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Blow-up and nonexistence of sign changing solutions to the Brezis-Nirenberg problem in dimension three


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Blow-up and nonexistence of sign changing solutions to the Brezis–Nirenberg problem in dimension three

‘Blow-up’ et non-existence des solutions changeant de signe pour le problème de Brezis–Nirenberg en dimension trois

Mohamed Ben Ayed


, Khalil El Mehdi


, Filomena Pacella


aDépartement de Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, Route Soukra, Sfax, Tunisia bFaculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université de Nouakchott, BP 5026, Nouakchott, Mauritania cDipartimento di Matematica, Universitá di Roma “La Sapienza”, P. le A. Moro 2, 00185, Roma, Italy

Received 28 February 2005; received in revised form 6 June 2005; accepted 7 July 2005 Available online 6 December 2005


In this paper we study low energy sign changing solutions of the critical exponent problem(Pλ):u=u5+λuinΩ,u=0 on∂Ω, whereΩis a smooth bounded domain inR3andλis a real positive parameter. We make a precise blow-up analysis of this kind of solutions and prove some comparison results among some limit values of the parameterλwhich are related to the existence of positive or of sign changing solutions.

©2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


Dans cet article, nous étudions les solutions changeant de signe et à énergie minimale du problème avec exposant critique (Pλ):−u=u5+λudansΩ,u=0 sur∂Ω, oùΩest un domaine borné et régulier deR3etλest un paramètre réel strictement positif. Nous faisons une analyse précise du ‘blow-up’ de ce type de solutions et nous prouvons des résultats de comparaisons pour certaines valeurs limites du paramètreλqui sont liées à l’existence des solutions positives ou des solutions changeant de signe.

©2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:35J20; 35J60

Keywords:Blow-up analysis; Sign changing solutions; Nodal domains; Critical exponent

Mots-clés :Analyse du ‘blow-up’ ; Solutions changeant de signe ; Domaines nodaux ; Exposant critique

M. Ben Ayed and F. Pacella are supported by MURST, Project “Metodi Variazionali ed Equazioni Differenziali non lineari”. K. El Mehdi is supported by Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:Mohamed.Benayed@fss.rnu.tn (M. Ben Ayed), khalil@univ-nkc.mr (K. El Mehdi), pacella@mat.uniroma1.it (F. Pacella).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.



1. Introduction

In this paper we study low energy sign changing solutions of the problem known as the Brezis–Nirenberg problem in smooth bounded domains inR3. We get two kind of results. First with simple arguments we prove some comparison results among some limit values of the parameterλwhich are connected with the existence of certain kind of positive or sign changing solutions. Second we make a precise blow-up analysis of sign changing solutions whose energy converges to the value 2S3/2,Sbeing the best Sobolev constant for the embedding ofH01(Ω)intoL6(Ω).

To be more precise we need some notations and recall previous results.

Let us consider the Brezis–Nirenberg problem which is the following elliptic problem with critical nonlinearity −u= |u|22u+λu inΩ,

u=0 on∂Ω, (1.1)

whereΩ is a smooth bounded domain inRn,n3,λis a real positive parameter and 2=2n/(n−2)is the critical Sobolev exponent for the embedding ofH01(Ω)intoL2(Ω).

About twenty years ago Brezis and Nirenberg in the celebrated paper [8] proved that ifn4 there exists a positive solution of (1.1) for everyλ(0, λ1(Ω)),λ1(Ω)being the first eigenvalue of−onΩ. Such a positive solution is a minimizer of the functional



Ω|u|2 (

Ω|u|2)2/2 (1.2)

in the spaceH01(Ω). The three-dimensional case is quite different. In this case let us rewrite problem (1.1) as (Pλ)

u=u5+λu inΩ,

u=0 on∂Ω.

Unlike the case of higher dimensions, whenΩ is a ballB inR3Brezis and Nirenberg [8] proved that a positive solution of(Pλ)exists if and only ifλ(λ1(B)4 , λ1(B)). In view of [1] the positive solution is unique and is indeed the minimum of (1.2). For more general bounded domains they proved that ifΩis strictly starshaped about the origin then, defining


λ∈R|(1.1)has a positive solution

, (1.3)

it resultsλ0(Ω) >0.

