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Introduction Let U+ be the positive part of the quantized enveloping algebra U associated with a Cartan datum


Academic year: 2022

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Abstract. For a symmetrizable Kac-Moody Lie algebrag, Lusztig introduced the corresponding modified quantized enveloping algebra ˙Uand its canonical basis ˙Bin [13]. In this paper, in casegis a symmetric Kac-Moody Lie algebra of finite or affine type, we define a set M˜ which depends only on the root categoryRand prove that there is a bijection betweenM˜ and ˙B, whereR is the T2-orbit category of the bounded derived category of corresponding Dynkin or tame quiver. Our method is based on a result of Lin, Xiao and Zhang in [10], which gives a PBW-type basis ofU+.

1. Introduction

Let U+ be the positive part of the quantized enveloping algebra U associated with a Cartan datum. In the case of finite type, Lusztig gave two approachs to con- struct the canonical basisBofU+ ([11]). The first one is an elementary algebraic construction. By using Ringel-Hall algebra realization of U+, the isomorphism classes of representations of the corresponding Dynkin quiver form a PBW-type basis ofU+ and there is an order on this basis. Under this order, the transition matrix between this basis and a monomial basis is a unipotent lower triangular ma- trix. By a standard linear algebra method one can get a bar-invariant basis, which is the canonical basis B. The second one is a geometric construction. Lusztig constructed the canonical basisBby using perverse sheaves and intersection coho- mology. The geometric construction ofB was generalized to the cases of all types in [12]. In the case of affine type, Lin, Xiao and Zhang in [10] provided a process to construct a PBW-type basis ofU+ and the canonical basisBby using Ringel-Hall algebra approach ([10]).

Let ˙U be the modified quantized enveloping algebra obtained fromUby mod- ifying the Cartan partU0 to L

λ∈PQ(v)1λ, whereP is the weight lattice. ˙U can be considered as the limit of tensor products of highest weight modules and lowest weight modules. Lusztig introduced the canonical bases of the tensor products and then the canonical basis ˙Bof ˙U([13, 14]). Kashiwara also studied the algebra ˙U and its canonical basis ˙B([9]).

Happel studied the bounded derived category Db(Λ) of a finite dimensional al- gebra Λ in [6, 7]. In case Λ is hereditary and representation-finite, he proved that there is a bijection between the isomorphism classes of indecomposable objects in

Date: February 19, 2017.

2000Mathematics Subject Classification. 16G20, 17B37.

Key words and phrases. Ringel-Hall algebras, Root categories, Modified quantized enveloping algebras, Canonical bases .

Project supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.

BLX2013014) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11131001).



R=Db(Λ)/T2 and all the roots of the corresponding Lie algebra, where T is the translation functor in the triangulated category Db(Λ). HenceR is called a root category. It was proved in [15] thatRis still a triangulated category. In [15, 16], Peng and Xiao gave a realization of all symmetrizable Kac-Moody Lie algebras via the root categories of finite dimensional hereditary algebras.

Note that the construction of canonical basis ˙B is abstract and depends on the construction of canonical basisBofU+. Inspired by the method of Peng and Xiao, we want to study the relations between the canonical basis ˙Band the corresponding root categoryR. In this paper, first we associate a set ˜MtoR. In [10], Lin, Xiao, and Zhang associated a setMto a hereditary category and the definition of ˜Mis based on that ofM. However, ˜Mis independent of the embedding of the hereditary category toR. Fixing an embedding of the hereditary category toR, we can get a bijection between ˜M and the canonical basis ˙Bλ of ˙U1λ for everyλ∈P. Hence we say that the set ˜Mprovides a parameterization of the canonical basis ˙B.

Since [21], it has been an open problem: how to realize the whole quantized en- veloping algebras by using Hall algebras from derived categories or root categories.

A lot of efforts have been paid on the progress ([3, 8, 20, 22]) and the most recent progress is given by Bridgeland in [1]. We hope that the main result in the present paper can provide a strong evidence for the connection between canonical bases and root categories.

In Section 2, we first give some notations of quantized enveloping algebras and modified quantized enveloping algebras. Then we review the definitions of Ringel- Hall algebras and root categories. In Section 3, we study the case of finite type, which is simpler and can reflect the idea clearly. In Section 4, we study the case of affine type. We first review the construction of the PBW-type basis ofU+ in [10].

Then we define a set M˜ depending on the corresponding root category Rand a PBW-type basis of ˙U1λwith ˜Mas an index. By a standard linear algebra method, we get a bar-invariant basis and prove that each element in it is the leading term of an element in ˙Bλ. At last, we prove that there is a bijection between ˜Mand ˙Bλ.

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Quantized enveloping algebras. LetQbe the field of rational numbers and Zbe the ring of integers. LetIbe a finite index set with|I|=nandA= (aij)i,j∈I be a generalized Cartan matrix. Denote by r(A) the rank of A. LetP be a free abelian group of rank 2n−r(A) with aZ-basis{hi |i∈I} ∪ {ds |s= 1, . . . , n− r(A)}andh=Q⊗ZPbe theQ-linear space spanned byP. We callPthe dual weight lattice andhthe Cartan subalgebra. We also define the weight lattice to be P ={λ∈h |λ(P)⊂Z}.

