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Galois points for a plane curve and its dual curve


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Galois points for a plane curve and its dual curve


ABSTRACT- A pointPin projective plane is said to be Galois for a plane curve of degree at least three if the function field extension induced by the projection fromPis Galois. Further we say that a Galois point is extendable if any birational transformation by the Galois group can be extended to a linear transformation of the projective plane. In this article, we propose the following problem:If a plane curve has a Galois point and its dual curve has one, what is the curve?We give an answer. We show that the dual curve of a smooth plane curve does not have a Galois point. On the other hand, we settle the case where both a plane curve and its dual curve have extendable Galois points. Such a curve must be defined by Xd YeZd eˆ0, which is a famous self-dual curve.


KEYWORDS. Galois point, plane curve, dual curve, self-dual curve.

1. Introduction

Let the base field K be an algebraically closed field of characteristic pˆ0 and let CP2 be an irreducible plane curve of degree d3. We recall the notions ofdual curveandGalois point.

Let P2 be the dual projective plane which parameterizes projective lines of P2 and let (X:Y:Z), (U:V:W) be systems of homogeneous coordinates of P2 and ofP2 respectively. We denote by Sing(C) the sin- gular locus ofC. IfCis defined by a homogeneous polynomialF(X;Y;Z),

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Yamagata Uni- versity, Kojirakawa-machi 1-4-12, Yamagata 990-8560, Japan.

E-mail: s.fukasawa@sci.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp

The first author was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 22740001, 25800002.

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, Ube National College of Technology, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-8555, Japan.

E-mail: kmiura@ube-k.ac.jp


we have a rational map gˆgC:C >P2, which sends a smooth point Q2CnSing(C) to the point





2P2 para- meterizing the projective tangent lineTQCtoCatQ. This rational map is called thedual mapofCand (the closure of) the image ofCis called thedual curve, which is denoted by C. It is well-known that projective duality C ˆCholds (see, for example, [7, 11]).

If the function field extension K(C)=K(P1) induced by the projection pP:C >P1 from a pointP2P2 is Galois, then the pointPis said to be Galois. Moreover, denoting by GP the Galois group associated to the projectionpP, we say that a Galois pointPisextendableif any birational transformation ofCinduced by the Galois groupGPcan be extended to a linear transformation ofP2.

The notion of Galois point was introduced by H. Yoshihara (see e.g.

[4, 9, 13]) and it is an interesting topic on plane curves. For instance, a well-known theorem of Noether and later results assure that ifCP2is a smooth curve of degree d, then the minimum degree of a morphism C!P1 is d 1, and all the maps of degree d 12 and d5 are projectionspP:C >P1 from some pointP2CandP2P2nC respec- tively (cf. [3, 5, 10]). Thus describing Galois points on a smooth plane curve is equivalent to detect all the Galois coverings C!P1 having minimal degrees.

The singular curve defined by Xd YeZd e ˆ0, where e1 andd;e are coprime, has lovely properties. Its dual curve is defined by the same equation (up to a projective equivalence, see Lemma 2.5). Therefore, this curve is a ``self-dual'' curve. It has an (extendable) Galois point (1:0:0) (Proposition 2.3) and its dual curve has one, by the self-duality. In the light of this fact, we propose the following problem.

PROBLEM1.1. If a plane curve has a Galois point and its dual curve has one, what is the curve? Is it a self-dual curve?

In this article, we give an answer. We show the following for smooth curves.

THEOREM1.2. Let C be a smooth plane curve of degree d3. Then, there exist no Galois points for the dual curve of C.

By projective duality, we have the following.


COROLLARY1.3. Let C be a plane curve of degree d3and let Cbe the dual curve. If both C and Chave Galois points, then they are singular.

We say that a Galois pointP isinner(resp. outer) if P2CnSing(C) (resp.P2P2nC). In the case where Galois points are extendable, we show the following characterization theorems.

THEOREM1.4. Let C be a plane curve of degree d3and let Cbe the dual curve of C.

(I) The following conditions are equivalent.

(1) C and C have extendable outer Galois points.

(2) C is projectively equivalent to the plane curve defined by Xd YeZd eˆ0for some e1.

(II) The following conditions are equivalent.

(1) C has an extendable outer Galois point and Chas an extend- able inner Galois point.

(2) C and C have extendable inner Galois points.

(3) C is projectively equivalent to the plane curve defined by Xd Yd 1Zˆ0.

