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Academic year: 2022



Texte intégral










I VI El) 1`.1" L. \.. ILTE.1L,

Pria Li o Hus 'l osr I o i f -.Nr 311.11,,If KIN('

01. F. R L (

I 91 I



Introduction 5

Bibliography 7

Character of file District 7

General Geology 8

Table of Formations 10

Keewatin 10

Keewatin Diabase 11

Granodiorite 12

Unelassified Keewatin 12

Laurentian 13

Fabre Series 15

Cobalt Series 17

Lorrain Series 19

Newer Diabase and Gabbro 20

Correlation with other Districts 25

Economic Geology 28

Conclusions 31

Clays 32

Water Resources 32


To Mg. THEO. C. DE ]S,



beg to transmit, hernwith my report on the geology of a portion of Fabre Township, resulting from the Iiild-trort: dont: by your instructions (Turing the Sunpncr of 1910.

Yonrs truly,


11:1111TIE, Jr.




ROBERT HARV1E, 1R., fil. Se.


Octi.arni Statrniont During the great aetiyity in prospect and Afin waricdr ing following the diseovery of the valualde deposits of silver at Cobalt the attention of a considerable nurnbUr of prospectorsf iras at-

tractai to the township of Fabre, where it. was solen shown that there also v.ere oceurrences of rocks similar to those :ut (lobait. 'Plioir work Loing liampered by loch of a satirfactery geologieul inap, the irriter was instructed by the Quelfee Department of

Minks te

revise the preyious information and 10 promu.° a new detailed mai) and report.

Tire niont1H and a hait were spent in the field in the sur -muer of 1910, einring whielt tinte a carefid mieromeler and eompass survey vins made of the rack exposures in the portion of the township 1'1)1111(1 to lie the most favourahle fer prospei ling. sinee preyions work in (allier districts Tad shewn fl int tint si Mer-heti ring ores are closely associated with the "newer filial ase." the area irivered by dehril- cd work wons (minimal to the vicinity of the oecurrences

ar th,

that fer Krnhe ,mail ',Fuchs oc the map

the infor.

motion bas Leen used unrevised finie the work of the Geo-bigle&

Survey of Canada. Titus tune revision iras net eentinued into the largt areft Laurentitin granite and gneiss lying to the sonde and efial, and the treelogy or ranges north of Young's (l r eeic on map shed No. 1060 of the Geologieal Survey of Canada, as givcn by lt. li. \\rilsan, vas netepted, thougb with sligltfly modified boundarier. The tira of the portion reviSied is hetween fort:: fi ve and tifty square utiles.

The suryeying \cas earried un in an intelligent and entlm- stastic rianner liy MossrS. P. Pirinelland and 0. R. Pepin, stndents of ItEeole Polyteehnique, 'Montrent, to Loth of whom T am indebted for highly efficient service. Acknowledeiments for favours and assistnnee reeeived in Ille course of the \vol* are especially due to Messrs. T. DrOleti, Witt. Domehoe. Jas. Mitchell and Andrew Stewart of Fabre. Intim preparatim( oî this report



I have hein aided I'v the friendly eritieism of Prof, C. K. Leith, or the -University of -Wisconsin, and Dr. W. ll. Collins, of the Geobaigieal Surviiiy or Canada.

Location: 17 .11.re To‘‘ neltip n sitiuded on the cast sicle of Lake Temininaning, vclrielt bore forms the interprovin- ciel boundary between Quebee and Ontario. Fabre -Wharf is thirdideight miles (rom Temistanning station. on the 3lattawa brima of die ranadian Rajk\ ay, at the millet or south finit or Lake Treariskaininz; cr tu unl‘ silos fana Itaileybnry on the Teinishaning and Nvrthern Ontario Railiiay at the hend or north end or ihe lake. There in a gond service of steinnhonts betiveen the,:e peint-. the aeeompanying key plan shows the relative posilion III the i n:en.

l'in:. I.

itt- et )to " si, o tri position o f l'ahre and the other didrict; ref cr la tut titis report.



