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Exodus: Why I limited my scope of practice


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Canadian Family PhysicianLe Médecin de famille canadien Vol 53:  october • octobre 2007


Why I limited my scope of practice

Donna P. Manca



he  millennium  brought  many  changes  for  fam- ily  physicians,  including,  in  my  case,  a  decision  to  limit  my  practice.  The  exodus  of  family  doc- tors from the Edmonton hospital where I worked had  started  in  the  1990s;  we  were  like  canaries  in  the  mine,  and  our  leaving  was  among  the  first  signs  that  the system was sick.

Better times

In  the  early  1980s  I  felt  respected  and  valued.  I  could  cope with the workload and the call was doable. I was  up the occasional night but did not feel overwhelmed or  unable to function. I could attend to my patients’ needs. 

I  met  many  specialist  colleagues  in  the  mornings  dur- ing  hospital  rounds  and  felt  supported  and  valued  by  them.  My  office  was  busy  but  I  was  not  pressured  to  see  more  patients  than  I  could  han-

dle.  The  patients  I  saw  were  not  so  complex that I could not address their  concerns  within  the  time  frame  of  a  regular visit. The paperwork was man- ageable  within  the  hours  of  a  routine  day at the office. After-hours coverage  was  shared  among  our  group.  I  could 

afford  to  attend  the  occasional  medical  conference  or  to take a couple weeks of holidays with my family. All  of this was about to change.

As  the  decade  progressed,  so  did  medical  care. 

Captopril  changed  how  I  treated  cardiac  conditions. 

New  investigations  were  introduced  and  some,  such  as  ultrasounds,  were  becoming  routine.  I  was  able  to  detect more conditions and had more in my black bag  to  offer.  Medicine  became  more  difficult,  as  patients  had  more  and  more  conditions  to  be  investigated  and  treated. Many patients who would once have died were  now  surviving  with  multiple  complex  problems;  they  were more difficult to manage in routine appointments. 

Other  patients  presented  to  hospital  with  acute  or  chronic conditions that could not be managed at home.

The terrible 90s

The  1990s  brought  growing  change  with  the  loom- ing “health care crisis.” There were severe hospital bed  shortages.  With  the  aging  population  came  increasing  numbers  of  complex,  frail,  elderly  patients  who,  once  admitted  to  hospital,  blocked  the  acute  beds  because  the nursing homes and auxiliary hospitals were full.

Nursing home staff and auxiliary hospital staff were  cut. I used to make rounds on my elderly patients with  the  nursing  staff,  but  that  changed  and  no  one  was  available  to  discuss  orders  or  concerns.  The  number  of urgent calls increased, as did the urgent after-hours  visits to the chronic care settings; many such calls were  for  conditions  that  would  once  have  been  addressed  on  weekly  visits  when  there  had  been  an  adequate  complement of nurses. I dreaded late-night calls; there  were times I felt unsafe trying to get into facilities when  the  busy  nurses  on  duty  could  not  answer  the  door  buzzer or my pages. I recall peering in windows in the  dead of night trying to get a nurse’s attention.

The  situation  in  the  hospital  was  also  critical. 

Physicians were seen as causing the problems with “too  many  admissions.”  There  was  a  decision  that  all  the  family  physicians’  admissions  would  be  screened  by  specialists  to  reduce  the  number  of  “inappropriate  admis- sions.”  I  remember  one  night  I  had  a  patient with severe heart failure whom  I could no longer manage in the emer- gency  hallway.  It  was  about  3:00 AM  and  I  needed  the  nursing  staff  on  the  ward  to  care  for  my  patient.  Admitting  would  not  allow  this without approval from the specialist on call. I woke  a  gastroenterologist  who  was  kind  enough  to  approve  the admission for me so that I did not need to stay in the  emergency  department  all  night  tending  to  my  patient. 

This policy added to the problem and was soon canceled.

