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Reorientations in pivalic acid (2,2-dimethyl propanoic acid) - III. High-resolution incoherent neutron scattering in the plastic phase


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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Reorientations in pivalic acid (2,2-dimethyl propanoic acid) - III. High-resolution incoherent neutron

scattering in the plastic phase

W. Longueville, M. Bée

To cite this version:

W. Longueville, M. Bée. Reorientations in pivalic acid (2,2-dimethyl propanoic acid) - III. High-

resolution incoherent neutron scattering in the plastic phase. Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (8),

pp.1317-1323. �10.1051/jphys:019870048080131700�. �jpa-00210558�


Reorientations in pivalic acid (2,2-dimethyl propanoic acid)

III. High-resolution incoherent neutron scattering in the plastic phase

W. Longueville and M. Bée

Laboratoire de Dynamique des Cristaux Moléculaires (U.A. 801), Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France

(Requ le 19 septembre 1986, révisé le 27 janvier 1987, accepté le 31





Cette étude fait suite à celles [1, 2] concernant déjà


produit. Elle les complète par : a) la

diffusion des protons acides (D




10-10 m2s-1 ; 03C4


10-9 s) ; b) la réorientation des méthyles dans la phase plastique (03C4M3




10-9 s). Elle permet par ailleurs de montrer que, de part et d’autre de la transition, les méthyles toument plus lentement que les t-butyles.



This study follows those [1, 2] already concerning this compound. It completes them by : a) the

acid protons diffusion (D




10-10 m2 s-1; 03C4 ~10-9s) ; b) the methyl groups reorientation in the

plastic phase (03C4M3




10-9 s). This study allows also to show that,


both sides of the transition point, methyl groups


slower than the t-butyl



Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

Among the tertiary butyl compounds, pivalic acid (2,2 dimethylpropanoic acid) appears to be an

interesting subject for the study of molecular motions. Especially it is worth-while to investigate

the behaviour of the methyl groups and of the t-butyl

itself at the phase transition ( Tt


280 K), between

the low temperature triclinic phase [3] and the high temperature, orientationally disordered phase [4].

Another stimulating problem is the mechanism of the acid proton dynamics. Both in the low-tempera-

ture and in the plastic phase, pivalic acid molecules

are linked in dimer units by two hydrogen bonds.

NMR, IR or IQNS studies of similar hydrogen-

bonded carboxylic acids are a debated point concern- ing a double proton exchange mechanism or reorien-

tations of the central carboxylic ring [5, 6].

The last question is the exact mechanism of dimer

reorientation between the ( 110 ) lattice directions in the plastic phase, the probability for breaking and

formation which allows an exchange of the acid proton between two molecules.

The former motions, i.e. methyl and t-butyl reorientations, were analysed by NMR tech- niques [7]. The values of the characteristic times obtained in the low-temperature phase incited us to

carry out a similar study by high-resolution IQNS.

From the analysis of the spectra measured with the backscattering spectrometer IN10 of the Institut

Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, it turned out that both

methyl and t-butyl jumps occur on the 10-1° s time

scale [1].

The agreement with the conclusions of the NMR

analysis and also the lack of information provided by

other dynamical analysis-techniques, yielded to start

the refinement with the results of this NMR study.

The correlation times taken as initial values for the refinement procedures, assumed reorientations fas-

ter for the methyl groups than for the t-butyl ones.

The correlation times related to these motions tend to confirm the values obtained by Albert et al.

whilst in both cases the activation energies deduced

from an Arrhenius plot are definitely smaller than those suggested from Raman spectroscopy [8, 9].

Actually, it is possible that the rather poor statis- tics originating from the low neutron flux, and also

the small accessible energy-range with respect to the instrumental resolution, made the refinement con-

verge to another minimum. Moreover, later exper- iments gradually provided a series of arguments against the idea of fast-rotating methyl groups. We shall retain the following :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019870048080131700



i) Time-of-flight neutron spectrometry exper- iments in the plastic phase [2] could be interpreted correctly only under the assumption of methyl

groups « immobile » on the 10-11-10-12 time scale.