Proriou Wort. : Sir With Logan and eller early explorers have tipule briet ref erenee Io the geology of the shores of Lake Teniisitaiti ing. A slightly none general rteeount is round in the report: on the Lake Temiskaming shoot hy Dy. A. E. Barlow. A cumther report Ely M. E. Wilson, of the Gephigionl Snrvev of Canada. lias just boat pnblished, a lire- liminary editien or the luait te aeopinpany uhirh bavoir ailicady Leen issue(' as No. 1007. The came inOirmatiiitt revised han lieen ineltaled tom) Sp. 1 talft. The lancer seate and greater detail enciloyed in the present worlt have nisulted in chan ring a goon deal or ihe proviens the main eonelosiens are

f PLI Off 1?.1 .1.1T 3".

SILFVey :-- -

Report of O.

ck o loi cv of fI:! inula. 191;3.

licoilpft, A. E. Uupprt !1d'2 with watt 59e9 Barlow, A. Il. i-lniniadry Report 1000, p. 113.

Wilsen, 11. E. Su rit:Inn' Report PER, p. OU.

M. Il. Ihiperl 1, ith nuips 1007 and For the Ontario sicle of Lake Teinisitioning sue lh,rreffs. A. G., Olt South LOrrahl,-011fillao I 1 1 ne or _Mines, Annual Report,

RIOS, ph II.

E TE L'A CIL I f?.1+'' 7' E 01' THE e

The surrosii calmis cL Eillire Township are deserilicicil hriefly as 0011SiSthy cf a , trie S or cilay ilats, ont or oliWli arise al intervah slot reelty on the silures of Laite Teraisltant-

ing the Hais are net greaily alipve the lez-el or the tvater, LUI;

gsine; hilaril the»: rke ad syl is outil they rearh the tirea ligranitie rocks, houe the rlishinces lietff een the !tilts herominai less, rhr. inferveuing Rats die out. The bills, hoth on the laite zald art i11 a Sonne.% bat Lei Venu 1114 111, HO that the rite, in Info I of the elry Rats. if. hile aliewing g rent relief

bills on the shore, inlanil redores Rn: relier and iipparent height or Ille bi ll, by cinlhtic Ruin ai sui:rd:sive-1y hi g iceti i tece i c.t. Tn general there is a shah!) line of division bu-ln- peu the elti r Rats

\flaire no rocks are expeHtil, and the hilitt wleire froed rock expo- sures are flouai. Shoot irons and rack arecs have 41'11 dist inenbleid separately, Rie nain 'vii i lie round (plue :I, ii,eroi Hie F.elner in indieatinu, the portions snitable for cultivation, as if bill lie to the priisitertati in indleit ling the pi rt Win favouralde fuir bis ttorlt.

The soli of the Play tuons is uni] te Le very -fertile iiready a considertildo portion or -the 10,n,hip lins Lee/1 takell up by settlers. In inost cases the land is rerr reudiLv cleaner]. and



1\111,11,1) 101 \\Il I y 01» Qtutrœ1.

hrottglit ander eidlivation, otviiig tu the successive forest 1100S haviiig veinure(' the crioinat heurt- groirtlt of timlier, \\d'He the

second i2taiirth lias nit yei reaelled tille g rernoved.

The titti stroanis. Ion-alleu and Ycoing's crrrlcv, tvith -Chair tributaries, give Mitre Township ;I ,Vaud 'Tite relations Cr relief. itcpe, ete., are suit! ;et te _ive a watt rut' Off

if) ail parts cl' the arec, ;riod it rat' Le "mil that there ore no siviimps or antsliegs,

GENE11.11., GEOLOGi'.

ormiu, pia n sheet just

Irim,:e or nr,,a uf

L1 1 1-

ientian rorlis that < ecopiis alma il the titille or that part or Canada h log in -Hic Frailoue er Qiietut reteth or the St. tant - rems, Ititer. eV [n'influai, sloo.,,o oLolionoo, nu the soufh /Md ("HI k1, 10-, I , I Il e , I1001 , OMS

tuerait' or n cors oSlcusFrrII I Hl 111' 1111,, , 111e t' est ;Md 11011111 hl' 11 W 1-11:111' ( 1: 111H1 1 : :: . )1" 111(1 11111111/111:1 1.1.

