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An introduction to the theory of finite fields Michel Waldschmidt


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Updated: 30/10/2020

An introduction to the theory of finite fields Michel Waldschmidt



1 Background: Arithmetic 2

1.1 Cyclic groups . . . 2

1.2 Residue classes modulon . . . 2

1.3 The ringZ[X]. . . 3

1.4 M¨obius inversion formula . . . 5

2 The theory of finite fields 7 2.1 Gauss fields . . . 7

2.2 Cyclotomic polynomials . . . 15

2.2.1 Cyclotomic polynomials overC[X] . . . 16

2.2.2 Cyclotomic Polynomials over a finite field . . . 22

2.3 Decomposition of cyclotomic polynomials over a finite field . . . 25

2.4 Trace and Norm . . . 33

2.5 Infinite Galois theory. . . 34

3 Error correcting codes 35 3.1 Some historical dates. . . 35

3.2 Hamming distance . . . 36

3.3 Codes . . . 37

3.4 First examples . . . 37

3.5 Cyclic codes. . . 41

3.6 Detection, correction and minimal distance . . . 43

3.7 Hamming codes . . . 45

3.8 Generator matrix and check matrix. . . 48

3.9 Further examples . . . 48

3.9.1 The binary Golay [23,12] code . . . 48

3.9.2 The ternary Golay [11,6] code . . . 49

3.9.3 BCH (Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem) codes . . . 49

3.9.4 Reed–Solomon code . . . 49

3.10 Minimum distance of a code. . . 50

4 Further exercises 51

5 Solutions of some Exercises 56


1 Background: Arithmetic

1.1 Cyclic groups

IfGis a finite multiplicative group andxan element ofG, the order ofxis the least positive integern such thatxn= 1. Forxof ordernand form∈Z, the conditionxm= 1 is equivalent to ndividesm; in other words,nis the positive generator of the ideal ofZwhich consists of themsuch thatxm= 1.

Ifxhas ordern, fork∈Zthe order ofxk is n/gcd(n, k).

The order of a finite group is the number of elements of this group. A cyclic group is a finite group generated by one element. Two cyclic groups of the same order are isomorphic. Forn≥2, an exemple of a cyclic additive group of order nis the additive groupZ/nZof integers modulon. An example of a cyclic multiplicative group of ordernis the groupµnof complex numberszwhich satisfyzn = 1, namely

{1, e2iπ/n, e4iπ/n, . . . , e2(n−1)iπ/n},

the roots of unity of order dividingn. The subgroups and quotients of a cyclic group are cyclic. For any cyclic group of order n and for any divisordof n, there is a unique subgroup ofG of orderd; ifζ is a generator of the multiplicative cyclic groupGof ordernand ifddividesn, thenζn/dhas orderd, hence, is a generator of the unique subgroup ofGof orderd.

In a cyclic group, the order of which is a multiple of d, there are exactly d elements whose orders are divisors of dand these are the elements of the subgroup of order d. In a cyclic groupG of order a multiple ofd, the set of elements {xd | x∈G} is the unique subgroup ofGof index d.

The Cartesian product G1×G2 of two groups is cyclic if and only if G1 and G2 are cyclic with relatively prime orders.

The number of generators of a cyclic group of ordernisϕ(n), whereϕis Euler’s function (see§1.2).

1.2 Residue classes modulo n

The subgroups of the additive groupZarenZwithn≥0. We denote bysn:Z→Z/nZthe canonical map, which is a morphism of groups with kernelnZ

Given positive integersa and b, there exists a morphism of groups ϕa,b : Z/aZ → Z/bZsuch that ϕa,b◦sa =sb if and only if aZ⊂bZ, which means if and only if b divides a. If ϕa,b exists, then ϕa,b

is unique and surjective. Its kernel isbZ/aZ, the unique subgroup ofZ/aZof ordera/b, which is cyclic and isomorphic toZ/(a/b)Z.

Thegreatest common divisorgcd(a, b) ofaandbis the positive generator ofaZ+bZ, theleast common multiple lcm(a, b) ofaandb is the positive generator ofaZ∩bZ.

Forn≥2,Z/nZis a ring andsnis a morphism of rings. The order of the multiplicative group (Z/nZ)× of the ringZ/nZis the numberϕ(n) of integerskin the interval 1≤k≤nsatisfying gcd(n, k) = 1. The map ϕ:Z>0 →Z, withϕ(1) = 1, isEuler’s function already mentioned in§1.1. If gcd(a, b) =d, then a/d and b/dare relatively prime. Hence, the partition of the set of integers in 1≤k≤naccording to the value of gcd(k, n) yields:

Lemma 1. For any positive integer n,




(Compare with (34)).


Exercise 2.

(1) LetGbe a finite group of ordernand letkbe a positive integer with gcd(n, k) = 1. Prove that the only solutionx∈Gof the equationxk = 1 isx= 1.

(2) Let Gbe a cyclic group of ordernand let kbe a positive integer. Prove that the number of x∈G such thatxk= 1 is gcd(n, k).

(3) LetGbe a finite group of ordern. Prove that the following conditions are equivalent:

(i)Gis cyclic

(ii) For each divisordofn, the number ofx∈Gsuch thatxd = 1 is≤d.

(iii) For each divisordofn, the number ofx∈Gsuch thatxd= 1 isd.

Anarithmetic function is a map f : Z>0 → Z. A multiplicative function is an arithmetic function such that f(mn) = f(m)f(n) when m and n are relatively prime. For instance, Euler’s ϕ function is multiplicative: this follows from the ring isomorphim between the ring product (Z/mZ)×(Z/nZ) and the ringZ/mnZwhenmandnare relatively prime (Chinese remainder Theorem). Also,ϕ(pa) =pa−1(p−1) forpprime anda≥1. Hence, the value ofϕ(n), for nwritten as a product of powers of distinct prime numbers, is

ϕ(pa11· · ·parr) =pa11−1(p1−1)· · ·parr−1(pr−1).

Whenpis a prime number, aprimitive root modulopis a generator of the cyclic group (Z/pZ)×. There are exactlyϕ(p−1) of them in (Z/pZ)×. From the definition, it follows that an elementg∈(Z/pZ)×is a primitive root modulopif and only if

g(p−1)/q6≡1 modp for all prime divisorsqofp−1.

