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Dielectric study of the liquid crystal compound octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) using time domain spectroscopy


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1984

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Dielectric study of the liquid crystal compound octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) using time domain


T.K. Bose, R. Chahine, M. Merabet, J. Thoen

To cite this version:

T.K. Bose, R. Chahine, M. Merabet, J. Thoen. Dielectric study of the liquid crystal compound octyl-

cyanobiphenyl (8CB) using time domain spectroscopy. Journal de Physique, 1984, 45 (8), pp.1329-

1336. �10.1051/jphys:019840045080132900�. �jpa-00209871�


Dielectric study of the liquid crystal compound octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) using time domain spectroscopy

T. K. Bose (*), R. Chahine (*), M. Merabet (*) and J. Thoen (**) (*) Groupe de recherche en diélectriques, Département de Physique,

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, C.P. 500 Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada G9A 5H7 (**) Laboratorium voor Molekuulfysika, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

Celestijnenlaan 200 D, 3030 Leuven, Belgium

(Reçu le 20 janvier 1984, accepté le 24 avril 1984)

Résumé. 2014 La technique de spectroscopie dans le domaine du temps (SDT) est appliquée pour la première fois à

l’étude des propriétés diélectriques de cristaux liquides. Nous mesurons la permittivité complexe de l’octylcya- nobiphenyl (8CB) et comparons les résultats avec ceux de la littérature obtenus par les méthodes fréquentielles en régime permanent Nous montrons également qu’il est possible de définir différents domaines de relaxation à

partir des résultats obtenus par la technique SDT, en effectuant des approximations successives des fonctions de distribution des temps de relaxation.

Abstract. 2014 Time domain spectroscopy (TDS) is introduced for the first time to study the complex permittivity of liquid crystals. Measurements have been carried out for octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) and the results are compared

with literature data obtained by conventional steady-state methods in the frequency domain. It is also shown that the TDS results enable one to calculate successive approximations for the relaxation time distribution func-

tions, which can be used to distinguish among different domains.


Physics Abstracts

61.30G - 77.40



1. Introduction.

Time domain spectroscopy (TDS) was first intro- duced to the study of dielectric properties around

1969 [1, 2]. Although the earlier results were more

qualitative [3, 4] than quantitative, recent develop-

ments [5-11] in data acquisition, processing and

reduction of system errors have improved the TDS technique to the point where its accuracy probably

surpasses the traditional frequency domain methods.

The superiority of TDS over the established dielectric

steady-state methods is due to the fact that with this

technique one can obtain the complex permittivity

of a substance over a wide frequency range (100 kHz

to 10 GHz) with a single measurement

Valuable information on the characteristic pro-

perties of liquid crystals can be derived from dielectric measurements [12, 13]. In most cases the available experimental results were obtained for rather low fre-

quencies (mainly in the kHz-range), giving only

information on the static permittivity. Measurements of the complex permittivity for frequencies above

10 MHz (the limiting frequency for radio frequency bridges) are relatively rare. Although measurements of dielectric permittivity at higher frequencies have

been reported in the literature, they exist only for a

limited number of frequencies [14-21]. During the

last years an important effort was made by a research

group in Lille (France) to cover the whole frequency

range between 1 Hz and 26 GHz [22-27]. In their experimental setup three types of measuring cells and

five different measuring systems are used [27]. Although part of the measurements (for frequencies between

1 GHz and 18 GHz) have largely been automated [27], covering the entire frequency range remains time-


In many liquid crystals, dielectric relaxation phe-

nomena occur in the Megahertz and the low Giga-

hertz range. This is exactly the range which can be covered in a single measurement with the present

possibilities of the TDS techniques. In this article,

we shall present for the first time the application of

TDS to the study of the dielectric properties of a liquid crystalline material, octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB).

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019840045080132900



2. Basic principles of TDS measurements.

A basic TDS system is composed of three major

elements : a fast rising tunnel-diode pulse generator,

a wide-band sampling oscilloscope, and a data- acquisition system (Fig. 1). A step voltage pulse produced by the tunnel diode generator with a maximum repetition rate of 100 kHz, propagates along a coaxial line until it reaches the dielectric

sample, where a part of the signal is reflected and the

rest transmitted in the dielectric.