Another important number connected with the existence of positive solutions is the following λ(Ω)=inf

λ∈R| a minimizer for(1.2)exists

. (1.4)

Note that, by Remark 2.3 in Section 2, we have λ(Ω)=inf

λ∈R|(Pλ)has a positive solutionuλwithuλ2λS3/2 , whereSdenotes the Sobolev constant, that is,S=infuH1

0(Ω), u0(u2/u2L6(Ω)), withu2=

Ω|∇u|2and where uλ2λ=





As recalled before, by [8], we have thatλ(B)=λ0(B)=λ1(B)/4 in the case of the ball.

Obviously for general domainsλ0(Ω)λ(Ω)and, as far as we know, is not yet clear in which casesλ0(Ω)= λ(Ω).

A recent interesting result which states the equivalence between the existence of a minimizer for (1.2) and the fact that the infimum is strictly smaller thanSand as well relates the existence of a minimizer to the fact that the regular part of the Green function of the operator(λ)becomes negative at some point of the domainΩ is contained in [11].

Concerning the existence of sign changing solutions of (1.1), several results have been obtained if n4. As expected, in this case one can get sign changing solutions for everyλ(0, λ1(Ω))or even forλ > λ1(Ω). For details one can see the papers by Atkinson, Brezis and Peletier [2,3], Clapp and Weth [10] and the references therein.


Obviously the casen=3 presents the same difficulties enlightened in [8] for positive solutions.

In the first part of this paper, with a simple argument, we prove that there cannot exist sign changing solutions with low energy in correspondence to a value of the parameterλsmaller thanλ(Ω).

More precisely, let us define λ(Ω)¯ =inf

λ∈R|(Pλ)has a sign changing solutionuλwithuλ2λ2S3/2

. (1.5)

Note that sign changing solutions with energy smaller than 2S3/2always exist ifΩ is a ball as it can be easily seen by considering the positive solution in the half ball which minimizes (1.2) and extending it by oddness to the whole ball.

It should also be pointed out that solutions to (1.1) are smooth as a consequence of a result due to Brezis and Kato [7] (see also [6]).

Now, we state our comparison results:

Theorem 1.1.Letλbe such that there exists a nontrivial solutionuλof(Pλ)satisfying:

there exists a connected componentΩ1ofΩ\ {xΩ|uλ(x)=0}such that


Ω1|uλ|2 (

Ω1|uλ|2)2/2 S. (1.6)

Then we have λλ(Ω).

In the case of sign changing solutions this theorem essentially claims that ifλ < λ(Ω)there cannot exist a sign changing solutionuλwith a nodal regionΩ1in which the energy ofuλ|Ω1 is smaller than or equal toS3/2.

Corollary 1.2.We have that λ(Ω)¯ λ(Ω).

Corollary 1.3.Ifλ(Ω)¯ is achieved, then we have an alternative:


λ(Ω) > λ¯ (Ω) or

λ(Ω)¯ =λ(Ω) and henceλ(Ω)is achieved.

In particular, ifΩ is a ballBthen λ(B) > λ¯ 1(B)/4.

Another result that is obtained with same proof as for Theorem 1.1 is the following

Corollary 1.4.Assume thatΩ is symmetric with respect to the planeT = {x=(x1, x2, x3)∈R3|x1=0}and letD1

be the setD1= {xΩ|x1<0}. Then we have λ(Ω)¯ λ(D1) and λ(D1(Ω).

Though it applies only to symmetric domains, the result of Corollary 1.4 indicates a kind of monotonicity of the parameterλ(Ω)with respect to the domainΩas it happens for the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of−onΩ. In view of the result of [11] it also gives a relation between the sign of the regular part of the Green function of the operator (λ)inΩ and inD1.

Theorem 1.1 and Corollaries 1.2 and 1.3 are also related to the following question raised by H. Brezis IfΩ is a ballBinR3, could exist sign changing solutions of(Pλ)whenλis smaller thanλ(B)=λ1(B)/4?


Obviously the above results give a very partial answer to the above question since they only concern the case of sign changing solutionsuλwith a nodal regionΩ1in which the energyuλ2λis not bigger thanS3/2.

Note that ifλ(Ω)¯ was achieved by a sign changing solutionuλthen either the energy ofuλ should be less than 2S3/2 anduλ should be degenerate otherwise it could be continued to a solutionuλ,λ<λ(Ω), contradicting the¯ definition ofλ(Ω), or the energy of¯ uλshould be equal to 2S3/2.