To prove our result we will connect Galois points for a plane curveCand its dual curve. In particular, we will show that - given an extendable Galois pointPforC- the Galois groupGPhas a natural action on the dual curve C, and such an action preserves the fibers of a certain projection pP:C!P1. Namely,

PROPOSITION1.5. Let C be a plane curve with an extendable Galois point P2P2 and let GP be the Galois group. Any s2GP induces a natural linear transformations:P2 !P2 (see Lemma2.2for details).

Then, there exists a unique point P2P2such that the maps7!sinduces an injective homomorphism

GP,!G[P]:ˆ ft2Bir(C)jt(C\`n fPg)` for a general line`3Pg;

where Bir(C) is the group of all birational transformations of C. In particular, the degree of the projectionpP:C >P1from P is at least the order of GP.

In the next Section we will recall some preliminary facts about projective duality and Galois group, and we will achieve Proposition 1.5. Section 3 and Section 4 will be devoted to prove Theorems 1.2 and 1.4 respectively.


2. Preliminaries

LetCbe an irreducible plane curve of degreed3. If a pointP2P2is not inC, we define the multiplicity ofCatPas zero. We denote bydthe degree of the dual curveC.

We recall duality principle betweenP2 andP2. For a projective line

`P2, we denote by [`] the point in P2 corresponding to`. If` is de- fined byuX‡vY‡wZˆ0 for someu;v;w2K, then the point [`]2P2 is given by (u:v:w). For a pointP2P2, we denote by [P]P2the line corresponding to P, which parameterizes the star of lines through P.

IfP is defined by u1X‡v1Y‡w1Zˆu2X‡v2Y‡w2Zˆ0 for some u1;u2;v1;v2;w1;w22K, then [P] is the line passing through the two points (u1:v1:w1);(u2:v2:w2)2P2. Then, we have the following ele- mentary facts.

LEMMA 2.1. Let P2P2 be a point and let `P2 be a line. Then, [[P]]ˆP and[[`]]ˆ`hold. Furthermore,



LEMMA 2.2. Let f be a linear transformation of P2 and let Af be a matrix representing f, i.e.f(X:Y:Z)ˆ(X;Y;Z)Af. Then the induced map f:P2 !P2;[`]7![f(`)] is represented by the transpose of the matrix Af1, that is

f(U:V :W)ˆ(U;V;W)tAf1: Moreover, the diagram

commutes, where the horizontal arrows are the dual maps of C andf(C).

We often use the standard formof the defining equation for a plane curve with an extendable Galois point, which is given by the following.

PROPOSITION2.3 (see [8, 13, 15]). Let P2P2 be a point with multi- plicity m0. The point P is extendable Galois for C if and only if there


exists a linear transformationfonP2such thatf(P)ˆ(1:0:0)andf(C) is given by

Xd mGm(Y;Z)‡Gd(Y;Z)ˆ0;

where Gi(Y;Z)is a homogeneous polynomial of degree i in variables Y;Z.

In this case, the Galois group Gf(P) is cyclic and there exists a primitive (d m)-th rootzof unity such that a generators2Gf(P)is represented by s(X:Y :Z)ˆ(zX:Y:Z).

Firstly, we prove the first assertion of Proposition 1.5 for the curves with the standard form as in Proposition 2.3.

LEMMA2.4. Let Pˆ(1:0:0)2P2, let C be defined by Xd mGm(Y;Z)‡Gd(Y;Z)ˆ0;

and let a generator s2GP be represented bys(X:Y :Z)ˆ(zX:Y:Z).

Then, there exists a unique point P2P2 such that the map GP! G[P];si7!siis a well-defined and injective homomorphism.

PROOF. By Lemma 2.2, s is represented by s(U:V:W)ˆ (z 1U:V:W) and s(C)ˆC. Let Pˆ(1:0:0)2P2. By the re- presentation ofs, we have

s2G[P]ˆ ft2Bir(C)jt(C\`n fPg)` for a general line`3Pg:

We prove the uniqueness of P. By contradiction we assume that s2G[P]\G[Q], whereQ6ˆP. LetR2Cbe a point not contained in the line passing throughPandQsuch thats(R)6ˆR. Bys2G[P]\G[Q],s(R) is contained in the lines passing throughRandP,RandQrespectively.

