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Local stability of energy estimates for the Navier–Stokes equations


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HAL Id: hal-01580411


Preprint submitted on 1 Sep 2017


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Local stability of energy estimates for the Navier–Stokes equations

Diego Chamorro, Pierre Gilles Lemarié-Rieusset, Kawther Mayoufi

To cite this version:

Diego Chamorro, Pierre Gilles Lemarié-Rieusset, Kawther Mayoufi. Local stability of energy estimates

for the Navier–Stokes equations. 2017. �hal-01580411�


Local stability of energy estimates for the Navier–Stokes equations.

Diego Chamorro, Pierre Gilles Lemari´e-Rieusset, and Kawther Mayoufi

Abstract. We study the regularity of the weak limit of a sequence of dissi- pative solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations when no assumptions is made on the behavior of the pressures.

1. Local weak solutions.

In this paper, we are interested in local properties (regularity, local energy estimates) of weak solutions of Navier–Stokes equations.

Definition 1.1 (Local weak solutions). Let Ω be a domain inR×R3 and f~∈L2loc(Ω) a divergence-free time-dependent vector field. A vector field~uwill be said to be a local weak solution of the Navier–Stokes equations on Ω (associated to the force f~) if, for each cylinder Q = I×O (where I is an open interval in R and O an open subset of R3) such that ¯Q is a compact subset of Ω, we have

~u ∈ Lt L2x(Q)∩L2tHx1(Q), ~u is divergence-free and, for every smooth compactly supported divergence-free vector fieldφ~∈ D(Q) we have




~u·(∂tφ~+ ∆φ) +~ ~u·(~u·∇~~φ) +f~·φ dt dx~ = 0.

More precisely, we shall address the behavior of a weak limit of regular solutions.

Definition 1.2 (Regular local solutions). Let Ω be a domain in R×R3 and f~∈L2loc(Ω) a divergence-free time-dependent vector field and~ua local weak solution of the Navier–Stokes equations on Ω (associated to the forcef~).

A) ~u is a regular local solution if, for each cylinder Q ⊂⊂ Ω, we have ~u ∈ Lt,x(Q),

B) The setR(~u) ofregular pointsof~uis the largest open subset of Ω on which

~uis a regular solution. The set Σ(~u) ofsingular points is the complement ofR(~u) : Σ(~u) = Ω\R(~u).

Our result is then the following one [M] :

1991Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 35Q30, 76D05.

Key words and phrases. Navier–Stokes equations; Partial regularity; Caffarelli, Kohn and Nirenberg theory; Local energy inequalities.



Theorem 1.3 (Singular points of a weak limit.). Let Ωbe a domain in R×R3. Assume that we have sequencesf~n of divergence-free time-dependent vector fields and~unof local weak solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations onΩ(associated to the forces f~n) such that, for each cylinder Q⊂⊂Ω, we have

• f~n ∈L2tHx1(Q) andf~n converges weakly inL2tHx1 to a limit f,~

• the sequence~un is bounded inLt L2x(Q)∩L2tHx1(Q)and converges weakly inL2tHx1(Q)to a limit ~u,

• for everyn,~un is bounded on Q.

Then the limit ~uis a local weak solution on Ωof the Navier–Stokes equations as- sociated to the force f, and its set~ Σ(~u) has parabolic one-dimensional Hausdorff measure equal to 0.

As we shall see, the main tool of the proof is an extension of the Caffarelli–

Kohn–Nirenberg theory [Ca] to the case where we have no control on the pressure (i.e. the case of generalized suitable solutions [W] or dissipative solutions [Ch]).

2. Pressure.

Equations (1) can classically be rewritten as an equation involving a pressure term. See for instance [W]. In the following, we shall only need the pressure inside spherical cylindersQ=I×B(whereIis an open interval inRandBan open ball ofR3). In that case, it is very easy to define a pressurepsuch that

(2) ∂t~u= ∆~u−~u·∇~u~ −∇p~ +f~ inD(Q).