We can make an extrapolation through the phase

transition of the Arrhenius law obtained in the low

temperature phase for the reorientations of these groups. The prediction is a small broadening of the spectra in the plastic (c.a. 12 iiev f.w.h.m.). Such a broadening should have been evidenced on IN6, at

least with the best instrument resolution (70 f.Le V f.w.h.m.). The inelastic part of the spectra reveals torsional vibration lines at 256 and 263 cm-1 in the

case of the CH3 groups and 185 cm-1 1 for the

CD3 groups, in accordance with Raman results.

Within the harmonic oscillator approximation, a potential barrier of about 16 kJlmol can be evaluated, a value appreciably larger than found from IN10 in the low temperature phase (9 . 8 kJlmol) .

ii) Several IQNS studies with similar t-butyl com- pounds, concluded slow methyl motions, especially

in the case of (CH3)3-CC-Cl and (CH3)3-CC-CN [10-12]. The phase transition is found to be as-

sociated with a drastic change in the dynamics of the t-butyl group, whilst the motion of methyl groups appears unaffected. Other trimethyl compounds [13, 14] also give evidence of the intramolecular nature of the potential acting on the CH3 groups.

iii) A recent 2H NMR analysis of t-butyl halides [15] led to the correction of the conclusions of

previous measurements [7], in the sense of slow methyl reorientations.

Thus we estimated that it was necessary to reana-

lyse our data in the low-temperature phase, taking

into account all the information provided by the IN6 experiment and also by performing new IN10 exper- iments in the plastic phase in order to observe the reorientations of the methyl groups at room tempera-

ture. This study must be carried out with the D1 compound, (CH3)3CCOOD, in order to avoid

contributions from the acid proton. An eventual motion of this latter atom, on the 10-1° s time scale,

can be evidenced by comparison with spectra ob- tained with the Do compound (CH3)3CCOOH.

From IN6 experiments, motions of the acid proton

were shown to be related to 180°-jumps of the

central carboxylic rings of the dimer units about the dimer long axes. This result has recently been

confirmed by a single crystal study of the D9 species (CD3)3CCOOH using the thermal backscattering

instrument IN13 [16]. Anyway, methyl motions in

the plastic phase will be superimposed with simul- taneous occurrence of t-butyl and whole molecule

reorientations. From the IN6 results, these latter can be described by a combination of a rotational uniaxial diffusion of the t-butyl groups about their

three fold axis and of fluctuations of the long dimer

axis about their equilibrium orientation along the (110) lattice directions. The average amplitude of

the librational distribution is about 10°.

2. Experimental description.

The experiments performed in the low-temperature phase using the backscattering spectrometer IN10, and those in the disordered phase using time-of- flight spectroscopy have already been described elsewhere [1, 2]. New experiments were carried out

in the plastic phase by high-resolution spectroscopy

(IN10). The weak neutron flux available from the

instrument imposed a restriction of our analysis to a single temperature T


300 K and to the isotopic

varieties Dl (acid proton deuterated alone) and Do (fully hydrogenated). The measurement of the instrumental resolution function was made by cool- ing the sample down to 4 K. This was done between two sequences of recording at 300 K, that is without any change in geometry. Two vanadium-standard measurements, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the experiment allow a calibration of the detector and analyser efficiencies. The incident neutron wavelength was

The regions of the analyser crystals corresponding to Bragg circles were carefully covered with cadmium.

Values of scattering angles 2 0, elastic momentum

transfers Q and resolution (f.w.h.m.) are listed in

table I. Polycrystalline, compact pivalic acid was

filled in a flat cylindrical container, of 50 mm

diameter with thickness 0.3 mm. With the container

Table I.


List of the scattering angles (2 8), corresponding elastic momentum transfer (Q) and f. w.h. m (AE)

of the instrument resolution function in the INIO experiment.


perpendicular to the neutron beam the transmission factor was about 0.85. All the experiments have

been made with an angle of 115° between the slab and the incident neutron beam.

3. Comparison of the spectra from Do and Di. Acid proton diffusion.

After the usual corrections of the experimental raw

data we can report (Fig. 1) the spectra (1 and 2) at

small momentum transfer.

Fig. 1.


Comparison, for the two smallest Q values, between the spectra at T


300 K, for the Do and Dl species. Spectra have been artificially shifted to clearly

evidence the broadening difference.