Set Π ={hi |i ∈I} and choose a linearly independent subset Π = {αi |i ∈ I} ⊂h satisfyingαj(hi) =aij andαj(ds) = 0 or 1 for all i, j∈I,s= 1, . . . , n− rankA. The elements of Π are called simple roots, and the elements of Π are called simple coroots. The quintuple (A,Π,Π, P, P) is called a Cartan datum associated with the generalized Cartan matrixA.

We shall review the definition of quantized enveloping algebras ([14]). From now on, assume that the generalized Cartan matrixA= (aij)i,j∈I is symmetric.

Fix an indeterminatev. For anyn∈Z, set [n]v=vn−v−n

v−v−1 .


Set [0]v! = 1 and [n]v! = [n]v[n−1]v· · ·[1]v for anyn∈Z>0. For any two nonneg- ative integersm≥n, the analogue of binomial coefficient is given by

hm n i


= [m]v! [n]v![m−n]v!. Note that [n]v andm


v are elements of the fieldQ(v).

The quantized enveloping algebraUassociated with a Cartan datum (A,Π,Π, P, P) is an associative algebra overQ(v) with1generated by the elementsEi,Fi(i∈I) andKµ(µ∈P) subject to the following relations:

K0=1, KµKµ0 =Kµ+µ0 for allµ, µ0∈P; KµEiK−µ=vαi(µ)Ei for alli∈I,µ∈P; KµFiK−µ=v−αi(µ)Fi for alli∈I,µ∈P;



v−v−1 for alli, j∈I;

for alli6=j, settingb= 1−aij,




(−1)kE(k)i EjE(b−k)i = 0;




(−1)kFi(k)FjFi(b−k)= 0.

Here,Ki=Khi andEi(n)=Eni/[n]v!, Fi(n)=Fin/[n]v!.

LetU+ (resp. U) be the subalgebra ofUgenerated by the elementsEi(resp.

Fi) for alli∈I, andU0 be the subalgebra ofU generated byKµ for all µ∈P. The quantized enveloping algebraUhas the following triangular decomposition


Denote by ¯() the uniqueQ-algebra automorphism of Ugiven by E¯i=Ei,F¯i=Fi,K¯µ=K−µ for alli∈I, µ∈P,

f x= ¯fx,¯ for allf ∈Q(v), x∈U, where ¯f(v) =f(v−1).

Let f be the associative algebra defined by Lusztig in [14]. f is generated by θi(i∈I) subject to the following relations:




(−1)kθi(k)θjθ(b−k)i = 0 for alli6=j, whereb= 1−aij andθ(n)ini/[n]v!.

There are two well-definedQ(v)-algebra homomorphisms+:f →Uand :f → U satisfyingEi+i andFii for all i∈I. The images of + and are U+ andU respectively.

Denote by ¯() the uniqueQ-algebra automorphism of f given by θ¯ii for alli∈I,

f x= ¯f¯x for allf ∈Q(v),x∈f. Note that, for allx∈f,x±= ¯x±.

LetA=Q[v, v−1] andZ=Z[v, v−1]. Denote by U±Z theZ-subalgebras of U± generated byEi(s) and Fi(s) for all i ∈I and s∈N respectively. Also, denote by UZ theZ-subalgebra of U generated by Ei(s), Fi(s) and Kµ for all i ∈ I, s ∈ N


and µ ∈ P. Let U±A = U±ZZ A and UA = UZZ A. Similarly, let fZ be the Z-subalgebra of f generated by θ(s)i for all i ∈ I and s ∈ N. At last, let fA=fZZA.

In [11, 12, 14], Lusztig defined the canonical basisBoff.

2.2. Modified quantized enveloping algebras. Let us review the definition of the modified form ˙UofU ([13, 14]).

For anyλ0, λ00∈P, set


 X


(Kµ−qλ0(µ))U+ X



. Letπλ000:U→λ0Uλ00 be the canonical projection and

U˙ = M

λ000∈P λ0Uλ00.

Consider the weight space decompositionU=L

β∈ZIU(β), where U(β) ={x∈U| KµxKµ−1=vβ(µ)x for allµ∈P}.

Here, the setI is viewed as a subset ofP andiis identified withαifor each i∈I.

The images of summandsU(β) underπλ000 form the weight space decomposition

λ0Uλ00= M



Note thatλ0Uλ00(β) = 0 unlessλ0−λ00=β.

There is a natural associative Q(v)-algebra structure on ˙U inherited from that of U. It is defined as follow: for any λ01, λ001, λ02, λ002 ∈ P, β1, β2 ∈ ZI such that λ01−λ0011, λ02−λ0022 and anyx∈U(β1), y∈U(β2),



2002(y) =

πλ01002(xy) if λ00102 0 otherwise .

For anyλ∈P, let1λλ,λ(1), where1is the unit element ofU. They satisfy the following relations:


In general, there is no unit element in the algebra ˙U. However the family (1λ)λ∈P

can be regarded locally as the unit element in ˙U.

Note that λ0Uλ00 = 1λ0U1˙ λ00. Define ˙U1λ = L

λ0∈P1λ0U1˙ λ. Then ˙U = L

λ∈PU1˙ λ.

