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Inflationary character of Penrose tilings


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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Inflationary character of Penrose tilings

Yuval Gefen, Maurice Kléman, Andrdi Pavlovitch, Jacques Peyrière

To cite this version:

Yuval Gefen, Maurice Kléman, Andrdi Pavlovitch, Jacques Peyrière. Inflationary character of Penrose

tilings. Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (7), pp.1111-1118. �10.1051/jphys:019880049070111100�. �jpa-



Inflationary character of Penrose tilings

Yuval Gefen (1), Maurice Kléman (2), Andrdi Pavlovitch (3) and Jacques Peyrière (4) (1) Department of Nuclear Physics, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100 Israel

(2) Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, associé


CNRS, Université de Paris-Sud, bâtiment 510, 91405 Orsay, France

(3) Section de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay,

91191 Gif


Yvette Cedex, France

(4) Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université de Paris-Sud, batiment425, 91405 Orsay, France

(Reçu le 3 décembre 1986, révisé le 12 f6v?ier 1988, accepté le 17





On décrit les propriétés d’inflation des pavages de Penrose à l’aide des matrices de transfert de fractals (TMF) qui mettent l’accent sur la nature auto-similaire de


pavages apériodiques. Nous calculons explicitement les valeurs propres et les vecteurs propres correspondants, dans les


d’un pavage à six tuiles

élémentaires et d’une famille de pavages à neuf tuiles élémentaires, certains étant déterministes, d’autres


l’étant pas. Nous discutons et interprétons géométriquement leurs propriétés d’itération. Nous étudions aussi


type spécial de défauts d’inflation des pavages déterministes, qui sont le résultat d’un défaut d’accolement entre tuiles, introduit à


certain niveau d’itération, l’itération étant poursuivie par la suite. En supposant que

l’expression du coût


énergie de


défauts comprend


terme linéaire


les densités des diverses tuiles,


montrons que l’énergie d’une région fautée de taille R est


Rf, f 2 est


exposant non-trivial.

Dans certains cas, f est plus grand que la valeur canonique 1.



The inflation of Penrose tilings is described by means of Transfer Matrices of Fractals (TMFs)

which emphasize the self-similar nature of these aperiodic tilings. The related eigenvalues and eigenvectors are explicitly calculated for Penrose tilings employing six elementary shapes and for another Penrose-like family (with nine shapes), which includes both deterministic and non-deterministic tilings. Average iteration properties and their geometrical interpretation


discussed. We also study


special type of inflated defects in


deterministic Penrose tiling. These defects


the result of


mismatch between the tiles, introduced at


certain iteration stage and then inflated iteratively. Assuming that the expression of the energy cost for such defects includes


term which is


linear function of the shapes densities,


show that the energy of



region of linear size R may scale


Rf, where f 2 is

a non

trivial exponent. In certain cases,

f is larger than the canonical value 1.


Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

Penrose tilings (PT) in two dimensions (d


2), and non-periodic three-dimensional space fillings have

attracted much attention both from the theoretical

[1-8] and experimental [6, 9] view point. Alloys like [6, 9] A186Mn14 are believed to have a new state of

matter characterized by icosahedral orientational correlations and therefore no translational invari-

ance. This type of ordering may be closely related to

the PT and its generalizations.

In this note we concentrate on the self-similar nature of the Penrose tiling. Under dilation trans-

formation a PT maps onto a (generally distinct) PT [1-4]. We study this inflationary property by employ-

ing the TMF (Transfer Matrices of Fractals) method.

The mathematical properties and certain applications

of TMFs have been discussed in references [10,11].

TMFs for the geometries discussed in the present work will be constructed and studied within the

analysis given below. We have tried to present this analysis in a self-contained manner. At this point we only remark that within this approach dilation trans-

formations are described in terms of interscale transfer matrices, which relate the basic geometrical configurations on a large scale to those more elemen- tary shapes which appear on a smaller scale. Some of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of these mathemati- cally interesting TMFs may also be assigned direct geometrical interpretation. Only short range statisti-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019880049070111100



cal properties of our tilings (as opposed to long

range correlations) are calculated within this ap-

proach. The same TMF method enables us to study

average statistical properties of non-deterministic

tilings (the latter term refers to tilings whose rules of iteration may be chosen at random at each step of


After describing various PTs in terms of TMFs, we study a special family of defects, hereafter denoted

as inflationary defects. These defects are introduced

at a certain stage of the iteration process and are then iterated by means of the TMF until a micro-

scopic scale is reached. We next discuss the energy cost of such defects. It consists of several contri-

butions, including the elastic energy and the energy associated with the mismatches between the defec- tive domain and the surrounding perfect tiling.