Indeed, letQ,Q#, andQbe three relatively compact cylinders in Ω withQ⊂Q# andQ#⊂Qand ψa cut off smooth function supported inQ and equal to 1 on a neighboorhood ofQ#. The function




i=1 3




belongs toL2tL3/2x and, onQ#, the distribution

T~ =∂t~u−∆~u+~u·∇~u~ +∇p~ 0−f~ satisfies

curlT~ = 0 and divT~ = 0.

Moreover, T~0 = T~ −∂t~u belongs to L2tHx−2(Q#). Picking t0 ∈ I, we defineS~ =

~u+ Z t


T~0(s, .)ds. We have S~ ∈ Lt Hx−2(Q#). Moreover, we have∂t curlS~ = 0 and∂tdiv S~ = 0. Thus, ifα∈ D(I) withR

α dt= 1, we find that S~0=S~−



α(s)S~(s, .)ds satisfies

tS~0=T ,~ curlS~0= 0 and divS~0= 0.

In particular,

∆S~0=∇( div~ S~0)−∇ ∧~ ( curlS~0) = 0.


Thus, we get thatS~0is smooth in the space variable; in particularS~0∈Lt Wx1,∞(Q).

Ifx0∈B and if we define

̟(t, x) = Z 1



we find that ̟ ∈ Lt,x(Q) and ∇̟~ = S~0. Defining p = p0−∂t̟, we find the equality (2).

Of course, the pressure may be singular in time (as∂t̟ is only the derivative of a bounded function). We shall comment further on this in Sections 3 and 5.

3. Energy balance.

This section is devoted to the study of∂t|~u|2, as it is the main tool to estimate the partial regularity of ~u. If ~u and the pressure pwere regular, we could write from equality (2)

t|~u|2= 2~u·∂t~u= 2~u·∆~u−2~u·(~u·∇~u~ +∇p) + 2~u~ ·f~ and rewrite

2~u·∆~u= ∆(|~u|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2 and, since div~u= 0,

2~u·(~u·∇~u~ +∇p) = div ((|~u|~ 2+ 2p)~u).

This would give the following local energy balance inQ

(3) ∂t|~u|2= ∆(|~u|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2− div ((|~u|2+ 2p)~u) + 2~u·f .~

However, local weak solutions (and their associates pressures) are not regular enough to allow those computations : the problem lies in the fact that the terms

~u·(~u· ∇~u) and~u·∇p~ are not well defined inD. If the pressure is regular enough (for instance,p∈L3/2t,x(Q)) then one first smoothens~uwith a mollifierϕǫ= ǫ13ϕ(xǫ), defining~uǫǫ∗~u. One then finds

t|~uǫ|2= ∆(|~uǫ|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~uǫ|2−2~uǫ·ϕǫ∗(~u.~∇~u)−2 div ((p∗ϕǫ)~uǫ) + 2~uǫ·(ϕǫ∗f~).

The limit ǫ→0 gives then

t|~u|2= ∆(|~u|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2−2 lim

ǫ→0~uǫ·ϕǫ∗(~u·∇~u)~ −2 div (p~u) + 2~u·f .~ In order to compare this expression with (3), we define

Mǫ(~u) =−div (|~u|2~u) + 2~uǫ·ϕǫ∗(~u·∇~u)~ and write

t|~u|2= ∆(|~u|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2− div ((|~u|2+ 2p)~u) + 2~u·f~−lim


However, our assumptions on weak solutions don’t allow us to make all those com- putations, as the pressure we can define onQhas no regularity with respect to the time variable, so that p~uis not well defined in D. Thus, one must smoothens as well~uwith respect to the time variable, with a mollifier ψη(t) = 1ηψ(ηt). Defining

~uǫ,ηηtϕǫx~u=ξη,ǫt,x~u, one finds

t|~uǫ,η|2 = ∆(|~uǫ,η|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~uǫ,η|2−2~uǫ,η·ξη,ǫ∗(~u·∇~u)~

−2 div ((p∗ξη,ǫ)~uǫ,η) + 2~uǫ,η·(ξη,ǫ∗f~).


