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Aharonov-Bohm effect on the Poincaré disk


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Aharonov-Bohm effect on the Poincaré disk

Oleg Lisovyya兲

Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique Théorique, CNR/UMR 6083, Université de Tours, Parc de Grandmont, 37200 Tours, France

共Received 2 March 2007; accepted 18 April 2007; published online 31 May 2007兲 We consider formal quantum Hamiltonian of a charged particle on the Poincaré disk in the presence of an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic vortex and a uniform mag- netic field. It is shown that this Hamiltonian admits a four-parameter family of self-adjoint extensions. Its resolvent and the density of states are calculated for natural values of the extension parameters. ©2007 American Institute of Physics.



Quantum dynamics on the Poincaré disk has long been a subject of theoretical interest, mainly because of the insights its study provides into the theory of quantum chaos. Analyzed examples include, for instance, the free motion under the action of constant magnetic fields,8,10,24the Kepler problem,25 the scattering by the Aharonov-Bohm23,26 共AB兲 and Aharonov-Bohm-Coulomb29 po- tentials, the study of point interactions,3,5and quantum Hall effect.7

In the present paper, we consider the Hamiltonian of a charged spinless particle moving on the hyperbolic disk, pierced by an AB flux, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. The first part of this work is rather standard: we determine the admissible boundary conditions on the wave functions using Krein’s theory of self-adjoint extensions 共SAEs兲.4 It turns out that in the most general case the formal Hamiltonian has deficiency indices共2, 2兲and thus admits a four-parameter family of SAEs. Let us remark that similar results on the plane have been found in Refs.2and11 in the case of a zero magnetic field, and in Ref. 21 for nonzero fields; SAEs of the Dirac Hamiltonian on the plane have been studied in Refs.16and22.

The rest of this paper is devoted to the study of a particular extension, corresponding to the choice of regular boundary conditions at the position of the AB flux. We start by constructing certain integral representations for common eigenstates of this Hamiltonian and the angular mo- mentum operator. These representations then allow us to sum up the contributions coming from different angular momenta to the resolvent kernel and to evaluate this kernel and the density of states共DOS兲in a closed form.

The material is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we introduce basic notations and study elementary solutions of the radial Schrödinger equation on the Poincaré disk. Self-adjointness of the full AB Hamiltonian is discussed in Sec. III. In Sec. IV we find a compact expression for the resolvent of the regular extension关formulas 共4.14兲and 共4.19兲–共4.22兲兴. These relations represent the main result of the present work. The DOS induced by the AB flux in the whole hyperbolic space 关see Eqs. 共5.8兲–共5.10兲兴 is obtained in Sec. V. Some technical results are relegated to the appendices.


Let us identify the Poincaré disk D= SU共1 , 1兲/ SO共2兲 with the interior of the unit circle 兩z兩2

⬍1 in the complex plane, equipped with the metric

a兲Electronic mail: lisovyi@lmpt.univ-tours.fr

48, 052112-1

0022-2488/2007/485/052112/17/$23.00 © 2007 American Institute of Physics


ds2=gzz¯dzdz¯=R2 dzdz¯

共1 −兩z兩22 共2.1兲

of the constant Gaussian curvature −4 /R2. We consider a spinless particle moving on the disk and interacting with a magnetic field. The latter can be introduced as a connection 1-form


on the trivial U共1兲-bundle overD. Quantum dynamics of a particle of unit charge is described by the Hamiltonian

= − 2 gzz¯

兵Dz,D¯z其, 共2.2兲

whereDz=⳵z+iAzandD¯z=⳵¯z+iA¯zare the usual covariant derivatives. To unburden formulas, we put the particle mass equal to 1 / 2 andប=c= 1 throughout the paper.

In the remainder of the present section, the following vector potential is considered:

AB= −iBR2 4


1 −兩z兩2 . 共2.3兲

It generates a curvature 2-form FB proportional to the invariant volume measure d␮

=共i/ 2兲gzz¯dz∧dz¯. Indeed, we have

FB= dAB=Bd␮.