Ifaandn are relatively prime integers, theorder of amodulo n is the order of the class ofain the multiplicative group (Z/nZ)×. In other terms, it is the smallest integer`such thata` is congruent to 1 modulon.

Exercise 3. Forn a positive integer, check that the multiplicative group (Z/nZ)× is cyclic if and only ifnis either 2, 4,psor 2ps, withpan odd prime ands≥1.

Remark: For s≥2, (Z/2sZ)× is the product of a cyclic group of order2 by a cyclic group of order 2s−2, hence, for s≥3 it is not cyclic.

1.3 The ring Z[X]

WhenF is a field, the ring F[X] of polynomials in one variable over F is an Euclidean domain, hence, a principal domain and, therefore, a factorial ring. The ringZ[X] is not an Euclidean ring: one cannot divideX by 2 inZ[X] for instance. But ifAandB are inZ[X] and B is monic, then both the quotient Qand the remainderR of the Euclidean division inQ[X] ofAbyB

A=BQ+R are in Z[X].

The gcd of the coefficients of a non–zero polynomialf ∈Z[X] is called thecontentof f. We denote it byc(f). A non–zero polynomial with content 1 is calledprimitive. Any non–zero polynomial inZ[X]

can be written in a unique way asf =c(f)g withg∈Z[X] primitive.

For any non–zero polynomial f ∈ Q[X], there is a unique positive rational numberr such that rf belongs toZ[X] and is primitive.


Lemma 4(Gauss’s Lemma). Forf andg non–zero polynomials inZ[X], we have c(f g) =c(f)c(g).

Proof. It suffices to check that the product of two primitive polynomials is primitive. More generally, let pbe a prime number andf,gtwo polynomials whose contents are not divisible byp. We check that the content off g is not divisible byp.

We use the surjective morphism of rings

Ψp:Z[X]→Fp[X], (5)

which mapsX toX and ZontoFpby reduction modulopof the coefficients. Its kernel is the principal ideal pZ[X] = (p) of Z[X] generated byp: it is the set of polynomials whose content is divisible by p.

The assumption is Ψp(f)6= 0 and Ψp(g)6= 0. Sincepis prime, the ringFp[X] has no zero divisor, hence, Ψp(f g) = Ψp(f)Ψp(g)6= 0, which shows thatf g is not in the kernel of Ψp.

The ring Z is an Euclidean domain, hence, a principal domain and, therefore, a factorial ring. It follows that the ringZ[X] is factorial. The units ofZ[X] are{+1,−1}. The irreducible elements inZ[X]


– the prime numbers{2,3,5,7,11, . . .},

– the irreducible polynomials inQ[X] with coefficients in Zand content 1 – and, of course, the product of one of these elements by−1.

From Gauss’s Lemma4, one deduces that iff andg are two monic polynomials inQ[X] such that f g∈Z[X], then f andg are in Z[X].

A monic polynomial inZ[X] is a product, in a unique way, of irreducible monic polynomials inZ[X].

Exercise 6. Given two rings B1, B2, a subring A1 of B1, a subring A2 of B2, a morphism of ring f :A1→A2,

B1 B2

∪ ∪

A1 −−−−−→

f A2

elements x1, . . . , xn of B1 and elements y1, . . . , yn of B2, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a morphism F : A1[x1, . . . , xn] → A2[y1, . . . , yn] such that F(a) = f(a) for a ∈ A1 and F(xi) =yi for 1≤i≤nis the following:

For any polynomial P ∈ A1[X1, . . . , Xn] such that P(x1, . . . , xn) = 0,

the polynomial Q∈A2[X1, . . . , Xn], image ofP by the extension of f toA1[X1, . . . , Xn]→A2[X1, . . . , Xn], satisfies

Q(y1, . . . , yn) = 0.


1.4 M¨ obius inversion formula

Letf be a map defined on the set of positive integers with values in an additive group. Define another mapg by

g(n) =X



It is easy to check by induction that f is completely determined by g. Indeed, the formula for n= 1 producesf(1) =g(1) and forn≥2, once f(d) is known for alld|n withd6=n, one obtainsf(n) from the formula

f(n) =g(n)−X

d|n d6=n


We wish to write this formula in a close form. Ifpis a prime, the formula becomesf(p) =g(p)−g(1).

Next,f(p2) =g(p2)−g(p). More generally, forpprime and m≥1, f(pm) =g(pm)−g(pm−1).

It is convenient to write this formula as f(pm) =





where µ(1) = 1, µ(p) = −1, µ(pm) = 0 for m ≥ 2. In order to extend this formula for writing f(n) in terms of g(d) for d | n, one needs to extend the function µ and it is easily seen by means of the convolution product (see Exercise 7) that the right thing to do is to require thatµ be a multiplicative function, namely thatµ(ab) =µ(a)µ(b) ifaandbare relatively prime.

TheM¨obius functionµ(see, for instance, [8]§2.6) is the map from the positive integers to{0,1,−1}

defined by the properties µ(1) = 1, µ(p) = −1 for p prime, µ(pm) = 0 for p prime and m ≥ 2 and µ(ab) =µ(a)µ(b) if a and b are relatively prime. Hence,µ(a) = 0 if and only if ahas a square factor, while for a squarefree numbera, which is a product ofsdistinct primes we haveµ(a) = (−1)s:

µ(p1· · ·ps) = (−1)s.

One of the many variants of theM¨obius inversion formula states that, forf andg two maps defined on the set of positive integers with values in an additive group, the two following properties are equivalent:

(i)For any integern≥1,

g(n) =X



(ii)For any integern≥1,

f(n) =X



For instance, Lemma1is equivalent to ϕ(n) =X


µ(n/d)d for alln≥1.