The limit η→0 gives then

t|~uǫ|2= ∆(|~uǫ|2)−2|∇⊗~u~ ǫ|2−2~uǫ·ϕǫ∗(~u·∇~u)−2 lim~

η→0 div ((p∗ξη,ǫ)~uǫ,η)+2~uǫ·(ϕǫ∗f~).

The limit ǫ→0 gives finally

t|~u|2= ∆(|~u|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2

−2 lim


~uǫ·ϕǫ∗(~u·∇~u) + lim~

η→0 div ((p∗ξη,ǫ)~uǫ,η)

+ 2~u·f .~ (4)

In order to circumvene the problems of lack of regularity for the pressure, we introduce the notion of harmonic correction :

Definition3.1 (Harmonic corrections). Let Ω be a domain inR×R3,f~∈ L2loc(Ω) a divergence-free time-dependent vector field and~ua local weak solution of the Navier–Stokes equations on Ω (associated to the forcef~). Aharmonic correction H~ on a cylinderQ⊂⊂Ω is a vector field such that

• divH~ = 0 and ∆H~ = 0,

• H~ ∈Lt,x(Q) and∂iH~ ∈Lt,x(Q) fori= 1,2,3,

• there exists F~ ∈ L2t,x(Q) and P ∈ L3/2t,x(Q) such that the vector field U~ =~u+H~ satisfies

tU~ = ∆U~ −U~ ·∇~U~ −∇P~ +F .~

In the literature, one can find at least two such harmonic corrections for local weak solutions :

Lemma3.2. Let Ωbe a domain inR×R3,f~∈L2loc(Ω)a divergence-free time- dependent vector field and ~u a local weak solution of the Navier–Stokes equations onΩ (associated to the forcef~). Let Qbe a spherical cylinder in Ω. Then:

A) the decomposition of the pressurepas p=p0−∂t̟ described in Section 1 provides a harmonic correctionH~ =−∇̟~ of~u onQ,

B) Letψ(t, x) =α(t)β(x)be a smooth cut-off function supported by a cylinder Q⊂⊂Ωand equal to1on a neighborhood ofQ. ThenU~ =−1∇∧(ψ ~~ ∇~u) is such that H~ =U~ −~uis a harmonic correction of ~uonQ.

Proof. The case of H~ = −∇̟~ has been discussed by Wolf [W]. For U~ =

~u−∇̟, we have~ ∇ ∧~ U~ =∇ ∧~ ~uand ∆U~ = ∆~u, so that

tU~ −∆U~ +U~ ·∇~U~ =∂t~u−∂t∇̟~ −∆~u+ (∇ ∧~ ~u)∧(~u−∇̟) +~ ∇(~ |U~|2 2 )

=∇(~ |U~|2 2 −|~u|2

2 −p0) +f~−(∇ ∧~ ~u)∧∇̟~

We may then decompose (∇ ∧~ ~u)∧∇̟~ ∈L2tL2x(Q) intof~1+∇p~ 1with f~1∈L2tL2x and divf~1= 0 andp1 ∈L2tL6x(Q) (for instance, by extending (∇ ∧~ ~u)∧∇̟~ by 0 outsideQand then using the Leray projection operator). We thus find

P =p0+|~u|2 2 −|U~|2

2 +p1 andF~ =f~−f~1.


The case of U~ = −1∇ ∧~ (ψ ~∇~u) has been discussed by Chamorro, Lemari´e- Rieusset and Mayoufi in [Ch, Le]. It is worth noticing that the pressureP they obtain belongs toL2tLqx(Q) for everyq <3/2.

Note that, in both cases, even if f~is assumed to be more regular, we cannot get a better regularity forF~ thanL2tL2x, because of the contribution of (∇ ∧~ ~u)∧H~

to the force.

