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Milling itineraries dataset for a collection of crop and wood by-products and granulometric properties of the resulting powders


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Milling itineraries dataset for a collection of crop and

wood by-products and granulometric properties of the

resulting powders

Charlène Fabre, Patrice Buche, Xavier Rouau, Claire Mayer-Laigle

To cite this version:

Charlène Fabre, Patrice Buche, Xavier Rouau, Claire Mayer-Laigle. Milling itineraries dataset for a

collection of crop and wood by-products and granulometric properties of the resulting powders. Data

in Brief, Elsevier, 2020, 33, pp.106430. �10.1016/j.dib.2020.106430�. �hal-03004903�


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IATE Planet, University of Montpellier - INRAE, 2 place Pierre Viala F-34060 Montpellier Cedex, France












Article history:

Received 8 September 2020 Revised 8 October 2020 Accepted 14 October 2020 Available online 23 October 2020

Keywords: Agriculture by-products Forestry by-products Dry milling Biomass powders Laser granulometry Particle size distribution Specific surface area Comminution









Lignocellulosic biomass represents a readily available reser- voir of functional elements that can be an alternative to fos- sil resources for energy, chemicals and materials production. However, comminution of lignocellulosic biomass into fine particles is required to reveal its functionalities, improve its reactivity and allow practical implementation in the down- stream processing steps (carrying, dosage, mixing, formula- tion, shaping…). The sources of lignocellulosics are diverse, with two main families, being agricultural and forest by- products. Due to plant specificity and natural variability, the itineraries of particle size reduction by dry processing, the behavior upon milling and therefore the characteristics of re- sulting powders can deeply vary according to various raw biomasses [ 1,2].

This data article contains milling itineraries and granulomet- ric properties of the resulting powders obtained from a col- lection of by-products from crops (flax fibers, hemp core, rice husk, wheat straw) and woods (pine wood pellets, pine bark, pine sawdust, Douglas shavings, chestnut tree sawdust) rep- resentative of currently used lignocellulosic biomass. Samples provided in the form of large pieces (hemp core, pine bark, Douglas shavings) were successively milled using different mills to progressively reduce the matter into coarse, interme- diate and finally fine powders. The other samples, supplied as sufficiently small format, were directly processed in the ∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: Patrice.buche@inrae.fr (P. Buche).

Social media: (P. Buche) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2020.106430

2352-3409/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )


2 C. Fabre, P. Buche and X. Rouau et al. / Data in Brief 33 (2020) 106430

fine powder mill. The machine characteristics and their op- erating parameters were recorded. The granulometric prop- erties of the powders were analyzed with a laser granulome- ter and the main indicators related to the particle size distri- bution (PSD) are presented: (i) d10, d50 (or median diame- ter) and d90 which are the 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles of the cumulative volume distribution; (ii) the span, which evaluates the width of the particle size distribution; (iii) the calculated specific surface area of the powders which repre- sents the sum of total surface exhibited by the particles per unit of gram and for some powders. The whole particle size distribution of a subset of produced powder samples are also provided for different milling times to illustrate the kinetics of particle size reduction.

These data are stored in INRAE public repository and have been structured using BIOREFINERY ontology [3]. These data are also replicated in atWeb data warehouse providing addi- tional query tools [ 3,4].

© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


Subject Biomaterials

Specific subject area Milling itineraries and granulometric properties of resulting powders for a

collection of crop/wood byproducts

Type of data Table

How data were acquired The particle size properties of particles generated using different milling

itineraries were characterized.

Equipment used in milling itineraries: drying oven (Memmert, D); microwave oven (Samsung 10 0 0, K); coarse milling with a cutting mill (SM300, Retsch, D); intermediate milling with an impact mill (UPZ, Hosokawa-Alpine, D); fine milling with a vibrating ball-mill (DM1,Sweco, B) and a stirred beads mill (Femag, F).

Equipment used in powder characterization: laser diffraction granulometer (Malvern 20 0 0, UK) in dry or wet mode; in the latter mode, an embedded ultrasonic probe (75 W, 0 – 100% tunable) can be used.