An equivalent statement of the M¨obius inversion formula is the following multiplicative version, which deals with two mapsf,gfrom the positive integers into an abelian multiplicative group. The two following properties are equivalent:

(i)For any integern≥1,

g(n) =Y



(ii)For any integern≥1,

f(n) =Y



A third form of the M¨obius inversion formula (which we will not use here) deals with two functions F andGfrom [1,+∞) toC. The two following properties are equivalent:

(i)For any real numberx≥1,

G(x) =X



(ii)For any real numberx≥1,

F(x) =X



As an illustration, takeF(x) = 1 andG(x) = [x] for allx∈[1,+∞). Then X


µ(n)[x/n] = 1

Exercise 7. LetAbe a (commutative) ring and letRdenote the set ofarithmetic functions, namely the set of applications from the positive integers into A. Forf andg inR, define the convolution product

f ? g(m) = X



(a) Check that R, with the usual addition and with this convolution product, becomes a commutative ring.


f ? g ? h(m) = X



Check that the unity isδ∈Rdefined by δ(a) =

(1 fora= 1, 0 fora >1.

(b) Check that iff andg are multiplicative, then so isf ? g.

(c) Define1∈Rby1(x) = 1 for allx≥1. Check thatµand1are inverse each other inR:

µ ?1=δ.

(d) Check that the formula

µ ?1? f =f for allf ∈R


is equivalent to M¨obius inversion formula.

(e) Definej byj(n) =nand, fork≥0,σk(n) =P

d|ndk. Check µ ? j=ϕ, jk?1=σk.

2 The theory of finite fields


M. Demazure [2], Chap. 8.

D.S. Dummit & R.M. Foote [3],§14.3.

S. Lang [5], Chap. 5§5.

R. Lidl & H. Niederreiter [6].

V. Shoup [8], Chap. 20.

2.1 Gauss fields

A field with finitely many elements is also called a Gauss Field. For instance, given a prime numberp, the quotientZ/pZis a Gauss field. Given two fieldsF andF0 withpelements,pprime, there is a unique isomorphism F→F0. Hence, we denote by Fp the unique field withpelements.

Thecharacteristicof a finite fieldF is a prime numberp, hence, its prime field isFp. Moreover,F is a finite vector space overFp; if the dimension of this space iss, which means thatF is a finite extension ofFp of degree [F :Fp] =s, then F haspselements. Therefore, the number of elements of a finite field is always a power of a prime numberpand this prime number is the characteristic ofF.

The multiplicative groupF× of a field with qelements has orderq−1, hence,xq−1= 1 for all xin F× andxq =xfor allxin F. Therefore,F× is the set of roots of the polynomial Xq−1−1, whileF is the set of roots of the polynomialXq−X:

Xq−1−1 = Y


(X−x), Xq−X = Y


(X−x). (8)

Exercise 9. (a) LetF be a finite field withqelements. Denote byC the set of non–zero squares in F, which is the image of the endomorphismx7→x2 of the multiplicative group F×:

C={x2 | x∈F×}.

Assume qis even; checkC=F×, henceXq−1−1 =Q


Assume qis odd; check

X(q−1)/2−1 = Y


(X−x) and X(q−1)/2+ 1 = Y



(b) Letpbe an odd prime. ForainFp, denote by

a p

the Legendre symbol:

a p




0 ifa= 0

1 ifais a non–zero square inFp

−1 ifais not a square inFp.



X(p−1)/2−1 = Y


(X−a) and

X(p−1)/2+ 1 = Y



Deduce that forain Fp,

a p


Exercise 10. Prove that in a finite field, any element is a sum of two squares.

Exercise 11. LetF be a finite field, q the number of its elements,k a positive integer. Denote byCk

the image of the endomorphismx7→xk of the multiplicative groupF×: Ck ={xk | x∈F×}.

How many elements are there in Ck?

Exercise 12. Find the irreducible polynomial of√ 2 +√

3 overZand prove that it is reducible modulo pfor all primesp.

Exercise 13. Prove that ifF is a finite field with qelements, then the polynomial Xq −X+ 1 has no root in F. Deduce thatF is not algebraically closed.

Proposition 14. Any finite subgroup G of the multiplicative group of a field K is cyclic. If n is the order ofG, thenGis the set of roots of the polynomial Xn−1 inK.

Proof. Let e be the exponent of G. By Lagrange’s theorem, e divides n. Any xin G is a root of the polynomialXe−1. SinceGhas ordern, we getnroots in the fieldKof this polynomialXe−1 of degree e≤n. Hencee=n. We conclude by using the fact that there exists inGat least one element of order e, hence,Gis cyclic.

The last part of the statement is easy: any elementxof Gsatisfies xn = 1 by Lagrange’s theorem, hence the polynomialXn−1, which has degreen, hasnroots inK, namely the elements inG. SinceK is a field, we deduce

Xn−1 = Y


(X−x), which means thatGis the set of roots of the polynomialXn−1 inK.

Second proof of Proposition14. The following alternative proof of Proposition14does not use the expo- nent. LetK be a field andGa finite subgroup ofK×of ordern. For eachd|n, the number of elements xin Ksatisfyingxd= 1 is at mostd(the polynomialXd−1 has at most droots inK). The result now follows from exercise2(3).

Recall that whenF =Fp, a rational integerais called aprimitive root modulo pifais not divisible bypand if the class ofamodulopis a generator of the cyclic group (Z/pZ)×. More generally, whenFq

is a finite field withqelements, a generator of the cyclic groupF×q is called aprimitive rootor aprimitive


elementinFq. A nonzero elementαinFq is a primitive root inFq if and only ifαis a primitive (q−1)th root of unity. There areϕ(q−1) primitive roots inFq. Programs giving primitive roots inFqare available online1.

The discrete logarithm. Let Fq be a finite field and α a primitive root in Fq, so that F×q = {1, α, α2, . . . , αq−2}. Any γ ∈ F×q can be written in a unique way as αm for some 0 ≤ m ≤ q−2.

This integer m, or the class of m moduloq−1, is the discrete logarithm in Fq of γ with respect to α (also called theindex ofγ or themultiplicative order ofγwith respect toα). We denote it by Indαγ:

Indαn) =n, αIndαγ=γ.

Forαa primitive root inFq andγ, γ1, γ2 inF×q, we have

Indα1γ2)≡Indα1) + Indα2) mod (q−1), Indα−1)≡ −Indα(γ) mod (q−1).

Ifαandβ are primitive roots inFq, then

Indα(β)Indβ(α)≡1 mod (q−1).