In the case whenλ(Ω)¯ is not achieved it is possible to prove (see Lemma 4.2 below) that there exists a family of solutionsuλsuch thatuλ2→2S3/2anduλ0 inH01(Ω), asλ→ ¯λ(Ω), i.e. the solutionsuλconcentrate. Hence it is an interesting question to analyze the concentration phenomenon of these solutions.

Indeed the second part of the paper is devoted to analyze the behavior of sign changing solutions of(Pλ)which converge weakly to zero and whose energy converges to 2S3/2 as λ→ ¯λ(Ω). More precisely we prove that these solutions blow-up at two pointsa¯1anda¯2which are the limit of the concentration pointsaλ,1andaλ,2of the positive and negative part of the solutions. Moreover the distance betweenaλ,1andaλ,2is bounded from below by a positive constant depending only onΩ and the speeds of concentrations of the positive and negative part are comparable.

We think that these results, whose precise statements are contained in Theorems 3.1 and 4.1 below, are interesting in theirselves and important to face the study of sign changing solutions of problems with critical Sobolev exponent.

They were also difficult to get since we could not always exploit the same arguments used in the study of positive solutions blowing up at two points.

It is also interesting that, once the blow-up analysis is carried out, we can give an alternative proof of Corollary 1.2, in the case whenλ(Ω)¯ is not achieved, which relies on Pohozaev’s identity and on the sign of the regular part of the Green function of(− ¯λ(Ω))as deduced by the result of [11].

A final comment is that one expects that results analogous to those of Theorems 3.1 and 4.1 below should also hold in higher dimensions and with similar or even simpler proof. Surprisingly our proof only works in dimension 3 because in applying Pohozaev’s identity and getting the convergence of certain integrals the role of the dimension is crucial. We think that other arguments could be used forn4 and a further investigation in this direction is in progress.

The outline of the paper is the following. In Section 2 we prove Theorem 1.1 and its corollaries and we also show a qualitative result which gives the connection between the energy of a solution and the number of its nodal regions.

Section 3 is devoted to state and prove Theorem 3.1. In Section 4 we state and prove Theorem 4.1 and we then give another proof of Corollary 1.2 in the case whenλ(Ω)¯ is not achieved. Finally, Appendix A is devoted to the local blow-up analysis needed in Sections 3 and 4.

2. Proof of Theorem 1.1 and its corollaries

We start by proving Theorem 1.1.

Proof of Theorem 1.1. First, ifuλdoes not change sign we deduce thatΩ1=Ω. In this case, it is easy to see that Jλ(uλ)S.

Assume that inf

uH01(Ω), u=0


thenuλis a minimizer forJλ which contradicts the result of [11] according to which the infimum is achieved if and only if it is smaller thanS. Thus


uH01(Ω), u=0

Jλ(u) < S

and hence again by the result of [11],Jλhas a minimizervλ. Thusλλ(Ω).

Now, we analyze the case whenuλchanges sign. In this case, we definewλas wλ=uλ in Ω1, wλ=0 inΩ\Ω1.

Without loss of generality, we can assume thatwλ0. Sinceuλ=0 on∂Ω1, we havewλH01(Ω). Now, multiplying (Pλ)bywλand integrating onΩ, we obtain








wλ6. (2.1)

Observe that, because of the assumption (1.6) Jλ(wλ):= wλ2λ


Ωwλ6)1/3S. (2.2)

Assume that inf

uH01(Ω), u=0


thenwλis a minimizer forJλ, which is a contradiction since, by [11], the infimum can only be achieved if it is strictly smaller thanS. Thus


uH01(Ω), u=0

Jλ(u) < S

and hence by the result of [11],Jλhas a minimizervλ. Thusλλ(Ω). Theorem 1.1 is thereby proved. 2 Next, we are going to give the proofs of Corollaries 1.2–1.4.

Proof of Corollary 1.2. Letλλ(Ω)¯ be such that there exists a sign changing solution uλ of(Pλ)withuλ2λ 2S3/2. Sinceuλ2λ= u+λ2λ+ uλ2λ, we have thatu+λ2λS3/2oruλ2λS3/2. Then the assumptions of Theo- rem 1.1 are satisfied and thereforeλλ(Ω). Hence the corollary follows. 2

Proof of Corollary 1.3. By Theorem 1.1, we know thatλ(Ω)¯ λ(Ω). Ifλ(Ω)is achieved then as in the proof of Corollary 1.2, we obtainu+¯

λ(Ω)2λ(Ω)¯ S3/2oru¯

λ(Ω)2λ(Ω)¯ S3/2. So, following the proof of Theorem 1.1, we derive thatJλ(Ω)¯ has a minimizer. Now, if we assume thatλ(Ω)¯ =λ(Ω)we derive thatJλ(Ω)has a minimizer and thereforeλ(Ω)is achieved.

