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Sheaves of bounded <span class="mathjax-formula">$p$</span>-adic logarithmic differential forms


Academic year: 2022

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4esérie, t. 40, 2007, p. 351 à 386.







ABSTRACT. – LetKbe a local field,Xthe Drinfel’d symmetric space of dimensiondoverKandX the natural formalOK-scheme underlyingX; thusG= GLd+1(K)acts onXandX. Given aK-rational G-representationM we construct aG-equivariant subsheafM0OK˙ ofOK-lattices in the constant sheafM onX. We study the cohomology of sheaves of logarithmic differential forms onX(orX) with coefficients inM0OK˙. In the second part we give general criteria for two conjectures of P. Schneider onp-adic Hodge decompositions of the cohomology of p-adic local systems on projective varieties uniformized by X.

Applying the results of the first part we prove the conjectures in certain cases.

©2007 Elsevier Masson SAS

RÉSUMÉ. – Soient K un corps local, X l’espace symétrique de Drinfel’d de dimension d sur K et XleOK-schéma formel canonique sous-jacent à X; le groupe G= GLd+1(K) agit sur X etX.

Soit M une représentation K-rationnelle. Dans le faisceau constantM sur X, on construit un sous- faisceauG-équivariantM0O˙

KdesOK-réseaux. On s’intéresse à la cohomologie des faisceaux des formes différentielles logarithmiques à coefficients dansM0OK˙. Dans la deuxième partie, on donne des critères généraux pour deux conjectures de P. Schneider sur des décompositions de Hodge p-adiques de la cohomologie des systèmes locauxp-adiques sur des variétés projectives uniformisées parX. En appliquant les résultats de la première partie, on démontre ces conjectures dans certains cas.

©2007 Elsevier Masson SAS

0. Introduction

Letpbe prime number andd∈N, letK/Qpbe a finite extension. In connection with the search for a Langlands type correspondence between suitable p-adically continuous representations of the group GLd+1(K)onp-adic vector spaces on the one hand, and suitable p-adic Galois representations on the other hand, thep-adic cohomology (de Rham, crystalline, coherent,p-adic étale) of Drinfel’d’s symmetric space X overK and its projective quotientsXΓ= Γ\X, with coefficients in rational representationsM ofGLd+1(K), has recently found increasing interest.

We mention the first spectacular results due to Breuil [2] who uses the cohomology ofX and XΓ with coefficients in M = Symk(Q2p) (somek∈N) to establish a partial correspondence in case d= 1, K=Qp, and the work of Schneider and Teitelbaum [17] where (for any d andK) the GLd+1(K)-representation on the space ΩX(X)of top differential forms onX is determined. Substantial as these works are, they call for generalizations. On the one hand one hopes to generalize the constructions from [2] to cases whered >1. Since a decisive ingredient in [2] is the work with p-adic integral structures in equivariant sheaf complexes onX, the investigation of such integral structures should be a starting point. On the other hand one hopes



to generalize the analysis of [17] to more general equivariant vector bundles onX(instead of the line bundleΩdX), e.g. to the vector bundlesΩiX, or evenM⊗ΩiX, for anyi; this would be done best by finding and analysing equivariant subsheaves inM⊗ΩiX, e.g. those of exact, closed or logarithmic differential forms. All this motivates the main objective of the first part of this paper, the study of equivariant integral structures in the vector bundlesM⊗ΩiXand in their subsheaves of logarithmic differential forms. The central question concerning the de Rham cohomology with coefficients inM of a projective quotientXΓofXis that for the position of its Hodge filtration (e.g. due top-adic Hodge theory its knowledge in cased= 1is another crucial point in [2]); the second part of this paper is devoted to this question.