This implies thats(R)ˆR. This is a contradiction. p PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1.5. By Proposition 2.3, there exists a linear transformationfsuch thatf(P)ˆ(1:0:0),f(C) is given byXd mGm(Y;Z)‡ Gd(Y;Z)ˆ0 and a generator s2Gf(P) is represented by s(X:Y:Z)ˆ (zX:Y :Z). By Lemma 2.4, we have an injectionf :Gf(P),!G[f(P)];si7!si. Let Pˆf 1(f(P)). We also have isomorphisms g:GP!Gf(P);t7!ftf 1 and h:G[f(P)]!G[P];h7!f 1hf. Since (tAf1)t(Af1AtAf) 1(tAf1) 1 ˆ (tAf1)tAftAt1 tAf1(tAft At1, we have (hfg)(t)ˆt. Therefore, GP!G[P];t7!t is a well-defined and injective homomorphism. The uniqueness of the pointPfollows, similarly to the proof of Lemma 2.4.


We prove the second assertion. Letmbe the multiplicity ofC atP.

Then, the order ofG[P] is at mostd m, which is equal to the degree of the projection pP:C >P1. By the first assertion, we have

d md m. p

Here, we summarize the properties of the curve defined by Xd YeZd eˆ0.

LEMMA 2.5. Let C be defined by Xd YeZd eˆ0. Then, we have the following.

(1) The dual curve Cis given by( 1)dee(d e)d eUd ddVeWd eˆ0.

(2) Points (1:0:0)2P2 and (1:0:0)2P2 are extendable outer Galois for C and C respectively.

(3) If eˆd 1, then points (0:1:0)2P2 and (0:1:0)2P2 are extendable inner Galois for C and C respectively.

PROOF. Since the dual mapgis given by

(dXd 1: eYe 1Zd e: (d e)YeZd e 1)

ˆ(dXd: eXYe 1Zd e: (d e)XYeZd e 1)

ˆ(dYeZd e: eXYe 1Zd e: (d e)XYeZd e 1)

ˆ(dYZ: eXZ: (d e)XY);

we have (1). We have assertions (2) and (3) by Proposition 2.3. p

3. Galois points for the dual curve of a smooth curve

LetCP2 be a smooth curve of degreed3 and letC be the dual curve ofC. The dual mapg:C!Cis birational ([7], [11, Theorem 1.5.3]) andCis of degreedˆd(d 1), since the linear system




@Z has no base point. Note that any birational transformation of C is ex- tendable whend4 (see [1, Appendix A, 17 and 18] or [2]). Therefore any Galois point is extendable in this case.

LEMMA3.1. Let C be a smooth plane curve of degree d4. Then, any birational map C >C can be extended to a linear transformation of P2. Therefore, any Galois point for Cis extendable.


PROOF. Lett:C >C be a birational map. Then the rational map t0:ˆg 1tg:C >Cis a birational transformation ofC. SinceCis smooth of degree d4, t0 can be extended to a linear transformation of P2 as observed above. Since the diagram

commutes, we havet0jCˆt. Hencet can be extended to a linear trans-

formation ofP2. p

PROOF OFTHEOREM1.2. LetCbe a smooth plane curve of degreed3.

Throughout we treat the casesdˆ3 andd4 separately.

Firstly, we assume thatd4. Aiming for a contradiction, letR2P2be a Galois point forC, and letmbe the multiplicity ofCatR. It follows from Lemma 3.1 and Proposition 1.5 that the degree of the projection fromRis at mostd. Therefore, we haved md. SinceR2C, there exists a point R02C with g(R0)ˆR. Let `P2 be a general line with R2`. Then, C\`n fRg consists of exactly d m smooth points of C. Since C\`n fRgconsists of only smooth points, there are exactlyd mpoints in g 1(C\`n fRg) and such points are not flexes (i.e. the intersection multiplicity ofCand the tangent line at the point is two). It follows from Lemma 2.1 that [`]2[g(Q0)]ˆTQ0CP2 for any point Q02g 1(C\`).

This implies that, for a general pointP2[R]ˆ[g(R0)]ˆTR0C, there exist exactlyd mpoints not ing 1(R) which are not flexes and the tangent lines containP. Then, by Hurwitz formula for the projectionpP:C!P1from a general pointP2TR0CnC, we have 2g(C) 2‡2deg (pP)ˆdegB, where g(C)ˆ(d 1)(d 2)

2 is the genus of C andB is the ramification divisor.

Since the sum of the degrees ofBgiven by points inC\TR0C is at most d 1, we have degB(d 1)‡(d m). Thus Hurwitz formula leads to the following inequality

d2 3d‡2d(d 1)‡(d m)2d 1:

This implies thatd3. This is a contradiction to the assumptiond4.