TheQ-algebra automorphism ¯() :U→Uinduces a linear isomorphismλ0Uλ00

λ0Uλ00 for anyλ0, λ00∈P. Taking direct sums, we obtain an algebra automorphism () : ˙¯ U→U. Note that˙ 1λ=1λ for anyλ∈P.

The elementsb+b0−1λfor allb, b0∈Bform a basis of theQ(v)-vector space ˙U1λ

([14], 23.2.1). Denote by ˙UZthe subalgebra of ˙Ugenerated by the elementsEi(n)1λ andFi(n)1λoverZ for alli∈I,n∈Nandλ∈P. The set{b+b0−1λ |b, b0∈B, λ∈ P}is a Z-basis of ˙UZ.

As the notations in [14], the canonical basis of ˙Uis denoted by B˙ ={b♦λb0 | b, b0∈B, λ∈P}.


Note that{b♦λb0 | b, b0∈B}is also a Z-basis of ˙UZ1λ. According to the proof of Theorem 25.2.1 in [14]

(1) b♦λb0 ≡b+b0−1λ modP(tr|b| −1,tr|b0| −1).

HereP(tr|b| −1,tr|b0| −1) is theQ(v)-submodule of ˙Uspanned by the set

{b+1b21λ |b1, b2∈Bsuch that tr|b1| ≤tr|b| −1, tr|b2| ≤tr|b0| −1 and|b1| − |b2|=|b| − |b0|}, where|b|is the weight ofband trµ=Pai ifµ=Paiαi.

2.3. Ringel-Hall algebras. In this subsection, we shall review the definition of Ringel-Hall algebras ([5, 10, 18]).

A quiverQ= (I, H, s, t) consists of a vertex setI, an arrow setH, and two maps s, t:H→I such that an arrowρ∈H starts ats(ρ) and terminates att(ρ).

Let k be a field and Λ = kQ be the path algebra of Q over k. Denote by mod-Λ the category of finite dimensional left Λ-modules and rep-Q the category of finite dimensional representations of Q overk. It is well-known that mod-Λ is equivalent to rep-Q. We shall identify Λ-modules with representations of Qunder this equivalence.

LetP be the set of isomorphism classes of finite dimensional nilpotent Λ-modules and ind(P) be the set of isomorphism classes of indecomposable finite dimensional nilpotent Λ-modules. For any α ∈ P, fix a Λ-module M(α) in the isomorphism classα.

The set of isomorphism classes of nilpotent simple Λ-modules is indexed by the setIand the Grothendieck groupG(Λ) of mod-Λ is the free abelian groupZI. For any Λ-moduleM, the dimension vector dimM ofM is an element inG(Λ) =ZI.

The Euler formh−,−i onG(Λ) =ZI is defined by hα, βi=X






i∈Iaii, β=P

i∈Ibii∈ZI. For any Λ-modulesM andN, one has hdimM,dimNi= dimkHomΛ(M, N)−dimkExtΛ(M, N).

The symmetric Euler form is defined by (α, β) =hα, βi+hβ, αifor all α, β∈ZI.

This gives rise to a symmetric generalized Cartan matrix A = (aij)i,j∈I where aij = (i, j). The generalized Cartan matrix A depends only on the underlying graph of quiverQ.

From now on, letkbe a finite field withqelements. Given three modulesL, M and N in mod-Λ, let gLM N be the number of Λ-submodules W of L such that W 'N andL/W 'M in mod-Λ. Letv=√

q∈C. By definition, the Ringel-Hall algebra Hq(Λ) of Λ is the Q(v)-vector space with basis {u[M] |[M] ∈ P} whose multiplication is given by

u[M]u[N] = X


gM NL u[L].

It is easily seen thatHq(Λ) is an associative Q(v)-algebra with unit u[0], where 0 denotes the zero module. Note that, the Ringel-Hall algebraHq(Λ) is aNI-graded algebra by dimension vectors of modules.


The twisted Ringel-Hall algebraHq(Λ) is defined as follow. SetHq(Λ) =Hq(Λ) asQ(v)-vector space and define the multiplication by

u[M]∗u[N] =vhdimM,dimNi X


gLM Nu[L].

LetSi be the nilpotent simple module corresponding to i ∈I and defineui = u[Si]. The composition algebraCq(Λ) is a subalgebra ofHq(Λ) generated byui for alli∈I. For any Λ-moduleM, denote

hMi=vdimkM+dimkEndΛ(M)u[M]. Note that{hM(α)i |α∈ P}is a Q(v)-basis ofHq(Λ).

LetQbe a finite quiver. Then consider the generic Ringel-Hall algebra associated withQ. Letkbe a finite field and Λk=kQ. Denote byHqk) the corresponding twisted Ringel-Hall algebra. Let K be a set of some finite fields k such that the set{qk =|k| |k∈ K}is an infinite set. Let Rbe an integral domain containingQ andvqk, where vqk =√

qk for anyk∈ K. For each k∈ K, the composition algebra Cqk) is theR-subalgebra ofHqk) generated by the elementsui(k) for alli∈I.

Consider the direct product

H(Q) = Y



and the elements v= (vqk)k∈K, v−1= (vq−1k)k∈K and ui = (ui(k))k∈K. By C(Q)A we denote the subalgebra ofH(Q) generated byv, v−1 and ui over Q. We may regard it as anA-algebra generated byui, wherev is viewed as an indeterminate.