Example 15 (The discrete logarithm in F4). The field F4 is a quadratic extension of F2 (see Example 25). Let x be a root of the polynomial X2+X + 1 ∈ F2[X], so that F4 = F2(x) and F×4 ={1, x, x2}. The tables of exponentials in F×4 are

αn :

n= 1 2

α=x x x2

α=x2 x2 x hence the tables of discrete logarithms inF4 are


γ= x x2

α=x 1 2

α=x2 2 1

Exercise 16. For each prime p≤13 and also for p= 31, list the valuesα ∈F×p which are primitive roots inFp. Next, for eachαand forn= 0,1,2, . . . , p−2, computeαn. Deduce a table of the discrete logarithm inFpwith respect to the primitive root α.

The theorem of the primitive element for finite fields is:

Proposition 17. Let F be a finite field andK a finite extension ofF. Then there existα∈K such that K=F(α).

Proof. Let q = ps be the number of elements in K, where p is the characteristic of F and K; the multiplicative groupK× is cyclic (Proposition14); letαbe a generator. Then


0,1, α, α2, . . . , αq−2 =Fp(α), and, therefore,K=F(α).

1One of them (in French) is

http://jean-paul.davalan.pagesperso-orange.fr/mots/comb/gfields/index.html Computation on finite fields can be done also with Pari GP; see



Hence the field K is isomorphic to the quotient Fp[X]/(P) where P ∈ Fp[X] is some irreducible polynomial over Fp of degrees. We prove below (cf. Theorem19) that Kis isomorphic to the quotient Fp[X]/(P) whereP∈Fp[X] is any irreducible polynomial overFp of degrees.

Lemma 18. LetK be a field of characteristic p. Forxandy inK, we have (x+y)p=xp+yp. Proof. Whenpis a prime number andnan integer in the range 1≤n < p, the binomial coefficient

p n

= p!


is divisible by p.

We now prove that for any prime numberpand any integer s≥1, there exists a finite field with ps elements.

Theorem 19. Letpbe a prime number andsa positive integer. Setq=ps. Then there exists a field with q elements. Two finite fields with the same number of elements are isomorphic. If Ωis an algebraically closed field of characteristicp, thenΩcontains one and only one subfield with qelements.

Proof. LetF be a splitting field over Fp of the polynomial Xq −X. Since the derivative ofXq−X is

−1, there is no multiple root, henceXq−X hasq distinct roots inF. From Lemma 18it follows that the set of these roots is a field. Hence this set isF andF hasqelements.

IfF0 is a field withqelements, thenF0 is the set of roots of the polynomialXq−X, hence,F0 is the splitting field of this polynomial over its prime field and, therefore, is isomorphic to F.

If Ω is an algebraically closed field of characteristicp, then the unique subfield of Ω withqelements is the set of roots of the polynomialXq−X.

According to (8), ifFq is a finite field withqelements andF an extension ofFq, then fora∈F, the relationaq =aholds if and only if a∈Fq. We will use the following more general fact:

Lemma 20. Let Fq be a finite field with qelements, F an extension of Fq andf ∈F[X]a polynomial with coefficients inF. Thenf belongs to Fq[X]if and only if f(Xq) =f(X)q.

Proof. Sinceqis a power of the characteristicpofF, if we write f(X) =a0+a1X+· · ·+anXn, then, by Lemma18,

f(X)p=ap0+ap1Xp+· · ·+apnXnp and by induction

f(X)q =aq0+aq1Xq+· · ·+aqnXnq. Therefore,f(X)q =f(Xq) if and only ifaqi =ai for alli= 0,1, . . . , n.

From Lemma18, we deduce:


Proposition 21. Let F be a field of characteristic p.

(a) The map

Frobp: F → F x 7→ xp is an endomorphism ofF.

(b) If F is finite, or if F is algebraically closed, thenFrobp is surjective, hence is an automorphism of the fieldF.

Remark. An example of a field of characteristic pfor which the endomorphism Frobp is not surjective is the fieldFp(X) of rational fractions in one variable over the prime fieldFp.

Proof. Indeed, this map is a morphism of fields since, by Lemma18, forxandy inF, Frobp(x+y) = Frobp(x) + Frobp(y)


Frobp(xy) = Frobp(x)Frobp(y).

It is injective since it is a morphism of fields. IfF is finite, it is surjective because it is injective. If F is algebraically closed, any element inF is ap–th power.

This endomorphism ofF is called theFrobeniusofF overFp. It extends to an automorphism of the algebraic closure ofF.

Ifsis a non–negative integer, we denote by Frobsp or by Frobps the iterated automorphism Frob0p = 1, Frobps= Frobps−1◦Frobp (s≥1),

so that, forx∈F,

Frob0p(x) =x, Frobp(x) =xp, Frobp2(x) =xp2, . . . , Frobps(x) =xps (s≥0).

IfF haspselements, then the automorphism Frobsp= Frobps ofF is the identity.

IfF is a finite field withqelements and K a finite extension ofF, then Frobq is aF–automorphism ofK called theFrobenius of K overF.

Let F be a finite field of characteristic pwith q = pr elements. According to Proposition 14, the multiplicative groupF×ofF is cyclic of orderq−1. Letαbe a generator ofF×, that means an element of orderq−1. For 1≤` < r, we have 1≤p`−1< pr−1 =q−1, hence,αp`−16= 1 and Frob`p(α)6=α.

Since Frobrp is the identity onF, it follows that Frobp has orderrin the group of automorphisms ofF. Recall that a finite extensionL/K is calleda Galois extension if the group GofK–automorphisms of L has order [L : K] and in this case the group G is the Galois group of the extension, denoted by Gal(L/K). It follows that the extensionF/Fp is Galois, with Galois group Gal(F/Fp) = Aut(F) the cyclic group of ordersgenerated by Frobp.

We extend this result to the more general case where the ground field Fp is replaced by any finite field.

Theorem 22. [Galois theory for finite fields]


Let F be a finite field with q ele- ments and K a finite extension of F of degrees. Then the extensionK/F is Galois with Galois groupGal(K/F) = AutF(K) the cyclic group generated by the Frobenius Frobq. Define G = Gal(K/F).