We discuss the content in more detail. Let now more generallyKbe a non-Archimedean local field with ring of integers OK, uniformizer π∈ OK and residue fieldk. LetM be a rational representation ofG= GLd+1(K), i.e. a finite-dimensionalK-vector spaceM together with a morphism ofK-group varietiesGLd+1GL(M). It is well known that for any compact open subgroupH ofGthere exists anH-stable freeOK-module lattice inM; we fix one such choice M0 for H= GLd+1(OK). We choose a totally ramified extension K˙ of K of degreed+ 1 and twist the action ofGonM⊗KK˙ unramified by a suitableK-valued character of˙ G. We show that the choice ofM0determines for any other maximal open compact subgroupH⊂G a distinguished H-stable OK˙-lattice in M K K˙ and the collection of these lattices can be assembled into aG-equivariant coefficient system on the Bruhat–Tits buildingBT ofPGLd+1. In fact this is only a reinterpretation of our Proposition 3.1. We do not mentionBT at all, we rather work with the G-equivariant semistable formal OK-scheme X underlying Drinfel’d’s symmetric spaceXoverKof dimensiond+ 1, as constructed in [14]. It is well known that the intersections of the irreducible components ofX⊗kare in natural bijection with the simplices of BT. Thus what we do is to construct fromM0a constructibleG-equivariant subsheafM0OK˙ of the constant sheaf with valueM⊗KK˙ onXsuch thatM0OK˙(U)for quasicompact openU⊂X is anOK˙-lattice inM⊗KK.˙

We then consider the coherent OXOK OK˙-module sheaf M0O˙

KOK OX and compute explicitly its reduction (M0OK˙ OK OX)OK˙ k. See Theorem 3.3 for our result. Similarly, letΩXbe the logarithmic de Rham complex ofXand letLogs(M0OK˙)be theπ-adic completion of the subsheaf ofM0OK˙ OKΩsX consisting of logarithmic differentials-forms; we compute explicitlyLogs(M0OK˙)OK˙ k. See Theorem 4.4 for our result.

As an application, assume now thatM|SLd+1(K)is the trivial representationK, the standard representationM =Kd+1or its dual(Kd+1). We show (Proposition 4.5)




X,M0OK˙ OKΩsX (1)

for anyjand anys. Using the above computations the proof of (1) is reduced to the statement that for any irreducible componentY of X⊗k—such aY is the successive blowing up ofPdk in allk-linear subspaces—with logarithmic de Rham complexΩY we haveHj(Y,ΩsY) = 0 if j= 0, andH0(Y,ΩsY)consists of global logarithmic differentials-forms onY.

In the second part of this paper (Sections 5 and 6) we develop general criteria for conjectures of Schneider raised in [16]. LetΓSLd+1(K)be a cocompact discrete (torsion-free) subgroup;

thus the quotientXΓ= Γ\XofXis a projectiveK-scheme [14]. LetM be aK[Γ]-module with dimK(M)<∞. Using theΓ-action (induced from theΓ-action onM) on the constant local system onXgenerated byM we get a local systemMΓonXΓ. The Hodge spectral sequence

Er,s1 =Hs





gives rise to the Hodge filtration Hd=Hd


=FH0 ⊃FH1 ⊃ · · · ⊃FHd+1= 0.

If char(K) = 0 Schneider [16] conjectures that a splitting of FH is given by the covering filtration FΓ of Hd arising from the expression of Hd through the Γ-group cohomology of M⊗KHdR (X). Concretely, he expectsHd=FHi+1⊕FΓdifor0id−1.

If M underlies a K-rational representation of G (and char(K) = 0), Schneider defines another sheaf complex, quasiisomorphic with MΓ K ΩXΓ, hence again a corresponding Hodge filtrationFred onHd. He then conjecturesFred =FH, thus in particular he conjectures Hd=Fredi+1⊕FΓd−i. The particular interest in this last decomposition is that combined with yet another conjecture from [16]—the degeneration of the ‘reduced’ Hodge spectral sequence—it would allow the computation ofΓ-group cohomology spacesH(Γ, D)for certain ‘holomorphic discrete series representations’DofG.