Finally, define C(Q) = Q(v)⊗ C(Q)A, which is called the generic composition algebra ofQ.

Then we have the following well-known result of Green and Ringel ([5, 18]).

Theorem 2.1. Let Q be a connected quiver, A be the corresponding generalized Cartan matrix, andf be the Lusztig’s algebra of type A. Then there is an isomor- phism of algebras:

C(Q) ∼= f ui 7→ θi. Hence, we always identifyC(Q) withf.

2.4. Root categories. A triangulated category (C, T) is called 2-periodic if the translation functorT satisfiesT2'id.

Let k be a field. Given a finite dimensional hereditary k-algebra Λ, denote by Db(Λ) the bounded derived category of the abelian category mod-Λ and T the translation functor in this triangulated category. Consider the orbit category R(Λ) = Db(Λ)/T2 of Db(Λ) under the equivalent functor T2. Let F : Db(Λ) → R(Λ) be the canonical functor. The translation functor T of Db(Λ) induces an equivalent functor inR(Λ) of order 2, which is still denoted byT. By [15], (R(Λ), T) is also a triangulated category and the functor F : Db(Λ) → R(Λ) sends each triangle inDb(Λ) to a triangle inR(Λ). It is clear that the root categoryR=R(Λ) is a 2-periodic triangulated category.

LetQbe a connected quiver andR(Q) =Db(kQ)/T2. Denote by ˜P the set of isomorphism classes of objects inR(Q) and ind( ˜P) the set of isomorphism classes of


indecomposable objects inR(Q). Note that mod-kQcan be embeded intoR(Q) as a full subcategory and ind( ˜P) = ind(P) ˙∪ind(T(P)), where ˙∪means disjoint union.

3. Finite type

3.1. PBW-type basis of U+. In this section, letQbe a connected Dynkin quiver, kbe a finite field and Λ =kQ. Denote by Φ+ (resp. Φ) the set of positive (resp.

negative) roots of the Dynkin quiver Q. Note that Φ+ and Φ can be viewed as subsets of ZI. By Gabriel’s Theorem, the map dim induces a bijection between ind(P) and Φ+. Given a positive rootα, the corresponding isomorphism class is also denoted byα.

SinceQis representation-directed, we can define a total order on the set Φ+={α1, α2,· · ·, αn}

such that the corresponding indecomposable Λ-modules {M(α1), M(α2),· · · , M(αn)}

satisfy the following conditions

Hom(M(αi), M(αj))6= 0⇒i≤j.


Nind(P)={a: Φ+→N}.

For anya∈Nind(P), we can define a representation M(a) = M


a(α)M(α) and any representation can be written in this form.

Since the Hall polynomials exist in this case, we can consider the generic com- position algebra C(Q) directly. Note that the set Nind(P) is independent of the choice of the finite field andhM(a)ican be viewed as an element in C(Q) for any a∈Nind(P).

By [19], we have

Proposition 3.1. The set{hM(a)i |a∈Nind(P)} is anA-basis of CA(Q).

3.2. PBW-type basis of U1˙ λ. Let R(Q) be the root category corresponding to a connected Dynkin quiver Qover some finite field k. Remember that ind( ˜P) is the set of isomorphism classes of indecomposable objects in R(Q). Let Φ = {dim(M)|M ∈ind( ˜P)}. Then Φ is the root system of the corresponding Lie alge- bra and there is a bijection between ind( ˜P) and Φ by Gabriel’s Theorem. Note that Φ = Φ+∪Φ˙ . For any element α∈Φ, we also denote byM(α) the corresponding object inR(Q).


Nind( ˜P)={˜a: Φ→N}.

For any ˜a∈Nind( ˜P), we can define an object M(˜a) =M



a(α)M(α) and any object inR(Q) can be written in this form.


Note that the categoryR(Q), so the setNind( ˜P), depends only on the underlying graph of Q. If Q0 is another quiver such that Db(kQ) ' Db(kQ0), they give the same setNind( ˜P).

Given any symmetric generalized Cartan matrix A = (aij)n×n of finite type, consider a quiverQ, the quantum enveloping algebraUand the modified quantized enveloping algebra ˙Ucorresponding toA.

Remember that mod-kQcan be embedded intoR(Q) as a full subcategory and ind( ˜P) = ind(P) ˙∪ind(T(P)).

For any ˜a ∈ Nind( ˜P), let a1 = ˜a|ind(P) and a2 = ˜a|ind(T(P)), which is denoted by


a= (a1,a2). Since we always identifyC(Q) withf, the elements in the following set

{hM(˜a)iλ=hM(a1)i+· hM(a2)i1λ |a˜∈Nind( ˜P)} can be regarded as elements in ˙U1λ.

We have the following proposition.

Proposition 3.2. The set{hM(˜a)iλ |a˜∈Nind( ˜P)} is aQ(v)-basis of U1˙ λ. Proof The modified quantized enveloping algebra ˙U is a freef⊗fopp-module with basis (1λ)λ∈P ([14], 23.2.1). So the set

{hM(a1)i+· hM(a2)i1λ |a1∈ind(P),a2∈ind(T(P))}

is a basis of ˙U1λ. By ˜a= (a1,a2), the set{hM(˜a)iλ |˜a∈Nind( ˜P)} is aQ(v)-basis of ˙U1λ.