Usually one expects that the latter term will scale

linearly with the perimeter R of the domain. Here

we assume that certain energies are associated also with the various microscopic geometrical shapes (which, in turn, may correspond to certain atomic



not only with the boundaries

between microscopic shapes. Following this assump- tion we show that the expression for the energy cost of the defects considered by us now includes a term

which scales up as R f . We demonstrate that

f may satisfy 1 f 2. Physically this means that

due to the inflationary character of the Penrose tiling

the energy associated with the formation of a

domain may scale up faster that the length of the

domain wall. It is straightforward to generalize the present discussion to a hierarchy of inflationary

defects on various length scales. A general

mathematical study of the TMF technique applied to

the PT is presented by one of us elsewhere [8]. In principle it can be generalized to the d


3 case.

We emphasize that this work is primarily a geo- metrical study of certain aspects of the inflationary

symmetry of PTs. Much is yet to be done before the relevance to realistic systems can be established.

Since we do not have detailed information about the

dynamics involved in the formation of quasi-crystals,

the physical existence of inflationary defects is not

yet proven. We also stress that we do not offer

microscopic justification for the energetics of the tilings discussed here (although the assumption about

a microscopic energy associated with each particular microscopic configuration is not implausible). What

we are trying to do here is to establish a relation between PTs and more conventional fractals, specifi- cally by employing the TMF approach. We present

an eigenanalysis of certain TMFs and study its geometrical interpretation, we distinguish between

deterministic and non-deterministic tilings and also

discuss inflationary, non-topological defects. Since

our purpose here is to demonstrate certain aspects of inflation symmetry we felt comfortable using specific

presentations of the two dimensional 5-fold sym- metry.

The PTs used here are obtained by starting from a large polygon (e.g. a pentagon), decorating it accord- ing to a certain rule, and repeating this decoration iteratively for each of the resulting smaller polygons,

until one reaches the microscopic scale. We consider

two examples. The first, presented in section 2, is adapted from reference [3] and consists of 6 tiles.

We use this example to present the basics of the TMF method. The second one, discussed in sec-

tion 3, is inspired by the original Penrose construc-

tion (Ref. [lb]) and employs 9 basic shapes. It leads

to a family of 9 x 9 TMFs. The last section, deals

with the scaling properties of inflationary defects in

the PT. In the appendix we discuss a relation

between the 6 shape tiling and the 9 shape tiling presented earlier.

2. A Penrose tiling with six tiles.

The iterative inflation process, shown in figure 1,

can be described in terms of linear equations that

count how many offsprings of each type at the

( j + 1 )-st iteration step are formed from a given (large) shape at the j-th step.

In this example, we obtain the following transfer


This matrix connects two six-vectors before and after

an iteration step. The entries of a six vector are

proportional to the frequency of each basic shape in

the tiling. Taking for example the fourth column of the TMF, we transform (03B4) by iteration into a

(a) :

The remaining 5 obtuse triangles of (6) are not

counted on the right hand side of this equation, as they belong to 5 pentagons of type (e) which are

accounted for in the iteration of the neighbours of (6).

As another example, ( y ) iterates into (6) and (8 )

But in this case we have included along with the

acute triangles the obtuse ones too, the latter coming

from neighbouring tiles. More generally, the careful reader will notice that the matching rules consist of

removing obtuse triangles and sticking them to acute

ones to form pentagons, respecting at the same time


Fig. 1.


(a) A perfect Penrose tiling obtained by iterative decoration of six shapes (from Ref. [3]). Two iterations


drawn ; (b) the six basic shapes. The notations 0, 1,


is introduced to define matching rules between neighbouring shapes : 0 should match with 0 etc. (c) The decoration process leading to the next iteration step. (d) An iteration of



(y ).

the matching of 0 with 0, 1 with 1 and 2 with

2, at all scales. This process is illustrated in figure Id

for equation (3). The eigenvalues of the transfer matrix are, in decreasing order,



where T

= 2


The components of the right eigenvector associated with A 1 are proportional to

the frequencies of the various tiles a, 03B2, ’Y, ..., according to Perron-Frobenius theorem (see

Ref. [10]). Moreover, since the scaling ratio is

T, the Perron-Frobenius theorem implies that the

number of tiles within a distance r" is of the order of

À i ; hence the corresponding fractal dimensionality,

in the sense of reference [10] (p. 343), is

The other eigenvalues of this matrix provide us with

corrections to scaling. This point will be discussed in

the context of the second example, presented below.