Therefore, the potential关Eq.共2.3兲兴describes a uniform magnetic field of intensityB. Introducing polar coordinatesz=rei and¯z=re−i, one can write the corresponding Hamiltonian as

B= −共1 −r22


rr+1rr+r12␸␸+1 −iBRr224共1 −B2Rr422r2

. 共2.4兲

Note that the domain of B is not yet specified. It will be fixed in the next section by the requirement for the Hamiltonian to be a self-adjoint operator. According to Stone’s theorem, this condition ensures the existence of consistent dynamics.

B. Radial Hamiltonians

Formal HamiltonianBcommutes with the angular momentum operator= −i⳵. Therefore, it leaves invariant the eigenspaces ofLˆ, spanned by the functionswl共r兲eil共l苸Z兲. Being restricted to the eigenspace ofLˆ, characterized by the angular momentuml, the Hamiltonian acts as follows:



l= −共1 −r22


rr+1rrlr22 1 −4blr2共1 −4b2rr222

. 共2.5兲

Here, we have introduced a dimensionless parameterb=BR2/ 4, instead ofB.

It will be useful for us to let the parameterltake on not only an integer, but also arbitrary real values, and to study in some detail the properties of solutions of the radial Schrödinger equation


lk2兲wl= 0. 共2.6兲

In what follows it will be always assumed thatk2苸C\R+艛兵0其. It is also convenient to introduce a new variablet=r2, instead ofr.


We are interested in the solutions of Eq.共2.6兲leading to square integrable共with the measure d␮兲 functions on D. These solutions should then be square integrable on the open interval I

=共0 , 1兲with the measure d␮t=R2dt/ 2共1 −t兲2. For eachl苸Rthere exists only one solution of Eq.

共2.6兲, which is square integrable in the neighborhood of the pointt= 1. Its explicit form is wlI共t兲=t−l/2共1 −t兲2F1共␹b,+bl,2,1 −t兲=tl/2共1 −t兲2F1共␹+b,b+l,2,1 −t兲,

共2.7兲 where

= 1 +

1 + 4b2k2R2 2

and 2F1共␣,␤,␥,z兲 denotes a Gauss hypergeometric function. The branches of square roots are defined so that they take on real positive values for purely imaginaryk.

Similarly, for eachl苸共−⬁, −1兴艛关1 ,⬁兲there is only one solution of Eq.共2.6兲, which is square integrable with respect to d␮tnear the pointt= 0. The form of this solution depends on whether l艌1 orl艋−1. In the first case, i.e., forl艌1, it is given by

wlII,+共t兲=tl/2共1 −t兲2F1共␹+b,b+l,1 +l,t兲, 共2.8兲 while forl艋−1 this solution is written as follows:

wlII,−共t兲=t−l/2共1 −t兲2F1共␹b,+bl,1 −l,t兲. 共2.9兲 Note that for兩l兩⬍1 both functionswlII,±兲t兲 are square integrable in the vicinity of the pointt= 0 and solve the radial Schrödinger equation 关Eq. 共2.6兲兴. These solutions are linearly independent except for l= 0. However, in the latter case Eq.共2.6兲 still admits two distinct solutions that are square integrable ast→0,

w0II共t兲=共1 −t兲u共t兲, 0II共t兲=共1 −t兲v共t兲,

whereu andv are any two linearly independent solutions of the hypergeometric equation with parameters␣=+b,=b, and= 1共one can choose them, for instance, according to formulas 共15.5.16兲and共15.5.17兲of Ref.1兲.

Let us now show that the solutionswlI共t兲andwlII,+兲共t兲are linearly independent forl⬎−1, and the solutionswlI共t兲andwlII,−共t兲are linearly independent forl⬍1. This can be done by an explicit computation of their Wronskian


Namely, using the connection and analytic continuation formulas for hypergeometric functions,1 one obtains

