) is smaller or equal than k. Hence, by e¢ ciency, P

Hence, min<fj 2Ndh0 j j(qhih000 + 1;0Nh0 d ; qh0

Ndh0[fih00g) qjh0 1gis well de…ned and so is ih0. Second, the sets of agents de…ned along the speci…c phase of the algorithm are well de…ned because they evolve, for anyh h0, as follows.

(a) If i2Nuh0 for someh0, theni =2Ndh and i2Nuh[Nsh: (b) If i2Ndh0 for someh0, theni =2Nuh and i2Ndh[Nsh: (c) If i2Nsh0 for someh0, theni2Nsh:

(d) If Nuh0; Nsh0; Ndh0 is a partition of N, then Nuh; Nsh; Ndh is also a partition of N:

To see that the statements (a) to (d) hold, let h h0 be arbitrary. Assume i 2 Nuh0. If i is not called to play anymore, i 2 Nuh: Suppose i is called to play at h (i.e., ih = i).

Then, d =2Ahi. Hence, either i2 Nuh or i2 Nsh: Thus, (a) holds. Symmetrically ifi 2Ndh0: Suppose now that i 2 Nsh0: Then i will not be called to play anymore. Hence, Nsh Nsh0 which implies that i2 Nsh: Thus, (c) holds. The proof of (d) follows immediately from the de…nitions of Nuh; Nsh and Ndh:

Now, we argue that the extensive game form de…ned by the algorithm is …nite.

Stage 1 ends because NnNh0 ) NnNh holds, where h = (h0; aih0); and so, for some history h, Nh = N: In Stage 2, if h is an output history of some Step 2.t.b and Nuh =; or Ndh = ; then h is a terminal history and the game ends. If Nuh 6= ; and Ndh 6= ;, then h = (h00; aih00; aih0) with h0 = (h00; aih00), Nsh00 Nsh Nsh00 [ fih00; ih0g and qh

ih00 = qh00

ih00 + 1, qh

ih0 = qh00

ih0 1 and qhi = qih00 for all i =2 fih00; ih0g (since by de…nition, qih0 = qih00). Then, the algorithm stops at some Step 2.t.b with output h because Nuh =; or Ndh =; (recall that for any history h of Stage 2, with h being its immediate successor, qh

ih = k implies ih 2Nsh and qh

ih = 0 impliesih 2Nsh ).

Let H1 and H2 be the sets of histories that are outputs of some steps in Stage 1 and Stage 2 of , respectively. In addition, let H be the set of histories that are output of Stage 1orStep 2.t.b, for somet 1:Note thatH1 H :By the de…nition of the speci…c phase of the algorithm, the set of terminal historiesHT of can be written as

HT =fh2H jNuh =;or Ndh =;g:

For each terminal historyh2HT the output of the game is o(h) = qh:

Statement 2.1 Let be an individually rational sequential allotment rule. Then, induces ; namely, for all R 2 Rn;

(R) =o(h (?; R)):

Proof of Statement 2.1 Let R 2 Rn be arbitrary, let = ( (R1); : : : ; (Rn)) 2 f0; : : : ; kgn be the pro…le of tops at R and set h := h (?; R): We …rst state and prove three claims.

Claim 1: If i2Nsh ; then i =qih .

Proof of Claim 1: Let i 2Nsh : Then, by the de…nitions of the set Nsh at any h and of the historybh, i=ibh and Ri i(bh)2 f= u; dg: Ifbh2H1; it follows that i = Ri i(bh) = qbhi =qhi . If bh 2 H2; and since bh h and h is the history induced by the pro…le of truth-telling strategies, i qbih+ 1 if i2Nubh and i qibh 1 if i2Ndbh:Then, since ii(bh)2 f= u; dg;

i =

( qbih+ 1 if i2Nubh

qbih 1 if i2Ndbh: (33)


i =qih ;

where the equality follows from (33) and the de…nition ofqih =qih; wherebh im h.

Claim 2: If i2Ndh ; then i < qih .