It is possible to determine the dielectric properties

of a substance by analysing only the first reflected [28]

or transmitted signal [29]. However, the TDS confi-

guration best suited for precision permittivity measu-

rements over a wide frequency range is the total reflection from a thin sample with an open or 50 Q termination [30-33].

Although the experimental measurements in a

TDS system are obtained in the time domain, subs-

tantial difficulties are encountered in extracting the

desired response function 0(t) of the dielectric from the reflected signal. A careful comparison has

shown [30] that the analysis of the results is simpler,

more precise and broadband if they are converted to

the frequency domain.

In the case of the single reflection method, there

exists a simple relation in the frequency domain connecting the Fourier transforms R( jw) and VoUw)

of the reflected voltage r(t) and the incident voltage


It is given by :

where the complex reflection coefficient p* is related to the complex permittivity s* by


where and s" are respectively the real and imaginary parts of s*. As vo(t) and r(t) are difficult to define in an analytical form, one can obtain p* from equation (1) by using numerical Fourier transforms for R( jw)

and Yo( jw).

Fig. 1.


Basic diagram of a TDS system.

The analysis based on the total reflection configura-

tion for an open termination (Fig. 2) is more complex

but gives more satisfactory results. For a thin dielectric sample with an open termination, the complex die-

lectric permittivity is given by

where x = jWdB*1/2/C. In this expression c = 1/(Lc Cc)1/2 is the speed of light and Cr are, respec-

tively, the geometric capacitance and inductance per unit length of the line and d is the length of the dielectric

sample. Equation (4), which gives absolute values for

the complex permittivity, has been successfully used

for moderately to strongly polar liquids (Es > 10) [31, 33]. In the case of weakly polar liquids, the accuracy of the measured transients is usually not sufficient

for a reliable determination of the absolute 8* values.

In this case it is more appropriate to use the difference

method [34, 35]. It is based on the difference between the reflection r.(t) from a standard dielectric of known permittivity 81 and the reflection r(t) from the

unknown dielectric of permittivity B*. The difference

is then given by [35] :

with f = x coth x. One can take full advantage of

this method by chosing a standard dielectric with a

real frequency independent 8:. From an experimental point of view a very suitable choice is air and as such,

9* can be replaced by 1 and is is also 1 for air. The

major advantage in this case is essentially that vo(t) - rs (t ) reaches equilibrium faster than vo(t) + r(t ) and as a consequence experimental trun-

cation (due to the finite time window) of the denomi- nator in equation (4) can be avoided [34, 35].

Fig. 2.


Schematic behaviour of the time dependence of

the incident voltage v,(t) and the signal r(t) reflected from the

sample for the total reflection method


3. Experimental

Measurements were taken using a Hewlett-Pac- kard 181 TDR system. The experimental setup for the total reflection measurements is shown in figure 4.

The basic setup includes a tunnel-diode pulse gene- rator (1105 A/I 106 B) with a repetition rate of about 105/s and a rise time of less than 20 ps, a two channel broad-band (dc-18 GHz) sampling amplifier type 1811 A with remote feedthrough sampling head type 1430 C, and a display memory oscilloscope type 181 A. In conjunction with the basic TDR system,

we used a Nuclear Data system for data acquisition

and processing. The sample cell is a short section of a

standard 7 mm APC precision 50 Q coaxial airline.

The length of the sample is determined by the electri-

cal length of the inner conductor of the cell. Its calibra- tion by using known alcohols (ethanol and butanol) gives a length of 6.36 mm. The dielectric sample is placed between two conductors of the coaxial line with inner radius of 1.5 mm and outer radius of 3.5 mm.

The correction of various experimental errors such

as slow asymmetric drift of the incident pulse, noise, jitter and unwanted reflections arising from disconti- nuities have been discussed in detail elsewhere [34, 36].

The 8CB material was obtained from BDH (Poole, Dorset, U.K.) and used without further purification.

The temperature of the sample was controlled within 0.3 OC by means of an Inreco temperature test chamber.

No magnetic field was used to orient the sample, but,

as will be shown further, the measurements in the nematic phase clearly indicate that the results corres-

pond to 8 g which proves that a uniform alignment

was obtained by surface effects.