:111( 1 1\01. \‘111111 r 111111, 1e111rit . 1111 1 tr .11 11 :,crash nul it.t.cu, Lili tivonlinn. (hi :1 seinl l si.nle lie» H111, 0 r,latinnn ore 101111(1. rcillu iu 1110 'RI 1110 ,-,',1011‘ HI, LI11/1'. Ili IIII1 us atone

1/00S0111. ;01112 11-0111 ,10-1

Lit ur

ihoninantly Keeiionit is round. \tin) oci•ndoist st'ai il ;Huai, ce 1,:oiruntiali, novt n Luit

tir linhiniat Hityh— et' nntin, and -.1tIn11c

in lite upriirr, !lu-.pian rrcl,s

Thesrnlorli Led,,, .,, nh vtoTe is ,Pst- siuiilar

Io that et the Cobalt rliarirf tkiterited lir Ng. G. but

sitive ;mutiler Iluroninn >cries is sent tel linettn lit. Cotait

!trieur, thietness lu i appis 7.-a} Ire;` disturb- e(111uruniun srdilurn Is is luntd ,:n Tinnun NurFac,i, eU Ji et- sua Lin ruul I.I1110011tII I 0 111' I IS SUL: 1 111,1d Il) 010

depreitiou 01' Ille li ns . ;In Or diabase

in dylies and ln the h au: interval srhirlt ha elitpsed sinee Ibis tu-h:usina, eNtensit ertsion Ir as n1'0,11100(1 1110 ii' "ont inre-

guIrÉr surface (; I 1:(91-10(.1: tepott.aphy, the t allr.ts tri' trhi:dl

arc West- parUy 11 11rd e1;1.‘ 11:11 , 1 l\ ;ire a notable tenture or the

K : ehlcit suries in the district, the Keotratin, consista .groPmslonu subLis, gr:rnediorite and

g010, 0a1 Itimn sipu,eiied, ont in sorte

cases it is vert dillirnll to tell tille \vas the original ellarnetur of idiot ;Ire note sehists.

'1.)ntatio Rune; Koporl , !POT., pu, II.


GE:01,06V 0E' P \ BRE TOWNSHIP. 9 Laurcibian The varions types or Keewatin rocks have been intruded by a. granite with its aceompanying dykes of granite-porplivrv, a [dite. „ etc. 'Plie meehanical.

niovements conneeted with ais intrusion have probahly been largely responsible ter the stineezing cf the Keewatin rocks show nientioned. None of the granite rocks intrude the rocks iff the Lobait series.

Following the Keewatin and La urentian is a. succession of sedinnints assigned te the thironian and represented by three series:—the Fabre, Cobalt and Lorrain.

Fabre Series: Glosely assoeinted with the Keewatin, and a Iso some \vhat squeezed. is a filin succession of eon- glomerate, ark-ose, quartzite and grcv \vacke, vvhich represent the lowest series of Ilurenian round in the district. This stries lies helow, :end is cssetitially difrerent voir the Louver Iluronian deseribed l r y ]iller at Colialt, and also developed in Fabre.

The relations to the Latirentian are- less \yen known, the monts Poing chier Ilion sonie of th, dyke-roelcs and younger than ct.hers.

Cobalt ,`'crins: Laid clown on a very nneven floor, is the series of course rounded oonglowerate overlaid by greyeaulte, date and iiritose, the evtension of the series called by Miller the Cobalt series, and bv ltim referred lo the Louver urcnian. In Fabre a dense greenish greywacke of the Fabre series is fourni heneath the conglomerate with_ a distinct erosion contact.