3. A Penrose tiling with 9 tiles.

The second example employs 9 basic shapes which

are shown in figure 2a. The original PT consisting of

these 9 tiles is shown in figure 2b [12]. We use this example to demonstrate the geometrical interpre-

tation of the TMF and also to introduce the notion of non-deterministic tiling.

The inflation rules of the basic shapes are indicated

in figure 2a. For example, a star (f) will be divided,

in the next iteration step, into 5 pentagons (e),

5 triangles of type (c) and one small star (f). This is

described by the equation

Similar equations hold for the other shapes. Note, however, that a subtle problem arises at this stage. A

large pentagon yields, in the subsequent iteration step, 6 smaller pentagons and 5 triangles which may be either of type (a) or (b). One has to specify the

type of these triangles. We choose these triangles

with relative frequencies 5 x and 5 (1- x ) respect-

ively. The equation for the pentagon then reads



Fig. 2.


The original Penrose tiling obtained by iterative decoration of nine shapes. (a) The nine basic shapes, each

iterated once ; (b) 3 iterations steps. A triangle of type (a) and




marked with bold lines.

This equation is valid only on the average. Similar

equations are obtained for the shape (h) (with

relative frequencies 3 y and 3 (1 - y ) for triangles (a)

and (b) respectively) and for the shape (i) (with

relative frequencies 2 z and 2 (1- z ) for (a) and (b) respectively). Thus we can write down a set of 9 linear equations for the iteration rules. These are

expressed in terms of a TMF, M (x, y, z ), operating

in a 9-dimensional shape space.

The TMF approach is devised to give information about the frequencies of the various shapes at each

iteration step. This approach can be also applied to

describe random constructions [10] where the iter-

ation rules are chosen at random (and are indepen- dent) for different regions in space and/or for different iteration steps. In that case relative fre- quencies should be replaced by probabilities.

We next discuss in more detail the geometrical significance of the parameters x, y, z. Figure 3 shows

the tiling obtained after three iterations for the case x




z =1. We observe that only five shapes

appear but one more iteration would give rise to

seven shapes : (a), (c), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i). Note

that in general the tiling obtained for a set of values x, y,


(an example being Fig. 3) is a generalization

of the original Penrose tiling allowing, for example,

a matching of two shapes of type (h) (this was

forbidden in the original tiling, Fig. 2b).

For x


k,15, y


k2/3, z


k3/2 (ki, k2, k3 integers, 1, x, y, z > 0) it is possible to construct

deterministic tilings. By this we mean that it is possible to find iteration rules which leave no place

for choice at any given iteration step. For the above particular choice of x, y, z the iteration scheme is

Fig. 3.


Three iterations employing 7 shapes ; the tiling

obtained is not perfect (note e.g. that tiles of type (h)


matched with other tiles of type (h) ; such


matching is

not allowed in the perfect PT, cf. Fig. 2b).

deterministic. For example, we may define five directions in space, parallel to the mediatrices of

triangles (a) and (b), and to each of these directions

attach a triangle of either type (a) or (b). This way

we generate an anisotropic homogeneous tiling (1).

This procedure, leading to a deterministic tiling,

cannot be employed for a general set of x, y, z.

(1) Another possibility is to color the tiles and redefine the rules of inflation and matching in

a manner


with the given values of x, y and



Let us now give a general argument proving that,

for all I > x, y, z , 0, the largest eigenvalue of the

matrix M is A, = T 4. A vector in the shape space

I u) = I U (1), U (2),


u (9» describes a configuration

which consists of u (1) tiles of type (a), u (2) tiles of

type (b), etc. (Hereafter we use for convenience the bra-ket notation). Starting from an initial configur- ation luo), after n decoration steps we obtain a configuration described by the vector Mn I uo). If

(S I denotes the left vector the components of which

are the areas of the various shapes, one has the


which expresses the area conservation under in- flation. Since it follows from the Perron-Frobenius theorem that (S I tr I uo> is of the order of A1n, we

have A, = T 4. Furthermore, the Perron-Frobenius theorem also implies that At n tr approaches I AI> (All I when n goes to infinity, if the right and

left eigenvectors I AI> and (All are chosen such that

(All I A1/ =1. Thus

As this last relation holds for any I uo), we obtain

that (S I is a left eigenvector of M associated with


The characteristic polynomial of M is

Hence, five eigenvalues do not depend on x,

y and z. The left eigenvector (Ai j [ (whose compo-

nents are proportional to the areas of the shapes) is given (up to a normalization factor) by