Proof of Claim 2: Let i 2 Ndh : Then, by the de…nitions of the set Ndh at any h and the history bh; i= ibh and Ri i(bh) = d: If bh 2 H1; it follows that i < qbih = qhi : If bh 2 H2; and sincebh h and i2 Ndbh, by the de…nition of Ri i; we have that i < qbhi 1: But since qbhi 1 = qhi and h is a terminal history of Stage 2, it follows that i < qih .

Claim 3: If i2Nuh ; then i > qih .

Proof of Claim 3: Let i 2 Nuh : Then, by the de…nitions of the set Nuh at any h and the history bh, i =ibh and Ri i(bh) = u: Ifbh 2 H1; it follows that i > qibh = qhi : If bh 2 H2; and since bh h and i 2 Nubh, by the de…nition of Ri i; we have i > qbhi + 1. But since qbhi + 1 = qih and h is a terminal history of Stage 2, it follows that i > qih .

We proceed with the proof of Statement 2.1 by distinguishing between two cases.

Case 1: Assume Nuh =;: By (2.1) in Lemma 2 and Claim 1, (0Nh

d ; Nh

s ) = qh :

By Claim 2, 0 i < qih for every i 2Ndh : Therefore, by strategy-proofness and replace-ment monotonicity,

( Nh

d ; Nh

s ) =qh : Hence, (R) = o(h (?; R)):

Case 2: Assume Nuh 6=;: Then, Ndh =; and, by (2.2) in Lemma 2 and Claim 1, kNuh ; Nh

s =qh :

By Claim 3, i > qhi for every i2 Nuh : Therefore, by strategy-proofness and replacement monotonicity,

Nuh ; Nh

s =qh : Hence, (R) = o(h (?; R)):

Statement 3.1 Let be an individually rational sequential allotment rule and let R 2 Rn be a pro…le. Then, for all i2N, the truth-telling strategy Rii is weakly dominant in .

Proof of Statement 3.1 Consider agenti with preferencesRi and top allotment i. Let


i be i’s truth-telling strategy relative to Ri and let 0i be any other strategy. We want to show that, for all i;

xi =oi(h (;;( Ri i; i)))Rioi(h (;;( 0i; i))) =x0i (34) holds. Let i be arbitrary. Condition (34) holds trivially if xi = x0i: Assume xi 6= x0i: Let h0 be the earliest history at which Rii(h0) 6= 0i(h0) along the equal play induced by both ( Ri i; i) and ( 0i; i) up to h0: We proceed by distinguishing among several cases, depending on the step of the speci…c phase of the algorithm for which the history h0 is an input of, and agent i is called to play ath0.

Case 1: The history h0 is an input of some Step 1.t (i.e., ih0 = i). Then, i2 NnNh0. Let q be the allotment that is part of the input information at this step. We distinguish among three cases.

Subcase 1.1: i = qi: Then, Rii(h0) = i. Hence, i2 Nsh for all h (h0; 0i(h0)); agent i is not called to play anymore and xi = i: Thus, (34) holds.

Subcase 1.2: i > qi. Then, Rii(h0) = u. Setting h = (h0; Rii(h0)), we have that i 2 Nuh: Then, for all h h; by de…nition ofqih;

qi qih: (35)

Denote by h (h0;( Ri i; i)) the terminal history obtained when agents play starting at h0 according to( Rii; i): Because h h (h0;( Ri i; i));

qih0 xi: (36)

Since h = (h0; Ri i(h0)) and h0 is an input of some Step 1.t, h is a history of Stage 1 or Stage 2. Hence, i2 Nuh implies that i2Nuh (h0;( Rii ; i))[Nsh (h0;( Rii ; i)): Therefore, by the de…nition of Rii,

xi i: (37)

By (35), (36) and (37),

qi xi i: (38)

On the other hand, since 0i(h0) 6= Rii(h0) = u, we have that 0i(h0) 2 fqi; dg: Then, by setting h = (h0; 0i(h0)); i 2 Ndh [Nsh which means that qih qi for all h h: Therefore, since h h (h0;( 0i; i));

x0i qi: (39)

By (38) and (39), single-peakedness of Ri implies that xiRix0i: Thus, (34) holds.