Lorrain Series: The reddish arkose of the Cobalt series passes upwants with slight (ir any) uneonformity into the greenish more or 1,-iss felspathie quartzites known as the T,orrain series. In the Crowganda district the évidence of un- oonfornrity is oonsidered Io lie surfieient, though not superabun- da nt.

In Fabre the transition is generally niarked hv thin beds of an angular congloinitrate repeated at frequent intervals in the quartzite. angnlar congloinerate grading upward into an claire-1y sintilar greenish quartzite fonnd in stiveral places, has been mapped as lyime between the Lorrain quartzite and the Cobalt soties,

Posi-Hurnainn Diabase lu intrusive contact with all the ohove inentioned series is the dia- base so well known as heing the source of the silver


of the Cobalt and nei ghbouri ng districts.


10 MINES \ IN-CE OF tJc1

TA TLLE f' 1:01[11_1170:1'S 1S PARUE.


Glacial and recru+ ws, e

1 ',T'y r,ocof un/mi/cria rut.‘

Post-11nroni an Ne“ 'Md I

[.() tu (0,5 rait lite! )


Lorrain 14eries .\ 'hese end t

(1 ) Andin nr rnu.ç lnvx rüc, upie. :ill fiel.

if (//0/, HP(' 1/(111dy.

Cobalt Sepies, (a ( \ gccvv ;lek(' an(.1 tip Io 1-1.11(.• ret il) I2,-,110,1,,,1 c,:11:(( 13(3,(rate, up lo n0 110,(1 113c1;

/1/1i,(((i (03'ff/0'0TM i(1/,)

SerieS. Comprising ai set.11monts 31,1,0- thym Ihe Cobalt se (31 Grovw 0,1,:e 30.1 se1111st 1(11 ro 1011,,et -(1

,10altzi13, 110 fo 1(1(1

1 ,• an,01,01 110101ovv n.

(d) Sc111,-,13 ,.,‘ tg., 1 (200 fu.,1 l'UnC0), Torllrihf.l

Taturentialu Gralitle and allicd rnclet kiltIV• Tl In be eF scrcrad rige,,,

bu( 1101 rcl sul)3.11‘1,1,,,I,

raille p:irly

&muge( 1113,1, 11,(( F:drre •„,(1•13,.

(0117 (1)111f(((.1.)

TCeewatin Granocliorile, intruding 1113 diabase ; €1,1,etife ronde t1(e basculent rock ; schists ut varions and rttics, 111,((1:0:siti3c1.


The naine Keewatin is here applied to a relier comolex croup of igneons :dl of which have Leen disturbed and

more or less inetamorphosed. They foret a unit in iwmprising n11 the rocks older 1han the intrusion of the granite :nul conquise the loisement or ohlest stries of the district.

In a general ivay the Keewalin is foluid as a hen following the mar-fin of lite large granitic (trea


which the western boundary coules within the map sheet. However, the relief produeecl by erosion is snfficient to eut throngh the Post-Keewa- tin sediments and show occasional exposures of Keewatin rocks sonne distance away from this marg,in,

The Keewatin rocks show a. eonsiderable degree of metn, morphism, at least a large part of whieh appears to he due to die clients ni the gratuite intrusion. The district is rather small te show it uonclusively, but as has Leen noted in other districts, the ride holds here that the Keewatin rocks show increasing metamorphism with approna to the granite, and that there is commonly a contact zone of schists.


GICOLOG Y OF FABRE TOWNSHIP. 11 The principal types of Keewatin rocks found in Fabre are diabase, granodiorite and sehistose dérivatives of these,—horn- Mende, ehloritie, and other sehists. The diabase is frequently intruded by the granodiorite and is flots the eider.

KEE SV \ TIN` DI 11'

The more important areas occupled by the diabase are found in the district comprised by lots 20-27 or IV. and the west- ern portion or V. S. and VI. S. Another Occurrence is on lots 7 and S VII. N.