Because of departures from strict backscattering

the spectra are not centered at hw



The dotted curves have been artificially shifted to

lower energy in order to show the different broaden-

ing of the two spectra more clearly.

From a simple inspection it is clear that :

i) at T


300 K, the spectra obtained with the

Do species are definitely wider than the correspond- ing spectra obtained with Dl ;

ii) these latter are strictly identical to similar spectra provided by the vanadium reference, that is, purely elastic ;

iii) there is no broadening of the Do spectra at


For larger Q values the quasi elastic scattering provided by the methyl group rotation becomes

important and the small difference between the

Do and Dl spectra is obscured.

The obvious broadening of the Do spectra, at T


300 K, is unambiguous because the experiment

at T


4 K was performed between two series of

measurements at T


300 K, which lead to the same

result. Considering the difference between the

Do and Dl molecules, it is clear that this broadening

originates from the dynamical behaviour of the acid proton. The previous experiment using the time-of- flight spectrometer IN6 [2], gave evidence of a quasi

elastic broadening, of c.a. 200 f.LeV for the 180° jump

reorientations of the central carboxylic rings of the

dimers. This value, far too large for the energy- range of the present backscattering experiment (i.e.

± 12 ue V), was recently confirmed by measurements with the thermal backscattering IN13 [16]. Anyway,

it is a well-known feature, in IQNS, that any bounded motion produces a noticeable broadening

of the spectra at large Q, typically when Qd == w,

where d is the jump-distance (2.21 A in that case).

This consideration also permits to rule out the hypothesis about the proton-exchange mechanism, which would occur on an even smaller distance



0.56 A), and the whole-dimer tumbling about

its centre of mass with a radius of gyration for the

proton of 0.37 A.

When considering the contribution to the scatter-

ing of the t-butyl group, which scatters significantly

because of its nine hydrogen atoms, the spectra obtained with the D, compound are not significantly

broadened in the Q-range. Again from the exper- iment with IN6, the t-butyl reorientations are known to occur on a much shorter time-scale. The previous

remark on jump distances also holds in case of

methyl rotations about their threefold axis.

The only description capable of taking into ac-

count the broadening of the low-Q spectra is based

on the formation and breaking of the dimers, which

allows the exchange of acid proton between two molecules and, a longer time-scale, a diffusion of

this atom through the lattice. This hypothesis was already used to interpret NMR results [17, 18], as

discussed in a previous paper [2]. It is supported by

the conclusions of the IQNS study with the time-of-

flight technique which shows large amplitude oscilla-

tions of the t-butyl parts of a dimer unit with respect

to each other, associated with a deformation of the central carboxylic ring. Such a motion is likely to

favour a breaking of the dimers into monomers.

Actually this mechanism assumes the breaking of a neighbouring dimer during the life-time of the two

individual monomers. It is reasonable to consider that the breaking probability for a dimeric unit is

enhanced in the immediate vicinity of an already

broken one, because of the local modification of the molecule arrangement. Anyway, even if the two original monomers have a large chance to recom- bine, there is, as far as the acid proton is concerned

an exploration of the local surroundings resulting

from the tumbling of the monomer to which it belongs.

Under these conditions, in order to get insight into

the characteristic time associated with this motion,

the contribution to the scattered intensity originating

from the acid proton was described by the usual




DQ2 scattering law » for translational (unbounded)


Simultaneously the contribution from the rest of the molecule was taken into account by a scattering law

of the form

The parameters, i.e. the EISF (elastic incoherent scattering function) ao(Q) and the characteristic time T 1 were determined from the results of the IN6

study. From the refinement, this scattering function

was found to correctly describe the data obtained with the D1 compound. Actually, taking into account

the large amount of purely elastic scattering (ao (Q ) = 0.88 at Q = 0,3 A-1) and the wide

broadening observed in the t.o.f. study, SD¡ (Q, Cl) )

appears on the IN10 energy-range of analysis, as a purely elastic line on an almost flat background, with negligible amplitude, so that no difference is seen when comparing with the vanadium spectrum

(Fig. 1). The appropriate scattering law

was compared with the experimental Do spectra.