An important result of Chamorro, Lemari´e-Rieusset and Mayoufi is the follow- ing one [Ch, Le] :

Theorem 3.3 (Energy balance). LetΩbe a domain inR×R3,f~∈L2loc(Ω) a divergence-free time-dependent vector field and ~u a local weak solution of the Navier–Stokes equations on Ω (associated to the force f~). Let Q be a spherical cylinder in Ωandpthe pressure associated to ~uonQ. Then:

A) The quantities M(~u) = lim


−div (|~u|2~u) + 2~uǫ·ϕǫ∗(~u·∇~u)~ and

<<div (p~u)>>= lim


η→0div ((p∗ξη,ǫ)~uǫ,η) are well defined in D(Q).

B) We have the energy balance on Q:

t|~u|2= ∆(|~u|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2− div (|~u|2~u)−2<<div (p~u)>>+2~u·f~−M(~u).

C) M(~u)can be computed as a defect of regularity. More precisely, we have, for

Ak,ǫ(~u) = (uk(t, x−y)−uk(t, x))(~u(t, x−y)−~u(t, x))·R

ϕǫ(z)(~u(t, x−z)−~u(t, x))dz ǫ


Bk,ǫ(~u) = (uk(t, x−y)−uk(t, x))|~u(t, x−y)−~u(t, x)|2

ǫ ,

the identity (5) Mǫ(~u) =




Z 1 ǫ3kϕ(y

ǫ)(2Ak,ǫ(~u)−Bk,ǫ(~u))dy−Cǫ(~u) wherelimǫ→0Cǫ(~u) = 0in D(Q).

D) IfU~ =~u+H~ whereH~ is a harmonic correction of~u, thenM(U) =~ M(~u).

Proof. The key tool is identity (5) which has been described by Duchon and Robert [D] for any divergence-free vector field~uin Lt L2x(Q)∩L2tHx1(Q). Let us remark that if w1 and w2 belong to Lt L2x(Q)∩L2tHx1(Q) and w3 to Lt Lipx(Q) then we have obviously

ǫ→0lim Z 1



ǫ dy= 0.

Thus, ifH~ is a harmonic correction of~u, we have limǫ→0Mǫ(~u+H~)−Mǫ(~u) = 0.

Since the limits limǫ→0Mǫ(~u+H~) and limǫ→0(Mǫ(~u) + 2 limη→0div ((p∗ξη,ǫ)~uǫ,η))


are well defined inD(Q), we find thatM(~u) and<< div (p~u)>>are well defined

and thatM(~u) =M(~u+H~).

Of course, if ~u is regular enough, we have M(~u) = 0. Due to formula (5), Duchon and Robert [D] could see that when~ubelongs locally to L3t(B3,q1/3)x with q <+∞, then M(~u) = 0. This is the case when the classical criterion~u∈L4t,x(Ω) is fulfilled, since L4tL4x∩L2tHx1 ⊂ L3t(B3,31/3)x. In particular, the support of the distributionM(~u) is a subset of the set Σ(~u) of singular points.

4. Dissipativity and partial regularity.

The best result we know about (partial) regularity of weak solutions has been given in 1982 by Caffarelli, Kohn and Nirenberg [Ca, La]. Their result is based on the notion of suitable solutions (due to Scheffer [Sc]):

Definition4.1 (Suitable solutions). Let~ube a local weak solutions of the Navier–Stokes solutions on a domain Ω⊂R×R3. Then~uis suitable if if satisfies the following two conditions :

• the pressurepis locally inL3/2t,x,

• M(~u)≥0 (i.e. M(~u) is a non-negative locally finite Borel measure).

Let us define now the parabolic metricρ((t, x),(s, y)) = max(p

|t−s|,|x−y|2) and the parabolic cylindersQr(t, x) ={(s, y) : ρ((t, x),(s, y))< r}.

Theorem 4.2 (Caffarelli, Kohn and Nirenberg’s regularity theorem).