Data format Raw and analyzed

Parameters for data collection Oven or microwave dried samples were milled to reach median particle sizes in between 10-20 μm. Depending on the input size of samples, 3 successive steps of milling (coarse, intermediate, and fine milling) or 1 (fine milling) were applied. The kinetics of particle size reduction were measured by laser granulometry (dry or liquid mode) after periodical sampling. PSD indicators were recorded.

Description of data collection Data from the milling of 9 different biomass samples (crop and wood by-products) were collected.

Table 1: Processing parameters (processing itineraries, machine operating conditions, milling time…) for 9 crop by-products itineraries and 10 wood by-products itineraries.

Table 2: Data from granulometric characterization of all ground powders (d10, d50, d90, span, Specific Surface Area).

Table 3: The kinetics of particle size reduction for a collection of powder samples (11 for crop by-products and 10 for wood by-products) Table 4: Whole set of full PSD for all samples of Table 3.

Data source location INRAE, PLANET-IATE, 1208. Agropolymers and Emerging Technologies Facility, Montpellier FR-34060, France



Data accessibility Data are accessible in a public repository

Repository name: INRAE dataverse ( https://data.inrae.fr/ ) Data identification number: 10.15454/S660LH, 10.15454/YZJXET Direct URL to data:

https://data.inrae.fr/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.15454/S660LH (v9.0) corresponding to wood by-products data,

https://data.inrae.fr/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.15454/YZJXET (v8.0) corresponding to crop by-products data.


• Thefinemillingoflignocellulosicbiomassesisnottrivialduetoastronganisotropyandan elastoplasticity behaviour [5,6]. These data obtainedwith differenttypes of milland from variousbiomassesmightguidethechoiceofstartingfeedstockandprocessingtechnologies tobetterexploitbiomasspotentialaccordingtothetargetedapplicationsaspetrolreplacers. • The data can benefit to scientists in the sectorsof plant and woodproducts valorization, bio-basedenergyvectors[7],bio-sourced chemicals[8]andmaterials [9].Companies man-ufacturingplantandwoodbasedpowdersforfood/non-foodapplicationsandmillsuppliers maybeinterested.Theinformationfromthedatasetcanhelptooptimizetheprocessesand thequalityoftheend-productsfromlignocellulosicbiomass.

• Thesetofdatacanallowclassifyingbiomassesaccordingtothemillingtypeandthemilling time requiredtoreach a targetedmeanparticlesize. As millingequipment usedare batch mills,themilling time isdirectlyrelatedtothe millingenergy.The datasetcanbe usedto comparenewbiomasssamples andother typesofmill.Itcan alsoserveasa basisfor un-derstandingthemechanismofcomminution.

• According to thenature of the startingbiomass material andthe type of mechanical load appliedinthemill,variabilityinparticlecharacteristicscanbeintroduced[10].This variabil-ityinfluencesthepropertiesoftheproductsfromlignocellulosicbiomass.Thesedatacanbe usedeithertoproducetailor-madepowdersfortargetedapplicationsortobettercontrolthe qualityoftheendproducts.

• The data fromthe kineticsof particle size reduction can allow determining theminimum energyinputtoreachanintendedparticlesizewithagivenmillingtechnology[6].

• Thesedatasetmayalsoopen newperspectivesforwideruses ofbiomassininnovative ap-plications, forwhich advanced granulometricreduction is required(e.g. 3D-printing,smart materials,solidbiofuels…)[11-13].

1. DataDescription

Dataare storedintwodatasets(seeData accessibilityintheSpecificationTableabove):the firstonecontainswoodby-productsdataandthesecondonecropby-productsdata.

Ineachdataset,thedataaregatheredinfourfiles.FileTable1providesaprecisedescription ofmillingitinerariesassociatedwithproducedpowdersamples.File Table2reportsthe granu-lometric characteristicsofallproducedpowder samples.Thekineticsofparticlesizereduction forasubsetofproducedpowdersamplesaregatheredinfileTable3.AnadditionalfileTable4 containsthewholesetoffull particlesizedistributions ofall samplesofTable3.InthisExcel file,eachsampleisstoredinaseparatethumbnail.