In the hand speeimen the diabase is very lori green to black, usually rather coarsely erystalline, but showing only a few signs of diabasie, structure since the decomposition of both ferromagnesinn minerais and felspar lias generally gone so far as te mask the structure.

Thin sections show that in everv case the diabase is very ranch deeomposed, but sufficient evidence is still left to Identity the original rock as a typical diabase. The original. augite is represented by hornblende. The felspars have tronc to secondary albite, zoisite, epidote and calcite, Lemmxene lias hemn formol prollahly Iroru titanite. The original ophitie structure is still distinetly recognizable.

Metamorphism bas produeed relatively lita° effect on the diabase, apparently largcly owing to the faut that the secondary hornblende of whieh it is mainly comiosed is one of the cornillon products of metamorphism.

In several places, notably on lot 7 of VII. N., also 5 of V. S.

the altercd porphyritie variety of diabase known as Euronite is found. On lots 7, 8 and 9, of V. S. the diabase contains very large amounts of magnetite, so much so that on lot 9 a prospect pit kas been opened, apparently to test it as an iron ore. Here the magnetite kas a, considerable ouatant of pyrite associated with it, and these two compose over three-ouarters of some por- tions of the rock. In other places an aeid differentiate of the diabase is found. Near the south boundary of lot 9

or V. S.

the rock is very coarse-grained, showing secondary hornblende up to an inch aeross, in poildlitie intergrowth with saussuritized felspars. In a number of instances grains of pyrite and galena were noted, forming the (tore of the hornblende. Small amounts of galena are aise found in fissures in the rock. A similar variety of the diabase also containing mitan veins of galena is found on lots 24 to 26 of IV.

The Keewatin diabase is believed to be the oldest formation of the district. Tt is net found intrualing any other rock, but is itself intruded by ail the other igneous rocks and furnishes fragments to the H nronian.




The grainsliorite is the trios' important Keewatin voile, and is

Pound iu moilopow; \‘iiluly

dist ributed onterops. In band specimmis the grarusliorife varies f n'An an olive green to a greeriish eolour, slitoving blue oves of quartz. The texture is ;nid ou eloscr exanli/laticn tiltitough ut first sight the quartz oves rive. a. pori lllyrifie ;ippearallre.

quartz grains are tteiw- usef id in itlefitirt-ing ibis cool;, >ince oves when the rock is squeezed or tleeointtosed tliey romain promirtent, and arrois] an easit‘ reeognizable eliartieteristie.

semions show the granodiorite to lxe eumposed

horublei le, relspar and quartz. Tinc hornblemie is tt Irak green. sli2111-1.\ pleoellroie variet), *toit_ outlines.

feispar shows good a zonal structure, the riais being botter presenefl thon the (sires, \vhich are in large part tfeeompmwsb seine individuels bat nig gone fi) sericite, others to epielote and zoisite. nunilier or the viols and mune r011m etc ir,dividuals \\ ere tletel illined as al lyito, On aeo01111-t 01" en-nue in deeompesiticn and otIrt eharamb rs

or th, is eell- sidrued t lint

orthoebise lelspar 'vas Mise ot•igitially present. Pub spar composes probahly over one-hale the roclt. Quartz varies in amount, but is gitlerally ;W1111(1;1111, in 1:irgi , pattus in tint 1111er- Stivi ,s,


the other minerais. Tittunto seconflary (t'imite oint calcite t‘ ere also obsened. The texture is holitetwstalline, et on_

gr:111111:w, yoarsu gratlitoid. The rock ha; lwen gicorr 111e nalle Lui ano(lioriW as; bort deseribing \that is bulievel to Le its original

ri posit

Ott î)erliz1V-: tu the larve n111011111,


relspars and

r(1 r(nmignesiall winerels, the graziodiorite readib\ Itintergmes deoemposition. 'W ail' Ibis iris talten pinte the result Las heurt to produee a mas!, of serieite, chlorite, zoisite, ttiflote and etileitr, seatterrd throuwii rvhieh ;Ire the unaltered grain; or quartz. \.s

alrently Jouit mentiorril, this gives ou l';1,,.11;11 ohscrcalrnn 1114'

rftcet Or ;I (11U)11Z /111VII.V1'.‘ . ;11111 Ille nid; lm; heen se immed, in sonie of the previous reports. 'The confusion bas beeu ;ittlet1 Io 1,,t, the l'art that large arecs Or quartz porphyries 0,, e11,1 in the lomiS11 .1!) 1101411