Let Ωbe a domain inR×R3,f~∈L2loc(Ω) a divergence-free time-dependent vector field and~ua local weak solution of the Navier–Stokes equations onΩ(associated to the force f~). Assume that moreover

• ~uis suitable,

• the force f~is regular : f~ belongs locally toL2tHx1, Then:

• if(t, x)∈/Σ(~u), there exists a neighborhood of(t, x)on which~uis H¨olderian (with respect to the parabolic metricρ) and we have

r→0lim 1 r



|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2ds dy= 0.

• if(t, x)∈Σ(~u),then lim sup


1 r



|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2ds dy > ǫ,

whereǫ is a positive constant (which doesn’t depend on ~u,f~nor Ω).

The size of Σ(~u) is then easily controlled with the following lemma :

Lemma 4.3 (Parabolic Hausdorff dimension.). Let u belongs locally to L2tHx1 and letΣbe the set defined by

(t, x)∈Σ⇔lim sup


1 r



|∇u|~ 2ds dy >0.

Then Σhas parabolic one-dimensional Hausdorff measure equal to0.


Chamorro, Lemari´e–Rieusset and Mayoufi [Ch] have considered the case where no integrability assumptions were made on the pressurep. This implies to change the definition of suitable solutions. Following [D], they introduced the notion of dissipative solutions :

Definition 4.4 (Dissipative solutions). Let~ube a local weak solutions of the Navier–Stokes solutions on a domain Ω ⊂ R×R3. Then ~u is dissipative if M(~u)≥0.

A similar notion has been given by Wolf [W]. Indeed, if~uis dissipative and if we use the harmonic correctionH~ =−∇̟, we find, for~ U~ =~u+H~ :

M(U~) = −∂t|U~|2+ ∆(|U~|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ U~|2− div (|U~|2U~)−2 div (P ~U) + 2U~ ·F~

= −∂t|U~|2+ ∆(|U~|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ U~|2− div ((|U~|2+ 2p0)U~) +2U~ ·f~−2U~ ·f~1−2 div (p1U)~

= −∂t|U~|2+ ∆(|U~|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ U~|2− div ((|U~|2+ 2p0)U~) +2U~ ·f~+ 2U~ ·(∇̟~ ∧(∇ ∧~ U~)).

Writing M(U~) ≥0 is exactly expressing that~u is a generalized suitable solution, as defined by Wolf.

Another tool used by Chamorro, Lemari´e–Rieusset and Mayoufi is the notion of parabolic Morey space :

Definition 4.5 (Parabolic Morrey spaces). A function θ belongs to the parabolic Morrey spaceMs,τ(Ω) if



1 r5(1−τs)


1|t−t0|<r21|x−x0|<r|θ(t, x)|sdt dx <+∞.

Parabolic Morrey spaces have been used by Kukavica [K] in a variant of Caf- farelli, Kohn and Nirenberg’s theorem [Ca], and by O’Leary [O, Le] in a variant of Serrin’s regularity theorem [Se] :

Theorem 4.6 (Kukavica’s theorem). There exists a positive constant ǫ such that the following holds : IfU~ is a solution of the Navier–Stokes equations on a domain Ω1, associated to a force F~ and a pressureP and ifx0,t0,U~,P andF~ satisfy the following assumptions

• U~ belongs toLt L2x∩L2tHx1,

• P ∈L3/2t,x(Ω),

• div F~ = 0andF~ ∈L2t,x(Ω1),

• U~ is suitable,

• (t0, x0)∈Ω1 and lim sup


1 r



|∇ ⊗~ U~|2ds dx < ǫ,

then there existsτ >5and a neighborhood Ω2 of (t0, x0)such that U~ ∈ M3,τ(Ω2).

Theorem 4.7 (O’Leary’s theorem). If~uis a solution of the Navier–Stokes equations on a domainΩ2, associated to a forcef~and if~uandf~satisfy the following assumptions


• ~ubelongs toLt L2x∩L2tHx1,

• div f~= 0andf~∈L2tHxk(Ω2)for somek∈N,

• ~u∈ Ms,τ(Ω2)withτ >5and2< s≤τ,

then, for every subdomain Ω3 which is relatively compact inΩ2, we have

~u∈Lt Hxk+1∩L2tHxk+2(Ω3).