This formula describes the spectra as strong elastic

term 9 superimposed on a small quasi elastic

10 1

one (10).

The whole expression must be convoluted with the Lorentzian instrumental resolution functions of IN- 10.

So, the general spectral shape will be a slightly

broadened Lorentzian curve rather than the usual well separated contributions from the elastic and

quasi elastic terms.

Actually taking into account the broadening

oberved on IN6 as a large Lorentzian curve of time T 1 this formula turns out to be well approximated by

The refinement yielded a diffusion constant

The jump-diffusion model of Chudley-Elliott [19]

enables us to evaluate the characteristic time be-

tween two jumps.

which was found to range between


=10- 9 s and

T =

5 x 10-11 s, depending on whether we consider

the elementary mechanism :

i) of a complete tumbling of the monomer about

its centre of mass (f


5.55 A), or,

ii) of a reorientation of an individual monomer

from one crystallographic direction ( 110 ) to another next-neighbour one (f


1.336 A).

(i) is a special case (ii) and it is impossible to know

the experimental mean characteristic time


at least with the instruments used.

4. Methyl reorientation at room temperature.

The use of the deuterated compound D1 allows to neglect the scattering from the acid proton. In figure 2 the integrated intensity of the spectra has

Fig. 2.


For the D¡ species at T


300 K, comparison

between the integrated intensity


Q (o ) and the EISF for uniaxial rotation of the t-butyl group and large amplitude oscillation of the three fold


(- 10°).

been reported, as obtained after the usual correc-

tions for the detector and analyser efficiency deter-

mined from the vanadium standard measurement.

Clearly, a strong decrease of the intensity occurs at large Q values, which is found to correspond exactly

to the decrease of the purely elastic part of the spectra recorded with IN6. Referring to these t.o.f.

results (2), the quasi elastic broadening of the IN10

spectra can result from :


i) the tumbling of the monomers after the break-

ing of the hydrogen bonds ;

ii) the occurrence of 120°-reorientations of the methyl groups around their threefold axis, as suggested from a) their behaviour in other similar t- butyl compounds (e.g. (CH3 )3CCN), b) the analysis

of the inelastic part of the IN6 spectra, and c) their dynamics in the low-temperature triclinic phase.

A distinction between these different motions is

theoretically possible from the analysis of the EISF.

In practice this turns out to be difficult when the characteristic times related to the various motions

are distributed over a large range. Indeed, the very

narrow energy-window of the spectrometer IN10 prevents us from the observation of the whole quasi-

elastic spectrum, and thus the normalization of the total scattered intensity becomes impossible. A possible way to by-pass this difficulty is to cool the sample down to very low temperature in order to’

freeze all the reorientations and to force all the

scattering into the elastic peak. But this method requires the knowledge of the Debye-Waller factor

at the temperature of the experiment, a value which must be obtained from a different instrument

(instead of IN10, e.g. a t.o.f. instrument). In the present case, the mean-squared amplitude of transla- tion measured with IN6 is (U2) ~ 0.42 A2 at



300 K.

Experimental values of the EISF were obtained in the following way. The absolute amount of purely

elastic scattering at T = 300 K, Iel(Q), was deter-

mined from a refinement of the Dl spectra multiplied by a scale factor, A. Therefore :

The EISF values, Ao (Q ), are obtained by a

renormalization law where 14 K (Q ) is the absolute

intensity of the same spectra at T


4 K and exp (- (U2) Q2) the Debye-Waller factor, i.e. :

A better agreement is found with the theoretical variation evaluated on the basis of methyl rotations

than with that predicted by the monomer-tumbling

model (Fig. 3).

The quasi-elastic broadening was found to be nearly independent of Q. Because all the other motions are largely outside the IN10 scale, methyl

reorientations were taken as the main reason for this

broadening. The 120° reorientation jump-model in-

volves a unique Lorentzian function, whose hwhm

was found equal to DEM 3


2.5 ± 0.5 ueV, corre- sponding to a residence time between methyl jumps.


Fig. 3.


Comparison between the experimental EISF

values for the Dl species at 300 K and models for : 1°) t- butyl groups rotation, oscillation of the three fold axes,

methyl groups jumps (120°) ; 2°) Monomer tumbling.