For time domain spectroscopy 8CB posed some

unusual experimental problems. Although this cyano-

compound has a relatively high permittivity for a liquid crystal, from the dielectric point of view, howe-

ver, it is a moderately polar liquid but with a relatively

low relaxation frequency. With its Eo ~ 9 it is situated at the lower limit for the method determining abso-

lute 8* values on the basis of equation (4).

On the other hand its permittivity is too high to

take full advantage of the difference method based on

equation (5). Furthermore, given the low relaxation

frequency, one has to deal effectively with truncation effects caused by the finite time window of the TDS.

One can derive the static permittivity 80 from equa- tion (4) in the limit cv -> 0 :

Thus 80 is directly proportional to the integral to

infinite time of the difference curve vo(t) - r(t) (i.e.

the area between the curves of figure 2). In order to get

accurate results for s values at very low frequencies

the integrand should represent the complete response.

Fig. 3.


Transient records for the total reflection method

(see Sect. 2). r(t) is the reflected voltage from the sample and rs(t) is the air reflected voltage. Note that the signals have

been inverted and that rit) has the same decay as the inci-

dent voltage vo(t).

Fig. 4.


Block diagram for the synchronized-successive- sampling method

Thus ideally one would desire very long TDS time

windows in the experiment. This is, however, for the

case of 8CB in particular, not compatible with the requirement of a sufficiently strong reflected signal.

A stronger signal can be obtained by increasing the

cell length. But that reduces the high frequency limit.

In order to cover the whole frequency range of interest for 8CB with a single measurement, we had to compro- mise on an optimum length (6.36 mm) of the cell.

Under these conditions we could get a maximum time window T of about 7 ns free of spurious reflec-

tions. We were thus able to cover the difference curve

down to 5-6 % of its original value (see Fig. 5). This

is somewhat above the usually acceptable level of 1 to

2 % with faster relaxation times or lower static permit-

tivities [36]. To approximate the contribution of the

remaining area for t > T we added an exponential

tail to the difference curve, which at long times varies



Fig. 5.


Typical transient record for 8CB. r(t) is the signal

reflected from the 8CB sample and rs(t) is the air reflected signal.

as exp( - t/tc)’ where T, is the time constant for

charging the sample with static permittivity so and

length d through the resistance of the tunnel diode

pulse generator. In order to avoid the additional complication of extrapolating also the sum curve, v(0) + r(t), we used, however, equation (5) with air

as the standard material and as such c: = 1 and fs = 1 and Vo = exp(jco 2 d/c) R,. We have tested the extrapolation procedure by starting at different points between 6 ns and 7 ns and found in all cases

very good internal consistency and also very good

agreement with accurate low frequency results for

so [37]. This gives confidence that the extrapolation procedure is reliable.

4. Results and discussions.

We have measured the dielectric properties of 8CB

over a large temperature range in the isotropic phase

as well as for a few temperatures in the nematic phase.

Figure 6 gives s’ and 8" results as a function of the

frequency f = w/2 n for three temperatures of the range coyered by the experiment in the isotropic phase. T = 41.5 °C is less than 1 °C above the nema- tic (N) to isotropic (I) phase transition temperature

TNI = 40.8 °C. In figure 7 the corresponding Cole-

Cole plots are given for the results of figure 6. Results

for e(w) and s"(co) in the nematic phase at T = 37.3 °C

are given in figures 8 and 9. A comparison is made with

the data (obtained with classical steady-state methods

in the frequency domain) of Druon and Wacrenier [23, 25] for T = 37 °C in the N-phase as well as for

T = 45 °C in the isotropic phase.

From figures 6 and 8 it can clearly be seen that the

100 kHz results are well below the dielectric relaxation

Fig. 6.


The frequency dependence of the real and ima-

ginary part of the complex permittivity (Eq. (3)) for three

temperatures in the isotropic phase of 8CB.

Fig. 7.