Using those theorems, Chamorro, Lemari´e–Rieusset and Mayoufi [Ch] could prove the following theorem (which is essentially the result proved previously by Wolf [W]) :

Theorem4.8 (Wolf ’s theorem). Let Ωbe a domain inR×R3,f~∈L2loc(Ω) a divergence-free time-dependent vector field and ~u a local weak solution of the Navier–Stokes equations onΩ(associated to the force f~). Assume that moreover

• ~uis dissipative,

• the force f~is regular : f~ belongs locally toL2tHx1, Then:

• if(t, x)∈/ Σ(~u), then

r→0lim 1 r



|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2ds dy= 0.

• if(t, x)∈Σ(~u), then lim sup


1 r



|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2ds dy≥ǫ

whereǫ is a positive constant (which doesn’t depend on ~u,f~nor Ω).

Proof. We sketch the proof given in [Ch, Le]. Let ǫ be the constant in Kukavica’s theorem. Let (x0, t0)∈Ω with

lim sup


1 r



|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2ds dy < ǫ.

We introduce a harmonic correctionH~ on a cylindric neighborhood of (x0, t0) and consider the vector fieldU~ =~u+H~. If~uis dissipative, thenU~ is suitable, associated to a forceF~ ∈L2tL2x(Q) and a pressureP∈L3/2t L3/2x (Q). Moreover,

lim sup


1 r



|∇ ⊗~ U~|2ds dy= lim sup


1 r



|∇ ⊗~ ~u|2ds dy < ǫ. Thus, by Kukavica’s theorem, there exists τ > 5 and a neighborhood Ω2 ⊂Q of (t0, x0) such that U~ ∈ M3,τ(Ω2). As ~u = U~ −H~, we see that we have as well

~u∈ M3,τ(Ω2). As f~∈L2tHx1, we may use O’Leary’s theorem and find that, on a cylindric neighborhood Ω3 of (t0, x0), we have~u∈Lt Hx2(Ω3)⊂Lt,x(Ω3). Thus,

(t0, x0)∈/ Σ(~u).

5. Weak convergence of local weak solutions.

In this final section, we prove Theorem 1.3. Recall that we consider a sequence (f~n)n∈N of divergence-free time-dependent vector fields on a domain Ω⊂R×R3 and a sequence (~un)n∈N of local weak solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations on Ω (associated to the forcesf~n) such that, for each cylinder Q⊂⊂Ω, we have


• f~n ∈L2tHx1(Q) andf~n converges weakly inL2tHx1 to a limitf~,

• the sequence~unis bounded inLt L2x(Q)∩L2tHx1(Q) and converges weakly inL2tHx1(Q) to a limit~u,

• for everyn,~un is bounded onQ(the bound depending onn).

We know that we may define a pressure pn on Q and that we have the energy equality

M(~un) = 0, where

M(~un) = −∂t|~un|2+ ∆(|~un|2)−2|∇ ⊗~ ~un|2− div (|~un|2~un)

−2<<div (pn~un)>>+2~un·f~n.

Our aim is then to prove that the limit~uis a solution to the Navier–Stokes aquations associated to the limitf~and that this solution is dissipative :


We cannot give a direct proof, as it is possible that no term in the definition of M(~un) converge to the corresponding term inM(~u) : pis not the limit inD ofpn

and |~u|2 is not the limit in D of|~un|2. . . It is easy to find an example of such a bad behavior by studying Serrin’s example of smooth in space and singular in time solution to the Navier–Stokes equations [Se] :

Example 5.1 (Serrin’s example). Let ψ be defined on a neighborhood of B(x0, r0) and be harmonic, ∆ψ= 0, and letf~= 0 and


whereα∈L((a, b)). Then~uis a local weak solution of the Navier–Stokes equa- tions on (a, b)×B(x0, r0) :

t~u= ∆~u−~u·∇~u~ −∇(−~ αψ˙ −|~u|2 2 ) +f .~

Clearly, ifαis not regular, the pressurephas no integrability in the time vari- able (because of the presence of the singular term ˙α(t))and~uhas no regularity in the time variable. Thus,~u is dissipative (as a matter of fact, M(~u) = 0) but not suitable, as it violates both assumptions and conclusions of the Caffarelli, Kohn and Nirenberg theorem.