This time is much longer than the characteristic times associated with the uniaxial rotation of the t-

butyl group in the range 278 K T 303 K. How- ever, it is of the order of a tenth of the IN6- resolution at the incident wavelength A


5.9 A (c.a. 25 tiev hwhm). This tends to confirm the

suggestion that the smaller values of the EISF deduced from the IN6 experiments at neutron wavelength A


5.9 A were effectively due to the methyl rotations.

5. Methyl reorientations in the low-temperature phase.

The coherence of all the results concerning the dynamics of pivalic acid, requires to return to our

previous interpretation of the IN10 data in the low- temperature phase. Figure 4 gives a comparison of

the experimental EISF determined at T


254 K,

215 K and 178 K with the theoretical variations

predicted by various models based on methyl reorientations, t-butyl reorientations, or both. These values were found from the method described in the

original paper [1] but now under the assumption of t- butyl reorientations only. They agree with the values

reported in this former analysis. However it turns out that the interpretation at T = 178 K was wrong.

There, it was concluded that the experimental EISF

at this temperature tends towards the methyl + t- butyl jump model but that the correlation time related to the motion of the t-butyl reaches the limits of the instrument. This statement was based on the

implicit assumption of methyl groups faster than the



Fig. 4.


Comparison of experimental EISF at T


254 K, T


215 K and T = 178 K with models based upon

methyl reorientations, t-butyl reorientation





referred to


(1), (2) and (3), respectively.

whole t-butyl group. Actually, the experimental

EISF values at T


178 K are close to the theoretical

curve corresponding to t-butyl reorientations only,

as illustrated in figure 4.

Spectra recorded at the same temperature were refined simultaneously. The relevant correlation times are reported in figure 5. At T


178 K, the jump-rate associated with methyl groups is too small

Fig. 5.


Correlation times t-butyl and methyl reorienta-

tion in the low temperature phase and methyl reorienta-

tions at T


300 K.

to be refined. Even at T


215 K, the broadening is

very small (c.a. 0.1 ReV) and just at the limit of the

instrument energy-range. Clearly, it is not possible

to derive an Arrhenius law from just two values, including a rather




value for T


215 K.

However, these values seem to be fitted to the activation energy of 16.3 kJ.mol-1 deduced from Raman spectroscopy and inelastic neutron scatter- ing. In figure 5, a straight line with this activation energy has been drawn, passing through the point corresponding to the value in the plastic phase,

which seems to indicate that a slight change might

occur at the transition.

If only the two points at T


300 K and T


254 K were taken into account, the resulting activa-

tion enthalpy would be definitely too large.

Experimental values of the correlation time for the reorientations of the t-butyl group yield an

activation energy HB = 13 kJ.mol- l. The quasi-elas-

tic broadening just below the transition is roughly equal to 10 ReV. It is worth to point out that a small broadening had been observed with IN6 also is this temperature range. The IN6 data agree with the

same activation energy of 13 kJ. mol - 1. The slight

deviation between the two series of measurements is

acceptable when accounting for IN6 mean resolution (c.a. 90 J.Le V f.w.h.m.).

6. Conclusion.

The critical analysis of all the information obtained with previous experiments and from the present backscattering study, enables us to give a precise description of the motions of pivalic acid in its solid

phases, and to correct our former conclusions con-

cerning the dynamics of the methyl groups.

In the plastic phase, in addition to t-butyl uniaxial rotations, 120° jumps of the methyl groups are evidenced but on a much slower time-scale. Simul-

taneously, the breaking of the dimer into monomers

is confirmed. This process is certainly favoured by

the oscillations of the two parts of the molecule with respect to each other and the deformation of the central carboxylic ring. As a result of this breaking

of the dimers and of the recombination of monomers

with neighbouring ones, one can find acid protons which migrate in the lattice.

In the low temperature phase, methyl motions are definitely slower than t-butyl reorientations. They experience a strong intramolecular potential so that

no drastic change in their motion occurs at the phase

transition. This means that the phase transition is

closely related to the dynamics of the t-butyl groups.

The possible proton exchange mechanism between

two carboxylic groups of a dimer was not confirmed

in the IN10 study.



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