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General Equilibrium Models

Trade liberalization and poverty reduction in Africa: computable general equilibrium models approach. Literature review

Trade liberalization and poverty reduction in Africa: computable general equilibrium models approach. Literature review

... computable general equilibrium models (CGE) and the advantages over alternative ...COMPUTABLE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM (CGE) BASICS From the very beginnings of CGE models (Johansen, ...


Methods to Estimate Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models

Methods to Estimate Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models

... Wklv sdshu hpsor|v wkh rqh0vhfwru Uhdo Exvlqhvv F|foh prgho dv d whvwlqj jurxqg iru irxu glhuhqw surfhgxuhv wr hvwlpdwh G|qdplf Vwrfkdvwlf Jhqhudo Htxloleulxp +GVJH, prghov1Wkh surfhgxu[r] ...


Confidence Regions for Calibrated Parameters in Computable General Equilibrium Models

Confidence Regions for Calibrated Parameters in Computable General Equilibrium Models

... CGE models, has the advantage of being much less demanding than traditional econometric methods, both from the perspective of data requirements and numerical pro- ...CGE models, appears in Mansur and ...


Statistical Inference for Computable General Equilibrium Models with Application to a Model of the Moroccan Economy

Statistical Inference for Computable General Equilibrium Models with Application to a Model of the Moroccan Economy

... 7. CONCLUSION During recent years, CGE models have become important tools of policy analysis. However parameter uncertainty throws doubt on the reliability of simulation results. In this paper, we have proposed ...


Confidence Regions for Calibrated Parameters in Computable General Equilibrium Models

Confidence Regions for Calibrated Parameters in Computable General Equilibrium Models

... Lq wklv sdshu zh kdyh irupdol}hg wkh frqfhsw ri fdoleudwlrq lq FJHprghov dqg ghyhorshg wzr vwdwlvwlfdo phwkrgv iru frqvwuxfwlqj frqghqfh lqwhuydov iru wkh fdoleudwhg sdudphwhuv ri wkhvh[r] ...


Real indeterminacy and dynamics of asset price bubbles in general equilibrium

Real indeterminacy and dynamics of asset price bubbles in general equilibrium

... We have provided several mechanisms where bubbles and real indeterminacy exist in equilibrium in a model economy with two kinds of agents. Our analyses suggest that bubbles are more likely to exist if (1) ...




... of general equilibrium models under ...an equilibrium price system and a (risk neutral) pricing measure requires a careful ...agent) equilibrium notion of ...


Education and Poverty in Vietnam: a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

Education and Poverty in Vietnam: a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

... ing on education. We conclude and put our results in perspective in section 4. 2 The Model The general structure of the model is based on an archetypal static CGE model designed by Cockburn et al. (2007). The ...


Migration Impact on Moroccan Unemployment : a Static Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

Migration Impact on Moroccan Unemployment : a Static Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

... Our benchmark computable general equilibrium model is a standard one in- spired from the model of Decaluw´ e et al. (2001) developed by Cockburn et al. (2006). This basic structure will however be deeply ...


No-arbitrage and Equilibrium in Finite Dimension: A General Result

No-arbitrage and Equilibrium in Finite Dimension: A General Result

... P i 6= ∅ ⇔ there exists general equilibrium. Our idea of proof relies on the result that any concave function on R S is bounded above by a family of affine functions. Let F denote the set of affine ...


Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium

Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium

... the equilibrium assignment M only through their eect on individual labor supply choices {L (θ)} θ∈Θ ...the equilibrium depend explicitly on the tax schedule T ...the equilibrium sorting of skills ...


MIRAGE, a Computable General Equilibrium Model for Trade Policy Analysis

MIRAGE, a Computable General Equilibrium Model for Trade Policy Analysis

... CGE models to such objectives, this kind of model being accused of providing an oversimplified, if not oriented, vision of the economies, and in particular of the consequences of a trade ...CGE models ...


A theory of spatial general equilibrium in a fuzzy economy

A theory of spatial general equilibrium in a fuzzy economy

... space ä la Lösch (scattered demand and supply). At last, it covers, as a particular case, the model of a classical aspatial economy (demand and supply concentrated in a single point). 4.2. However, this result is ...


Second best analysis in a general equilibrium climate change model

Second best analysis in a general equilibrium climate change model

... April 8, 2008 Abstract The paper considers a general equilibrium climate change model with two endoge- nous R&D sectors. First we characterize the set of decentralized equilibria: to each vector of ...


Peak Oil through the lens of a general equilibrium assessment

Peak Oil through the lens of a general equilibrium assessment

... a general equilibrium assessment A BSTRACT Peak Oil refers to the future peak of world oil production and its impact on the ...the general equilibrium model I MACLIM ...


The convergence to equilibrium of neutral genetic models

The convergence to equilibrium of neutral genetic models

... Let us review very briefly three main directions of research in the field. The first one studies the diffusion limit model arising, through appropriate time rescaling techniques, when considering gene type fractions ...


Kinetically constrained models : relaxation to equilibrium and universality results

Kinetically constrained models : relaxation to equilibrium and universality results

... Finally, having established the Closure Proposition 3.27 alongside stan- dard and straightforward results like an Aizenmann-Lebowitz lemma 3.20 and an exponential decay of the probability of occurrence of large droplets ...


Equilibrium fluctuations of additive functionals of zero-range models

Equilibrium fluctuations of additive functionals of zero-range models

... the equilibrium fluctuations of additive functionals in a class of zero-range processes, namely those which are ‘asymmetric’, ‘attractive’, and for which a ‘spectral gap’ estimate ...


Adaptive density estimation for general ARCH models

Adaptive density estimation for general ARCH models

... In order to ensure that our estimators converge, we only consider models with bounded penalty, and therefore (5.21) requires that β ∞ (q n ) ≤ C 1 ′ /n 2 . For q n = [n c ] and β ∞ (k) = O(n −1−θ ), we obtain the ...


Agricultural Trade Liberalization, Productivity Gain and Poverty Alleviation: a General Equilibrium Analysis

Agricultural Trade Liberalization, Productivity Gain and Poverty Alleviation: a General Equilibrium Analysis

... a general equilibrium model to capture the additional poverty reduction that could be expected from the ongoing growth effects of agricultural trade ...


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