Since whenΩ is a ballBwe know by [8] thatλ(B)=λ1(B)/4 is not achieved we getλ(Ω) > λ¯ 1(B)/4. 2 Proof of Corollary 1.4. Letλ > λ(D1)such that there exists a positive solutionuλof the problem(Pλ)onD1with


D1u2λS3/2. Extendinguλby oddness with respect toT, we can construct a sign changing solution vλof(Pλ)which satisfies










Thusλλ(Ω)¯ and therefore

λ(D1)λ(Ω).¯ (2.3)

Corollary 1.4 follows immediately from (2.3) and Corollary 1.2. 2

We now state and prove a general result on the relation between the energy of a sign changing solution of(Pλ)and the number of its nodal regions.

Proposition 2.1.Assume thatμ < λ1(Ω)and letuλbe a sign changing solution of(Pλ)such that uλ0 asλμ.

Then, we have


|∇uλ|2kS3/2 1+o(1) ,

wherekis the number of the connected components ofΩ\Zλ, withZλ= {xΩ|uλ(x)=0}.


Proof. LetΩ1be a connected component ofΩ\Zλ. We observe that −uλ=u5λ+λuλ inΩ1,

uλ=0 on∂Ω1. (2.4)

Multiplying (2.4) byuλand integrating onΩ1, we obtain






u2λ 1 S3


|∇uλ|2 3

+ λ λ11)


|∇uλ|2, (2.5)

whereλ11)is the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of−onΩ1. Notice thatλ111(Ω)and therefore (2.5) implies that

1− λ



|∇uλ|2 1 S3


|∇uλ|2 3

. Hence


|∇uλ|2c >0 whenλis close toμ, (2.6)

wherecis a positive constant which depends only onμandλ1(Ω).

On the other hand, sinceuλ0 inΩ asλμ, we have that

Ω1u2λ→0 and hence 1+o(1)


|∇uλ|2 1 S3


|∇uλ|2 3

. Thus, by (2.6)


|∇uλ|2S3/2 1+o(1) . Therefore


|∇uλ|2kS3/2 1+o(1) ,

wherekis the number of the connected components ofΩ\Zλ. Therefore our proposition is established. 2 Clearly, Proposition 2.1 implies the following:

Corollary 2.2.Assume thatλ(Ω) < λ¯ 1(Ω)and letuλbe a sign changing solution of(Pλ)such that


|∇uλ|2→2S3/2 and uλ0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Then the setΩ\ {xΩ|uλ(x)=0}has exactly two connected components.

Before ending this section, let us mention the following remark:

Remark 2.3.Let λ(Ω)=inf

λ∈R|(Pλ)has a positive solutionuλwithuλ2λS3/2 , withuλ2λ=


Ωu2λ. Then we have λ(Ω)=λ(Ω),

whereλ(Ω)is defined by (1.4).

Proof. It follows from the same proof as for the case of Theorem 1.1 whenuλis a positive solution. 2


3. Blow-up analysis

This section is devoted to the proof of the following result:

Theorem 3.1.Assume thatλ(Ω) < λ¯ 1(Ω)and let(uλ)be a family of sign changing solutions of(Pλ)which satisfies uλ2:=


|∇uλ|2→2S3/2 and uλ0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Then, there exist two local extremum pointsaλ,1,aλ,2ofuλand a positive constantα, which depends only onΩ, such that

uλP δ(aλ,1λ,1)+P δ(aλ,2λ,2) →0, asλ→ ¯λ(Ω), μλ,i:=31/2uλ(aλ,i)2→ +∞, asλ→ ¯λ(Ω), fori∈ {1,2},

d(aλ,i, ∂Ω)α, fori∈ {1,2} and |aλ,1aλ,2|α forλclose toλ(Ω),¯ whereP δ(a,μ)denotes the projection ofδ(a,μ)onH01(Ω), that is,

P δ(a,μ)=δ(a,μ) inΩ, P δ(a,μ)=0 on∂Ω, and δ(a,μ)(x)= 31/4μ1/2 (1+μ2|xa|2)1/2.