For the trivial representationM =Kthe conjectures were proven first by Iovita and Spiess [10], later proofs were given by Alon and de Shalit ([1], using harmonic analysis) and the author ([6], using p-adic Hodge theory). The main tool in the approach of Iovita and Spiess is a certain subcomplex of ΩX(X)consisting of bounded logarithmic differential forms onX. For more generalM this complex does not seem to generalize well, essentially because there is no integral structure in the complex M K ΩX(X) of globalforms. This led us to consider a K-vector space subsheaf complex L(M) of M KΩX on X which should replace the global logarithmic differential forms. We show that the filtrationFΓcan be redefined in terms of L(M)and obtain criteria for the above splitting conjectures and the degeneration of (2) which avoidΓ-group cohomology of global objects. A certain variant ofL(M), theK-vector space sheaf complex LD(M), leads to a similar criterion for the splitting Hd=Fredi+1⊕FΓdi and the degeneration of the ‘reduced’ Hodge spectral sequence. The general hope is that, working as indicated with integral (or bounded) structures insideL(M)orLD(M), we can reduce to problems in characteristic pand work locallyon the reduction of the natural formal scheme underlying X. This approach worked out in [7] in dimension d= 1 where we used integral structures insideLD(M)to proveH1=Fred1 ⊕FΓ1 and the degeneration conjecture. Here, as suggested above, we use integral structures insideL(M)provided by the first part of this paper to prove (for arbitrary dimensiond):

THEOREM (see Corollary 5.1, Theorem 6.4 and the remarks given there). –Suppose that M|SLd+1(K)=K,M|SLd+1(K)=Kd+1orM|SLd+1(K)= (Kd+1).

(a) For arbitrary char(K)the Hodge spectral sequence(2) degenerates inE1. The Hodge filtrationFH has a canonical splitting defined through logarithmic differential forms.

(b) Ifchar(K) = 0we haveFH =Fred and the splitting in(a)is given by the filtrationFΓ: Hd


=FHi+1⊕FΓd−i (0id−1).

It seems that even for M =K the degeneration in (a) in case char(K)>0 was unknown before.

Notations. – We fix d∈N and enumerate the rows and columns of GLd+1-elements by 0, . . . , d. We denote by U the subgroup of GLd+1 consisting of unipotent upper triangular matrices,


(aij)0i,jdGLd+1|aii= 1for alli, aij= 0ifi > j .


Forr∈R definer,r ∈Zby requiring rr <r+ 1 andr −1< rr. For a divisorDon an integral schemeX we denote byLX(D)the associated line bundle onX; we will always consider it as a subsheaf of the constant sheaf with value the function field ofX.

K denotes a non-Archimedean local field, OK its ring of integers, π∈ OK a fixed prime element andkthe residue field withqelements,q∈pN. Letω:Ka×Qbe the extension of the discrete valuationω:K×Znormalized byω(π) = 1. We fix a totally ramified extension K˙ =K( ˙π)ofKwith ring of integersOK˙ such thatπ˙ ∈ OK˙ satisfiesπ˙d+1=π.

We writeG= GLd+1(K). LetT be the torus of diagonal matrices inGand letX(T), resp.

X(T), denote the group of algebraic cocharacters, resp. characters, ofT. For0iddefine the obvious cocharacter ei:GmGLd+1, i.e. the one which sends t to the diagonal matrix (ei(t))ij withei(t)ii=t,ei(t)jj = 1 for i=j and ei(t)j1j2 = 0 for j1=j2. Theei form a R-basis ofX(T)R. The pairingX(T)×X(T)Zwhich sends(x, μ)to the integerμ(x) such that μ(x(y)) =yμ(x) for anyy∈Gm extends to a duality between theR-vector spaces X(T)RandX(T)R. Let0, . . . , d∈X(T)denote the basis dual toe0, . . . , ed. Let

Φ ={ij; 0i, jdandi=j} ⊂ X(T).