W共wlI共t兲,wlII,±共t兲兲=共tCk,l±−1, 共2.10兲 with

Ck,l± =⌫共␹±b兲⌫共␹⫿b±l兲

⌫共2␹兲⌫共1 ±l兲 . 共2.11兲

Therefore, for k2苸C\R+艛兵0其 and兩l兩艌1 Eq. 共2.6兲 has no square integrable solutions 共with the measure d␮t兲on the whole intervalI. This is true, in particular, for all radial HamiltoniansHˆ

l苸Zof the free particle in a uniform magnetic field, except for the s-wave HamiltonianHˆ

0. In the case 兩l兩⬍1 Eq.共2.6兲has exactly one square integrable solution, given by formula共2.7兲.

Let us now restrict the domain of l toD共Hˆl兲=C0共I兲, i.e., to smooth compactly supported functions. Then, the above remarks imply that


lis essentially self-adjoint for兩l兩艌1 and

• for兩l兩⬍1 the operatorlhas deficiency indices共1, 1兲and thus admits a one-parameter family of SAEs.

Different extensions


共␥兲 共兩l兩⬍1兲 are in one-to-one correspondence with the isometries between the deficiency subspacesKl±= ker共Hˆl⫿i␧兲, where␧苸R+ may be chosen arbitrarily. They can be labeled by a real parameter␥苸关0 , 2␲兲and characterized by the domains




++ eiwl兲兩f苸C0共I兲,c苸C其, where the functionswl±共t兲may be chosen as follows:

wl±共t兲=兩wlI共t兲兩k2=±i. 共2.12兲

Remark:For a particular value of␥the domainD共Hˆ


共␥兲兲is composed of functions regular at t= 0. The corresponding SAE of

lwill be denoted by

l reg. C. Resolvent

The kernelGk,l共t,t⬘ of the resolvent of the radial Hamiltonian

lsatisfies the equation 共Hˆ

l共t兲−k2兲Gk,l共t,t⬘=2共1 −t兲2

R2 ␦共t−t兲. 共2.13兲

It basically means that if共

lk2u=vfor someuD共Hˆ

l兲, then ut兲=



In order to find the solution of Eq.共2.13兲, consider the following ansatz:


C˜C˜k,l±k,l±wwllII,±兲I共t兲w共t兲wlII,±兲lI共t共t for 0for 0tttt1,1


where the signs “⫹” and “⫺” should be chosen forl艌0 andl⬍0, respectively. It is clear that the function, defined by Eq.共2.14兲, solves Eq.共2.13兲fortt⬘and satisfies the boundary conditions of square integrability at the pointst= 0 andt= 1.共In the case where兩l兩⬍1, the requirement of square integrability at the boundary points is not sufficient to make the operator

lself-adjoint; however, for such l, the ansatz 关Eq. 共2.14兲兴 also satisfies the regularity condition at t= 0 and thus corre- sponds to the resolvent of the extension

l reg.兲

Taking into account the explicit form of the operator

l, one may show that the required singular behavior of the Green’s function at the pointt=t⬘is guaranteed, provided the condition

兩⳵tGk,lt,t兲兩t−0t+0= − 1 2t holds. Using Eq.共2.14兲, one can rewrite this condition as



±WwlIt兲,wlII,±兲t兲兲= 1.

It follows from Eq.共2.10兲that the last relation is satisfied if we choose


± =Ck,l± / 2. Substituting this expression into Eq. 共2.14兲, one finds a representation for the radial Green’s functions Gk,lt,t⬘兲.



Let us now add to the Hamiltonian the field of an AB magnetic flux ⌽= 2␲␯, centered atz

= 0,

Av= −i


dzz dz¯z¯

. 共3.1兲

This choice of the flux position involves no loss of generality since we have a well-known transitive SU共1, 1兲action onD, which preserves the metric关Eq. 共2.1兲兴,


¯ z+␣¯, g=

␣ ␤¯¯

SU共1,1兲. 共3.2兲

Any gauge field configuration corresponding to a single vortex and a uniform magnetic field can be reduced toA=AB+Av using transformation共3.2兲combined with a gauge change.