To prove Theorem 3.1, we need some preliminary results. In the sequel we denote by(uλ)the family of solutions which satisfies the assumption of Theorem 3.1.

Lemma 3.2.We have that (i)




uλ2S3/2 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω), (ii)






S3/2 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω),

whereu+λ =max(uλ,0)anduλ =max(0,−uλ).

Proof. Multiplying(Pλ)byu±λ and integrating onΩ, we obtain
















. (3.1)

On the other hand, sinceuλ0 inΩasλλ(Ω), we have



→0 and



→0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω). (3.2)

Therefore, arguing as in the proof of Proposition 2.1, we find u+λ2S3/2 1+o(1)

and uλ2S3/2 1+o(1) . Clearly



λ2=2S3/2 1+o(1) .

Therefore claim (i) of Lemma 3.2 follows. Claim (ii) follows from (3.1), (3.2) and claim (i). 2 Lemma 3.3.We have that


Ω u+λ → +∞, Mλ,:=max

Ω uλ → +∞ asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).


Proof. Arguing by contradiction, we assume thatMλ,+casλλ(Ω). Thereforeu+λL(Ω)andu+λ →0 a.e.

Thus(u+λ)6→0 inL1(Ω)which contradicts Lemma 3.2. HenceMλ,+→ ∞asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

In the same way, we prove thatMλ,→ +∞asλ→ ¯λ(Ω). 2 Without loss of generality, we can assume in the sequel that

Mλ,+Mλ,. (3.3)

LetΩλ:=Mλ,2+aλ,1), whereaλ,1Ω such thatMλ,+=uλ(aλ,1), and we denote byvλ the function defined onΩλby

vλ(y)=Mλ,1+uλ aλ,1+Mλ,2+y

. (3.4)

It is easy to see thatvλsatisfies (Qλ)


vλ=v5λ+λMλ,4+vλ inΩλ,

vλ=0 on∂Ωλ,

vλ(0)=1, |vλ|1 inΩλ. (Recall that, we have assumedMλ,+Mλ,.)

Using the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, we see that








|uλ|6→2S3/2 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Let us prove the following lemma.

Lemma 3.4.We have that

Mλ,2+d(aλ,1, ∂Ω)→ +∞ asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Proof. As in the proof of Lemma 2.3 of [5], we can show that l:= lim


Mλ,2+d(aλ,1, ∂Ω) >0.

Arguing by contradiction, we suppose thatl <∞. Then it follows from(Qλ)and standard elliptic theories that there exists some functionv, such thatvλvinCloc2 (Π ), whereΠ is a half space ofR3, andvsatisfies




v=v5, |v|1 inΠ,

v=0 on∂Π,

v(0)=1, ∇v(0)=0, v22S3/2, vL6c.

But ifΠis a half space ofR3, by Pohozaev Identity,vhas to vanish identically. Thus, we derive a contradiction and our lemma follows. 2

From Lemma 3.4, we derive that there exists some functionv, such that,vλvinCloc2 (R3), andvsatisfies


v=v5, |v|1 inR3, v(0)=1, ∇v(0)=0,

v22S3/2, vL6c.

(3.5) But, we know that ifv is a sign changing solution, thenv2>2S3/2(see p. 170 of [17]). Thenvhas to be positive and therefore, it follows from [9] that

v(y)=δ(0,α0)(y), withα0=1/√ 3.


Mλ,1+uλ aλ,1+Mλ,2+y

δ(0,α0)(y)→0 inC2loc R3

asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).


Observe that

Mλ,1+uλ aλ,1+Mλ,2+y

δ(0,α0)(y)=Mλ,1+ uλ(x)δ(aλ,1λ,1)(x) , whereμλ,1=31/2Mλ,2+.