Subcase 1.3: i < qi: Then, Rii(h0) = d. With a symmetric argument to the one used in Subcase 1.2, we obtain that i xi qi x0i, and single-peakedness of Ri implies that xiRix0i. Thus, (34) holds.

Case 2: The historyh0 is an input of someStep 2.t.a, and to make the notation consistent with the one used to de…ne such step, set h00 := h0 and so ih00 = i. Then, i 2 Nuh00. Let qhi00 be i’s allotment that is part of the input information at this step. Since i 2 Nuh00 and h00 is a history in the path starting at the empty history ; when agents play according to ( Ri i; i); agenti has chosenu before h00. Hence, by de…nition of Ri i;

qhi00+ 1 i: (40)

We distinguish between two subcases.

Subcase 2.1: i = qih00 + 1. Then, Ri i(h00) = qih00 + 1 = i. Hence, i 2 Nsh for all h (h00; Ri i(h00)); agenti is not called to play anymore, and so xi = i: Thus, (34) holds.

Subcase 2.2: i > qih00+ 1. Then, Ri i(h00) = u and 0i(h00) =qih00+ 1. Hence, i 2Nsh for all h (h00; 0i(h00)); agent i is not called to play anymore, and so x0i = qih00+ 1: Furthermore, using a similar argument to the one used in Subcase 1.2, it is easy to see that qhi00+ 1 xi i. Sinceqih00+ 1 =x0i; single-peakedness ofRi implies that xiRix0i: Thus, (34) holds.

Case 3: The history h0 is an input of some Step 2.t.b (i.e., ih0 =i). Then, i 2 Ndh0. Let qhi0 be i’s allotment that is part of the input information at this step. Since i 2 Ndh0 and h0 is a history in the path starting at the empty history ; when agents play according to ( Ri i; i), agent i has chosend before h0. Hence, by the de…nition of Ri i,

i qhi0 1: (41)

We distinguish between two cases.

Subcase 3.1: i = qhi0 1. Then, Ri i(h0) = qih0 1 = i. Hence, i 2 Nsh for all h (h0; Rii(h0)); agenti is not called to play anymore, and so xi = i:Thus, (34) holds.

Subcase 3.2: i < qih0 1. Then, Ri i(h0) = d and 0i(h0) = qih0 1. Hence, i 2 Nsh for all h (h0; 0i(h0));agentiis not called to play anymore, and sox0i =qhi0 1:Furthermore, using a similar argument to the one used in Subcase 2.2, it is easy to see that i xi qhi0 1.

Since qhi0 1 = x0i;single-peakedness of Ri implies that xiRix0i: Thus, (34) holds.

6.2 Theorem 2

Before starting with the proof of Theorem 2, we present an alternative (and equivalent) way of de…ning, along Stage A, the vectors qh and qh as images of evaluated respectively at mh and mh, according to either (6) or (7). Remember that the de…nitions of mh and mh use respectively the vectors qh0 and qh0, where h0 is the immediate predecessor of h:

It will be convenient to de…ne instead two vectors ph and ph as images of evaluated respectively at lh and lh which depend not only on h0 (and its embedded information) but also on all subhistories up to h (and their embedded information). In Lemma 6 we will show that ph = qh, ph = qh; lh = mh and lh = mh hold, and so both descriptions

are equivalent. Therefore, all histories, sets and vectors de…ned along Stage A using mh and mh (according to the original de…nition of the algorithm in Subsection 4.2.1) coincide with those that would have been obtained from having used instead the vectors lh and lh. However, the more involved description using all subhistories up tohis more helpful for the proofs of some of the statements required to prove Theorem 2.