Denote by BQ( ˙U1λ) the PBW-type basis {hM(˜a)iλ |˜a ∈Nind( ˜P)}. Note that this PBW-type basis depends on the embedding of mod-kQintoR(Q).

3.3. A bar-invariant basis of U1˙ λ. As before, let Q be a connected Dynkin quiver and R(Q) be the corresponding root category. Remember that the set of positive roots Φ+ = {α1, . . . , αn}. For any a,b : Φ+ → N, define b≺ a if and only if there exists some 1 ≤ j ≤ n such that b(αi) = a(αi) for all i < j and b(αj) > a(αj). For any ˜a,b˜ : Φ → N, define ˜a ≺ b˜ if and only if a1 b1 and a2b2but ˜a6= ˜b, where ˜a= (a1,a2) and ˜b= (b1,b2).

For anyc: Φ+→N, there exists a monomialw(c) on Chevalley generatorsui satisfying

w(c) =hM(c)i+X



whereacc0 ∈ A([19]). Note that the transition matrixa= (acc0) from{hM(c)i |c: Φ+→N}to{w(c)|c: Φ+→N}satisfies thatacc= 1 andacc0 = 0 unlessc0≺c.

That is,ais a unipotent lower triangular matrix.

Let ¯a= (acc0). Sincew(c) =w(c), we have w(c) =w(c) =X



acc0hM(c0)i, thus




a−1cc0w(c0) =X






Let h = ¯a−1a. The matrix h is again a unipotent lower triangular matrix and

¯h=h−1. There exists a unique unipotent lower triangular matrixd= (dcc0) with


off-diagonal entries inv−1Q[v−1], such thatd= ¯dh. Then the canonical basis off is



dcc0hM(c0)i, withdcc0 ∈v−1Q[v−1] ([19]).

Similarly, we can get a bar-invariant basis of ˙U1λ from

BQ( ˙U1λ) ={hM(c1)i+· hM(c2)i1λ |˜c: Φ→N,˜c= (c1,c2)}


{w(c1)+·w(c2)1λ |˜c: Φ→N,˜c= (c1,c2)}

under the order≺onNind( ˜P)defined above.

First definew(˜c)λ=w(c1)+·w(c2)1λ, where ˜c= (c1,c2). Since w(c) =hM(c)i+X


acc0hM(c0)i, we have

w(c1)+=hM(c1)i++ X


ac1c01hM(c01)i+ and

w(c2)=hM(c2)i+ X



2hM(c02)i inU± respectively. Hence, we have

w(˜c)λ = w(c1)+·w(c2)1λ

= (hM(c1)i+ X



1hM(c01)i)+·(hM(c2)i+ X




= hM(c1)i+· hM(c2)i1λ+hM(c1)i+· X



2hM(c02)i1λ+ X



1hM(c01)i+· hM(c2)i1λ+ X



1hM(c01)i+· X




= hM(˜c)iλ+X

˜ c0≺˜c


a˜c0hM(˜c0)iλ, where ˜c= (c1,c2), ˜c0= (c01,c02) and ˜a˜c0 =ac1c0


2 ∈ A.

As before, the transition matrix ˜a = (˜a˜c0) from {hM(˜c)iλ |˜c : Φ → N} to {w(˜c)λ |˜c: Φ→N} satisfies that ˜a˜c= 1 and a

ec0 = 0 unless ˜c0 ≺˜c. That is, ˜a is also a unipotent lower triangular matrix with off-diagonal entries inA.

Let ¯˜a= (˜a˜c0). Sincew(˜c)λ=w(˜c)λ, we have w(˜c)λ=w(˜c)λ=X

˜ c0


a˜c0hM(˜c0)iλ, thus


˜ c0



˜ c0


˜ c00



Let ˜h= ¯a˜−1˜a. The matrix ˜his again a unipotent lower triangular matrix and


h= ˜h−1. There exists a unique unipotent lower triangular matrix ˜d= ( ˜d˜c0) with


off-diagonal entries inv−1Q[v−1], such that ˜d=d¯˜˜h. Then we get a bar-invariant basis of ˙U1λ


˜ c0≺˜c

˜c0hM(˜c0)iλ, with ˜d˜c0˜c∈v−1Q[v−1]. We denote this basis by BQ( ˙U1λ).

Theorem 3.3. BQ( ˙U1λ) ={Eλ˜c |˜c: Φ→N}={b+b0−1λ| b, b0∈B}.

We omit the proof of this theorem. The proof of Theorem 3.3 is simpler than Theorem 4.9 of affine case, which will be proved in next section.

3.4. A parameterization of the canonical basis ofU1˙ λ. Let ˙U=L

λ∈PU1˙ λ be the modified quantized enveloping algebra corresponding to the quiver Q and B˙λ be the canonical basis of ˙U1λ.

Theorem 3.4. We have a bijection

ΨQ :Nind( ˜P)→B˙λ given by


c7→ Ec1λEc2, which is the composition of the following two bijections

Nind( ˜P) → BQ( ˙U1λ)


c 7→ Eλ˜c, and

BQ( ˙U1λ) → B˙λ

b+b0−1λ 7→ b♦λb0.

