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Academic year: 2022



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NAVARRO BROTONS, Victor Universidad de Valencia.

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A bibliographical list, which is not meant to be exhaustive, is presented, being thought as usefuli to know the role of the History of Sciences in teaching.

La siguiente bibliografia es una selección de trabajos publicados en relación con el tema, sin ninguna pre- tensión de exhaustividad.

AGIN. M.L.. 1971. The Feasibility of Teaching Sciencie via a Socio-Historical Approach. Dits. Abs. Inr.. 3 1. 6.428-A.

AUSTRALIAN Sciencir Teaching Journal (1977). 23. 2. Spe- cid Issue. sobre la enseñanza de la ciencia y el papel de la historia y filosofia de la ciencia.

BRUNOLD. C.. 1958. Role de I'histoire dans I'enseignement des sciencies physiques. Revue d'hisroire des Sciences. 1 l . 97- 107.

BRUSH, .S. G., 1975. Education of Historians of Sciencie in the United States. Synrhesis. 3. 6-19.

BRUSH. S. G.: KING. A. L. (ED.). 1972. Hisrory in thc tco- chinp of physics, Pmceedings of the International Working Seminar on The Role of the History in Physics Education.

Hannover. New Hampshire, Univ. Ress of New England.

CANGUILHEM. G. et alii, 1970. lntroduction a I'hisroire des scimces. 2 vols. (Hachette: Paris).

CHARLEMAGNE, Ch.. 1978. Reflexions sur une premiire ap- proche du mouvement en mécanique avec des élecves de quatneme. Cahiers d'histoire et de philosophie des Scien- res. (C.N.R.S.: Paris. 1978).

CLARKE. E. (Ed.). 1971, Modern merhods in the History of Medicine. (The Athlone Ress of the Univ. of London:


COURTIN, M.. 1953. La méthode histonque dans I'enseigne- ment des sciences physiques, Actes du Vlle.Congrks Inr.

d'Histoire des Sciences. (Jerusalem).

COURTIN. M.. 1.965, Histoire des Sciences: Recherche et en- seignement. Actes X l e . Cong. Inr. Hisi. Sci. (Pub. 1968). 2, 109-1 13.

DIJKSTERHUIS, E. J.. 1950. La place de I'histoire des scien- ces dans I'instruction supérieure, Archivcs. 29, 39-76.

DONOVAN, A.. 1979, The History of Sciencie in Undergra- duate Education, Annals of Science, 36, 177-181.

FERNANDEZ PEREZ. J.. 1979, La enseñanza de la historia y filosofia de la ciencia en la licenciatura de ciencias biológi- cas. Llull. 2. núm. 4. 97-101.

FLEGG, G., 1975. History of mathematics Coune (AM 289) at the Open Univenty. Great Britain. Historia Marhcmatica.

2. 332-333.

FORBES, E. C . , 1974. History of Science in the Federal Repu- blic of Germany. Hisrory of Scicncc. 12. 147-151.

ENSEÑANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS. 1983, pp. 125-126

GROTE..M.. 1977. The Histwy of Physics in a High School Physics Course. Ph.vs. Teacher. 15, 102-103.

GUPTA. R. C.. 1975. History of Mathematics at a Summer School in India, Historia Marhemarica. 2. 74.

HOLTON. G.. 1976. The Roject Physics Course. Notes on its Educational Philosophy. Physics Educarion. 1 1. 330-335 (reimpreso ampliado en The Scienrific imaginaiion. Cam- bridge Univ. Press. 1978). 2W-298.

HUGUES. B.. 1975. A Course in History of Mathematics for Mathernatocs Teachers. Historia Marhemaiica. 2. 333-335.

HISTORY of Science Society. Committee on Undregraduate Education (1975). Annals of Science. 32. 55-70.

KAUFMAN. G . B.. 1971 a, Teaching the History of Science:

a biographical approach. Journal of College Science Tea- ching, 1, 26-28.


(Ed.), 1971 b. Teaching rhe Hisrow of Chemisrn. A * m - posium. (San Francisco. California. April. 1968). Dudapest.

Akadémiai Kiadó. 1971.


1979. History in the Chemistry Curriculum: pros and cons. Annals of Science. 36. 395402.

KLOPFER. L.E.. 1969. The Teaching of Science and the His- tory of Science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

6. 87-95.

KLOPFER, L.E.. COOLEY, W.W.. 1963. The History of Science Cases for High School in the Development of Stu- dent Undentanding of Science and Scientists, Journal of Research in Science T e a c h i n ~ . 1, 3347.



1975a. Sources for the History of Science.

1660-1914 (Sources of History: London).


1975b. Teaching the History of Science in Some British Univenities and Polytechnics Annals of Science, 32, 169-173.

KORTH. W. W.. 1968. The Use of the History of Science to Promote Student Undentanding of the Social Aspects of Science. Disscrtation, Siandford Univ.. Diss. Abst.. vol. 29, 1447-A; Univ. Microtilms. Ann Arbor, Michigan; Order no 68-15.069.

KRAFFT. F., 1975. Naturwissenchafisgeschichte in Lchre und Forschung: Bemerkungen zu einen zu Unrccht Vernachlih- sitgen Hochschlfach, Physikolischc Blüircr, 31. 385-395.