The equation (Ai (M A, I A, can be written an 9

equalities, each involving numbers of the form

a + bT, with a, b rationals. These equalities should

still hold if we replace each factor of a + bT by its conjugate in Q(J3), a - b 1 , i. e. , if we replace


each factor


by 1- T. Thus we obtain a left eigenvector associated with A


T - 4 (= ( 1- T )4 )

by replacing


by 1-


in (All. From equation (12)

it follows that any product of n matrices M, even

with different sets of values for x, y, z, has

T 4 n as its largest eigenvalue. However the other

eigenvalues of such a product need not be the product of the individual eigenvalues. Note also that the right eigenvector A1 . does depend on x,

y, z.

When the non-zero eigenvalues are non-degener-

ate, the left and right eigenvectors which correspond

to these eigenvalues can be chosen to form a biorthogonal system and we have, for n



As we have already stated, for large n the term corresponding to the largest eigenvalue A, dominates

the above expression [10,11]. It follows [10, 11] that

the entries of A1 ) represent the asymptotic fre-

quency at which various basic shapes appear in the structure. Since for large n the number of tiles

increases by a factor a1 at each iteration (which

involves a rescaling factor Tb, the fractal dimen-

sionality of the structure, D, is given by D


In At/In T 2. Since the largest eigenvalue A, does not depend on x, y, z and is always equal to T 4, the

fractal dimensionality of the tiling is always 2. This is geometrically evident, since we are dealing here with tiling of the plane. Note once more that the above analysis gives us information on the frequency of the

various shapes, but not on their spatial arrange- ments.

The smaller eigenvalues introduce finite size cor-

rections [11] to the asymptotic behaviour. For

example, after n decoration steps the number of shapes of type j ( j


(a), (b), ... (i)) will be (pro-

vided that either ( Ai [ uo ) # 0 or (Azl uo> #: 0),

where R is the size of the sample (R = T 2 n ) and

In our notation, I u) j is the j-th entry of the vector

lu). We note that f -- 2 can be interpreted as a secondary fractal dimension [10]. The existence of a

negative eigenvalue means that the approach to asymptotic distribution involves decaying oscillations in the relative number of shapes and in the correc-

tions to the energy (see Sect. 4 below). The exponent

f is larger than 1 when the second eigenvalue A2 is larger than T 2. For the deterministic tiling

discussed above this occurs for the values of

(kl, k2, k3) listed in table I.

Table I.


Values of (kl, k2, k3) ) for which

A2 :::’ T 2 (see text).



4. Inflationary defects in deterministic tilings.

We shall now study a special family of non-topologi-

cal defects, introduced at a certain iteration step and then inflated. As has been stated in the introduction,

the physical relevance of such inflationary defects is

not clear, and at this stage we consider them because of their geometrical interest. After explaining how inflationary defects are generated, we shall discuss the scaling of an energy term associated with the

frequencies of the microscopic configurations (this is

not the term related to whether matching rules are obeyed or not). Our analysis is fairly general and

should hold for the scaling of other quantities which

are linear .functions of the frequencies of the micro- scopic shapes.

We shall confine the discussion to deterministic

tilings, as discussed in section 3. Let us first consider,

as an example, the pentagon marked by heavy lines

in figure 2b. If we rotate this pentagon by 72° we

shall generate disallowed matching (e.g. two shapes

of type i with a common edge), hereafter denoted as

mismatches. We may associate energies with each

such a mismatch ; consequently the energy cost of such a domain is proportional to the total length of

its boundary. If, rather than rotating this pentagon by 72° (or an integer multiple thereof) we rotate it by

an arbitrary angle, there will be an elastic energy (in

addition to the domain boundary energy) which

should be added to the total energy cost. The point

we are trying to emphasize here is that the core of a

defect, represented by a domain of size R, may involve an additional energy term which scales as

Rf, f > 1. Let us assume that the elementary geometrical shapes represent certain local atomic

configurations, each with a characteristic energy. At this point we ignore energy terms due to shape- shape interactions (mismatches) ; these should be

included separately and will lead to a term pro-

portional to R 1. A microscopic shape of type j (j


(a), (b),


(i)) possesses energy Ej. The

energy associated with the perfect tiling is


This perfect tiling is assumed to correspond to a local

energy minimum in the global configuration space.

