• Aucun résultat trouvé

Addis Ababa from 29 September to 3 October 1980 under KA/omP sponsorship;

2. Ojpges. member States which have not already done so to enact the

necessary legislation for an institutional framework for the development of environmental protection legislation and for the incorporation of environmental provisions and policies into their development


3. Further ur^ee member States which have not already done so to enact the necessary legislation supported bv regulations and administrative measures for the enforcement of environmental protection legislation for

land use planning, wildlife and forest conservation, coastal zone and marine resources management, minerals development, water and air oualit^, solid waste and other toxic chemicals disposal, ,food and drurr quality

control and population migration;

4. Calls upon member States to provide intensive and sustained efforts

in developing public education for promoting environmental consciousness in both the formal and the non-formal systems within the country and also to promote the dissemination of relevant environmental information to enhance the rational management of the environment in development activities;

5- Further calls upon member States which have not already don'? so to legislate for the preservation, restoration, reconstruction and

registration of items of historical sites, ancient monuments and relics, antiquities and artifacts from archeolonical excavations for the preser vation of their cultural heritage and for the promotion o^ scientific

study and tourism;

6. Directs the Executive Secretary^ in collaboration with the Executive

Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to provide, on reoupst, technical assistance to member States to develop their national capabili ties for environmental legislation, assessment and management;

42/ E/CN.14/7*4.

Invites member States, development finance institutions, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme and other countries outside the region to continue their financial support to the Commission to enable the regional prograTnme on the environment to be implemented within the context of the Lagos Plan of Action.

217th meeting, 10 April

413 (XVl)« Pan-African Documentation and Information System 50/

The Conference of Ministers<

Recalling its resolution 359 (XIV) of 27 March 1979 concerning the general design of a pan-African numerical and non—numerical data bank, Recalling its resolution 377 (XV) of 12 April 1980 concerning the necessity for a sound documentation and information system for a self-sustaining and self—reliant Pan—African development policy which has among its primary objectives self-sufficiency in food, the development of natural and human resources, the promotion of intra—African trade, the intensifi cation of industrial development a^d the improvement and creation of viable transport and communication continental links,

Taking into consideration the long—term goals presented in the

Executive Secretary's report 51/ which indicates the year 19^9 as the

end of the preparatory and experimental phases for the African region and for all participating national, subregional, institutional and technical centres,

Noting that the Assembly of Heads of State aid Government of the Organization of African unity at its extraordinary sessions held in

Monrovia in July 1979 and at Lagos in April I9BO insisted on the necessity for a sound documentation and information system for viable integrated development policy in Africa,

1. Expresses its congratulations to the Executive Secretary on implementing phase I of the project almost a year ahead of schedule;

2, Notes with satisfaction that the Executive Secretary has taken the initiative to prepare and propose to member States a project document for the creation of their national documentation centres aid that all the responses so far received have been largely positive;

50/ See chapter III, paragraohs 70 and J\ above*

51/ E/CN.U/789.

of the national., subregional, institutional and technical participating centres;

4* Requests the Executive Secretary to continue his efforts to set up the Pan—African Documentation and Information System programme in general and the PADTS—Sat in particular for the teletransmission of documents without any slow down of the speed of the implementation of the project;

5. Invites all member States to give their full support to the submission of the project to the European Economic Community as a regional project in order to mobilize the necessary regional funds needed for the implementation of the project;

60 Calls upon all member States which have not already done so to accele rate the establishment and operation of their national documentation and informa

tion centres in order to enable the project to build up a continental network as soon as possible;

Expresses its appreciation to the United Nations Development Programme, the International Development Research Centre and the African Development Bank for their financial support of phase I and calls upon them to continue their support of the project and in particular phases IT and III thereof;

8O Notes with satisfaction the advanced stage of negotiations between the

Commission and the United States Agency for International Development, the

European Economic Community, the European Space Agency and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, France, .Italy and, the United Kingdom and calls_upon them to concretize as early as possible their support to the project in order to accelerate the implementation of phases II and III;

Appeals to the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa and the various Arab funds to give financial support to the project and accordingly requests the Executive Secretary to make the necessary contacts with them as soon as possible;

10. Requests the Executive Secretary to submit and forward a progress report on the implementation of the Pan-African Documentation and Information System to the eighth meeting of the Conference of Ministers*

217th meeting, 10 April 1981*

4H (XVI)« Statistical Training Programme for Africa : Regional funding by the European Economic Community 52/

The Conference of Ministers,

Noting the concern that has been shown by a number of Governments over the acute shortage of statistical personnel needed for the collection, process ing and analysis of essential data for national planning and development.

See chapter HI, paragraphs 70 and 71 above.

that, in orr^r to remod^ the M<-"*4-Op through i

h StH+i1 Tii~T

a^d co-orHt-ntoH tr^>i>« nmrnw,

-For Africa was established by a resolution of the "former Erpoutive Committee O-P th^ Commission in May ^/

Furth-r notina the nro—ess so far mpdo in. th~ *,** flierrtf^np o* th

<^T*he nrobiem of inade^to trPi^e^ fPH orpins anH st?ff^ of rpp, tbP renonnendBti-on 5^/ o* t^P m^tinflr of dii-«ton<* of

to se^k nss-istnncp for rp^o^ni fnp<Hnrr -From K

^r and the rfforts so far maHe by tbP CoMnission to ne«nH.rte

ass^. stanre for* thi°

b sat-isfaction the assistance so far (riven to the Pr*naram*>

bTr ^^Tdo^rs, notable t^e'TMtwi Nations Deveio^^t Proffrarm^, t**

«n^ ^or Technical Co-^n^rptio^, +-v^ Fnronean Economo variotis bilateral r>fre"oi-?=;,

o^^derir1: tbe fact that the full i-ipaet of the assistance so far nay not he felt if the aforementioned nmM«iP of fellowhins a-rt

ng are not renoved,

that the African, Caribbean and PnHfir

- at"»on« with the T^,ronean Rnononic ComnunTt-,- for

frt t

aire^d^Tntti^ted ncnot- at»on« with the T^,ronean Rnononic o

further financial ass-.stsnee through the r-rm-sion of re«rionaT funrts to


Annreciatin? the efforts so far «isde bv the African, Caribbean and Pacific secretariat in connexion with the proicct,

Taking note of the r*a"c-m eroressed by a certain number of Governments concerning the"criteria used in tho T-Mn« of scholarships to nationals

of member States,

1. Endorses the nronosais of ^h^

nr-2. Vrrto* ^p Ki^onen^ Economic Co-^'n^ to <n'w

? Reou^Pts th^ E-PCiitive <5erret*ry ^o ass^ the African, Caribbean and PacifiT^retariat to conpi ete negotiations with the Euronean

Economic Comnunitv;

/. Invites the Executive 9ecre+-ar- to revier.' the criteria ^r the attribution of strident *e.UoT-SM.ns in co-onera^ion with re^es

of nemhev States and the ti*aW"" centres concerned.

_ ?1.7th

10 April.

x T .