Cole-Cole plots for the e’(w) and 8"(m) data in the

isotropic phase of 8CB for the same three temperatures as in figure 6.

frequencies in the MHz-range. Our TDS values for 8’ at that frequency are practically the same as the so values calculated by means of equation (6). In figure 10

we have compared our co results with accurate low

frequency data for 8CB [37]. For most temperatures the deviations are smaller than 2 %. Our two data points in the N-phase are in very good agreement with the static 81 data. This shows that the director was

oriented perpendicular to the electric field direction

even though we did not use a magnetic field. Thus surface effects alone were sufficient to obtain a uni-

formly oriented sample.

The comparison in figure 8 with the data of Druon and Wacrenier [23, 25] shows an overall agreement between both sets of data. Some discrepancies are, however, visible in the Cole-Cole plots of figure 9.

The differences seem to be most pronounced in the low-frequency region.

In figure 7 it can be seen that the Cole-Cole plots

deviate from a semicircle at the high-frequency side

(small 8’ values). The deviations from a semicircle are

even more pronounced in figure 9 for B!(ro) in the


Fig. 8.


Comparison between our TDS results (dots) and

conventional steady-state data (pluses) by Druon and

Wacrenier (Refs. [23, 25]) for e’ and e" in the isotropic phase (at T


45 °C) and for e’ and El in the nematic phase (at T


37.3 oQ.

nematic phase at T = 37.3 °C. This skewed arc

situation, which indicates a distribution of relaxa- tion times, is often described by the Cole-Davidson

equation for the complex permittivity [38]. The Cole-

Davidson equation assumes a continuous distribution of relaxation times. As will be shown later, different relaxation domains are clearly present in our data.

Although it would be quite possible to obtain reaso- nably good fits with the Cole-Davidson equation,

the results would be of limited use because of the presence of several relaxation domains.

It can be clearly seen from figure 6 for the isotropic phase that the relaxation frequency fR, corresponding

to the absorption maximum, decreases with decreasing temperature. The temperature dependence of the

relaxation frequency is usually described by an Arrhe-

nius type of relation [38] :

For the relatively unimportant temperature depen-

dence outside the exponential, one usually has

Fig. 9.


Cole-Cole plots for the data displayed in figure 8.

Dots are our TDS results and the pluses are data by Druon

and Wacrenier (Refs. [23, 25]).

Fig. 10.


Comparison between results from different

sources for the static dielectric permittivity of 8CB. The

data by Thoen and Menu are from reference [37] and the

data by Druon and Wacrenier are from references [23]

and [25].



m = 0 or m = 1. A is a constant, k is the Boltzmann


constant and E is an activation energy. We have fitted our fR data in the isotropic phase with equa- tion (7). For fR the maximum value for e(w) was

chosen. For the case m


0, we obtain A


2.42 x 1012 Hz and E


0.31 eV. For m


1/2, we get A = 8.12 x 1010 Hz K -1/2 and E = 0.29 eV.

Both fits are of nearly equal quality. The solid line

through our experimental data for the isotropic phase

in figure 11 represents the case m = 0. In figure 11 experimental fR values for 8CB from other sources have also been displayed Our average E value of

0.30 eV is lower than the value of 0.42 eV obtained by

Parneix [27] for four compounds of the nCB series

(n from 4 to 8). Our value is, however, in quite good

agreement with the value of 0.27 eV of Davies et al. [16]

for 7CB.

It can be shown [38] that successively better approxi-

mations for the logarithmic distribution function of relaxation times G(ln z) can be obtained from 8"(cv), E’(w) and their derivatives with respect to In w. The

following expressions [38] are of interest to us here :

Fig. 11.


Temperature dependence of the relaxation fre-

quency fR for 8CB. The solid line represents a fit with equation (7) for our TDS data in the isotropic phase. The

results of Druon and Wacrenier are from references [23]

and [25], and the results by Ratna and Shashidhar are

from references [39].

Go is usually called the normalized loss function. If

sufficiently detailed and accurate s’(co) and s"(co)

results over a large frequency range are available, looking at these higher derivatives may also be a

valuable procedure to separate the different relaxation times in case of superposition. This was recently

demonstrated by Zeller [40] for measurements (up to

100 MHz) of 8)(cv) in the nematic phase of binary

mixtures of pentylcyanobiphenyl (5CB) and pentyl- cyanoterphenyl (5CT). From the calculation of G05 Gland G2 for these mixtures it was possible to deter-

mine two dominant relaxation times, which could be ascribed to the reorientation around a short molecu- lar axis of each type of molecule in the mixture.