Proof The first bijection fromNind( ˜P)toBQ( ˙U1λ) comes from our construction of Eλ˜c and the second bijection fromBQ( ˙U1λ) to ˙Bλ comes from formula (1). By Theorem 3.3,Eλ˜c=Ec1+Ec21λ. Hence, ΨQ:Nind( ˜P)→B˙λ is a bijection.

4. Affine type

4.1. PBW-type basis of U+. We first review the construction of the PBW-type basis in [2, 4, 10, 23].

4.1.1. The integral basis arising from the Kronecker quiver. LetQbe the Kronecker quiver withI={1,2} andH={ρ1, ρ2}:






Letkbe a finite field withq elements,v=√

qand Λ =kQbe the path algebra ofQ.

The set of dimension vectors of indecomposable Λ-modules is

Φ+={(l+ 1, l),(m, m),(n, n+ 1)|l, m, n∈Z, l≥0, m≥1, n≥0}.

The dimension vectors (l+ 1, l) and (n, n+ 1) correspond to preprojective and preinjective indecomposable Λ-modules respectively.


Remember that P is the set of isomorphism classes of finite dimensional Λ- modules. Denote by Hq (resp. Hq) the Ringel-Hall (resp. twisted Ringel-Hall) algebra of Λ.


E(n+1,n)=hM(n+ 1, n)iandE(n,n+1)=hM(n, n+ 1)i,

whereM(n+ 1, n) (resp. M(n, n+ 1)) is the corresponding Λ-module of dimension vector (n+ 1, n) (resp. (n, n+ 1)) for anyn∈N. Let δ= (1,1). For any n≥1, define

=E(n−1,n)∗E(1,0)−v−2E(1,0)∗E(n−1,n). Then, define inductively

E = 1, E= 1 [k]




vs−k∗E(k−s)δ for allk≥1.

Consider the generic composition algebraC. SinceE,E(m+1,m)andE(n,n+1)

are defined in each Hq, they can be regarded as elements in Q

qHq. Note that, these elements also belong toCA.

Denote byP(m) the set of all partitions ofm. For any partition w= (w1≥w2≥. . .≥wt)∈P(m),


E =Ew1δ∗Ew2δ∗ · · · ∗Ewtδ. Proposition 4.1. (cf. [2, 10, 23]) The set

{hPi ∗E∗ hIi}

is anA-basis ofCA, whereP∈ P is preprojective,w∈P(m),I∈ Pis preinjective andm∈N.

4.1.2. The integral basis arising from a tube. Let ∆ = ∆(n) be the cyclic quiver whose vertex set is ∆0=Z/nZ={1,2,. . . ,n}and arrow set is ∆1={i→i+ 1 |i∈


2 //3 //4






7oo 6 Letkbe a finite field withqelements,v=√

qandT =T(n) be the category of finite dimensional nilpotent representations of ∆(n) overk. For anyi∈∆0, denote bySi the corresponding simple object in T. For anyi∈∆0 and l∈N, denote by Si[l] the indecomposable object in T with top Si and length l. Note that Si[l] is independent of the choice of finite fields. LetP be the set of isomorphism classes of objects in T. Denote by H(resp. H) the corresponding Ringel-Hall algebra (resp. twisted Ringel-Hall algebra). Since the Hall polynomials always exist in this case, they are regarded as generic forms. Denote by C the twisted composition subalgebra ofH.


Let Π be the set ofn-tuples of partitionsπ= (π(1), π(2), . . . , π(n)), whereπ(i)= (π1(i) ≥ π2(i) ≥ · · ·) is a partition of some non-negative integer. For each π ∈ Π, define an object inT

M(π) = M


Si(i)j ].

In this way, we obtain a bijection between Π andP.

Ann-tupleπ= (π(1), π(2), . . . , π(n)) of partitions in Π is called aperiodic, if for eachl≥1 there exists some i=i(l)∈∆0 such that πj(i)6=l for allj ≥1. Denote by Πa the set of aperiodic n-tuples of partitions. An object M in T is called aperiodic if M ' M(π) for some π ∈ Πa. For any dimension vector α ∈ N∆0, define Πα={λ∈Π| dimM(λ) =α}and Πaα= Πa∩Πα.

For any objects M and N in T, there exists a unique (up to isomorphism) extension L of M byN with minimal dimEnd(L). The extensionL is called the generic extension ofM byN, which is denoted byL=MN.

Let Ω be the set of all words on the alphabet ∆0. For eachw=i1i2· · ·im∈Ω, set M(w) =Si1Si2 · · · Sim. Then there is a unique p(w) = π∈Π such that M(π) 'M(w). It has been proved in [17] that π = p(w) ∈Πa and p induces a surjectionp: ΩΠa.

For each objectM inT and s≥1, denote bysM the direct sum ofs copies of M. For anyw∈Ω, writewin tight formw=je11j2e2· · ·jett ∈Ω withjr−16=jr for allr. Letµrbe the element in Π such thatM(µr) =erSjr. For anyλ∈ΠPt

r=1erjr, writegλwfor the Hall polynomial gM(µM(λ)

1),...,M(µt). A wordw is called distinguished if the Hall Polynomialgwp(w)= 1. For anyπ∈Πa, there exists a distinguished word wπ=j1e1j2e2· · ·jtet ∈p−1(π) in tight form by [4]. From now on, fix a distinguished wordwπ ∈p−1(π) for anyπ∈Πa. Thus we have a sectionD={wπ |π∈Πa} of pover Πa. Dis called a section of distinguished words in [4].