So we assume that dˆ3. Then, we have dˆ6. We recall the well- known fact that there are nine flexes forC. Let Flex(C)Cbe the set of all flexes of C. Then g(Flex(C))ˆSing(C) as C does not admit bitangent lines. Firstly we would like to determine lines `P2 such that


`\Sing(C)6ˆ ;. Let Q2Flex(C) and let P2TQC, which is maybe Q.

Using Hurwitz formula for the projectionpP, the ramification divisor has degree 6 (resp. 4) if P6ˆQ (resp. PˆQ†. Hence one of the following conditions holds.

(1) There exist three flexes whose tangent lines containP.

(2) There exist exactly two flexes and two other points whose four tangent lines containP.

(3) There exist exactly one flex and four other points whose five tan- gent lines containP.

(4) PˆQand there exist three points which are not flexes and tangent lines at them containP.

It follows from Lemma 2.1 that one of the following conditions holds if

`\Sing(C)6ˆ ;for a line`P2.

(1) C\`consists of three singular points.

(2) C\`consists of two singular points and two smooth points.

(3) C\`consists of one singular point and four smooth points.

(4) C\`consists of exactly one singular point and three smooth points.

LetR2P2be a point and let^pR:ˆpRg:C!P1. We denote byeP

the ramification index at P2C for ^pR. Note that if Q2Flex(C) and g(Q)6ˆR, then^pRis ramified atQ, since the differential ofgatQis zero.

The above conditions represent types of ramification indices of flexes for


pR. For example, condition (1) implies that eQ1ˆeQ2ˆeQ3ˆ2, where g(Q1);g(Q2);g(Q3)2C\`ifR2`andR62C.

Assume by contradiction thatR2P2is a Galois point forC. Then, the field extension induced by ^pR is Galois. We often use the property of Galois extensions that the ramification indexeQ1is equal to the oneeQ2 if


pR(Q1)ˆ^pR(Q2) ([12, Corollary 3.7.2]). Moreover, we separate the cases R2CnSing(C),R2P2nCandR2Sing(C).

Firstly we suppose that R is an inner Galois point, that is R2CnSing(C). Then, the projection ^pR is of degree five. Then, any ramification index is five, by the property mentioned above. Therefore, the set ^pR1(^pR(Q))ˆ fQg if Q2Flex(C). Since this condition does not coincide with (1),. . ., (4) we have a contradiction.

Then we assume thatRis an outer Galois point, that isR2P2nC, so that deg^pRˆ6. Note that there exist no tangent lines with two contact points forC, by the smoothness ofCand projective duality. By the property


of Galois extensions, any line containingRand a singular point must satisfy (1). Since the number of singular points is nine, there exists at most three lines containingRand satisfying (1). Applying Hurwitz formula to the projection p^R, we have that the ramification divisor must have de- gree 12. Thus there exists another ramification point which is not a flex of C, but this contradicts the property of Galois extensions.

Finally, we assume that R2Sing(C). Let R02Flex(C) with g(R0)ˆR. By the property of Galois extensions, any line containing R and another singular point must satisfy (1). Let points P2P2 and Q1;Q2;Q32Flex(C) satisfy P2TQiC for any i, as in condition (1). We may assume that Pˆ(1:0:0);Q1ˆ(0:1:0);Q2ˆ(0:0:1) and C is defined by


whereGiis a homogeneous polynomial of degreei. SinceQ1;Q22Flex(C) andTQ1C(resp.TQ2C) is defined byZˆ0 (resp.Y ˆ0),G1ˆ0 andG2;G3

is divisible by YZ. Since TQ3C is defined by aY‡bZˆ0 for some a;b2Kn0, we also haveG2ˆ0. We have an equationX3‡G3(Y;Z)ˆ0.

We can take a linear transformation fofP2 such thatf(P)ˆP and the three points given by XˆG3(Y;Z)ˆ0 move to (0:1: 1), (0:1:v), (0:1:v2) byf, where vis a cubic root of 1 different from 1. Then, f(C) is given byX3‡a(Y3‡Z3)ˆ0 for somea2K. We may assume that Cis defined byX3‡Y3‡Z3ˆ0. Note that the nine flexes are contained in the union of lines Xˆ0,Y ˆ0 and Zˆ0. For this Fermat curve, if P1;P22Flex(C), then there exists a linear transformation c such that c(P1)ˆP2 and c(C)ˆC. Therefore, we may assume that R0 ˆ (0:1: 1). The dual map is given by (X2:Y2:Z2). We find that g(Flex(C)\ fXˆ0g)ˆC\ fUˆ0g, and analogous equalities holds for the pairsY;V andZ;W. Here, we haveRˆ(0:1:1). LetR0ˆ(1:0:1) and let`be the line passing throughR;R02Sing(C), which is defined by U‡V Wˆ0. Since R2C\ fUˆ0g, R02C\ fVˆ0g and ` sat- isfies condition (1), we have that ` must meet C at another singular point lying on the line fW ˆ0g. Thus we have a contradiction as ` in- tersects fWˆ0g at (1: 1:0)62Sing(C). p

4. Curves with extendable Galois points

Before proving Theorem 1.4, we present a preliminary lemma involved in the proof.