The Hamiltonian关Eq. 共2.2兲兴in the presence of a vortex has thus the following form:

v= −共1 −r22


rr+1rr+r12+i2+1 −4ibr2+i1 −4br222r2

. 3.3

This Hamiltonian still commutes with the angular momentum operator Lˆ. Radial Hamiltonians

v,l are obtained by the restriction of

v to the eigenspaces of with fixed angular momental 苸Z. Namely, one obtains


l+␯, where the operators

␣苸Rare defined as in Eq.共2.5兲. Thus, the only effect the AB vortex has on the formal Hamiltonians is the shift of the angular momentum variable by␯. This observation allows us to considerably simplify the derivation of many results using the calculations from the previous section.

Remark:As usual, for integer flux values some further simplifications occur. The Hamilto- niansB and

v are related by a gauge transformation

v=UHˆBU, U:w哫e−i␯␸w, 共3.4兲

which is globally well defined for␯苸Z. The kernels of the resolvents ofBand

v in this case differ only by a factor of ei␯共␸, and this change has no effect on the observable quantities.

B. Self-adjointness

From now on it will be assumed that −1⬍␯艋0共it is clear from the above discussion that this involves no loss of generality兲. Let us consider the full Hamiltonian

vand restrict its domain to functions with compact support on the punctured disk: D共Hˆ

v兲=C0共D\兵0其兲. It was shown in the previous section that for 兩l兩艌1 the operator

l is essentially self-adjoint, and for 兩l兩⬍1 it has deficiency indices共1, 1兲. One should then distinguish two cases:

=0. In this caseHˆ

vhas deficiency indices共1, 1兲and admits a one-parameter family of SAEs


共␥兲with␥苸关0 , 2␲兲and D共Hˆ

v共␥兲兲=兵f+cw0++ eiw0兲兩fC0D\兵0其兲,c苸C其.

These Hamiltonians describe a purely contact共nonmagnetic兲interaction of a particle with the AB solenoid. They have already been considered in Ref.3. So, we will not pursue their study.


−1⬍␯⬍0. For such␯the deficiency subspaces K±of the full Hamiltonian

vare generated by those of the operators


1+␯. Thus,

v has deficiency indices 共2, 2兲 and admits a four-parameter family of SAEs. Different extensions can be labeled by a unitary 2⫻2 matrixU and characterized by the domains










wherew1,2± are orthonormal elements of the bases ofK±, w1±共t,␸兲= w±共t兲

储w±共t兲储, w2±共t,␸兲= w1+␯± 共t兲 储w1+␯± 共t兲储ei, and储·储denotes theL2norm onIwith respect to the measure d␮t.

Note that the diagonal matrixUdescribes magnetic point interactions acting separately in the schannel共l= 0兲and thep channel共l= 1兲. NondiagonalUintroduces a coupling between the two modes so that the Hamiltonian no longer commutes with the angular momentum.

Further analysis of spectral properties ofHvUis a bit cumbersome in the general case共see, for example, Refs.21,2, and11, where such an analysis has been performed for the AB effect on the plane with and without magnetic field兲. We remark, however, that there exists a distinguished SAE of

v, whose domain consists of functions vanishing fort→0. This extension will be denoted by


reg. The next section is devoted to the calculation of its resolvent共Hˆ


regk2−1. The resolvent of any other SAE can be obtained from the latter using Krein’s formula.4


A. Contour integral representations of the radial waves

The main technical difficulty in the calculation of the resolvent kernelGk共z,z⬘of the Hamil- tonian


reg is the summation of radial contributions coming from different angular momenta,

Gk共z,z⬘兲= 1 2␲l


Gk,l+␯共t,t⬘兲eil共␸−␸. 共4.1兲

In order to address this problem, it is useful to introduce the functions depending on bothtand␸, instead of the radial waves关Eqs. 共2.7兲–共2.9兲兴,


⌫共2␹兲 eil共␸+␲兲wlI共t兲, 共4.2兲


⌫共2␹兲 e−il共␸+␲兲wlI共t兲, 共4.3兲

wlII,±兲共z兲= 2␲i ⌫共␹⫿b±l

⌫共␹⫿b兲⌫共1 ±l兲eil共␸+␲兲wlII,±兲共t兲, 共4.4兲

lII,±共z兲= 2␲i ⌫共␹⫿b±l兲

⌫共␹⫿b兲⌫共1 ±l兲e−il共␸+␲兲wlII,±共t兲. 共4.5兲 Combining these formulas with relations共2.14兲and共2.11兲, one can rewrite the Green’s function 关Eq.共4.1兲兴in the following way:


