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A systems approach to sustainable manure management


3.7. A systems approach to sustainable manure management

Livestock production has expanded rapidly in many Asian countries and this expansion is expected to continue. Farm animals consume forages and concentrates (energy, proteins, minerals, and vitamins) to produce meat, milk and eggs. Manure is an inevitable by-product of this process. Manure contains the undigested fraction of the organic matter in the diet, and generally > 70% of dietary N, and > 65% of dietary P (Chapter 4). Hence, manure is an important source of organic matter for agricultural soils and may provide a major contribution to biological, physical and chemical soil quality. In addition, it is an important source of plant nutrients.

Farm animals concentrate organic matter, plant nutrients, and harmful constituents in the places where they are kept. Generally, this causes problems of nutrient depletion and soil degradation in the regions where the feed is produced (unless manures are returned), and nutrient accumulation and environmental pollution in the regions where livestock production is concentrated (unless manures are removed). The higher the livestock density, the bigger these problems tend to be. Land application to fertilize crops is considered the most suitable method to dispose of or to utilize animal manures. This requires much attention in Asian countries where the questions need to be answered on the soil types and crops that respond well to applications of animal manure. The best responding soils generally are those with a low natural fertility. Such soils may be improved significantly by regular additions of animal manure. An example of this can be seen in The Netherlands, where originally very poor sandy soils actually support very prosperous livestock and crop production systems.

Present-day production of the most important arable crops in Asian countries (rice, wheat, maize) is largely based on chemical fertilizers. This can be concluded from reports on long-term experiments with rice in monoculture and rice-wheat rotations [71, 72]. Many of these experiments show a decline in yield and soil fertility over time [71]. The following possible causes have been mentioned [73]:

• A decrease in soil organic matter content and related decline in physical soil quality and soil N supply (particularly in rain-fed conditions).

• A decline in soil N supply due to changes in the composition of soil organic matter associated with prolonged periods with anaerobic soil conditions.

• Negative balances of P, K and other secondary and micronutrients. This is often a problem in crop production systems based on chemical fertilizers. In these systems, N receives most attention and supply of other nutrients may be neglected.

Livestock manures may play an important part in maintaining high levels of crop production. Crop nutrition research should consider effective utilization of this local resource.

This requires a systems (holistic) approach to agricultural development in a region. Although European agriculture has useful expertise and experiences, research will be necessary to develop sustainable local systems in Asian countries. The productive tropical and subtropical environments in Southeastern Asia appear very promising for the development of integrated agricultural production systems with crops, livestock, aquatic products, mushrooms, etc., and for effective use of land, water, solar and fossil energy, and plant nutrients.

Promising systems of manure utilization were observed on the small dairy farms we visited in the neighbourhood of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Although these farms had limited land available, the farmers were growing productive tropical grasses (Pennisetum purpureum, Panicum maximum, Brachiaria ruziziensis), and fertilizing them with liquid manure. Such grasses require large amounts of plant nutrients and may be able to utilize large rates of animal manure. Besides, we were told that manure solids were in high demand for coffee, pepper, and other high-value crops. Nutrient use efficiency of these farms may be assessed by means of farm-gate nutrient balances. It will be very useful if local researchers draw up nutrient balances of these farms. This will provide relevant local information on nutrient use efficiency and contribute to the development of sustainable livestock and crop production systems.


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