For the empty history ;, de…ne

p; = (k) and p; = (0);

and, for any history h ;, de…ne

lhj = 8>



k if j 2Nuh[(NnNh) pbh

ibh if j 2Ndh and j =ibh aibh if j 2Nsh and j =ibh and

lhj = 8>



0 if j 2Ndh[(NnNh) pbh

ibh if j 2Nuh and j =ibh aibh if j 2Nsh and j =ibh;

where, given j, bh is the longest subhistory of h at which j has played at (i.e., j = ibh and, for all bh eh h, j 6=ieh). Then, de…ne

ph = (lh) and ph = (lh):

Let Hm be the set of histories obtained by evaluating at vectors mh and mh for histories h in Stage A (as de…ned in Subsection 4.2.1) and let Hl be the set of histories that would be obtained by evaluating at vectors lh and lh for histories h inStage A (as in Subsection 4.2.1, using lh and lh instead of mh and mh, respectively).

Remark 2 We want to emphasize that any history h contains all information needed to recover the sets Nuh; Ndh and Nsh as well as all choices made by agents along h (speci…cally, aih0 and aibh) regardless of the vectors used to evaluate ; for instance, from the history h0 = (;; a4 = 2; a1 = u; a2 = d; a3 = u; a1 = 4; a2 = d; a3 = u); input of Step 2.2.b in the example of Subsection 4.3, we can obtain in an unambiguous way the sets Nuh0 = f3g; Ndh0 = f2g; and Nsh0 = f1;4g and all choices made by agents along h (for instance, a(2;;a4=2;a1=u) =d). In particular, for h2Hm[Hl, the corresponding setsNuh; Ndh and Nsh as well as all choices made by agents along h; can be obtained from h itself, independently of whether the vectors mh and mh orlh and lh have been used to generate h:

Claim 1 Let h 2 Hl be the output of Step A.t and let h0 im h (i.e., h = (h0; aih0)).


(C1.1) if ih0 2Nuh; lh =lh0 and lh = (lh0ih0; phih00 ),

(C1.2) if ih0 2Ndh; lh = (lh0ih0; ph0

holds, by replacement monotonicity and the de…nitions of ph and ph0; phi0 phi for all i6=ih0:

Case 2: Assume ih0 2Ndh0: Then, ih0 2Ndh [Nsh and by de…nition of lhih0; lhih0 =

( ph0

ih0 if ih0 2Ndh aih0 if ih0 2Nsh:

Hence, by e¢ ciency and (3.1), lhih0 phih00 = ih0(lh0) lhih00 . Since, by Claim 1, lhih0 =lh0ih0 holds, by replacement monotonicity and the de…nitions of ph and ph0;

phi0 phi for all i6=ih0:

(3.3) By the de…nition of lh; ih0 2Nsh implies lhih0 =aih0. By e¢ ciency of and (3.1),

phih0 = ih0(lh) aih0: (42)

By Claim 1 and since aih0 belongs to fph0

ih0; : : : ; phih00 g, lhih0 = lh0ih0, lhih0 = aih0 phih00 =

ih0(lh0) lhih00 , where the last inequality holds by e¢ ciency and (3.1). By strategy-proofness,

phih0 = ih0(lh) aih0: (43)

By (42) and (43),

aih0 =phih0:

(3.4) Assume ih0 2Nuh: By Claim 1, lh0 =lh and soph0 =ph.

(3.5) Let i 2 Nsh and i 6= ih0: Let bh be the history at which i has played for the last time before h and let h be the immediate successor of bh on the path towards h (i.e., bh imh im imh0 imh): Then, i=ibh 2Nsh. Therefore, by (3.3),

aibh =ph

ibh: (44)

By (3.2), and since for any history h such thath h h; ibh 2Nsh and ibh 6=ih , lh

ibh =lhibh =aibh =ph

ibh ph0

ibh ph

ibh; (45)

where the …rst equality follows from the de…nitions of lh and lh, the second equality from (44), and the two inequalities follow from (3.2), successively applied in the case of the …rst inequality. Furthermore, by e¢ ciency of and (3.1),


ibh =lhihb ibh(lh) =ph

ihb: Therefore, by (45),

aibh =ph0

ibh =ph


(3.6) By de…nition of lh;we have that, for all i2Ndh[(NnNh),

lhi = 0: (46)

Let i2Nuh: We distinguish between two cases. First, assume there exists bh h0 such that i2Nubh, i2Nuh for all bh h h and i does not play ath : Then,

lhi =pbhi phi; (47)

where the equality follows from the de…nition oflh and the inequality from (3.4) and (3.2).