K s/d

| E d

| F

! s

There is a bijection between (i)the divisorsdof s.

(ii)the subfieldsE ofK containingF (iii) the subgroupsH ofG.

• IfE is a subfield ofK containingF, then the degreed= [K:E]of E overK divides s, the number of elements inE isqd, the extensionK/F is Galois with Galois group the unique subgroupH of Gof order d, which is the subgroup generated by Frobqd; furthermore,H is the subgroup ofG which consists of the elements σ∈Gsuch that σ(x) =xfor allx∈E.

• Conversely, ifddivides s, thenK has a unique subfieldE withqd elements, which is the fixed field by Frobqd:

E={α∈K | Frobqd(α) =α},

this field E containsF and the Galois group ofK overE is the unique subgroupH of Gof orderd.

Proof. Since G is cyclic generated by Frobq, there is a bijection between the divisors d of s and the subgroupsH ofG: ford|s, the unique subgroup ofGof orders/d(which means of indexd) is the cyclic subgroup generated by Frobqd. The fixed field ofH, which is by definition the set of xin K satisfying σ(x) =xfor allσ∈H, is the fixed field of Frobqd, hence it is the unique subfield ofE withqd elements;

the degree ofK overE is therefored. If Eis the subfield of Kwith qd elements, then the Galois group ofK/E is the cyclic group generated by Frobqd.

Under the hypotheses of Theorem22, the Galois group ofEoverFis the quotient Gal(K/F)/Gal(K/E).

Exercise 23.

LetF be a field,mandntwo positive integers.

(a) Letr be the remainder of the Euclidean division of nby m in Z. Prove that the remainder of the Euclidean division of Xn−1 byXm−1 inF[X] isXr−1.

(b) Check

gcd(Xn−1, Xm−1) =Xgcd(m,n)−1.

(c) Let furtheraandb be two integers≥2. Prove that the following conditions are equivalent.


(ii) InF[X], the polynomialXn−1 dividesXm−1.

(iii)an−1 dividesam−1.

(ii’) InF[X], the polynomialXan−X divides Xam−X.


LetF be a finite field with qmelements and letn≥1. ThenF contains a subfield withnelements if and only ifndividesm. In this case, such a subfield is unique.


Fix an algebraic closureFp of Fp. For each s≥1, denote by Fps the unique subfield of Ω with ps elements. Fornandmpositive integers, we have the following equivalence:

Fpn⊂Fpm ⇐⇒ ndividesm. (24)

If these conditions are satisfied, then Fpm/Fpn is cyclic, with Galois group of orderm/n generated by Frobpn.

LetF ⊂Fp be a finite field of characteristic pwithq elements and letxbe an element in Fp. The conjugates ofxoverF are the roots inFpof the irreducible polynomial ofxoverF and these are exactly the images ofxby the iterated Frobenius Frobqi,i≥0.

Two fields withps elements are isomorphic (cf. Theorem19), but ifs≥2, there is no unicity of such an isomorphic, because the set of automorphisms of Fps has more than one element (indeed, it has s elements).


•The additive group (F,+) of a finite field F with qelements is cyclic if and only ifqis a prime number.

• The multiplicative group (F×,×) of a finite fieldF with qelements is cyclic, hence, is isomorphic to the additive groupZ/(q−1)Z.

• A finite fieldF withq elements is isomorphic to the ringZ/qZif and only if qis a prime number (which is equivalent to saying that Z/qZhas no zero divisor).

Example 25(Simplest example of a finite field which is not a prime field). A fieldFwith 4 elements has two elements besides 0 and 1. These two elements play exactly the same role: the map which permutes them and sends 0 to 0 and 1 to 1 is an automorphism ofF: this automorphism is nothing else than Frob2. Select one of these two elements, call it j. Thenj is a generator of the multiplicative group F×, which means thatF×={1, j, j2} andF={0,1, j, j2}.

Here are the addition and multiplication tables of this fieldF: (F,+) 0 1 j j2

0 0 1 j j2

1 1 0 j2 j

j j j2 0 1

j2 j2 j 1 0

(F,×) 0 1 j j2

0 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 j j2

j 0 j j2 1

j2 0 j2 1 j

There are 4 polynomials of degree 2 overF2, three which split inF2, namelyX2,X2+ 1 = (X+ 1)2and X2+X=X(X+ 1) and just one which is irreducible,X2+X+ 1, the roots of which are the elements ofF other than 0 and 1.

Example 26 (The field F5). .

Denote by i and −i the two roots of X2 + 1; one of them is 2, the other is 3. We have F5 = {0,1,−1, i,−i}. If we do not specify our choice, we cannot tell what isi+ 1 for instance: it is−iif we selecti= 2 and it is−1 if we selecti= 3. Notice that there is no automorphism ofF5mappingito −i.


Exercise 27. Check the following isomorphisms and give a generator of the multiplicative group of non–zero elements in the field.

(a)F4=F2[X]/(X2+X+ 1).

(b)F8=F2[X]/(X3+X+ 1).

(c)F16=F2[X]/(X4+X+ 1).

(d)F16=F2[X, Y]/(Y2+Y + 1, X2+X+Y).

Exercise 28. (a) Give the list of all irreducible polynomials of degree≤5 overF2. (b) Give the list of all monic irreducible polynomials of degree≤2 overF4.

Recall (Theorem22) that any finite extension of a finite field is Galois. Hence, in a finite fieldF, any irreducible polynomial is separable: finite fields are perfect.

Theorem 29 (Normal basis theorem). Given a finite extension L ⊃K of finite fields, there exists an element αin L× such that the conjugates of αoverK form a basis of the vector spaceL overK.

With such a basis, the Frobenius map Frobq, where q is the number of elements in K, becomes a shift operator on the coordinates.

Remark. The normal basis Theorem holds for any finite Galois extension L/K: given any finite Galois extensionL/K, there existsα∈Lsuch that the conjugates of αgive a basis of theK vector spaceL.

Proof of Theorem 29.