We now replace part of the tiling, e.g. the triangle

marked with bold lines in figure 2b (which is a type

(a) shape iterated twice), by another domain (e.g. a (b)-type triangle iterated twice), keeping the total

area constant. In this particular example no elastic

strains are generated since the former domain is

replaced by a shape of identical boundaries, but in general an elastic energy term should be included.

Not only the mismatch energy, which is proportional

to the length of the boundary of the new domain, has

to be accounted for, but also the statistics of

elementary shapes has been changed, when the new

domain has been introduced. More generally we

shall take R = abp (a being a microscopic length).

The sample size is L = ab n (n > p ). In our specific example the rescaling factor at each iteration step is b


T 2. In order to construct a structure with a core

defect one starts as before from the scale L, and iterates (n - p ) times, obtaining the vector un _ p ) .

We now introduce some perturbation on this scale


thus creating a defect whose core size will eventually (at the end of the iterative process) be R. We then continue to decorate down to the microscopic scale.

The energy associated with this structure is

The core energy, dE, is obtained by subtracting the

energy of the perfect tiling (Eq. (16)). Hence

If the defect represented by I du) does not involve

a change in the total area, if follows that

(Alldu) = 0 (in the above example Idu) ’"

1 -1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)).

If (Azldu) 0 then


For Az > TZ (cf. Tab. I), dE scales faster than linearly with the diameter of the domain. The

particular scaling of this energy term is due to the

inflationary character of the defect considered here.

Note that within our picture one may introduce a whole hierarchy of defects (domain) of size abP, abP’, abP"... (p" > p’ > p ) [14]. An intriguing ques- tion that arises here is whether such domains can be formed during a quenching process which lead to a local quasi-periodic structure (of inflationary charac- ter) separated from the rest of the quasi-periodic system by a domain wall.


We thank B. B. Mandelbrot for advice and dis- cussions. Y. G. acknowledges the supports of CNRS for his stay in the Laboratoire de Physique des

Solides at Orsay. This work was partially supported by the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation

(BSF). M. K. and J. P. are happy to use this

opportunity to thank their friends J. P. Allouche, F.


Axel and M. Mendes-France for the pleasant and

fruitful discussions on aperiodic systems they held aperiodically during the Academic Year 1984-1985 and C. Godreche, who drew our attention to the six shapes tilings of reference [3]. Y. G. is a Bat-Sheva



A natural question that arises is the following : is it possible to describe the perfect PT of figure la as a

deterministic version of the tilings described in

section 3 ? In other words, is it possible to split the shapes (a), ({3), ( y ), (61’ ( -- ) and (03B6 ) (see

section 2) into pieces that combine to form shapes (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) in such a

way that the iterative decoration of the new tiles

((a), (b), (c), ... ) thus obtained will be described in

terms of the matrix M (x, y, z ) ? We thus want to study the relation between two different realizations of the five-fold tiling.

We have to determine 15 quantities a, b, c,


a , {3, 1’, ... which are proportional to the fre- quencies of the elementary tiles of the two tilings

discussed in this paper. The right eigenvector as-

sociated with the largest eigenvalue of L, T2 is

written as

while the right eigenvector of M associated with the

eigenvalue T 4 is written as

Here we choose the normalization of the vectors such that their entries will correspond to the number

of tiles (of a given type) per unit area. We now can

write down equations for the quantities a, b, c,


a, (3, y,


whose derivation is based on the follow-

ing considerations :

(i) there are six entries of I À 1) which satisfies

This provides us with six equations.

(ii) Similarly the relation

provides us with 9 equations.

(iii) We have four other equations that relate

shapes generated by L to shapes generated by M. For example one can see from figure 2 that, in

the M-tiling pentagons correspond to either tiles (e)

or a combination of tiles (h) and (i). Hence the total

number of pentagons in that tiling is equal to the

number of (e)’s plus the number of (h)’s (or (i)’s).

From figure lc we can see that in the L-tiling pentagons are related to either (03B4 ), (6) or (03B6 ).