Fabre, hot u1 ral' rie

11t01, fi, 110f III H0111e

Th(' a ter ail, a mater ut tic grain utile

rock, the quartz porphyry being the porphyrine surratte erpli- valent tif the even-graluiltir, courser-grafi-m{1 granufliorite.


It was round possible to distinguish approximately three- quarters or the total a rua of' Keewatin as either diabase or granoiliorite, but the remaining quarter iras been loft tindivieled, nIthough by earerill \vork probably nieSt 011 11 (*oui(' be slimitarty divided. As rit present mapped this unelassilied portion inelutles


GE01.1 \ FABRE TowN›Hu. 13 hotte comptes diahase and granodiorite tintas and also small amonts of other wirieties of rocks, sneh as hornblende, green- stout and other sehists. and ellipsoidni greenstones.

Complr.r Arcas : The area of Keewatin rocks on lots 2-6 of V. S. Un-Indes two portions which \yent found to be too couples- to sulgliyide. A large port eonsisis of grano- diorite, whieh, with yery detailegl work, might possibly he man- ped separately. On the northern balf of the area there are a snober of east-west bands of typiggal ellipsoidal greenstones, tissoeiated with dense fine-grained greenstones.

An aven songewhat similar to titis last is food crossing lots 11-13 of V. S. and 1 3-1 5 of V. N.

Schists: ln a number of places the Keewatin rocks Rare been metatnorphosed roto whists and have lest so rnuch

or their

original I5g tures as fo rouler it difficult to ivork out Unir origin.

On lots 18-19 of IV. there is a sinati area of fine-grained hornblende sehist in intrieate relation with a more oeil vru•iety of rock. These were prgibably originally diabase and granodiorite.

On lot 11 of 1V., below the mill, the noyer diabase cuis a fine- grained areenstone sehist vont:lining drawn ont lenticular cayi- tics lined with epidote and tilled with ealcite. Nothing con te e said about the source of the schist, furtber titan that filin sec- tions show Seatures distinetive of an igneous rock.

The ;grog

or green sefrist, on

lots 7-10 of VI I . N. appegirs tu have hein derived from a diabase. At present it is highly gihdoritie, with yalcite in forms suggesling former labradorite lattis.

The Keewatin rocks have been grouped together eltietly o❑

the grounds of forming that part of the }gisement eomplex older Outil the granite intrusion. The detailed evidenee of sonie of the relations of the varions types of rocks will be found tahulated at, the end of the section on the Laurentian. It will lue sx:en that Unis evidenue, supported by Olier field observations, is suffit:huit tu demonstrate the relations

of most of the



The Fabre map-shuot lied touches the northwestern fringe of the immense area of haurentian rocks that oeigupies alugist the whole of that part cf Canada lying to the east of Fabre, north or nue St. Lawrence River. Si rice the purpose er the xvork

;vas sperially the investigation of the estent und eetrilemie pOssi- bilities of the Post-Iluronian diabase, esangination was ont made of the 'nain Lanrentian area farther thon to rionfirm the absence of diabase. The strie of Lanrentian rocks shows as continuons on the south and oust sigles of the sheet Chus only represents the margin of a vert' extensive area, of there rocks, Sot far outside the inap-shoot a gneiss is round, but none is known te Occur in


num. i xcE quilInEc.

the part nia piaal. Tho n nrlr nt- nier u nruch larges are', shunts tbat except une inslang(i no evidunee 111.1r0 thon one er granite or gneiss eau lie round. In the instance refrrred tY, uf tare tccurrenees ivliat lie Litsidetsi tu lue the sanie sediinents, in one rase the sediments are tutrudett by granite, in the ollier Ihet are -,i mitiger (han the granite. 'This lue ititcriirels as shunt , ing finit there are t \io ilifirrent granites.