Since from TDS one has in principle continuous

information available over the entire frequency range

(100 kHz-10 GHz), the above procedure should be

very useful in determining different relaxation regimes. We have applied this method to our TDS results for 8CB. In figure 12 the quantities Gog G1 and G2 (defined in Eqs. (8-10)) are plotted as a function of

frequency for two temperatures in the isotropic phase.

Fig. 12.


Frequency dependence of the quantities Go, Gi

and G2 defined in equations (8-10) for two temperatures in

the isotropic phase.


In figure 13 the same quantities for the perpendicular

component of the complex permittivity et are given

for two temperatures in the nematic phase. It can be

seen very clearly in figure 13 that peaks appear for the higher derivatives, indicating the superposition of

different relaxation domains. For T


37.3 °C in

figure 13, three different relaxation domains seem to emerge from the Gland G2 results. The lowest one

at f1 = 50 MHz, a second one f2 -- 200 MHz and a

third one around f3 -- 800 MHz. The same sequence is present for the results at T = 40.5°C also in figure 13.

The value of f1 has, however, decreased to 43 MHz,

while f2 and f3 remain unchanged. Also in the isotropic phase only f1 shows temperature dependence, while f2 and f3 as far as observable remain constant. In both figures 12 and 13 the highest relaxation domain is rather poorly resolved because of substantial scatter in the calculated G1 and G2 values. It can at the

moment not be excluded that in the range between 0.5 and 4 GHz more than one weak relaxation domain

might be present. The frequency dependence for 8* of 5CB, 7CB and 8CB (the data by Druon and

Wacrenier [23, 25] displayed in Figs. 8 and 9) have recently been discussed in detail by Wacrenier, Druon

and Lippens [26]. By a completely different numerical method [41] the distributed domain was decomposed

into elementary Debye type domains. For the data of 8CB at 37 °C three elementary domains at 12.9 MHz,

69.7 MHz and 370 MHz were obtained. The strongest relaxation mechanism at 69.7 MHz is quite close to our f1 value. The 370 MHz value could possibly be

considered as an average value between our f2 and f3 frequencies. For the relaxation frequency at

12.9 MHz which, according to Wacrenier et al. [26],

should arise from collective movements of the mole-

cules, there is no evidence present in the TDS data

(see Fig. 13). To clarify this point, additional TDS measurements with large time windows and very well

aligned samples are needed. The relaxation frequency fi for 8 g in the nematic phase can be ascribed [13]

to the reorientation of the longitudinal component of the dipole moment of the 8CB molecule at a constant latitude with respect to the nematic director. The relaxation mechanism at high-frequencies is most likely related to intramolecular movements [26].

5. Summary and conclusions.

In this paper, for the first time, results of an inves-

tigation by means of time domain spectroscopy (TDS) of the dielectric properties of a liquid crystal compound are presented. Valuable results could be obtained in a single measurement over a large fre-

quency range (100 kHz-4 GHz). Measurements were

carried out for octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) in the isotropic phase between 70 °C and the nematic to

isotropic phase transition temperature at 40.8 °C.

Fig. 13.


Frequency dependence of the quantities Go, G1 1

and G2 defined in equations (8-10), but restricted to the per-

pendicular components s’i and E" of the complex permittivity

for two temperatures in the nematic phase.

Results for the perpendicular component 8! of the complex permittivity were also obtained in the nema-

tic phase. Our results for the large dipole reorientation relaxation phenomena in 8CB are in qualitative

agreement with previous results by conventional

steady-state methods in the frequency domain [23, 25].

Because of the continuous information available in TDS over the entire frequency range, numerical differentiation techniques allowed us to separate diffe-

rent relaxation domains. Since TDS enables one to obtain information over a large frequency range,

rapidly and at intervals as small as one desires, it is

our opinion that this method is ideally suited to

make detailed studies of the influence of external para- meters (like e.g. temperature, pressure and concentra-

tion) on the different relaxation domains in liquid





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