Let σ be a generator of G. The elements of G are distinct characters of L×, namely homomorphisms of multiplicative groups L× → L× and therefore they are linearly independent by Dedekind Theorem (theorem of linear independence of characters). We now considerσas an endomorphism of theK–vector spaceL: since 1, σ, . . . , σd−1 are linearly independent overK, withd= [L:K], the minimal polynomial of the endomorphismσ isXd−1, which is also the characteristic polynomial of this endomorphism. It follows that there is a cyclic vector, which is an elementαinLsolution of our problem.

For such a basisα, αq, αq2, . . . , αqd−1, an elementγ inLhas coordinates a0, a1, . . . , ad−1 with γ=a0α+a1αq+a2αq2+· · ·+ad−1αqd−1,

and the image ofγ under the Frobenius map Frobq is

γq =ad−1+a0αq+a1αq2+· · ·+ad−2αqd−1,

the coordinates of which aread−1, a0, a1, . . . , ad−2. Hence the Frobenius is a shift operator on the coor- dinates.

Remark. Forα∈L, a necessary and sufficient condition for the conjugates ofαto give a basis ofLover K is

det τ−1σ(α)

τ,σ∈G 6= 0.

Exercise 30.

(a) LetGbe a group,N be a normal subgroup of finite index inGandH a subgroup ofG. Show that the index ofH∩N inH is finite and divides the index ofN inG. Deduce that ifH∩N ={1}, thenH is finite and its order divides the index ofN in G.


(b) LetL/K be a finite abelian extension andE1, E2two subfields ofL containingK. Assume that the compositum of E1andE2 isL. Show that [L:E1] divides [E2:K].

(c) Let F be a finite field,E an extension ofF and α, β two elements inE which are algebraic over F of degree respectivelyaandb. Assumeaandbare relatively prime. Prove that

F(α, β) =F(α+β).

One of the main results of the theory of finite fields is the following:

Theorem 31. LetF be a finite field with qelements,αan element in an algebraic closure of F. There exist integers `≥1such that αq` =α. Denote byn the smallest:

n= min{`≥1 | Frob`q(α) =α}.

Then the field F(α) has qn elements, which means that the degree of α over F is n and the minimal polynomial of αoverF is










. (32)

Proof. Define s = [F(α) :F]. By Theorem 22, the extension F(α)/F is Galois with Galois group the cyclic group of order s generated by Frobq. The conjugates of α over F are the elements Frobiq(α), 0≤i≤s−1. Hences=n.

2.2 Cyclotomic polynomials

Letnbe a positive integer. An–th root of unityin a fieldK is an element ofK× which satifiesxn= 1.

This means that it is a torsion element of order dividingn.

Aprimitiven–th root of unity is an element ofK× of ordern: forkin Z, the equalityxk = 1 holds if and only ifndivides k.

For each positive integer n, the n–th roots of unity in F form a finite subgroup of Ftors× having at most n elements. The union of all these subgroups of Ftors× is just the torsion group Ftors× itself. This group contains 1 and−1, but it could have just one element, like forF2=Z/2ZorF2(X) for instance.

The torsion subgroup ofR× is{±1}, the torsion subgroup ofC× is infinite.

LetK be a field of finite characteristicpand letnbe a positive integer. Writen=prm withr≥0 and gcd(p, m) = 1. InK[X], we have

Xn−1 = (Xm−1)pr.

Ifx∈K satisfiesxn= 1, then xm= 1. Therefore, the order of a finite subgroup ofK× is prime top.

It also follows that the study ofXn−1 reduces to the study ofXm−1 withmprime top.

Letnbe a positive integer and Ω be an algebraically closed field of characteristic either 0 or a prime number not dividing n. Then the number of primitive n-th roots of unity in Ω is ϕ(n). These ϕ(n) elements are the generators of the unique cyclic subgroupCn of ordernof Ω×, which is the group ofn-th roots of unity in Ω:

Cn={x∈Ω | xn = 1}.


2.2.1 Cyclotomic polynomials over C[X]

The mapC→C× defined byz7→e2iπz/nis a morphism from the additive groupCto the multiplicative group C×; this morphism has kernel nZ. Hence, it factors to an injective morphism from the group C/nZto C×: we denote it also byz 7→e2iπz/n. In particular e2iπz/n makes sense forz ∈Z/nZ. The unique subgroup of orderninC/nZisZ/nZ, its image underz7→e2iπz/n isµn⊂C×.

Forna positive integer, we define a polynomial Φn(X)∈C[X] by Φn(X) = Y


(X−e2iπk/n). (33)

This polynomial is called the cyclotomic polynomial of indexn; it is monic and has degree ϕ(n). Since Xn−1 =





the partition of the set of roots of unity according to their order shows that Xn−1 = Y

1≤d≤n d|n

Φd(X). (34)

The degree ofXn−1 is nand the degree of Φd(X) isϕ(d), hence, Lemma1 follows also from (34).

The namecyclotomycomes from the Greek and meansdivide the circle. The complex roots ofXn−1 are the vertices of a regular polygon with nsides.

From (34), it follows that an equivalent definition of the polynomials Φ12, . . .inZ[X] is by induction onn:

Φ1(X) =X−1, Φn(X) = Xn−1 Y

d6=n d|n


· (35)

This is the most convenient way to compute the cyclotomic polynomials Φn for small values ofn.

M¨obius inversion formula (see the second form in§1.4withGthe multiplicative groupQ(X)×) yields Φn(X) =Y



Notice that for m≥3, the polynomial Φm has real coefficients (in fact integer coefficients) and no real root, hence its degreeϕ(m) is even.

First examples. One has

Φ2(X) =X2−1

X−1 =X+ 1, Φ3(X) =X3−1

X−1 =X2+X+ 1, and more generally, forpprime

Φp(X) =Xp−1

X−1 =Xp−1+Xp−2+· · ·+X+ 1.


The next cyclotomic polynomials are

Φ4(X) = X4−1

X2−1 =X2+ 1 = Φ2(X2), Φ6(X) = X6−1

(X3−1)(X+ 1) = X3+ 1

X+ 1 =X2−X+ 1 = Φ3(−X).

