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Sociology and Anthropology


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Sociology and Anthropology"


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Photograph by Pushpa Chilrakar Courtesy of Fotc Frequency

Pako, New Road Kathmandu

Occasional Papers in

Sociology and Anthropology

Volume 2

Published by

Central Department of Sociology and Anthropology Trlbhuvan University

Kathmandu, Nepal


Occasional Papers in

Sociology and Anthropology

Volume 2


Stephen L. Mikesell

Published by

Central Department of Sociology and Anthropology Tribhuvan University

Kalhmandu, Nepal





by Centra! Department of Sociology and Anthropology Tribhuvan University

Kathmandu. Nepal All Rights Reserved Primed in Nepal



R.R. Regmi /.1ndSuphr1l L. Millrstll SODOIogy and Anthropology:

All Emerging field 01 SlUdy In Nepal OmGurong

TheP~tand Future 01 SocIOlogyInNepal

&slmu Bhandari

Pari II

Development. Change and Struggle SomeSOCiologICalRetleclJonson Development

In me Eastern Himalayas Gcpa/ Singh Nepa.'i

EconomIC ModernlzalJOn ,n a Chepang Village ,n Nepal Ganesl1 Man Gurung

Culture and Resoufce ManagemenTforSubsisl8nce.

An Anttlropologlcal Perspective Bhanu Timseena

A SOCIOeCOnomICProfileof ltIe PorlOrs intheCenb'al Miel-Hills01Nepal KiranDU:T4Upadhyay

Employment Woriling Conditions and Mode oll,..,ng"

The Case 01 Nepali Watchmen ,n Bombay Phanindreshwar Paudel

Television and the Child in Nepal:

An Assessment 01 View,ng Patl8rns Dyud Saral

Mercan~lismand Domestic Industry in West·Central Nepal Sign,ficance fOf Anthropological Study01the Commun,!)' Stephen L Mikesell and Jamuna Shreslha


Page I Page 4

Page 13





Page 59

Page 67

Page 77

Page 90


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