LEMMA4.1. Let G(Y;Z);H(V;W)be homogeneous polynomials of de- gree d. Assume that dd( G)d 1ˆ H(GY;GZ) holds and m1 is the maximal number such that Ymdivides G. Then, Wd mdivides H.

PROOF. Let GˆYmF. Then F is not divisible by Y and, by Euler formula (d m)FˆYFY‡ZFZ, FZ also is not. Then, GYˆmYm 1

YmFY ˆYm 1(mF‡YFY) and GZˆYmFZ. We denote by Hˆ Pd

iˆ0aiViWd i. Then, by the assumption,

dd( 1)d 1Ym(d 1)Fd 1ˆ H(GY;GZ)

ˆ X


aiYi(m 1)‡m(d i)(mF‡YFY)iFd iZ :

Since (mF‡YFY)iFd iZ is not divisible byYfor anyi, we haveaiˆ0 for any i such that m(d 1)>i(m 1)‡m(d i), i.e. i>m. Therefore, HˆPm

iˆ0aiViWd iˆWd mPm

iˆ0aiViWm i. p

PROOF OF THEOREM 1.4(I). The assertion (2) ) (1) is nothing but Lemma 2.5(2). We prove (1) ) (2). By using projective duality, we may assume thatdd. By Proposition 2.3, we may assume thatPˆ(1:0:0) be an extendable outer Galois point,Cis given by


whereG(Y;Z) is a homogeneous polynomial of degreed, and any birational transformation s2GP is represented by s(X:Y:Z)ˆ(ziX:Y:Z) for some i. By Lemma 2.4, we have an injection GP,!G[P], where Pˆ(1:0:0). Then,dˆdandGPˆG[P]. ThereforeP2P2 is extend- able outer Galois forC. Furthermore,Cis given by


where His a homogeneous polynomial of degree d. Since the dual map g:C >C is given by gˆ(dXd 1 :GY:GZ), we have (dXd 1)d‡ H(GY;GZ)ˆ0. SinceXdˆ GonC, we have an equation

dd( G)d 1‡H(GY;GZ)ˆ0

onC. Since the variableX does not appear, this equation holds as poly- nomials. For a suitable system of coordinates, by Lemma 2.2, G(Y;Z) is divisible byYZ. Letm1 (resp.n1) be the maximal number such that Ym (resp.Zn) dividesG. Note thatm‡nd. Then, by Lemma 4.1,His


divisible by Vd nWd m. Since (d n)‡(d m)ˆ2d (n‡m)dˆ degH, we haveHˆaVd nWd m for somea2K. Therefore,Cis projec- tively equivalent to the curve given byUd VeWd eˆ0 for somee1.

The curveCis also by Lemma 2.5(1). p

PROOF OF THEOREM 1.4(II). The assertion (3) ) (1) is nothing but Lemma 2.5. We prove (1))(2). LetPbe an extendable outer Galois point forCand letQbe an extendable inner Galois point forC. By Proposition 1.5,ddanddd 1. Then we treat the casesdˆd 1 anddˆd separately.

Firstly, we assume thatdˆd 1. By Proposition 2.3, we may assume that Pˆ(1:0:0), a generator s2GP is represented by s(X:Y:Z)ˆ (zX:Y :Z) andCis given by


By Lemma 2.4, we have an injection GP,!G[P], where Pˆ(1:0:0).