1. Differential forms on rational varieties in characteristicp >0

The action of GLd+1(k) = GL(kd+1) on (kd+1)= Homk(kd+1, k) defines an action of GLd+1(k)on the affinek-scheme associated with(kd+1), and this action passes to an action of GLd+1(k)on the projective space



For0jd−1letV0jbe the set of allk-rational linear subvarietiesZofY0withdim(Z) =j, and letV0=d1

j=0V0j. The sequence of projectivek-varieties Y =Yd1→Yd2→ · · · →Y0

is defined inductively by letting Yj+1→Yj be the blowing up of Yj in the strict transforms (inYj) of allZ∈ V0j. The set

V=the set of all strict transforms inY of elements ofV0

is a set of divisors onY. The action ofGLd+1(k)onY0naturally lifts to an action ofGLd+1(k) on Y. Let Ξ0, . . . ,Ξd be the standard projective coordinate functions on Y0 and hence on Y corresponding to the canonical basis of(kd+1); hence Y0= Proj(k[Ξi; 0id]). Denote byΩY the de Rham complex onY with logarithmic poles along the normal crossings divisor

V∈VV onY. Fori, j∈ {0, . . . , d}andg∈GLd+1(k)we call gdlog



a logarithmic differential1-form onY. We call an exterior product of logarithmic differential 1-forms onY a logarithmic differential form onY.

PROPOSITION 1.1. – For each0sdwe haveHt(Y,ΩsY) = 0for allt >0. Thek-vector spaceH0(Y,ΩsY)is the one generated by all logarithmic differential forms.


Proof. –In [5] we derive this from a general vanishing theorem for higher cohomology of a certain class of line bundles on Y. Note that a corresponding statement over a field F of characteristic zero is shown in [10] Section 3: the de Rham cohomology of the complement of a finite set ofF-rational hyperplanes inPdF is generated by (global) logarithmic differential forms.

And the analogous statement for the Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology ofY0=Y

V∈VV was shown in [3]. 2

Remark. – In [5] we give ak-basis forH0(Y,ΩsY)consisting of logarithmic differential forms as follows. For a subsetτ⊂ {1, . . . , d}let

U(k)(τ) =

(aij)0i,jd∈U(k)|aij= 0ifj /∈ {i} ∪τ .

For 0sd denote by Ps the set of subsets of {1, . . . , d} consisting of s elements. The following set is ak-basis ofH0(Y,ΩsY):



dlog Ξt


τ∈ Ps, A∈U(k)(τ)


LetDbe a divisor onY of the type




with certainbV Z. We viewLY(D)as a subsheaf of the constant sheafk(Y)with value the function fieldk(Y)ofY; hence we viewΩY OY LY(D)as a subsheaf of the constant sheaf with value the de Rham complex ofk(Y)/k. The differential on the latter provides us with a differential onΩY OY LY(D).

Consider the open andGLd+1(k)-stable subscheme Y0=Y



ofY; let us write

ι:Y0→Y for the embedding andΩY0= ΩY|Y0.

For0sdletLsY be thek-vector subspace ofΩsY(Y0)generated by alls-formsηof the type

η=y1m1· · ·ymssdlog(y1)∧ · · · ∧dlog(ys) (3)

with mj Z and y1, . . . , yd ∈ OY×(Y0) such that yj =θj0 for a suitable (adapted to η) isomorphism of k-varieties Y0 = Proj(k[θj]0jd). From Proposition 1.1 it follows that H0(Y,ΩsY)is thek-vector subspace ofLsY generated by alls-formsη of type (3) withmj= 0 for all1js.

LetLsY, resp.Ls,0Y , be the constant sheaf onY with valueLsY, resp. with value H0(Y,ΩsY).

For a divisorDas above we define

Ls(D) =LsY ∩ LY(D)ΩsY, Ls,0(D) =Ls,0Y ∩ LY(D)ΩsY, the intersections taking place inside the push forwardιΩsY0.