Gk共z,z⬘= e−i␯共␸−␸ 8i␲2 共Gk

+共z,z⬘+Gk共z,z⬘兲兲, 共4.6兲 where the functionsGk共±兲共z,z⬘are given by



wlI共z兲wˆlII,±兲共z⬘兲 for兩z兩⬎兩z⬘兩, 共4.7兲



wlII,±共z兲wˆlI共z⬘兲 for兩z兩⬍兩z⬘兩. 共4.8兲 The sums关Eqs.共4.7兲and共4.8兲兴can be computed using a special set of solutions of stationary Schrödinger equation without an AB flux, known as horocyclic waves.12These solutions have the form

±共z,␪兲= 共1 −兩z兩2±

共1 +ze−␪±−b共1 +¯ez ±+b, 共4.9兲 where



and␪ is an arbitrary complex parameter. Being considered as functions of␪, horocyclic waves

±共z,␪兲 have an infinite number of branch points located at ␪= ± lnr+i共++ 2␲Z兲. Let us introduce a system of branch cuts in the ␪ plane, as shown in Fig. 1. The sheets of Riemann surfaces of the functions ⌿±共z,␪兲 are fixed by the requirement that the arguments of both 1 +ze−␪ and 1 +z¯e are equal to zero on the line Im␪=.

Recall that the Hamiltonians B and

v are related by the gauge transformation 共3.4兲. Although this transformation is singular for noninteger values of the flux, one can still relate any solution of the equation 共

vk2w= 0 to a solution of the same equation without an AB field, 共HˆBk2兲␺= 0. However, since we have w= e−i␯␸␺, the function ␺ should be branched with the monodromy e2i at the point z= 0. Motivated by this well-known fact, we will try to represent radial wave functions关Eqs.共4.2兲–共4.5兲兴as superpositions of elementary solutions关Eq.共4.9兲兴,




whereCis an integration contour and␳共␪兲is an appropriately chosen weight function. There will be three types of contours that will be important to us共see also Fig.1兲:

FIG. 1. Contours of integration in theplane.


• ContourC+共z兲starts at −⬁+i␣, surrounds the branch cutb+=共−⬁+i共+␲兲, lnr+i共+␲兲兴in a counter-clockwise manner, and goes to −⬁+i共+ 2␲兲.

• ContourC共z兲starts at⬁+i共+ 2␲兲, then goes counter-clockwise around the branch cut b

=关−lnr+i共␸+␲兲,⬁+i共␸+␲兲兲, and finally travels to ⬁+i␣along the ray parallel to the real axis.

• ContourC0共z兲joins two branch points:␪1= lnr+i共+␲兲and␪2= −lnr+i共+␲兲.

Real parameters ␣ and ␥ can be chosen arbitrarily; the only conditions they should satisfy are given by

兩␸␣兩⬍␲, 0艋␥⬍− lnr.

Assuming that Rek2⬍0, one may now write a number of contour integral representations for the radial waves关Eqs.共4.2兲–共4.5兲兴,


C0z共z,␪兲eld␪, 共4.10兲 lIz兲=


z,␪兲e−ld␪, 共4.11兲

wlII,±兲共z兲= ±

C±z+共z,␪兲eld␪, 共4.12兲

lII,±共z兲= ⫿


+共z,␪兲e−ld␪, 共4.13兲

where the functions⌿ˆ

±共z,␪兲are obtained from⌿±共z,␪兲by replacingb→−b. Although the valid- ity of representations共4.10兲–共4.13兲can be checked directly, their general structure may also bea posteriori understood as follows. Consider, for instance, the functions wlIz兲 and wlII,±z兲 as defined by Eqs. 共4.10兲 and 共4.12兲. Continuation of these functions along a counter-clockwise circuit enclosing the pointz= 0 amounts to a simultaneous shift of the branch cuts and integration contours upwards by 2␲in the␪ plane. This shift is in turn equivalent to simple multiplication of both functions by e2␲il. Moreover, elementary solutions关Eq. 共4.9兲兴satisfy the relation