Let us adapt this example to our problem. We define

~un(t, x) = cos(nt)

 x1



• ~un is a solution onR×R3 of

( ∂t~un=∆~un−(~un·∇)~u~ n−∇p~ n


• In this example, we have for a bounded domain Ω0



inL2tHx1(Ω0) and

(~un·∇)~u~ n⇀ 1 2

 x1



6= 0,


In order to circumvene this problem of non-convergence, we shall use two tools : equations on vorticities~ωn=∇ ∧~u~ n and on harmonic correctionsU~n=~un+H~n=

1∇ ∧~

ψ(∇ ∧~ ~un) .

Step 1 : Vorticities.

On a cylinder Q ⊂⊂ Ω, we may write the Navier–Stokes equations on the divergence-free vector field~un in many ways. The first one is given by equation (1) : for every smooth compactly supported divergence-free vector field ~φ∈ D(Q) we

have Z Z


~un·(∂tφ~+ ∆φ) +~ ~un·(~un·∇~φ) +~ f~n·φ dt dx~ = 0.

We may rewrite this equation as:

t~un= ∆~un−~un·∇~u~ n+f~n in (Dσ(Q))

where Dσ(Q) is the space of smooth compactly supported divergence-free vector fields onQ.

The second one is given by equations (2): for a distribution pn ∈ D(Q), we have

t~un = ∆~un−~un·∇~u~ n−∇p~ n+f~n in D(Q).

The next one is based on the identity

~un·∇~u~ n=~ωn∧~un+∇(~ |~un|2 2 ) from which we get

t~un= ∆~un−~ωn∧~un+f~n in (Dσ(Q)).

We have seen that, in some cases, we don’t have the convergence of (~un·∇)~u~ n

to~u·∇~u~ inD(Ω0). But we shall prove the following lemma :

Lemma5.2 (Convergence of the non-linear term). We have the following convergence results :


ωn∧~un⇀ ~ω∧~uin D(Q) so that

(~un·∇)~u~ n⇀ ~u·∇~u~ in(Dσ(Q)).

Thus, this lemma will prove the first half of Theorem 1.3: the limit~uis a local weak solution on Ω of the Navier–Stokes equations associated to the forcef~. The proof of the lemma is based on the following variant of the classical Rellich lemma [Le, M] :

Lemma5.3 (Rellich’s lemma). Let−∞< σ1< σ2<+∞. LetΩbe a domain in R×R3. If a sequence of distribution Tn is weakly convergent to a distribution T in (L2tHxσ2)loc and if the sequence (∂tTn) is bounded in (L2tHxσ1)loc, then Tn is strongly convergent in(L2tHxσ)loc for every σ < σ2.


We apply Rellich’s lemma to~ωn. We have

tn = ∆~ωn− div (~un⊗~ωn−~ωn⊗~un)−∇ ∧~ f~n,

so that the sequence (∂tn) is bounded in (L2tHxσ1)locfor allσ1<−5/2. Moreover,

n is weakly convergent to ~ω in (L2tL2x)loc. Thus, ~ωn is strongly convergent in (L2tHx−1)loc. As~un is weakly convergent to~uin (L2tHx1)loc, we find that~ωn∧~un is weakly convergent to~ω∧~uin D(Ω).

Step 2 : Harmonic corrections.