THEOREM 1.2. – (a) Suppose bV ∈ {−1,0} for all V. Then the inclusions Ls,0(D) Ls(D)→ LY(D)ΩsY induce for alljisomorphisms




Y,LY(D)ΩsY . (b)LetSbe a non-empty subset ofVsuch thatE=

VSV is non-empty. Define the subsheaf LsE(0)ofΩsY OY OEas the image of the compositeLs(0)ΩsY ΩsY OY OE. Then the inclusion induces for alljan isomorphism





Proof. –(a) First we consider the case D= 0, i.e.bV = 0 for all V. The sheaf Ls,0(0) is constant with value H0(Y,ΩsY), hence we get Hj(Y,Ls,0(0)) =Hj(Y,ΩsY) for all j from Proposition 1.1. In order to also compare with Hj(Y,Ls(0)) choose a sequence (ηn)n1 of elements of LsY of the form (3) such that n; n1} is a k-basis of LsY/H0(Y,ΩsY). For n0 let Ls,nY be the constant subsheaf of LsY on Y generated over k by H0(Y,ΩsY) and i; ni1}. Letting

Ls,n(0) =Ls,nY ΩsY we have

Ls(0) =



and sinceY is quasicompact (so that taking cohomology commutes with direct limits) it suffices to show




H0(Y,ΩsY): j= 0, 0: j >0

for alln0. Forn= 0we already did this, forn >0it suffices, by induction, to show Hj

Y, Ls,n(0) Ls,n−1(0) = 0

for allj. LetW ⊂Y be the maximal open subscheme on which the class ofηn as a section ofLs,n(0)/Ls,n−1(0)is defined. Thus ifξ:W →Y denotes the open embedding andkY the constant sheaf onY with valuekthen sending1∈ktoηndefines an isomorphism

ξ!ξ−1kY = Ls,n(0) Ls,n−1(0).

If we had W =Y then the induction hypothesis H1(Y,Ls,n−1(0)) = 0 and the long exact cohomology sequence associated with

0Ls,n1(0)Ls,n(0) Ls,n(0) Ls,n1(0)0 would imply that there existeda1, . . . , an−1∈ksuch thatηn+n1

i=1 aiηiis a global section of Ls,n(0), in particular ofΩsY. But this would contradict the fact thatn;n1}is ak-basis of


LsY/H0(Y,ΩsY). HenceW=Y. On the other hand we may writeηn=y1m1· · ·ysmsdlog(y1)

· · · ∧dlog(ys)withyj=θj0 as in (3) and it is clear thatC=Y −W is the pull back under Y →Y0of a union of some hyperplanes V(θi)⊂Y0. In particularCis connected. Denote by γ:C→Y the closed embedding. The long exact cohomology sequence associated with

0→ξ!ξ−1kY →kY →γγ−1kY 0

showsHj(Y, ξ!ξ1kY) = 0for alljbecauseCis non-empty and connected. The induction and thus the discussion of the caseD= 0is finished.

To treat arbitrary D with bV ∈ {−1,0} for all V we induct on dim(Y) and on r(D) =

V∈V|bV|. We will only showHj(Y,Ls(D)) =Hj(Y,LY(D)OY ΩsY)(which is the relevant statement for the subsequent sections), the proof ofHj(Y,Ls,0(D)) =Hj(Y,LY(D)OY ΩsY) is literally the same (replace each occurrence ofLs(D)withLs,0(D)).

AssumebV =−1for someV. LetD=D+V. We want to compare the exact sequences 0Ls(D)Ls(D)LsV(D)0

(the sheafLsV(D)being defined such that this is an exact sequence) and

0→ LY(D)ΩsY → LY(D)ΩsY → LY(D)ΩsY ⊗ OV 0.

Sincer(D)< r(D)the induction hypothesis says that the map between the respective second terms induces isomorphisms in cohomology. It will be enough to prove the same for the respective third terms. From [11] (see also [5]) it follows thatV decomposes as

V =Y1×Y2

such that bothYtare successive blowing ups of projective spaces of dimensions smaller thand in allk-rational linear subvarieties, just asY is the successive blowing up of projective space of dimensiondin allk-rational linear subvarieties. Denote byVtthe corresponding set of divisors onYt(like the setVof divisors onY) and letΩYt denote the logarithmic de Rham complex on Ytwith logarithmic poles alongVt. LetΩV denote the logarithmic de Rham complex onV with logarithmic poles along all divisors which are pullbacks of elements ofV1orV2. Then

ΩV = ΩY1kΩY2.