The hospital nurses were overwhelmed and could not  attend to my patients’ needs. I had to visit some of my  patients 2 or 3 times a day (or night) to assess whether  they were receiving the treatments I had ordered. I could  not get access to the specialists, as they had their own  inpatients to care for and urgent inpatient consultations  sometimes took a week or more to arrange.

I  recall  the  gross  billings  of  a  few  physicians  being  published  by  newspapers,  implying  that  the  amounts  were typical of what doctors lived on. Health care econ- omists  and  politicians  indicated  that  a  major  problem  was  “too  many  doctors.”  The  solution:  cut  down  on  enrolment to medical schools.

The  fee-for-service  billings  did  not  address  the  increased unpaid work. The paperwork escalated so that  for every 2 hours I saw patients, I needed to spend 1 hour  on paperwork. When I saw patients, I prescribed enough 

We were like canaries in

the mine



Vol 53:  october • octobre 2007 Canadian Family PhysicianLe Médecin de famille canadien



medication to last until the next time they needed to be  reassessed.  The  number  of  prescription  refill  requests  escalated,  and  some  pharmacists  and  patients  had  the  attitude that I was trying to make money by forcing my  patients to come in for refills. Referral groups offset their  clerical  workloads  onto  us  so  that  our  office  had  extra  work with referral procedures. The tremendous increase  in unpaid work caused my take-home income to shrink; 

I was not the rich doctor society imagined. I had trouble  taking  holidays,  as  any  time  away  was  prohibitive  due  to  high  overhead  costs  and  the  difficulty  of  finding  phy- sicians  willing  to  cover  the  practice.  I  could  not  afford  to  attend  medical  conferences,  and  continuing  medical  education was financially troublesome as well.

This  was  the  scene  in  the  90s,  which  is  why  there  was an exodus of family physicians from the hospital. I  hung on longer than most.

Adapt to survive

For me, the straw that broke the camel’s back occurred  on  call  when  I  was  detained  for  a  couple  of  hours  dur- ing a difficult delivery. I was unable to answer my pager  and  the  message  centre  was  full;  I  recall  there  were  more than 20 unanswered pages. The urgent messages  included calls about an infant in emergency who needed  admission;  2  patients  on  the  wards  who  were  rapidly  deteriorating  and  needed  assessment;  a  distressed  patient  in  a  palliative  care  unit  that  was  a  15-minute  drive away who needed tending; and patients in a nurs- ing home that was a 30-minute drive away who needed  to  be  assessed  immediately.  I  was  completely  over- whelmed and realized that I could no longer continue to  provide that level of care. 

I adapted and decided to become an academic family  physician with a focus on research. My practice is now  limited, as I no longer deliver babies or admit patients to  nursing homes. In some ways I am busier; however, my  patients are well cared for.

Although  the  1990s  were  a  dark  time  for  me,  I  never  regretted  becoming  a  family  physician.  The  problems  I  experienced  were  external  to  the  profes- sion  and  symptoms  of  a  failing  system.  There  were  tremendous  advances  in  medicine,  but  the  system  did  not  adapt.  Solutions  were  imposed  by  people  who  did  not  understand  the  problems.  Uninformed  decisions  that  affected  practice  were  made  without  input from clinicians. 

There  is  a  need  to  evaluate  and  change  the  way  we  deliver  medical  care.  To  avoid  repeating  history,  this  should be done with the involvement and active partici- pation of all the groups potentially affected. We need to  realize that blaming others for the problems and exclud- ing  them  from  the  solution  does  not  work;  everyone  needs to be actively engaged if we are to solve the prob- lems we face. We need to stay involved and ensure our  voices are at the table even when we feel overwhelmed. 

We  can  learn  from  the  past  and  improve  the  future  for  ourselves and others. 

Dr Manca is an Assistant Professor and Research Director in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta in Edmonton and the Clinical Director of the Alberta Family Practice Research Network.

competing interests None declared


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