The next page is reproduced from



Φ1(x) =x−1 Φ2(x) =x+ 1 Φ3(x) =x2+x+ 1 Φ4(x) =x2+ 1

Φ5(x) =x4+x3+x2+x+ 1 Φ6(x) =x2−x+ 1

Φ7(x) =x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+ 1 Φ8(x) =x4+ 1

Φ9(x) =x6+x3+ 1

Φ10(x) =x4−x3+x2−x+ 1

Φ11(x) =x10+x9+x8+x7+x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+ 1 Φ12(x) =x4−x2+ 1

Φ13(x) =x12+x11+x10+x9+x8+x7+x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+ 1 Φ14(x) =x6−x5+x4−x3+x2−x+ 1

Φ15(x) =x8−x7+x5−x4+x3−x+ 1 Φ16(x) =x8+ 1

Φ17(x) =x16+x15+x14+x13+x12+x11+x10+x9+x8+x7+x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+ 1 Φ18(x) =x6−x3+ 1

Φ19(x) =x18+x17+x16+x15+x14+x13+x12+x11+x10+x9+x8+x7+x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+ 1 Φ20(x) =x8−x6+x4−x2+ 1

Φ21(x) =x12−x11+x9−x8+x6−x4+x3−x+ 1

Φ22(x) =x10−x9+x8−x7+x6−x5+x4−x3+x2−x+ 1

Φ23(x) =x22+x21+x20+x19+x18+x17+x16+x15+x14+x13+x12+x11 +x10+x9+x8+x7+x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+ 1

Φ24(x) =x8−x4+ 1

Φ25(x) =x20+x15+x10+x5+ 1

Φ26(x) =x12−x11+x10−x9+x8−x7+x6−x5+x4−x3+x2−x+ 1 Φ27(x) =x18+x9+ 1

Φ28(x) =x12−x10+x8−x6+x4−x2+ 1

Φ29(x) =x28+x27+x26+x25+x24+x23+x22+x21+x20+x19+x18+x17+x16+x15+x14 +x13+x12+x11+x10+x9+x8+x7+x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+ 1

Φ30(x) =x8+x7−x5−x4−x3+x+ 1.

It is known that ifnhas at most two odd prime divisors, then the coefficients of Φn are 0, 1 or−1.


The least integer that has three distinct odd prime divisors is 105. In the polynomial Φ105, the coefficients ofx7andx41 are−2:

Φ105(x) =x48+x47+x46−x43−x42−2x41−x40−x39+x36+x35+x34+x33+x32+x31−x28−x26

−x24−x22−x20+x17+x16+x15+x14+x13+x12−x9−x8−2x7−x6−x5+x2+x+ 1.

Exercise 36.

(a) Let n ≥ 2 be an integer. Denote byR the radical (maximal square free factor) of n, namely the product of the prime factors ofn. Check

φn(X) =φR(Xn/R). (37)

(b) Letpbe a prime number and let m1a positive integer prime top. Setm=pm1. Prove Φm1(Xp) = Φm(X)Φm1(X).

(c) Letpbe a prime number andma positive integer multiple ofp. Writem=prm1with gcd(p, m1) = 1 andr≥1. Deduce from (a) and (b)

Φm1(Xpr) = Φm(X)Φm1(Xpr−1).

(d) Forr≥0,pprime andm a multiple ofp, check

Φprm(X) = Φm(Xpr) andϕ(prm) =prϕ(m).


Φpr(X) =Xpr−1(p−1)+Xpr−1(p−2)+· · ·+Xpr−1+ 1 = Φp(Xpr−1) whenpis a prime andr≥1 (also a consequence of (37)).

(e) Letnbe a positive integer. Prove ϕ(2n) =

(ϕ(n) ifnis odd, 2ϕ(n) ifnis even,

Φ2n(X) =



−Φ1(−X) ifn= 1,

Φn(−X) ifnis odd and≥3, Φn(X2) ifnis even.

Deduce, for`≥1 and for modd≥3,

Φ2`(X) =X2`−1+ 1 Φ2`m(X) = Φm(−X2`−1), Φm(X)Φm(−X) = Φm(X2).


(f) Check, forn≥1,

Φn(1) =



0 forn= 1,

p ifn=pr withpprime and r≥1;

1 otherwise.

(g) Check, forn≥1,

Φn(−1) =



−2 forn= 1, 1 ifnis odd≥3;

Φn/2(1) ifnis even.

In other terms, for n≥3, Φn(−1) =

(p ifn= 2pr withpa prime andr≥1;

1 ifnis odd or ifn= 2mwheremhas at least two distinct prime divisors.

Theorem 38. For any positive integer n, the polynomial Φn(X) has its coefficients in Z. Moreover, Φn(X) is irreducible inZ[X].

Proof of the first part of Theorem 38. We check Φn(X)∈Z[X] by induction onn. The results holds for n= 1, since Φ1(X) =X−1. Assume Φm(X)∈Z[X] for allm < n. From the induction hypothesis, it follows that

h(X) = Y

d|n d6=n


is monic with coefficients in Z. We divide Xn−1 by h in Z[X]: let Q ∈ Z[X] be the quotient and R∈Z[X] the remainder:

Xn−1 =h(X)Q(X) +R(X).

We also haveXn−1 = h(X)Φn(X) in C[X], as shown by (34). From the unicity of the quotient and remainder in the Euclidean division inC[X], we deduceQ= Φn andR= 0, hence, Φn∈Z[X].

We now show that Φn is irreducible in Z[X]. Since it is monic, its content is 1. It remains to check that it is irreducible inQ[X].

Here is a proof of the irreducibility of the cyclotomic polynomial in the special case where the index is a prime numberp. It rests on Eisenstein’s Criterion:

Proposition 39 (Eisenstein criterion). Let

C(X) =c0Xd+· · ·+cd∈Z[X]

and let p be a prime number. Assume C to be product of two polynomials in Z[X] of positive degrees.

Assume also thatpdivides ci for1≤i≤dbut that pdoes not divide c0. Then p2 divides cd. Proof. Let

A(X) =a0Xn+· · ·+an and B(X) =b0Xm+· · ·+bm

be two polynomials in Z[X] of degrees m and n such that C = AB. Hence, d = m+n, c0 = a0b0, cd = anbm. We use the morphism (5) of reduction modulo p, namely Ψp : Z[X] −→ Fp[X]. Write A˜= Ψp(A), ˜B= Ψp(B), ˜C= Ψp(C),

A(X) = ˜˜ a0Xn+· · ·+ ˜an, B(X) = ˜˜ b0Xm+· · ·+ ˜bm



C(X) = ˜˜ c0Xd+· · ·+ ˜cd.