Lˆ⌿±共z,␪兲=共z⳵z¯z¯z兲⌿±共z,␪兲= −⳵±共z,␪兲,

which means that right-hand sides of Eqs.共4.10兲and共4.12兲are common共multivalued兲eigenfunc- tions ofB andLˆ, their angular momenta being equal to l. The first function is regular for t

1 since in this case the branch cuts pinch the imaginary axis. Similarly, the second function is regular fort→0. This implies共modulo constant factors that have to be found by a direct calcu- lation兲relations共4.2兲and共4.4兲.

B. Summation

Let us now turn to the calculation of the sums 关Eqs.共4.7兲and共4.8兲兴. For simplicity the case 兩z兩⬎兩z⬘兩 is treated in detail and we only indicate the changes needed to handle another case.

Substituting contour representations共4.2兲and共4.5兲into relation共4.7兲, one obtains


Gk±共z,z⬘= ⫿






Since兩z兩⬎兩z⬘兩, one may choose the contoursC±共z⬘in such a way that␥z⬘⬎−lnr. Consequently, we have Re共␪1−␪2兲⬍0 for all ␪1C0共z兲, ␪2C共z⬘ and Re共1−␪2兲⬎0 for all ␪1C0共z兲, ␪2

C+共z⬘兲. Then, it becomes possible to perform the summation inside the integrals, and one finds Gk共+兲z,z⬘兲+Gk共−兲z,z⬘兲=




+z,2兲e1+␯兲共␪1−␪2 e1−␪2− 1 .

We would like to deform the contoursC±共z⬘in the last integral over␪2so that their vertical parts compensate one another. Then,C+共z⬘C共z⬘transforms into two horizontal lines, but one also earns a pole contribution coming from e2= e1. Next, if we assume that␸␸⬘±␲, then the two lines can be deformed into Im␪2=␸⬘ using quasiperiodicity in␪2. Together with Eq. 共4.6兲, this leads to the following representation for the Green’s function:


ee−i−ie␯共␸−␸−i␯共␸−␸␯共␸−␸+2␲兲−2␲兲GGGk共0兲k共0兲k共0兲z,zz,zz,z+++kkkz,zz,zz,z forforfor共− 2共−,2,−,兲,兲,兲,



Gk共0兲共z,z⬘兲= 1 4␲



+共z⬘,␪兲, 共4.15兲

k共z,z⬘兲=1 − e−2␲i

8i␲2 e−i␯共␸−␸




+共z⬘,2兲e共1+␯兲共␪1−␪2 e1−␪2− 1 .

共4.16兲 Similarly, assuming that 兩z兩⬍兩z⬘兩, one obtains an integral representation of the Green’s func- tion which has exactly the same form as Eq. 共4.14兲, except that the functions Gk0共z,z⬘ and

k共z,z⬘are now given by

Gk共0兲z,z⬘兲= 1



z,␪兲⌿+z,␪兲, 共4.17兲

kz,z⬘兲=e2i− 1

8i␲2 e−i␯共␸




z,1兲⌿+z,2兲e1+␯兲共␪2−␪1 e2−␪1− 1 .

共4.18兲 After some computations 共technical details are outlined in Appendix A兲, one may show that both representations coincide. Moreover, the integrals共4.15兲and共4.17兲can be carried out explic- itly,


1 −1 −¯zzzz¯

b共u共z,z兲兲, 共4.19兲

where uz,z⬘兲=兩共zz兲/共1 −z¯z⬘兲兩2 has a simple relation with the geodesic distance between the pointsz andz⬘, and the function␨共u兲 is given by