InTable1,amillingitineraryisdescribedbyasetofunit operationsandassociatedwitha uniquenumericalidentifier(columnExperiencenumber).Eachunitoperationofagivenitinerary is described on a separate line and associated with a unique numerical identifier (columns

Experience number+Process step number). Numerical value associated with Process step num-ber column indicates temporal order (e,g step 1 is before step 2). In case of parallel unit operations, a dot is used (e,g step 1.1 is parallel to step 1.2). The following information are


4 C. Fabre, P. Buche and X. Rouau et al. / Data in Brief 33 (2020) 106430

Fig. 1. Example of milling kinetics for Pine Bark (PB4) excerpt from Table 4. The sample name (PB4-T0 to PBA-T7) corresponds to the reference of the sample PB4 followed by the sampling time (T0 to T7).

reported:date; biomass nature andname (Biomass)1; processing operation type (Treatment);

dryingmode/moisturecontent(Treatment);biomass quantity;equipmentnameandtype (Ma-terial);rotationspeed;vibrationfrequency;massofballs;sievinggridsize(sievingsize); treat-ment duration; temperature; output solid quantity (Output solid constituent quantity); out-putsolidyield(Outputsolidconstituentquantity),characterizedsampleproductname(Sample Product1).

InTable2,arefoundthedataconcerningparticlesandpowderscharacterization: character-izedsampleproduct name(SampleProduct); biomassname andnature (Biomass);d50 calcu-lationmethod;d50involume;d50innumber;d10calculationmethod;d10involume;d10in number;d90 calculation method; d90 involume; d90in number; span; specific surfacearea calculationmethod;specificsurfaceareavalue.

Table 3has the same structure that Table 2extended by an additional column (Sampling time)indicatingthe time atwhicha samplehasbeenextractedduringthemilling for granu-lometriccharacterization.SampleproductcontainsthesamenamesasinTable2followedbya labelindicating chronologicalordering.Byexample,PB4-T0toPBA-T7corresponds tothe sam-ple PB4followed by the sampling time (T0 to T7).PB4 in Table3 corresponding tothe final samplingtimeisthesamesamplethaninTable2.

InTable4,arestoredthewholesetoffullPSDforallsamplesandassociatedgraphical repre-sentationsoftheevolutionsofPSDalongthefinemillingprocessofthesamples.Fig.1provides anexample ofthemilling kineticsofPinebark(SampleProductPB4) excerptfromTable4 to reachamedianparticlesizeof5.614


m.Thecorrespondingmillingtimesarealsoavailablein table4.

ThesedataarestoredinINRAEdataverseandreplicatedin@Webdatawarehouse[4](https: //www6.inra.fr/cati-icat-atweb/) in which the data structuration and vocabulary standardiza-tionarecontrolledbyBIOREFINERY ontology[3,4].BIOREFINERY ontologyisavailableinINRAE dataverse (https://doi.org/10.15454/X2MOWO, version 2.0) and Agroportal (http://agroportal.


lirmm.fr/ontologies/BIOREFINERY, version 2.1). Tutorials associatedwith atWebquerying mod-uleareavailableathttps://www6.inrae.fr/cati-icat-atweb/Tutorials/Querying-thumbnail.

2. ExperimentalDesign,MaterialsandMethods

Theinformationrelatedtotheprocessingofeveryspecificsamplearerecordedinthemilling itineraries table(Table 1). Forcoarsemilling,the SM 300cuttingmill (Retsch,D)operating at 3000rpmandequippedwitha2mmgridwasused.ForintermediatemillingtheUPZimpact mill (Hosokawa-Alpine, D)operating at18000rpm witha grid of0.3 mmwas used.Forfine milling(i)thevibratingball-mill(Sweco,B)filledwith25kgof12mmdiameterballsand25kg ofcylindricalbodies12× 12mmoperatedat25Hzwasusedtotreat1kglignocellulosic sam-plesinbatch,or(ii)thestirredbeadsmill(Femag,F)filledwith7.5kgof6mm-diameterbeads witharotorspeedcomprisedbetween300and400rpmwasusedtotreat170–200g lignocellu-losicsamplesinbatch.Notethatsamplesweredriedbeforefinemillingeitherinaconventional dryingoven(Memmert,D)at60°Corina100Wmicrowaveoven(Samsung1000,K)toreach a water content below 6%. Aliquots were sampled at various periods of time duringthe fine milling processandanalyzed bylaser granulometry (Malvern2000,UK)toallow thekinetical descriptionofthe particlesizereductionprocess. FivedifferentStandardOperatingProcedures describedbelow(SOP 1to5) were employed accordingtothe natureandthequantity ofthe sampleavailable.Theparticlesizedistribution(PSD)ofthepowderswasmeasuredineitherdry (SOP 1)orliquid way(SOP2to 5).The conditionsofPSD measurementare statedinTable1 foreachsample.Themedianparticlesized(50),thespecificsurfacearea(SSA)andthe polydis-persity indexorspanwhichdescribe thewidthofthe PSDwerealso extractedfromthePSD, withspan=(d(90)-d(10))/(d(50)),whered(90),d(50)andd(10)representthe90th,50thand10th percentileoftheparticlesizedistribution,respectively.Somepowdersamples(milledricehusk) werede-agglomeratedbeforeparticlesizemeasurement(SOP5).

