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Norms for standard neuropsychological tests from the French CONSTANCES cohort: Norms for five neuropsychological tests


Academic year: 2021

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Table 1 Normative data stratified by age, gender and education for the MMSE, CONSTANCES  cohort (n = 51,791)
Table 2 Normative data stratified by age, gender and education for the three free recalls of the  FCSRT (number of words retrieved), CONSTANCES cohort (n = 50,566)
Table  3  Normative  data  stratified  by  age,  gender  and  education,  for  the  TMT-B  (time  in  seconds), CONSTANCES cohort (n = 51,267)
Table 4 Normative data stratified by age, gender and education for the semantic fluency task  (number of words provided in one minute), CONSTANCES cohort (n = 51,361)


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