Assume now thatbh=h0 (becausei=ih0). Then, by the de…nition of lh and (3.4),

lhi =phi0 =phi: (48)

Leti2Nsh. We distinguish between two cases. First, assume i6=ih0 and letbh be such that ibh =i:Then,

lhi =aibh =phi; (49)

where the …rst equality follows from the de…nition of lh and the second one from (3.5).

Assume now that i=ih0: Then, sincebh=h0; the de…nition of lh and (3.3) imply that

lhi =aih0 =phi: (50)

Therefore, by (46) to (50), for alli2N;

lhi phi. Hence, by feasibility of ph;



lhi k:

The proofs of (3.7), (3.8), (3.9) and (3.10) are symmetric to the proofs of (3.2), (3.3), (3.4) and (3.5), and so they are omitted.

Lemma 4 Let h= (h0; aih0)2Hlbe the output of Step A.tand assume Nh 6=N. Then, (4.1) if ih0 2Nuh; ph

ih0 =ph

ih0 =ph0

ih0, (4.2) if ih0 2Ndh,ph

ih0 =phih0 =ph0

ih0, (4.3) if i2Nsh,ph

i =phi =aibh where bh is such that i=ibh, (4.4) if i2Ndh0nfih0g; then phi =phi0,

(4.5) if i2Nuh0nfih0g; then ph

i =ph0

i . Proof of Lemma 4

(4.1) Let ih0 2Nuh. Then, by (C1.1) in Claim 1,

lh =lh0 and lh = (lh0ih0; phih00 ): (51) By de…nition of ph and ph0;

ph =ph0: (52)

By (3.6) in Lemma 3, (51), and e¢ ciency of ,

ih0(lh) phih00 : If ih0(lh)> phih00 ;then

ih0(lh0ih0; phih00 ) = ih0(lh)> phih00 > ph0

ih0 = ih0(lh0);

where the second strict inequality follows from the de…nition ofih0:But, by single-peakedness, it contradicts strategy-proofness of . Then, by (52) and the de…nition of ph;


ih0 = ih0(lh) = phih00 =phih0; which is the statement in (4.1).

(4.2) The proof proceeds as in (4.1), using symmetric arguments.

(4.3) Let i2Nsh and letbhbe such thati=ibh:Ifbh6=h0 the proof follows from (3.5) and (3.10) in Lemma 3. Ifbh=h0 the proof follows from (3.3) and (3.8) in Lemma 3.

(4.4) The proof is by induction on the length of the histories.

Assume that h= (;; ai;) is a history of length 1:Then, h0 =; and Ndh0 =;: Therefore, (4.4) holds trivially.

Assume that (4.4) holds for all h h. We prove that it holds forh:

Let i 2Ndh0nfih0g: Then, by the de…nition of lh0; lhi0 =phb0

i where hb0 is such that i =ihb0: Leth be such that h0 =hb0 and h h (i.e., hb0 imh h). By (4.2),


i =ph0

i =ph

i =phi: (53)

By the induction hypothesis and the de…nition of h, and since i 2 Ndh and i 6= ih for all h h h0,

phi =phi0: (54)


lhi =lhi0 =phi =phi0; (55) where the …rst equality follows fromi6=ih0;the second follows from (53) andlhi0 =phb0

i ; and the third from (54). Therefore, by (3.2) in Lemma 3, e¢ ciency of and (3.1) in Lemma 3, and (55),

phi0 phi lhi =phi0: Thus,

phi =phi0:

(4.5) The proof proceeds as in (4.4), using symmetric arguments.

