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Fiscal sustainability

Fiscal Sustainability in the Presence of Systemic Banks: the Case of EU Countries

Fiscal Sustainability in the Presence of Systemic Banks: the Case of EU Countries

... 1 Introduction In the wake of the 2007-09 global crisis, advanced economies suffered dramatic deteri- orations of their fiscal balances, due to bank bailouts, fiscal stimulus packages and the action of ...


Fiscal Sustainability and Demographic Change

Fiscal Sustainability and Demographic Change

... study fiscal sustainability in the EU, combining population projections for 2030 with micro-based elasticities of labor supply and demand, allowing us to overcome this ...


Identifying fiscal sustainability challenges in the areas of pension, health care and long-term care policies

Identifying fiscal sustainability challenges in the areas of pension, health care and long-term care policies

... high sustainability gap is identified, it is necessary to pinpoint the nature of ...the sustainability indicators (covering the full period (to 2060) of projections available from the 2012 Ageing Report 3 ...


Fiscal Sustainability in the Presence of Systemic Banks: the Case of EU Countries

Fiscal Sustainability in the Presence of Systemic Banks: the Case of EU Countries

... 1 Introduction In the wake of the 2007-09 global crisis, advanced economies suffered dramatic deteriorations of their fiscal balances, due to bank bail outs, fiscal stimulus packages and the action of ...


Fiscal Sustainability in the Presence of Systemic Banks: the Case of EU countries

Fiscal Sustainability in the Presence of Systemic Banks: the Case of EU countries

... 1 Introduction In the wake of the 2007-09 global crisis, advanced economies suffered dramatic deteri- orations of their fiscal balances, due to bank bailouts, fiscal stimulus packages and the action of ...


Essays on fiscal policy and public debt sustainability

Essays on fiscal policy and public debt sustainability

... regime-switching fiscal policies to de- rive an endogenous and stochastic fiscal ...analyzes fiscal sustainability as the sovereign default probability, computed from the fiscal limit ...


Green Computing and Sustainability

Green Computing and Sustainability

... 2.3. Increase users’ energy-awareness Unlike in the case of data centers, the user can act directly on the software and devices she uses, and therefore, has a key role to play in reducing the ICT impact on ...


Corporate govermance for sustainability

Corporate govermance for sustainability

... and sustainability to work together to support and implement the proposals in this statement and to contribute to the achievement of the EC Action Plan’s ...


Fiscal devaluation and structural gaps

Fiscal devaluation and structural gaps

... T W > 0. The tax base condition stated in Proposition 5 is a sufficient condition for a decrease in τ f to be compensated for by a less than proportional increase in τ c . In this case, switching from labor taxation ...


La Sustainability Revolution est-elle l’avenir de la finance ?

La Sustainability Revolution est-elle l’avenir de la finance ?

... de SustainAbility, la crédibilité des sources, la méthodologie, la matérialité des critères et l’expérience sont des caractéristiques qui reviennent énormément (SustainAbility, ...


Are Progressive Fiscal Rules Stabilizing?

Are Progressive Fiscal Rules Stabilizing?

... Are Progressive Fiscal Rules Stabilizing? Nicolas L. Dromel, Patrick A. Pintus Abstract This paper studies how income-based, progressive taxes and transfers may reduce aggregate volatility by protecting the ...


Le régime fiscal marocain et les droits de l'homme

Le régime fiscal marocain et les droits de l'homme

... système fiscal marocain au regard des Droits de l'Homme et nous engagera vers un débat épineux, ce qui n'est pas notre ...contrôle fiscal prévues par la loi marocaine sont de nature à restreindre leur ...


Corporate sustainability assessment methodology

Corporate sustainability assessment methodology

... General structure of NP-SAFE is depicted in Figure 18. The evaluation occurs in stages from bottom up, starting from the basic sustainability indicators, which go through co[r] ...


Éditorial – Dossier : Le fédéralisme et le régionalisme fiscal

Éditorial – Dossier : Le fédéralisme et le régionalisme fiscal

... non son organisation administrative » 10 . L’article 119 de la Constitution reconnaît l’autonomie financière des communes, des provinces, villes métropolitaines et des régions. En effet, la Constitution garantit leurs ...


Voter Turnout and Fiscal Policy

Voter Turnout and Fiscal Policy

... There are of course other possible interpretations of our results, that we discuss here. The most obvious one is the existence of an exogenous correlation between the individual cost of voting and the preferences for the ...


Éléments de méthodologie de la recherche documentaire en droit fiscal

Éléments de méthodologie de la recherche documentaire en droit fiscal

... II. Accès aux bases de données 1) Connectez-vous au site internet du réseau des bibliothèques « Libnet » à l’adresse : http://www.libnet.ulg.ac.be/ 2) Sélectionnez « Explorer nos ressources » (sur le post-it jaune à ...


The Fiscal Consequences of Shrinking Populations

The Fiscal Consequences of Shrinking Populations

... Allowing greater migration 21. Immigration can have an impact on long-term expenditure trends. Assuming a continuation of trends in migration into the more developed countries over time (similarly to the migration risk ...


Measuring the Effects of Fiscal Policy

Measuring the Effects of Fiscal Policy

... which fiscal policy is conducted is not fully captured, however, in existing empirical studies that use structural vector auto-regressions (SVAR) to assess the effects of unanticipated shocks to government ...


Essays on optimal fiscal and monetary policies

Essays on optimal fiscal and monetary policies

... optimal fiscal/monetary policy regime features a labor income tax on average two percentage points lower (28%) and three percentage points less volatile ...


Mettre cartes sur table pour résoudre le déséquilibre fiscal

Mettre cartes sur table pour résoudre le déséquilibre fiscal

... d’espace fiscal à la TPS Contrairement à l’impôt sur le revenu où l’assiette fiscale est partagée entre les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux, faisant en sorte qu’un des gouvernements par une modification de sa ...


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