Let DV be the divisor on V induced byD. More precisely,DV =

bW(W ∩V), the sum ranging over allW∈ V which intersectV transversally. It also follows from [11] (and [5]) that DV is of the formDYV1+DVY2 whereDVYt fort= 1,2is the pullback toV, via the projection V →Yt, of a divisorDYt onYtwhich is the sum, with multiplicities in{0,−1}, of elements ofVt. The above then generalizes as





Choose an isomorphism Y0 = Proj(k[θj]0jd) and elements 0 j1 =j2 d such that y=θj1j2∈ OY(U)is an equation forV∩Uin a suitable open subsetUofY withV∩U=. We have an exact sequence

0→ LV(DV)ΩsV1∧dlog(y)−→ LY(D)ΩsY ⊗ OV → LV(DV)ΩsV 0 (5)


where by (4) the extreme terms (takes=sands=s−1) decompose as LV(DV)ΩsV=





. (6)

On the other hand, define fort= 1,2the sheavesL(DYt)onYtjust as we defined the sheaves L(.)onY (and use the same name for their push forward toY). Then using the decomposition (6) we may view the sheaf



as a subsheaf ofLV(DV)ΩsV and a local consideration shows that (5) restricts to an exact sequence



Ls1(DY1)kLs2(DY2)∧dlog(y)−→ LsV(D) (7)



Comparing the long exact cohomology sequences associated with (5) and (8) we conclude that to show that





is an isomorphism for anyj, it suffices to show that Hj










is an isomorphism, fors=sands=s−1. By the Künneth formula this reduces to showing that



→Hj Yt,


is an isomorphism, for any s andt∈ {1,2}. But this follows from our induction hypothesis since the dimension ofYtis smaller than that ofY.

(b) We have an exact sequence 0→ LY







V → · · · →



→ OY → OE0

which yields a similar exact sequence by tensoring withΩsY. A local consideration shows that the latter exact sequence restricts to an exact sequence








V → · · · →





It follows that it is enough to show that for all subsetsT⊂Sand anyjthe map Hj








is an isomorphism. But this follows from part (a). 2

Remark (not needed in the sequel). – If −1 bV p−1 for all V then the inclusion L•,0(D)→ LY(D)ΩY induces isomorphisms



Y,LY(D)ΩY . To see this letD=

V∈VbVV withbV = min{0, bV}. Then Theorem 1.2 applies toD. Now note that on the one handL•,0(D) =L•,0(D)(logarithmic differential forms have pole orders at most one) and on the other handLY(D)ΩY → LY(D)ΩY is a quasiisomorphism (use that anybV >0is invertible ink).

2. Reduction of rationalG-representations LetT=T /K×. Forμ=d

j=0ajj∈X(T)let μ=

1 d+ 1

d j=0

aj d



−μ, (8)

an element of the subspaceX(T)d+11 .ZofX(T)d+11 .Z. If for0jdwe let

aj(μ) =(

i=jai)−daj d+ 1 (9)


μ= d j=0


LetM be an irreducibleK-rational representation ofG. For a weightμ∈X(T)letMμbe the maximal subspace ofM on whichTacts throughμ.

LEMMA 2.1. – The number

|M|= d i=0

ai forμ=d

i=0aii∈X(T)such thatMμ= 0is independent of the choice of such aμ;for such μwe haveμ∈X(T)if and only if|M| ∈(d+ 1).Z, if and only if there is ah∈Zsuch that the center ofGacts trivially onM⊗Kdeth.

Proof. –This is clear since allμwithMμ= 0differ by linear combinations of elements ofΦ (see [12] II.2.2). 2

We fix aGLd+1/OK-invariantOK-latticeM0inM (see [12] I.10.4).


LEMMA 2.2. – We haveM0=


Proof. –We reproduce a proof from notes of Schneider and Teitelbaum. Fix μ∈X(T).