␨共u兲= 1 4␲


⌫共2␹兲 共1 −u兲2F1共␹+b,b,2,1 −u兲. 共4.20兲 Note that Gk共0兲z,z⬘兲 coincides with the well-known expression for the resolvent kernel of the Hamiltonian without an AB field.8,20 This can also be seen directly from representation 共4.14兲 since⌬kz,z⬘兲in Eq.共4.16兲or共4.18兲obviously vanishes for␯= 0. The function⌬kz,z⬘兲may also be written in a symmetric form,

k共z,z⬘= sin␲␯

−⬁ de1 + e共1+␯兲␪+i␪+i共␸−␸共␸−␸

1 +1 +rrrree−␪

b共v共r,r,兲兲, 共4.21兲


v共r,r,␪兲= r2+r2+ 2rrcosh

1 +r2r2+ 2rrcosh. 共4.22兲 In our opinion, representation 共4.14兲 and formulas 共4.19兲–共4.22兲 constitute the most interesting results of the present paper. It is instructive to compare them with the known results in the flat space关cf. relations共2.25兲and共2.26兲in Ref.30or formula共5.10兲from Ref.27兴. Notice that the

“free” part of the Green’s function is manifestly separated in Eq.共4.14兲from the vortex-dependent contribution⌬k共z,z⬘兲.

V. SPECTRUM AND DENSITY OF STATES The spectrum of the regular extension


regconsists of three parts:

• a continuous spectrumE苸关共1 + 4b2兲/R2,⬁兲;

• a finite number of infinitely degenerate eigenvalues, which coincide with the usual Landau levels on the hyperbolic disk8,23 in the absence of the AB field 关These levels are explicitly given by

En0= 1


1 + 4b2− 4



, 共5.1兲

wheren= 0 , 1 , . . . ,nmax⬍兩b兩− 1 / 2. Corresponding common eigenfunctions of the Hamil- tonian


regand the angular momentum operator can be expressed in terms of Jacobi’s polynomials关cf. relation 共13兲 in Ref.23兴,

n,l共0兲共t,␸兲 ⬃tl+␯兩/2共1 −t兲b−nPn2b−2n−1,l+␯兩兲共2t− 1兲eil. Here, one should takel= 0 , −1 , −2 , . . .共for b⬎0兲andl= 1 , 2 , . . .共for b⬍0兲.兴

• a finite number of bound states En共␯兲 with finite degeneracy关The form of these eigenvalues depends on the sign of the magnetic field. Namely, forb⬎0 one has

En共␯,+= 1


1 + 4b2− 4

bn共1 + 12


, 共5.2兲

wheren= 0 , 1 , . . . ,nmax⬘ ⬍b−共␯+ 1兲− 1 / 2. In the caseb⬍0, the eigenvalues may be written as

En共␯,−兲= 1


1 + 4b2− 4



, 5.3

withn= 0 , 1 , . . . ,nmax⬙ ⬍兩b兩+␯− 1 / 2. Common eigenstates of


regand are again given by Jacobi’s polynomials,

b⬎0:⌿n,l共␯,+兲共t,␸兲 ⬃tl+␯兲/2共1 −t兲b−n−共␯+1兲Pn共2b−2n−2共␯+1兲−1,l+␯兲共2t− 1兲eil,


b⬍0:⌿n,l共␯,−兲共t,␸兲 ⬃tl+␯兩/2共1 −t兲b兩−n+␯Pn共2兩b兩−2n+2␯−1,兩l+␯兩兲共2t− 1兲eil.

For given radial quantum numbern the allowed eigenvalues of the angular momentum are l= 1 , 2 , . . . ,n+ 1共forb⬎0兲andl= 0 , −1 , . . . , −n 共forb⬍0兲.兴

Remark:The above expressions共5.1兲–共5.3兲for the energy levels can also be extracted from Ref.6. It is worthwhile to emphasize that the discrete spectrum is absent for兩b兩⬍1 / 2.

Let us now consider the DOS on the hyperbolic disk. It can be obtained from the boundary values of the resolvent kernel on the real axis in the complex energy plane using the following formula:


1 Im TrGk共z,z→z兲


, E苸R.