For eachw=je11j2e2· · ·jtet ∈Ω in tight form, define inC a monomial m(w)=Ej∗e1

i ∗ · · · ∗Ej∗et

t .

Then defineEπ for allπ∈Πa inductively by the following relations Eπ=m(wπ)ifπ∈Πaα is minimal,


Eπ=m(wπ)− X




i=1erjr,d=−dimM(π)+dim EndM(π)+dimM(λ)−dim EndM(λ) andλ≺µ⇔dim Hom(M, M(λ))≤dim Hom(M, M(µ)) for all objectsM in T.

For anyπ∈Πa,Eπ is contained inC. We have the following proposition.

Proposition 4.2. (cf. [4, 10]) LetD={wπ |π∈Πa}be a section of distinguished words. Then both {m(wπ)|π ∈Πa} and {Eπ |π∈ Πa} are A-bases of CA. And the transition matrix between these two bases is a unipotent lower triangular matrix with off-diagonal entries inA.

It has been proved in [4] that the basis {Eπ | π ∈ Πa} is independent of the choice of the sections of distinguished words.


4.1.3. The integral bases arising from preprojective and preinjective components.

Letkbe a finite field withqelements andv=√

q. LetQbe a connected tame quiver without oriented cycles and Λ =kQbe the corresponding path algebra. Denote by P repandP reithe sets of isomorphism classes of indecomposable preprojective and preinjective Λ-modules respectively, which are independent of the choice of finite fields. LetHq (resp. Hq) be the Ringel-Hall (resp. twisted Ringel-Hall) algebra of Λ.

SinceP reiis representation-directed, we can define a total order on the set Φ+P rei={· · ·, β3, β2, β1}

of all positive real roots appearing inP reisuch that the corresponding Λ-modules {· · ·, M(β3), M(β2), M(β1)}

satisfy the following conditions

Hom(M(βi), M(βj))6= 0⇒i≥j.

Similarly, since P rep is representation-directed, we can define a total order on the set

Φ+P rep={α1, α2, α3,· · · }

of all positive real roots appearing inP repsuch that the corresponding Λ-modules {M(α1), M(α2), M(α3),· · · }

satisfy the following conditions

Hom(M(αi), M(αj))6= 0⇒i≤j.


NP reif ={b: Φ+P rei→N|bis support-finite}.

For anyb∈NP reif , we can define a preinjective representation

M(b) = M

βi∈Φ+P rei


and any preinjective representation can be written in this form.


NP repf ={a: Φ+P rep→N|a is support-finite}.

For anya∈NP repf , we can define a preprojective representation

M(a) = M

αi∈Φ+P rep


and any preprojective representation can be written in this form.

For any three elements b,b1,b2 ∈ NP reif (resp. a,a1,a2 ∈ NP repf ), the Hall polynomialgMM(b)(b

1)M(b2)(resp. gMM(a(a)

1)M(a2)) always exists.

Consider the generic composition algebra C of Q. Note that hM(b)i ∈ CA (resp. hM(a)i ∈ CA) for any b ∈ NP reif (resp. a ∈ NP repf ). Denote by CP rei (resp. CP rep ) the A-submodule of CA generated by {hM(b)i |b ∈ NP reif } (resp.

{hM(a)i |a∈NP repf }).


Proposition 4.3. (cf. [10]) The A-submoduleCP rei (resp. CP rep ) is a subalgebra of CA and {hM(b)i |b ∈ NP reif } (resp. {hM(a)i |a ∈ NP repf }) is an A-basis of CP rei (resp. CP rep).

4.1.4. The integral basis for the generic composition algebra. Letkalso be a finite field with q elements and v = √

q. Let Q be a connected tame quiver without oriented cycles and Λ =kQbe the corresponding path algebra.

First consider the embedding of the category of representations of Kronecker quiver into that ofQ.

Letebe a extending vertex ofQandP=P(e) be the projective cover of simple moduleSe. Letp= dimP(e) andδbe the minimal imaginary root vector. Note that hp,pi= 1 =hp, δiand there exists a unique indecomposable preprojective module L such that dimL = p+δ. Moreover, HomΛ(L, P) = 0 and ExtΛ(L, P) = 0.

Let C(P, L) be the smallest full subcategory of mod-Λ which contains P and L and is closed under taking extensions, kernels of epimorphisms and cokernels of monomorphisms. The category C(P, L) is equivalent to the module category of Kronecker quiver K over k. Thus we have an exact embedding F : mod-kK ,→ mod-Λ. Note that the embedding F is independent of the choice of finite fields.

Hence, this gives rise to a monomorphism of algebras F : H(K) → H(Q). In H(K), we have defined EK for any m ∈ N. Define E = F(EK). Since EK ∈ C(K),E∈ C(Q).