It suffices to construct an element Πμ in the algebra of distributions Dist(GLd+1/Z) (i.e.

defined overZ) which on M acts as a projector ontoMμ. For 0idletHi= (dei)(1) Lie(GLd+1/Z); then (Hi)Z (inside Lie(Gm/Z)) for any μ ∈X(T). According to [8] Lemma 27.1 we therefore find a polynomialΠQ[X0, . . . , Xd] such thatΠ(Zd+1)Z, Π(dμ(H0), . . . , dμ(Hd)) = 1andΠ(dμ(H0), . . . , dμ(Hd)) = 0for anyμ∈X(T)such that μ and Mμ = 0. Moreover [8] Lemma 26.1 says that Π is a Z-linear combination of polynomials of the form


b0 · · · Xd

bd with integersb0, . . . , bd0.

Thus [12] II.1.12 implies that

Πμ= Π(H0, . . . , Hd)

lies in Dist(GLd+1/Z). By construction it acts onM as a projector ontoMμ. 2

We return to the setting from Section 1. For∅ =σ{0, . . . , d}denote byVσ0the common zero set inY0of allΞjwithj∈σ, and letVσ∈ V be its strict transform underY →Y0. Denote byY the open subscheme ofY obtained by deleting all divisorsV ∈ V which arenotof the particular formV =Vσfor some=σ{0, . . . , d}. ThenY0⊂Y⊂Y andU(k)acts onY and onY0 and moreover U(k).Y=Y (theU(k)-translates ofY coverY). For eachV ∈ V there is a unique∅ =σ{0, . . . , d}such that there exists ag∈U(k)withgVσ=V, see [5].

LetM=M0/π.M0. The decomposition from Lemma 2.2 induces a corresponding decom- position




Denote again byMthe constant sheaf onY with valueM. We define a subsheafM[OY]of M⊗kιOY0|Y onYby

M[O Y] =






(Vσ∩Y) . (10)

LEMMA 2.3. – M[O Y]extends uniquely to aGLd+1(k)-stable subsheafM[O Y]ofM⊗k


Proof. –This can be checked directly, an easier variant of the proof of Theorem 3.3 below.

However, it is even aconsequenceof Theorem 3.3: explicitly, M[OY] =(M0O˙


OY-torsion in the notations used there. 2


DEFINITION. – We say that the weights ofM are small if for anyμ∈X(T)withMμ= 0 and for any∅ =σ{0, . . . , d}we have






LEMMA 2.4. – The weights ofM are small if and only if, when regarded as a representation ofSLd+1(K), it is one of the following:the trivial representation, the standard representation Kd+1, or the dual(Kd+1)of the standard representation ofSLd+1(K).

Proof. –One easily checks thatμ=d

i=0aii∈X(T)satisfies inequality (11) for allσif and only if all coefficientsaiare the same (case (i)) or if there is precisely one0idwith ai=aj+ 1for allj=i(case (ii)) or withai=aj−1for allj=i(case (iii)). IfM|SLd+1(K)=K the only weight occurring is as in case (i), ifM|SLd+1(K)=Kd+1the weights occurring are as in case (ii), ifM|SLd+1(K)= (Kd+1)the weights occurring are as in case (iii). 2

For0sdconsider the following sheafM[L sY]onY:

M[L sY] =M⊗kLsY ∩M[O Y]OY ΩsY, the intersection taking place insideι(M⊗kΩsY|Y0).

THEOREM 2.5. – If the weights ofM are small then the inclusionM[LsY]→M[OY]OY

ΩsY of sheaves onY induces isomorphisms H

Y,M[L sY]=H

Y,M[O Y]OY ΩsY . Proof. –Consider the following ordering onX(T): define

d i=0


d i=0



if and only if there exists a0i0dsuch thatai=ai for alli < i0, andai0 > ai0. By [12]

II.1.19 the filtration(FμM)μ∈X(T)ofM defined by FμM =

μX(T) μμMμ


is stable for the action ofU(K). Hence the filtration(FμM0)μ∈X(T)ofM0defined by FμM0=

μ∈X(T) μμ


is stable for the action ofU(OK), and the induced filtrations(FμM[O Y])μ∈X(T)ofM[O Y] and(FμM[L sY])μ∈X(T)ofM[L sY]areU(k)-stable. We denote by

Grμ(.) = Fμ(.)



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