Hence we can write

From similar considerations we obtain

The factors x, y, z do not appear in 17 of these

equations. This enable us to calculate the relative

frequencies of a, b, c,


In other words : the first eigenvector of M (x, y, z ) (up to a normalization factor) is independent of

x, y, z ; hence the relative frequencies a, b, c,



independent of x, y, z. The two equations that

contain x, y, z may be reduced to a single compatibi- lity condition :

The last equation has no solution of the form



k1/5, y


k2/3, z


k3/2 (kl, k2, k3 being inte- gers). Turning back to the question we have raised in

the beginning of this section, we conclude that it is not possible to describe the perfect PT of section 2 as a deterministic tiling of the type discussed in sec- tion 3. However, equation (A.10) has, naturally,

many solutions. The simplest one is

The geometric interpretation of the general solution

of equation (A.10) remains open at this stage. We only remark that the particular solution, equation (A.11), implies that the statistics of a

decorated (h) shape, matched with an (i), is the

same as that of a pentagon (an (e) shape). Con- versely, each pentagon can be devided into shapes (h) and (i) whose orientation may be chosen arbi-

trarily (provided that it is along one of the five-fold

symmetry directions) without affecting the statistics

of the decorated shapes.




[1] (a) PENROSE, R., Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 10 (1974) n°7/8 ;

(b) PENROSE, R., Math. Intelligencer 2 (1979) 32.

[2] GARDNER, M., Sci. Am. (January 1977) p.110.

[3] GRÜNBAUM, B. and SHEPPARD, G. C., Tillings and

Patterns (Freeman, San-Francisco) 1987.

[4] DE BRUIJN, N. G., Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. A 84

(1981) 39 ; (1981) 59.

[5] LEVINE, D. and STEINHARDT, P. J., Phys. Rev. Lett.

53 (1984) 2477.

[6] An overview of both theoretical and experimental aspects of the problem


be found in the Les Houches Conf. Proc. Aperiodic Crystals, Eds.

D. Gratias and L. Michel, J. Phys. Colloq.

France 47 (1986) C3.

[7] For




quasi-crystals see HENLEY, C. L.,

Comments in Cond. Mat. Phys. B 13 (1987) 59.

[8] PEYRIÈRE, J., J. Phys. Colloq. France 47 (1986) C3-


[9] SHECHTMAN, D., BLECH, I., GRATIAS, D. and CAHN, J. W., Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984) 1951.

[10] MANDELBROT, B. B., GEFEN, Y., AHARONY, A. and PEYRIÈRE, J., J. Phys. A 18 (1985) 335.

[11] GEFEN, Y., MANDELBROT, B. B., AHARONY, A. and KAPTTULNIK, A., J. Stat. Phys. 36 (1984) 827 ;

AHARONY, A., GEFEN, Y., KAPITULNIK, A. and MURAT, M., Phys. Rev. B 31 (1985) 4721.

[12] The backbone of the structure shown in figure 2b is


fractal of dimensionality 1.86 and



as a

possible model for amorphous materials during


informal discussion which included AHARONY, A., GEFEN, Y., KLÉMAN, M., MAN- DELBROT, B., ORBACH, R., and PEYRIÈRE, J.

(Les Houches Meeting


Fractals, March 1984, unpublished) ;


also Yu, K. W., Thesis, University of Californie,

Los Angeles (1984).

[13] Consider for example du> ~ | 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ~ . This corresponds to the substitution of


type (a) triangle by


triangle of type (b).

[14] Since


procedure takes into account the number of various shapes but not their spatial arrangement,


ignore here the effect of core-core




the energy. One may, however, im- prove the present approach systematically by considering larger configurations


our basic shapes, for which at least short-range spatial

correlations may by accounted for explicitely

(see Ref. [8]).


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The schemes are con- structed by combing a discontinuous Galerkin approximation to the Vlasov equation together with a mixed finite element method for the Poisson problem.. We

The theory of spaces with negative curvature began with Hadamard's famous paper [9]. This condition has a meaning in any metric space in which the geodesic

Delano¨e [4] proved that the second boundary value problem for the Monge-Amp`ere equation has a unique smooth solution, provided that both domains are uniformly convex.. This result

We introduce a family of DG methods for (1.1)–(1.3) based on the coupling of a DG approximation to the Vlasov equation (transport equation) with several mixed finite element methods

First introduced by Faddeev and Kashaev [7, 9], the quantum dilogarithm G b (x) and its variants S b (x) and g b (x) play a crucial role in the study of positive representations

In Section 7, by using H¨ ormander’s L 2 estimates, we establish the local L 2 closed range property for (0) b with respect to Q (0) for some weakly pseudoconvex tube domains in C n

The second mentioned author would like to thank James Cogdell for helpful conversation on their previous results when he was visiting Ohio State University.. The authors also would

A second scheme is associated with a decentered shock-capturing–type space discretization: the II scheme for the viscous linearized Euler–Poisson (LVEP) system (see section 3.3)..