We now end the proof of Theorem 1.3 by checking the dissipativity of the limit

~u. We restate the theorem as a result of stability for dissipativity :

Theorem 5.4 (Dissipative limits). Let Ωbe a domain in R×R3. Assume that we have sequencesf~n of divergence-free time-dependent vector fields and~un of local weak solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations on Ω (associated to the forces f~n) such that, for each cylinder Q⊂⊂Ω, we have

• f~n ∈L2tHx1(Q) andf~n converges weakly in L2tHx1 to a limit f,~

• the sequence~un is bounded inLt L2x(Q)∩L2tHx1(Q)and converges weakly inL2tHx1(Q)to a limit ~u,

• for everyn,~un is dissipative.

Then the limit ~u is a dissipative local weak solution on Ω of the Navier–Stokes equations associated to the forcef~.

Proof. We already know that~uis a local weak solution on Ω of the Navier–

Stokes equations associated to the forcef~. We have to prove its dissipativity.

LetQ⊂⊂Ω be a cylinder andψ∈ D(Ω) be a cut-off function which is equal to 1 on a neighborhood ofQ. In order to prove that~uis dissipative, we shall prove that the harmonic correctionU~ =H~ +~u=−1∇ ∧~

ψ(∇ ∧~ ~u)

is suitable.

We define as wellU~n =−1∇ ∧~

ψ(∇ ∧~ ~un)

. The weak convergence of~un in (L2tHx1)loc(Ω) implies the weak convergence ofU~n toU~ inL2tHx1(Q). Moreover, the uniform boundedness of the sequence (~un)n∈Nin (L2tHx1∩Lt L2x)loc(Ω) and of the sequence (f~n)n∈Nin (L2tHx1)loc(Ω) implies that the sequences of pressurePnand of forces F~n associated to U~n are uniformly bounded (respectively inL3/2t L3/2x (Q)∩ L2tL6/5x (Q) and in L2tL2x(Q)). Thus, ∂tU~n is bounded in L2tHx−2(Q) and Rellich’s lemma gives us thatU~nis strongly convergent toU~ in (L2tL2x)loc(Q) (and, sinceU~n

is bounded inL10/3t L10/3x (Q), we have strong convergence in (L3tL3x)loc(Q) as well).

Taking subsequences, we may assume that the bounded sequencesPn (in L3/2t L3/2x (Q)),F~n (inL2tL2x(Q)) and|∇U~ n|2(inL1tL1x(Q)) converge weakly inD to limits P ∈L3/2t L3/2x (Q),F~ ∈L2tL2x(Q) and ν (a non-negative finite measure on Q). In particular, we have enough convergence to see that every term in the right-hand side of equality

M(~un) =−∂t|U~n|2+∆(|U~n|2)−2|∇⊗~ U~n|2−div (|U~n|2U~n)−2 div (PnU~n)+2U~n·U~n

has a limit, so thatν1= limn→+∞M(U~n) exists and

ν1=−∂t|U~|2+ ∆(|U~|2)−2ν− div (|U~|2U~)−2 div (PU) + 2~ U~ ·F~.


As M(U~n) ≥ 0, we find that ν1 ≥ 0. Moreover, by the Banach–Steinhaus theorem, we find that ν2 = ν− |∇ ⊗~ U~|2 ≥0. As M(U~) = ν1+ 2ν2, we have M(U~)≥0. Hence,U~ is suitable and~uis dissipative.


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LAMME, Univ Evry, CNRS, Universit´e Paris-Saclay, 91025, Evry, France Current address: IBGBI, 23 bd de France, 91037 ´Evry cedex, France

E-mail address: diego.chamorro@univ-evry.fr

LAMME, Univ Evry, CNRS, Universit´e Paris-Saclay, 91025, Evry, France Current address: IBGBI, 23 bd de France, 91037 ´Evry cedex, France

E-mail address: pierregilles.lemarierieusset@univ-evry.fr

LAMME, Univ Evry, CNRS, Universit´e Paris-Saclay, 91025, Evry, France Current address: IBGBI, 23 bd de France, 91037 ´Evry cedex, France

E-mail address: kawther.mayoufi@univ-evry.fr


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