Standard operating procedure1: Measurementswere realizedin dry way,using a vibrating hopperSirocco200 settledat80%maximumvibrationand3barsairpressure.Thesizeofthe powderisdeterminedbasedonFraunhofertheory[14].

Standardoperatingprocedure2:Measurementswererealizedinliquidway.Sampleswere dis-persedinethanol(96%v/v)intheHydro2000Ssystemwithapompspeedof3000rpm.The refractive indexofethanol(1.45)andsawdust (1.53),were usedto proceedthe databasedon theMie Theory[9].Measurementswerecarriedout intriplicateswithadelayof3s between eachmeasurement.

Standardoperatingprocedure3:Measurementwererealizedinliquidway.Sampleswere dis-persedinamixtureofpurifiedwater/ethanol(50%v/v)intheHydro2000Ssystemwithapomp speedof3000rpm.Therefractiveindexofthesolventmixture(1.345)andsawdust(1.53),were usedtoproceedthedatabasedontheMieTheory.Measurementswerecarriedoutintriplicates withadelayof3sbetweeneachmeasurement.

Standardoperatingprocedure4:Measurementwererealizedinliquidway.Sampleswere dis-persedinethanol(96%v/v)intheHydro2000Ssystemwithapompspeedof3000rpm.The refractive indexofethanol(1.45)andsawdust (1.53),were usedto proceedthe databasedon theMieTheory.Measurementswerecarriedoutjustonceduringtheprocedure.

Standard operating procedure5: Measurement were realized inliquid wayinethanol (96 % v/v)intheHydro2000Ssystem.Anultrasonictreatmentwasappliedpriortothemeasurement to deagglomerate the powder. 3 minof sonication usingthe granulometer internal ultrasonic probeat100%ofitspower(75W)wasappliedtoasuspensionofapproximatively0.1gof pow-derin200mlofethanol.Thesuspensionwasthenstirredat3000rpmduring3mintoremove eventual bubbles priorto themeasurement.Measurementswere carriedout intriplicate with adelayof20sbetweeneachmeasurement.Therefractiveindexofethanol(1.45)andsawdust (1.53),wereusedtoproceedthedatabasedontheMieTheory.


6 C. Fabre, P. Buche and X. Rouau et al. / Data in Brief 33 (2020) 106430




Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompetingfinancialinterestsorpersonal rela-tionshipswhichhave,orcouldbeperceivedtohave,influencedtheworkreportedinthisarticle.


TheauthorsacknowledgegratefullythetechnicalparticipationofDanièleMamboandChloé Popovicinthedatacollection,JulienCufi (INRAEIATE),StéphaneDervaux(INRAEMIAParis)and Marie-RoseLejay(INRAEIATE)forthe@Webplatformmanagement.


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Table  1: Processing parameters  (processing itineraries,  machine operating  conditions, milling  time…) for 9 crop by-products itineraries  and  10  wood  by-products  itineraries
Fig. 1. Example of milling kinetics for Pine Bark (PB4) excerpt from Table 4. The sample name (PB4-T0 to PBA-T7)  corresponds  to the reference of the sample PB4  followed  by the sampling time (T0 to  T7)


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