Considering the orders ofGPandG[P], we haveGPˆG[P]. HenceP2Cis smooth and extendable inner Galois. Considering the action,Cis given by


whereHiis a homogeneous polynomial of degreei. For a suitable system of coordinates, by Lemma 2.2, we may assume thatH1ˆW. We denote by Hd‡1ˆH. ThenHis not divisible byW asC cannot contain lines, and alsoHVis not by Euler formula. Since the dual mapgC:C >CˆCis given by

gCˆ(dUd 1W :HV :Ud‡HW)ˆ(dUd 1W2 :WHV :UdW‡WHW)

ˆ(dUd 1W2:WHV : H‡WHW) by usingUdWˆ H, we have

(dUd 1W2)d‡G(WHV; H‡WHW)ˆ0:

SinceUdWˆ HonC, we have an equation

dd( H)d 1Wd‡1ˆ G(WHV; H‡WHW)

onC. Since the variableU does not appear, this equation holds as poly- nomials. LetG(Y;Z)ˆPd

iˆ0aiYiZd i. Then, we have dd( H)d 1Wd‡1ˆ X


aiWiHiV( H‡WHW)d i:


SinceHV and H‡WHWare not divisible byW,aiˆ0 for anyi. This is a contradiction.

Then we assume thatdˆd. By Proposition 1.5, we have an injection GQ,!G[Q]. Considering the orders, we haveGQˆG[Q]. HenceQ2Cis smooth and extendable inner Galois. We have assertion (2).

Then it remains to prove (2))(3). LetPbe an extendable inner Galois point forCand letQbe an extendable inner Galois point forC. By pro- jective duality, we may assume thatdd, and Proposition 1.5 assures thatd d 1. Hence we deal with the casesdˆd 1 anddˆdsep- arately.

Assume thatdˆd 1. By Proposition 1.5 and considering the orders, we haveGPˆG[P]. Then,Pis extendable outer Galois forC. Similarly to the above discussion to prove (1))(2), we have a contradiction.

Therefore, we have dˆd. By Proposition 2.3, we may assume that Pˆ(1:0:0) andCis given by

Xd 1Z‡G(Y;Z)ˆ0:

By Lemma 2.4, we have an injection GP,!G[P], where Pˆ(1:0:0).

Considering the orders of GP andG[P], we have GPˆG[P]. Therefore, P2P2 is extendable inner Galois forC. Furthermore,C is given by

Ud 1(aV‡bW)‡H(V;W)ˆ0;

wherea;b2K. Since the dual mapg:C >C is given by

gˆ((d 1)Xd 2Z:GY :Xd 1‡GZ)ˆ((d 1)Xd 2Z2:ZGY :Xd 1Z‡ZGZ)

ˆ((d 1)Xd 2Z2:ZGY: G‡ZGZ) by usingXd 1Zˆ G, we have

((d 1)Xd 2Z2)d 1(aZGY‡b( G‡ZGZ))‡H(ZGY; G‡ZGZ)ˆ0:

SinceXd 1Zˆ GonC, we have an equation

(d 1)d 1( G)d 2Zd(aZGY‡b( G‡ZGZ))ˆ H(ZGY; G‡ZGZ) onC. Since the variable X does not appear, this equation holds as poly- nomials. LetH(V;W)ˆPd

iˆ0aiViWd i. Then, we have (d 1)d 1( G)d 2Zd(aZGY‡b( G‡ZGZ))ˆ X


aiZiGiY( G‡ZGZ)d i: Since GY and G‡ZGZ are not divisible by Z, aiˆ0 for any i<d.


Therefore,H(V;W)ˆcVdfor somec2K. We have an equation Ud 1(aV‡bW)‡cVdˆ0

forC. The dual curveC is projectively equivalent to the curve given by Ud Vd 1Wˆ0. Therefore,Cis also by Lemma 2.5(1). p REMARK 4.2. In order to deal with Problem 1.1, the condition P62Sing(C) in the definition of inner Galois point is crucial. In particular, Theorem 1.4 fails to hold true as we extend the assertion to (non-extend- able) outer Galois point forCand Galois point lying on Sing(C).

For example, let CP2 be curve defined by (X‡Y‡Z)3 27XYZˆ0. Then (1:0:0) is an outer Galois point forC([14, Example 2]).

SinceCis a rational nodal curve with three flexes, the dual curveCis a quartic plane curve with three singular double points. ThusCis not a self- dual curve. However, any singular pointQ2Sing(C) is a Galois point for Cas the projectionpQ:C >P1 has degree two.

REMARK4.3. According to [6], the set of all Galois points for the plane curve defined byXd YeZd eˆ0 is equal to f(1:0:0);(0:1:0);(0:0:1)g (ifd4†.

Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Professor Yoshiaki Fukuma for helpful comments. The authors thank Professor Hisao Yosh- ihara for informing a new result of him with Hayashi [6]. The authors also thank the referee for helpful advice.


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 29 Novembre 2012.


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