Both terms in representation 共4.14兲of the Green’s function contribute to the DOS. The con- tribution of the free-resolvent kernelGk共0兲共z,z⬘has been first calculated by Comtet.8His results 共supplemented by an additional term,7 coming from the discrete spectrum兲 give the following expression for the DOS:


1 ImGk共0兲z,z→z


= 1 4␲

sinh 2␲␭

cosh 2␲␭+ cos 2␲b

E1 + 4bR2 2

+ 2


n=0 nmax



Here,⌰共x兲denotes Heaviside function and



ER2− 1 − 4b2. 共5.4兲

One cannot expect that the DOS per unit area, induced by the AB field, will also be constant onD. However, it should depend only on the geodesic distance between a given point on the disk and the flux position. Indeed, since the function ⌬共z,z⬘ is nonsingular for z→z⬘, the vortex- dependent part of the DOS is given by


1 Imkt


, 共5.5兲

where the function⌬k共t兲 is obtained from⌬共z,z by setting=␸⬘andr2=r2=t,


−⬁ de1 + e1+␯兲␪

1 +1 +tete−␪


1 +2tt1 + cosh2+ 2tcosh

. 5.6

As it stands, representation共5.6兲is valid in the left half-plane Rek2⬍0, where the function⌬k共t兲 is analytic. However, the DOS is determined by the singularities of⌬k共t兲that occur on the positive part of the real axis 共we may expect there a finite number of poles and the branch cut 关共1 + 4b2兲/R2,⬁兲, corresponding to the continuous part of the spectrum of


reg兲. One could try to construct the appropriate analytic continuation of⌬kt兲, considering Eq.共5.6兲as a contour integral and then suitably deforming the contour. It seems, however, that this approach does not lead to any satisfactory result because of the complicated singularity structure of the function under the inte- gral sign in the␪ plane.

An alternative method consists in the following. Remark that the vortex-dependent contribu- tion to the DOS in the whole hyperbolic space




d␮␳共␯兲共E,z兲 共5.7兲

has a finite value since

1 +1 +tete−␪


1 +2tt1 + cosh2+ 2tcosh


41关ln 2t+ ln共1 + cosh␪兲+ 2␥E+␺共␹+b兲+␺共␹b兲兴+o共1兲 fort→0 1




共1 −t兲2

共1 + e+b共1 + e−␪−b+o共共1 −t2兲 fort→1.

If one now integrates ⌬k共t兲 over spatial coordinates 共see Appendix B兲 and then considers the analytic continuation of the result to the complex energy plane, the following expression for␳共␯兲

⫻共E兲 can be obtained:

共␯兲共E兲= − R2 4␲ Im


2␹− 1兩兵共b+␯兲关␺共␹b兲−␺共␹b+␯+ 1兲兴+共␹+b␯− 1兲 关␺共␹+b兲

−␺共␹+b␯− 1兲兴其兩k2=E+i0=␳d共␯兲共E兲+␳c共␯兲共E兲, 共5.8兲 where the contributions of the discrete and continuous part of the spectrum are given by




n=0maxmax nn+ 1+ 1EEEEn共␯,+兲n共␯,−兲nn


n=0maxmaxnn++ 1EEEn共0兲En共0兲 forforbb00,


c共␯兲E兲= −R2


E1 + 4bR2 2

冊 再

sinh 2cosh 2+

12+ cos 2b+

sin 2bb

−␭sinh 2␲␭+


sin 2b

cosh 2␲␭+ cos 2␲b

, 共5.10兲

and the parameter␭is defined as in Eq. 共5.4兲.

At last we add a comment concerning the flat space limit 共R→⬁兲 at a zero magnetic field 共b= 0兲. In this case representation 共5.8兲for the vortex-dependent DOS transforms into



1 Im

␯共␯+ 1兲 2k2


= −␯共␯+ 1兲

2 ␦共E兲. 共5.11兲

This result has been first obtained in Ref.9, and it has important consequences in the theory of disordered magnetic systems 共see, for example Refs. 13–15兲. Obtaining relation共5.11兲 directly from共5.10兲is more subtle; one should consider␳c

共␯兲E兲as a distribution and supply it with a proper regularization at the edge of the spectrum, i.e., as␭+ 0.


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