1978. Die Naturwissenchaften und ihre Geschichte. Zu Wesen und Aufgaben der Naturwissenchaftgeschichte und ihre Rolle in der Ausbildung von Naturwissenchaften, Sud- hoffs Archiv. 60, 3 17-337.



de las ciencias en España. 1 Symposiurn de la S.E.H.C., Llull, l. no l . 5-25.



LEBOUTET, L.. 1973. L'mscigncmenr de l a physique, (Paris:


LOEDEL; E., 1957, Enseñanza dc l a fisica. 2a ed. (Bueno, 91 res: Kapelusz).



1975, Historia de la ciencia e historia.

Boletín informorivo de la Fundación Juan March. no 38, 3- 14.



M I C H A E L WURBOUS, 1975. The Teaching of Social Studies o f Science and Technological i n British Poly- tcchnics. Social Smdies of Science, 5. 177-192.

M E I N E L , Ch., 1979, Teaching the history o f Medicine.

Science and Technology in the Federal Republic o f Ger- many and i n West k r l i n . Annals of Science, 36. 279-289.

MICHELE. C., 1967. Storia delle scienza a storia delle filoso- fia: Problemi di metodo. Rivisra Critica di Storia della Filo- sofia. 22. 303-318.

N A V A R R O BROTONS. V.. 1973. Historia de las ciencias y pedagogía de las ciencias: planteamiento de un problema.

Boletín interior del Seminario de Pedagogía. Valencia. no E . 11-17

- . . . . . .


1975. L a historia de las ciencias y la pedagogía de las ciencias, Escuela 75, no 1. 1-3.

OLDROY. D.R.(Ed.). 1978. Hisrorical. Philo.sophical arrd So- cial Perspccrives o/ Science in

se con dar.^

Educarion (Papers presented at a Teachers In-Service Training Course at the School o f History an Philosophy o f Science). University o f New South Wales. 9 July 1977. New South Wales Univ.


OLSZEWSKI. E.. 1968. The Social Significance o f the History of Science and the History o f Technology. Orgunon (War- saw). 5. 105-111.

POMIAN. K., 1975. L'histoire de la science et I'histoire de I'histoire. Annalcs: Economies. Societés. Civi1i:arion. 30.


PRICE. D.J. de S.. I%9. A Guide 10 Craduate Study and Re- search i n !he History of Science and Medicine, Isis. 58. 385- 395.

RAFAEL. G.. 1969. L a e n s e ~ i a n : ~ de las ciencias (su enfoqrre hisr6rico-e1~olurivo). 1" ed. (Buenos Aires: Estrada).

ROSMORDUC. J., 1974. L'enseignement de I'histoire aes sciences dans les D. E.U.G.'scientifiques. Revrte d'Hixroire dcs Sciences. 27. 168.

- Ed'.,

1975. L e rerour aux sources. Pour I'hisroire des tciences dans I'cnseignemcnr scienrifique francaise. Brest.

Univ. de Bretagne Occidental.


1978. Histoire et pedagogie de la mécanique, Cahicrs d'hisroire er de philosophie des Sciences (Paris, C.N.R.S.) ROLBIECKI. W., 1973. Symposium sobre la historia de las

ciencias en la educación permanente (en polaco), Kwarr.

Hisr. Nauki Tech., 18. 385-391.

ROLLER. D.H.D.. 1959. The Teaching of the History of Science i n the United States. I X Congreso Int. Hisr. Cien- cias. Barcelona-Madrid 1959. (Barcelona-París: Hermann, 1960). 684-687.

SARTON. C.. 1921. The Teaching o f the History o f Science, Isis. 4. 225-250.

SCIENCE Education and the Philosophy o f Science. Sympo- sium. PSA. pub. 1976. Proceeding of rhe Biennial Meeting o/ rhe Phil. of S(.. Ass.

SIEGEL, H.J.. 1877. Kuhn's Philosophy of Science and Science Education. Disserrari(~n ur Harvard Univ.. Diss.

Abstr. Int., 1978, 38. 4888-A. Microfilms order no 77-30699.

SHARLIN. H.I.. 1977. A Course in Physics and History: Mat- ching an Unlikely Par, Annals of Science. 34. 57-62.


et alii 1975. A Study and Critique o f the Teaching of the History o f Science and Technology. lnterim Repon by the Comittee on Undergraduate Education of the History of Science Society (U.S.A. ). Annuls o]' Science. 32. 55-70.

STASIEWICZ-JAIVKOWA. 1.. 1978. The Teaching of the His- tory o f Science and Technology in Polish Higher Education.

Annals of Sciencc. 75. 75-80.

STOCK. J.T.. 1975. Looking backward in Science. C'hemisrry.

48. 12-14.

TORRES. E.. 1975. Dimensión histórica de la ensenanza de la ciencia. Cituderrros tic P ~ ~ ~ l u ~ o g i u . nc' 7-U. 56-59.

VOISE. W.. 1965. Considerations siir I'enseignement de I'his- toire des sciences. rlcrrs Xlc COIIR. Inr. Ifrsr. .S(.¡.. 1965 (pub. 1%). 2. 115-1 17.

WATANABE. M.. 1971. Teaching History of Science in Japan.

Jupune.~<, Srirdies irr rlre Iiisror! of Science. 10. 25-16.

WICKEN, J.. 1976. The value of historical concepts in science educiition. Joirrnul


Clir»~icnl Edu(.uriotr. 53. Y6-97.

Victor Navarro Biatons.



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