• Aucun résultat trouvé


4.1. If there is any research that would significantly strengthen confidence in the risk assessment please summarise this here.

[The species invasiveness is demonstrated by many papers]

high Confidence in the risk assessment is high. A large number of scientific publications demonstrate the invasiveness of the grey squirrel, its economic impact (in Great Britain and Ireland) and mechanisms by which it replaces the native red squirrel, causing wide-scale extinction of the latter. The species is already

established in large areas of Great Britain, Ireland and Italy. The European projections of the grey squirrel’s climatic niche evaluated in Maxent show a high suitability for the species of most of Europe.

Recent, parasitological studies (Romeo et al. 2013;

2014) highlighted the introduction to Italy of the Nearctic nematode Strongyloides robustus by grey squirrels and its subsequent spillover to the native species. The impact of this novel parasite on red squirrels (and potentially other rodents) is still unknown, but it deserves further attention, since it may potentially exacerbate the competition between the two sciurid species

European projections of grey squirrel’s climatic niche calculated in Maxent using records from native and invasive range (Great Britain, Ireland, Italy). Maps taken from the results presented in Di Febbraro et al. (2013).


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