Lemma 3.5.Letuλ,1(x)=uλ(x)P δ(aλ,1λ,1)(x). Then we have (i)




|∇uλ|2S3/2+o(1) asλ→ ¯λ(Ω),





|uλ|6S3/2+o(1) asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Proof. We have






|∇P δ(aλ,1λ,1)|2−2


uλP δ(aλ,1λ,1). (3.6)

According to Bahri [4] (see also Rey [14]), we have thanks to Lemma 3.4


|∇P δ(aλ,1λ,1)|2=S3/2+o(1) asλ→ ¯λ(Ω). (3.7)

We also have


uλP δ(aλ,1λ,1)=
















λ,1λ,1). Using Lemma 3.4 and Bahri [4] (see also Rey [14]), we have



λ,1λ,1)=S3/2+o(1) asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

We now notice that



0)=o(1), forRlarge enough,




0)=o(1), because ofvλδ(0,α0)inCloc2 R3 . Then


uλP δ(aλ,1λ,1)=S3/2+o(1). (3.8)

Therefore claim (i) follows from (3.6), (3.7) and (3.8). The proof of claim (ii) is similar to the proof of claim (i), so we will omit it. 2

Now, let us introduce the following notations:



xΩ |xaλ,1|1/2uλ(x), (3.9)



, (3.10)

Ωλ,+:= the connected component ofΩ\Zλwhich containsaλ,1, (3.11)

dλ,1:=d(aλ,1, ∂Ωλ,+). (3.12)

Proposition 3.6.We have that hλ:=max

xΩ |xaλ,1|1/2uλ(x)→ +∞ asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Proof. First, we recall that the functionvλ, defined in (3.4), converges toδ(0,α0)inCloc2 (R3). Thereforedλ,1Mλ,2+→ +∞asλ→ ¯λ(Ω). Secondly, we are going to prove the following crucial claim:

hλcdλ,10 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω), (3.13)

wherecis a positive constant independent ofλ, forλclose toλ(Ω).¯

Arguing by contradiction, we assume thathλcanddλ,1→0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω). We set

wλ(y)=dλ,11/2uλ(aλ,1+dλ,1y), yΩλ,+:=dλ,11λ,+aλ,1). (3.14) Observe thatB(0,1)⊂Ωλ,+, and we have

|y|1/2wλ(y)c, for allyB(0,1),

wλ(0)=dλ,11/2uλ(aλ,1)=dλ,11/2Mλ,+→ +∞ asλ→ ¯λ(Ω). (3.15) Therefore 0 is an isolated blow-up point ofwλ(see Appendix A for definition). Notice thatwλsatisfies

wλ=w5λ+λdλ,12 wλ, wλ>0 inΩλ,+,

wλ=0 on∂Ωλ,+.

Then it follows from Proposition A.9 in Appendix A that 0 is an isolated simple blow-up point inB(0,1). By Propo- sitions A.6 and A.7 of Appendix A, we know that there exist positive constantsc1andc2such that


wλ(y)c2wλ1(0)|y|1 foryB(0,1/2)\ {0}. (3.16) Observe that

wλ+Vλwλ=0, withVλ=w4λ+λdλ,12 . Notice that, sincehλis bounded, we have

Vλ(y)c for allyΩλ,+\B(0,1/4).

By Harnack Inequality (see Corollary 8.21 of [12]), we deduce that, for any compact setKofΩλ,+\ {0}, we have

wλ(y)cKwλ(0)1 for allyK. (3.17)

Now, we set


It is easy to see thatwλsatisfies

wλ=wλ(0)4wλ5+λdλ,12 wλ, wλ>0 inΩλ,+,

wλ=0 on∂Ωλ,+.

By (3.17),wλis bounded in any compact set ofΩλ,+\ {0}. It follows from standard elliptic theories thatwλconverges inCloc2 \ {0})to some positive functionwC2\ {0}), whereΠ is the limit domain ofΩλ,+whenλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Sincedλ,1→0, we see thatwsatisfies


w=0, w0 inΠ\ {0},

w=0 on∂Π.

It follows from (3.16) that 0 is a nonremovable singularity ofw. Therefore

wλαGΠ(0,·) inCloc2 \ {0}),

whereGΠ(0,·)is the Green function of the Laplacian operator with Dirichlet boundary condition defined on the limit domain andαis a positive constant. Such a Green function can be written as

GΠ(0, y)= |y|1H (0, y),

where by the maximum principleH (0, y) >0.