List all non-homogeneous tubes T1,T2, . . . ,Ts in mod-Λ (in fact s ≤ 3). For eachTi, letri be the period ofTi,C(Ti) be the corresponding generic composition algebra and C(Ti)A be its integral form as we did in Section 4.1.2. For each Ti, denote by Πai the set of aperiodic ri-tuples of partitions. We have constructed in Section 4.1.2 the elementsEπi for any πi ∈Πai and the set {Eπii ∈Πai} is an A-basis ofC(Ti)A.

LetMbe the set of

c= (ac,bc, πc, wc)

where ac ∈NP repf ,bc ∈NP reifc = (π1c, π2c, . . . , πsc)∈Πa1×Πa2× · · · ×Πas and wc= (w1≥w2≥ · · · ≥wt) is a partition ofm∈N.

For eachc∈ M, define

Ec=hM(ac)i ∗Eπ1c∗Eπ2c∗ · · · ∗Eπsc∗Ewcδ∗ hM(bc)i,

wherehM(ac)iandhM(bc)iare defined in Section 4.1.3,Eπic is defined in Section 4.1.2 andEwcδ is defined in Section 4.1.1.

Note that the set{Ec| c∈ M} is contained inC(Q). We have the following proposition.

Proposition 4.4. (cf. [10]) The set{Ec |c∈ M}is an A-basis of C(Q)A. From this basis we can get a bar-invariant basis. But it is not the one considered by Lusztig. Hence in [10], another PBW-type basis is constructed. Let us review its definition.

There is a bilinear form (−,−) onHq(Λ) defined in [5]. It is also well-defined on C(Q) which coincides with the one defined by Lusztig in [14]. Consider theQ(v)- basis{Ec|c∈ M}. Let R(C(Q)) be the Q(v)-subspace ofC(Q) with the basis {Eπ1c∗Eπ2c∗ · · · ∗Eπsc∗Ewcδ}, whereπc= (π1c, π2c, . . . , πsc)∈Πa1×Πa2× · · · ×Πas, andwc= (w1≥w2≥ · · · ≥wt) is a partition. R(C(Q)) is a subalgebra ofC(Q).


Let Ra(C(Q)) be the subalgebra of R(C(Q)) with the basis {Eπ1c ∗Eπ2c

· · · ∗Eπscc = (π1c, π2c, . . . , πsc) ∈ Πa1 ×Πa2× · · · ×Πas}. For any α, β ∈ NI, define α ≤ β if β −α ∈ NI. If β < δ, R(C(Q))β = Ra(C(Q))β. Define Fδ = {x|(x, Ra(C(Q))δ) = 0}.

In [10], it is proved that

R(C(Q))δ =Ra(C(Q))δ⊕ Fδ

and dimFδ = 1. By the method of Schmidt orthogonalization, we may set E0δ=Eδ− X



satisfyingFδ =Q(v)Eδ0.

Now let R(C(Q))(1) be the subalgebra of R(C(Q)) generated by Ra(C(Q)) andFδ. Ifβ <2δ,R(C(Q))(1)β =R(C(Q))β. Define

F ={x|(x, R(C(Q))(1)) = 0}.

Then dimF = 1 andR(C(Q)) =R(C(Q))(1)⊕ F. In general, define

F={x|(x, R(C(Q))(n−1)) = 0}.

LetR(C(Q))(n) be the subalgebra ofR(C(Q)) generated byR(C(Q))(n−1) and F. Then dimF = 1 andR(C(Q)) =R(C(Q))(n−1)⊕ F. Similarly, choose E0 such thatE−E0 ∈R(C(Q))(n−1) andF =Q(v)E0 for all n≥1.

Let P = nE0 . For a partition w = (1r12r2· · ·trt) of m ∈ N, let P = P∗r1∗ · · · ∗P∗rt. For anyc∈ M, letSwcδ be the Schur function corresponding to Pwcδ and

Fc=hM(ac)i ∗Eπ1c∗Eπ2c∗ · · · ∗Eπsc∗Swcδ∗ hM(bc)i.

Proposition 4.5. (cf. [10]) The set {Fc| c ∈ M} is an almost orthonormal Q(v)-basis of C(Q)'f.

4.2. PBW-type basis of U1˙ λ. LetQ be a connected tame quiver without ori- ented cycles andR(Q) be the corresponding root category over some finite fieldk.

Remember that ˜P is the set of isomorphism classes of objects inR(Q) and ind( ˜P) is the set of isomorphism classes of indecomposable objects inR(Q). The set ind( ˜P) can be divided into four parts as follow

ind( ˜P) =P ∪˙ T∪˙ T(P) ˙∪T(T).

Fix an embedding of mod-kQintoR(Q). ThenP=P rep(Q) ˙∪T(P rei(Q)) andTis the set of isomorphism classes of all indecomposable regular representations ofQ. T consists of isomorphism classes of indecomposable representations in homogeneous tubes and non-homogeneous tubesT1,T2,· · · ,Ts appearing in mod-kQ.

Let ˜Mbe the set of

˜c= (d˜c, π˜c, w˜c,d0˜c, π0˜c, w0˜c) where

d˜c∈NPf, d0˜c∈NTf(P),

π˜c= (πc, πc, . . . , πc)∈Πa1×Πa2× · · · ×Πas, π0˜c= (π0c, π0c, . . . , π0c)∈Πa1×Πa2× · · · ×Πas,


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