Lemma 5 Let h2Hl be the output of Step A.t. Then, Nh 6=N:

Proof of Lemma 5 If h = ; the statement follows trivially. Assume that h is a non-empty history and, to obtain a contradiction, that Nh = N: Then, by the de…nition of Stage A, there exists h h such that Nh =Nuh[Nsh[Ndh =Nnfihg. By de…nition ofih


ih < phih:

Without loss of generality, we can assume that agent ih is not called to play betweenh and h. Then, since ph is feasible, there exists i6=ih such that

phi < ph


Since Nuh[Nsh[Ndh =N=fihg; i 2Nuh[Nsh[Ndh. We can apply now Lemmata 3 and 4 to h; because Nh 6=N:

Case 1: If i2Nsh we obtain a contradiction with (4.3).

Case 2: If i2Nuh we obtain a contradiction with either (4.1) or (4.1), (4.5) and (3.2).

Case 3: If i2Ndh we obtain a contradiction with either (4.2) or (4.2), (4.4) and (3.7).

Observe that by Lemma 5 the hypothesis that Nh 6=N in Lemmata 3 and 4 is without loss of generality. Hence, those two lemmata apply to any history inStage A, or output of Stage A. Note that in the proof of Lemma 5 we have used Lemmata 3 and 4, applied to history h; where Nh 6=N:

Lemma 6 Let h be a history such that h2Hm\Hl. Then, lh =mh and lh =mh.

Moreover, Hm=Hl:

Proof of Lemma 6 The proof is by induction on the length of the histories. The induction hypothesis is that for all t 1; the set of histories of length t in Hm and Hl coincide and if h2Hm has length t, then

lh =mh and lh =mh:

If t= 1;then the induction hypothesis holds trivially from the de…nitions.

Assume that the induction hypothesis holds for all t < t: We will prove that it holds for t:

Let h = (h0; aih0) be a history of length t in Hm (or Hl): Since h0 has length t 1; by the induction hypothesis, h0 is a history in Hm and Hl and

lh0 =mh0 and lh0 =mh0; which means that

qh0 =ph0 and qh0 =ph0: Then, h= (h0; aih0) is a history of length t inHl (orHm).

Now, we prove that lh =mh holds.

If i2Nuh[(NnNh); lh =mh holds by their de…nitions.

If i2Nshnfih0g; by (3.5) in Lemma 3 and Lemma 5,aibh =ph0

ibh where i=ibh: Therefore, mhi =qhi0 =phi0 =aibh =lhi:

If i 2Ndhnfih0g; qhi0 =phi0 by the induction hypothesis. Moreover, i 2Ndh0nfih0g and by the de…nition of bh; i =ibh and i 2Ndbhnfih0g: By (4.4) in Lemma 4 and Lemma 5, phi = phi0: By (4.2) in Lemma 4 applied to i=ibh; ph0

ibh =pbh

ihb: Therefore, mhi =qhi0 =phi0 =pbh

i =lhi: If i=ih0 and i2Nsh; then bh=h0 and, by their de…nitions,

mhi =aih0 =aihb =lhi: If i=ih0 and i2Ndh; then bh=h0 and, by their de…nitions,

mhi =qh0

i =ph0

i =pbh

ibh =lhi: Therefore,

lh =mh:

The proof thatlh =mh holds as well proceeds as the proof of lh =mh, using symmetric arguments.

Therefore, the sets of actions available to agentih0 if we usel andlormand mcoincide.

Hence, h= (h0; aih0) is the same history and belongs to Hl and Hm:

Lemma 7 Let h h be two histories in Stage A (h may be itself the output of Stage A): Then,

(7.1) if i2Nuh and i=ih0 =ih0,qhi < qhi; (7.2) if i2Ndh and i=ih0 =ih0 qh

i > qh

i, (7.3) if i2Nsh,qh

i =qhi =qh

i =qhi. Proof of Lemma 7

(7.1) Assume i 2 Nuh and i = ih0 = ih0: Without loss of generality we can assume that i=ih0 does not play betweenh0 and h0:By Lemma 6,


i =qhi =qh0

i < qhi0 =qhi,

where the …rst equality follows from (4.1) in Lemma 4 and i=ih0, the second follows from iterate application of (4.5) in Lemma 4 (if needed) andi6=ieh for allh eh h0 (if any), the strict inequality follows from the de…nition of ih0 and i = ih0 and the last equality follows from (4.1) in Lemma 4 andi=ih0:

(7.2) The proof is symmetric to the proof of (7.1).