In the pur-ont rel ier' is lnaA Luther that the uranites are tire saille Lut the sedlituatts

granite is the iisual even-granular holor rraalline e0arse graniteid toril et Ille naine. It in ei)ninionly of a giletnlish or grevi,li colour, les:. 1) 1 len pink.

Tien] sliniv 1111, granite to lue cuinposed of doniiiitirit

ii sulsiedituite tua 1:1 10a appar-

entlr rrsiihing hornkleittle, alto quartz and aeeessory a paf il ' N0 tr.ee9 r, ihc 01i4i11;11 erre roumi, and the lelsptirs 81.0 vterra Julien decoinpoaed.

„A large 'militir of dyke rocks on


granulie clans were found, the folluivilig hein;; noted. -biotite, and liornblende granite porphyries: mir-au\ ite granite pegmatite: hornbletille syenite porphyry.


nuise Ibo syerlite inernhyrt7 dykes are 111111.1] fi le limace al/n/1.11111T. Pile relative aga, as eaUtihlislied by intersections iras Jaunit Io granité; lite elthist, Lupused by horithlende s}-mile

roll/trait' by

biotite granite

ln titan]] Lorrain a et,nsideraLle area round of a 'horri- fie-lido;ycnite lo the dykes of Fabre. li t also is youriger thatt the Keectitin, and inay lie the source. of these dy lies.

The granite and. ils al lie1I d}- lueseoclia tire fia id tu be ,vuunger tlian flue fuel:, classeil as E leciituin. eVillence is quite (+ sir tha.t Hie granilie rocks aie ail eider th tut the liii- doubted sertes. The Palirn stries, 110 \V 0Ver, 00(0111iCS an intereiediale polit .ni. rragientl .; c11 syenite porlihrri are round in the conglorierate. Lut Inter granite porplii ry dcices eut the graidrilic sehists. The roll() \iitig table shows the relations front rcllirh the ululer er age of the filliauiatitt and Ilautentian routs 1v115 oluairnal, the figures shoiririe Ihe nimber oicutr-

airices alrierved.

cuf 11\-

Dinh:use Gninoc0(,ri Granite

Syeniic porphyry Granite rerphvrv


c.rot ony nu P. rra: Tott-Ntsti 15 P.1 alfE SEillES.

I+'aine. soties is Ibo Haire here pronrsed Ter a frais p of sedi- menin ry forinaticus h hi tt uneenformably benotth the Cobalt series. The eonirronee;„ Si) far as know'', :ire rallier seatteced, and there is siill seine nrwertainty as to the °Nad seouenee and relations cf the monl ers of the suries. nevertheless it is believerl that tin( saeresrinn 1 as Ir slready bien river in the

talle of forniations. lçurther la• sltutcn in the section on eorrelatien that thon, is olacti te telieve that ibis series is -prohribly 1.1‘preseilled in other districts, espeeially Io the norlh and northeasi in Ontario and filinelusa

itscriptions of Striking nearly art and west aeross the Oceurrœacos middle or the .Keereatift oomplex found on lais 2 tu fi of U.,(n5(e F. South, is a band of squeczed eonglemerate. 'Plie folialieiu is parallel to the strilie and clips Lo the nerth et Poing sinalar tu that of

the oc -H.111Jc urt ng sa e plat t, it atteins a width of 1125 foot.