By assumption ˜c06= 0, ˜c1=· · ·= ˜cd = 0, hence, ˜C(X) = ˜c0Xd = ˜A(X) ˜B(X) with ˜c0= ˜a0˜b06= 0. Now A˜and ˜B have positive degreesnandm, hence, ˜an= ˜bm= 0, which means thatpdividesan andbmand, therefore,p2divides cd=anbm.

Proof of the irreducibility ofΦp overZin Theorem 38forpprime. We setX−1 =Y, so that Φp(Y + 1) =(Y + 1)p−1

Y =Yp−1+ p


Yp−2+· · ·+ p


Y +p∈Z[Y].

We observe that p divides all coefficients – but the leading one – of the monic polynomial Φp(Y + 1) and that p2 does not divide the constant term. We conclude by using Eisenstein’s Criterion Proposition 39.

We now complete the proof of Theorem38.

Proof of the irreducibility ofΦn overZin Theorem 38for alln. Let f ∈ Z[X] be an irreducible factor of Φn with a positive leading coefficient and let g∈Z[X] satisfy f g= Φn. Our goal is to provef = Φn

andg= 1.

Since Φnis monic, the same is true forf andg. Letζbe a root off inCand letpbe a prime number which does not divide n. Sinceζp is a primitiven-th root of unity, it is a zero of Φn.

The first and main step of the proof is to check thatf(ζp) = 0. If ζp is not a root off, then it is a root ofg. We assumeg(ζp) = 0 and we will reach a contradiction.

Sincef is irreducible,f is the minimal polynomial ofζ, hence, fromg(ζp) = 0, we infer that f(X) divides g(Xp). Write g(Xp) =f(X)h(X) and consider the morphism Ψp of reduction modulopalready introduced in (5). Denote by F, G, H the images of f, g, h. Recall that f g = Φn in Z[X], hence, F(X)G(X) dividesXn−1 inFp[X]. The assumption thatpdoes not dividenimplies thatXn−1 has no square factor inFp[X].

LetP ∈Z[X] be an irreducible factor ofF. FromG(Xp) =F(X)H(X), it follows thatP(X) divides G(Xp). ButG∈Fp[X], hence (see Lemma20),G(Xp) =G(X)p and, therefore,P divides G(X). Now P2divides the product F G, which is a contradiction.

We have checked that for any rootζoff inCand any prime numberpwhich does not dividen, the numberζpis again a root off. By induction on the number of prime factors ofm, it follows that for any integer m with gcd(m, n) = 1 the number ζm is a root of f. Nowf vanishes at all the primitive n–th roots of unity, hence,f = Φn andg= 1.

Letnbe a positive integer. Thecyclotomic field of level noverQ is Rn=Q

e2iπk/n | k∈(Z/nZ)× ⊂C.

This is the splitting field of Φn overQ. Ifζ∈Cis any primitiven–th root of unity, thenRn=Q(ζ) and {1, ζ, . . . , ζϕ(n)−1}is a basis ofRn as aQ–vector space.

For example we have

R1=R2=Q, R3=R6=Q(j), R4=Q(i),

where j is a root of the polynomial X2+X+ 1. It is easy to check that forn ≥1 we have ϕ(n) = 1 if and only if n∈ {1,2}, ϕ(n) = 2 if and only ifn∈ {3,4,6} and ϕ(n) is even and≥4 for n≥5 with n6= 6. That ϕ(n), the degree ofRn, tends to infinity withncan be checked in an elementary way.


Exercise 40. Check

n≤2.685ϕ(n)1.161 for alln≥1.

Proposition 41. There is a canonical isomorphism between Gal(Rn/Q) and the multiplicative group (Z/nZ)×.

Proof. Letζn be a primitiven-th root of unity and letµn be the group ofn-th roots of unity, which is the subgroup ofC× generated byζn. The mapZ−→µn which mapsmtoζnmis a group homomorphism of kernel nZ. When c is a class modulo n, we denote by ζc the image of c under the isomorphism Z/nZ−→ µn.

Forσ∈Gal(Rn/Q), defineθ(σ)∈(Z/nZ)× by

σ(ζn) =ζnθ(σ).

Thenθ is well defined and is a group isomorphism from Gal(Rn/Q) onto (Z/nZ)×.

Example 42. The element τ in Gal(Rn/Q) such thatθ(τ) =−1 satisfiesτ(ζn) =ζn−1. Butζn−1 is the complex conjugate ofζn, since|ζn|= 1. Henceτ is the (restriction toRn of the) complex conjugation.

Assumen≥3. The subfield ofRn fixed by the subgroupθ−1({1,−1}) of Gal(Rn/Q) is the maximal real subfield ofRn:

Rn+=Q(ζnn−1) =Q cos(2π/n)

=Rn∩R with [Rn:R+n] = 2.

2.2.2 Cyclotomic Polynomials over a finite field

Since Φn has coefficients in Z, for any field K, we can view Φn(X) as an element in K[X]: in zero characteristic, this is plain sinceK containsQ; in finite characteristicp, one considers the image of Φn

under the morphism Ψp introduced in (5): we denote again this image by Φn.

Proposition 43. Let K be a field and let n be a positive integer. Assume that K has characteristic either 0 or else a prime number pprime to n. Then the polynomialΦn(X)is separable over K and its roots in K are exactly the primitiven–th roots of unity which belong toK.

Proof. The derivative of the polynomialXn−1 isnXn−1. InK, we haven6= 0 sincepdoes not divide n, hence, Xn−1 is separable overK. Since Φn(X) is a factor of Xn−1, it is also separable over K.

The roots inK of Xn−1 are precisely the n–th roots of unity contained in K. An-th root of unity is primitive if and only if it is not a root of Φd whend|n,d6=n. From (35), this means that it is a root of Φn.

Recall that whenn=prmwithr≥0 andm≥1, in characteristicpwe have Xn−1 = (Xm−1)pr.

Therefore, ifpdivides n, there is no primitiven–th root of unity in a field of characteristicp.


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