(7.3) The proof follows from (4.3) in Lemma 4.

Lemma 8 Let h be the output of Stage A and let h h: Then, (8.1) qhi =aibh for all i2Nsh where bh is such that i=ibh,

(8.2) qhi =qbhi for all i2Nuh where bh is such that i=ibh, (8.3) qhi =qbh

i for all i2Ndh where bh is such that i=ibh, (8.4) qhi qhi for all i2Nuh[Nsh where i=ih and aih =u, (8.5) qhi qh

i for all i2Ndh[Nsh where i=ih and aih =d:

Proof of Lemma 8

(8.1) The proof follows from Lemma 6 and (4.3) in Lemma 4.

(8.2) Let i=ibh 2Nuh and let h be such that bh im h h: Since ibh 2Nuh and ibh 2Nuh; by (4.1) and (4.5) in Lemma 4, and by Lemma 6,

qbhi =qhi =qh

i =qh

i: Now, since h is the output of Stage A,qh

i =qih. Hence, qhi =qbhi:

(8.3) The proof proceeds as the proof of (8.2), using symmetric arguments.

(8.4) Let i2Nuh[Nsh;where i=ih andaih =u. We distinguish between the two sets to which i can belong to.

Case 1: i 2 Nuh. By (8.1), we can assume without loss of generality that h is the last history at which agent i has played; namely, h = bh. Then, qhi = qhi follows from (8.2) in Lemma 8.

Case 2: i 2 Nsh. Then, since i = ih and aih = u, h bh h. Consider h such that h imh bh: Then,

qhi =qhi =qh

i qbh


where the …rst two equalities follow from (4.1) in Lemma 4, i=ih and Lemma 6, and the inequality follows directly from Lemma 6 and (4.5) in Lemma 4 ifidoes not play betweenh andbh, and from (4.5) in Lemma 4 and (8.1) in Lemma 8 otherwise (perhaps, after applying them iteratively). Since i2Nsh;by Lemma 6 and (4.3) in Lemma 4,

qih =abhi 2 fqbh

i; : : : ; qbhig: Thus,

qih qih:

(8.5) The proof proceeds as the proof of (8.4), using symmetric arguments.

Proof of Theorem 2 It follows from the three statements that we will present and prove successively. Along the proof we will use the statement of Lemma 6.

Statement 1.2 Let be a sequential allotment rule. Then, the extensive game form is well de…ned and …nite.

Proof of Statement 1.2 By Statement 1.1 it will be su¢ cient to show that Stage Aof the game is well de…ned and …nite. We …rst argue that the agents that are called to play along Stage A are uniquely identi…ed and well de…ned.

Consider Step A.t, with t 0, with input h0 and qh0 6= qh0. If t=0 and so h0 = ;; i; = min<fi 2 N j q;

i < q;ig is well de…ned. If t 1 and so h0 6= ;, mh0 6= mh0. Hence, NnNsh0 6= ;: Since qh0 and qh0 are feasible, P

i2N qh0

i = P

i2N qhi0 = k: Hence, by (7.3) in Lemma 7, there exists at least one i 2 NnNsh0 such that qh0

i < qhi0, and so ih0 = min<fi 2 NnNsh0 jqh0

i < qhi0gis well de…ned.

As in the proof of Statement 1.1, it is easy to see that the sets of agentsNuh; Ndh andNsh are well de…ned: The proof that Stage A is …nite follows from Lemma 8 and the following two facts: (i) if qhi0 =k and i=ih0 2Nuh0;then i2Nsh and (ii) if qh0

i = 0 and i=ih0 2Ndh0; then i2Nsh.

We now proceed to state and prove that OSP-implements :

We now proceed to state and prove that OSP-implements :

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