Applying Pohozaev Identity in the form of Theorem 1.1 of [13], we derive that, for 0< r <1/2 λdλ,12


w2λr 6


w6λr 2λdλ,12




B(r, x, wλ,wλ)dx, (3.18)

whereBr=B(0, r)and where B(r, x, u,u)=1



2|∇u|2+r ∂u

∂ν 2

. (3.19)

Multiplying (3.18) bywλ2(0)and using the homogeneity of the operatorB, we obtain λdλ,12










B(r, x,wλ,wλ)dx. (3.20) Using (3.16), we derive that



w6λcwλ4(0)r3→0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω),






|y|2 cλdλ,12 →0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω), λdλ,12


w2λcλdλ,12 →0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Therefore the left-hand side of (3.20) tends to zero asλλ(Ω).

Now, since

wλαGΠ(0,·) inCloc2 (∂Br)for 0< r <1/2 and forrsmall

GΠ(0, x)= |x|1H (0,0)+o |x|

, with|x| =r, we deduce that


λ→¯λ(Ω), r0


B(r, x,wλ,wλ)dx=1

2α2ω3H (0,0) >0,

whereω3is the area of the unit sphere inR3. This leads a contradiction and therefore claim (3.13) follows.

Now, we are going to prove Proposition 3.6. Arguing by contradiction, we suppose that hλc, withcis a positive constant independent ofλ.

By claim (3.13), we havedλ,1c >0 asλλ(Ω). Observe that|aλ,1xλ,|dλ,1, wherexλ,Ω such that

|uλ(xλ,)| =maxuλ. Thus, using Lemma 3.3, we obtain

|aλ,1xλ,|1/2uλ(xλ,)→ +∞ asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).


This implies thathλ→ +∞asλ→ ¯λ(Ω). Therefore we obtain a contradiction and our proposition follows. 2 Now, letxλ,2ΩandMλ,2>0 such that

hλ= |aλ,1xλ,2|1/2Mλ,2, wherehλis defined by (3.9). We set


uλ(y)=Mλ,21uλ xλ,2+Mλ,22y

foryΩλ,2:=Mλ,22 xλ,2).

Recall that, for anyxΩ, we have


Notice that, forxB(xλ,2,|xλ,2aλ,1|/2), we have|xaλ,1||xλ,2aλ,1|/2. Hence Mλ,21uλ(x)

2 for anyxB xλ,2,|xλ,2aλ,1|/2


Thus, we obtain u˜λ(y)

2 for anyyB 0, Mλ,22 |xλ,2aλ,1|/2

Ωλ,2. As in Lemma 3.4, we can prove that

Mλ,22 d(xλ,2, ∂Ω)→ +∞ asλ→ ¯λ(Ω),

and thereforeu˜λconverges inCloc2 (R3)to some functionϕsuch that



ϕ=ϕ5 inR3, ϕ(0)=1, ϕ(x)√

2, ϕ22S3/2.

Thusϕdoes not change sign and therefore two cases may occur:

Case1:uλ(xλ,2) >0. In this caseϕ >0 and therefore there existb∈R3andμ >0 such thatϕ=δ(b,μ). Using Proposition 3.6, we see that


λ22S3/2+o(1) asλ→ ¯λ(Ω)

which contradicts Lemma 3.2. Thus this case cannot happen.

Case2:uλ(xλ,2) <0. Thusϕ <0 and therefore there existb∈R3andμ >0 such thatϕ= −δ(b,μ). Sincebis a nondegenerate critical point of δ(b,μ), there existsbλb as λ→ ¯λ(Ω), such thatuλ(bλ)=0 and u˜λ(bλ)→ 31/4μ1/2. We see that


uλ+δ(bλ,31/2u˜λ(bλ)2)→0 inCloc2 R3

asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Thus we have found a second blow-up pointaλ,2ofuλwith the concentrationμλ,2defined by aλ,2=xλ,2+Mλ,21bλ and μλ,2=31/2uλ(aλ,2)2.

Clearly, we have

uλ(aλ,2)=0 and


P δ(aλ,1λ,1)· ∇P δ(aλ,2λ,2)→0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω).

Therefore, as in Lemma 3.5, we obtain

uλP δ(aλ,1λ,1)+P δ(aλ,2λ,2) →0 asλ→ ¯λ(Ω). (3.21) Now, we are in position to prove Theorem 3.1.

Proof of Theorem 3.1. We have already proved the existence of two local extremum pointsaλ,1,aλ,2ofuλsatisfying (3.21) and

μλ,i:=31/2uλ(aλ,i)2→ +∞, μλ,id(aλ,i, ∂Ω)→ +∞ asλ→ ¯λ(Ω), fori∈ {1,2}.


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