On lot 3 the uonglsanerate li as holm faulted with a horizontal displayenaint of 1 00 1:1+1,

faste eementing the fragments is dark greenish, very fine-;rainai (dilapide nuit-rial, contains. snrtil angular grains of quartz and la erysitallized relspar, ami ‘tas apparently

dinits:in: t as a taud. The inclusions noted t ire syenite fair- phyry, granolicrite, quartz with Lematite, and inagnetito such as is found as basic segregatiens in the -Keewatin diabase. The twist :d'ululant fragments ilre of the granodiorite, -with which the ((onglon-levain is in eontaet. On lot 2 e band o[ somewhett reerystallized arkese is assceiated with flic conglomerate. The relations of the conglomerate tu the ad jactent :Keewatin rocks are net elearly shown. Broca, lowever, it eeniains fragments of 1)0111 Keewatin and Laurentian roths. and is Huis elearly younger than the rodes with whiell it is in contact on Lotir rides, it would acon tu lie either inietled Or Fall rltd.

On the west front of the bill, runninn diagonal:1y aeross lots 13-15 of Range V. :North, there is a siinilar though mach squeezed conglowerale. On lois 1 0, ranges Y. and VI. North, e selaistese quartzite and greywathe oecur apparently assoidated with titis ((onglumerate, and sinee they are on the main liure- nian sicle of the Keewatin, presuniably lie On top of it. On lot 13, range VI- . N., beside the upper ,haut on Young's Creek, a fora (-liants t' est or. titis hast loeality, there is n suinta exposrire of (Zreywarke witich is py.obably the latéral extension of that iust inentitned. The greywayko is tinesgrained, somewhat banded and eomposed enietly or (ingula e grains of quartz with lesser amounts of felspar, chierrite, and ire FI ont 'the grey- wael:e is overlain by the Cobalt conedifinerate. whieli lias hoth

dist inetl.l unconrorma hie dip und aIso conlains pebbles of urev- ivaehe.


ri ?dim.:, hl.vNei. PlioriNeic or grume!.

.1nothor geod expl.iiiiro of prostiniably this sanie grryvcackc is round en liai Shen . cf daiiiiiRio Rai. niai the inotitli of

Lavai -hi e Crook. Hove the 1 l obait oon\rhatiorate oints 11110011- forinithly (nt a lino-griiitiod greorlisli groye‘ eompomal ehiefly of minute anuoior l lmigr. rpagmorlis vsitl. tr fier grain"; of rehipar,

oldorito and , 01110 \ ory üne inaterial . 'Pinot is no

iineo/iferinit\ lad \voeu the (Ulis of I ho gtivy‘vivilai and the o'noloinorate. hul the pnryu aekr lias a distined erodod darda" .

This \Ans voir rlraliv solin. ploies honni obsorvod \vliet -h -10(. 1:s in the top Inypi. 11.111 1,1pri ing a ;-Loir in tire sarinul'. ' Filo rcnoic inotinto did doit rooeiee Inari? fraineuts ilion] Ibo (Yro.v \‘-arliai, hart n ‘‘oro nottrl /loin - the vidanot.

Thorie is ooroddriiiihlo ilivcrsity in hutte unientit and dirortion oi

clip iu gre1‘‘nel<1,, applsilo ilips 10 (1 coutirritig ‘iithin.

dist:nive or ton ohnins.

Tiio s'unil otailirrom os or grnpliitir prolaild\ - part of trie fil ' largor :Ivoi', lido -1i huilai in rang, 11 I ll. N. ' Tint titi lots

i., ,tosisn. or o Iisilr nighly genpliitie sohisl urtreniely

foldrd and vrilh tilt tram; its original Quarlz is

tuai nient ininural, orourring in d riiv.n out grouns, aise in ii-cliitud angnlar grains. as if possihiv l,i eliistio origin.

sorioitio inateriid and graphite tomothor Feria a Hait atiali)G11-ar ' the iaiiirtz, and ir lso abondant minorais as Folspio] and pyrite. This maqua\ in e is eut hy a granite periddrr,r ih,vize and r. ‘iiiiiiiid In n sliglilly reery , tiellizod arluiso.

Tho siTiairld roilirronoo is on lot 1. liv‘ide the dain (ai il r tdideis 1110 k. It is a s hier Four stal lizod lier-grained banded sehistese yontainind large irregidarld disdriladed quartz and t 'id:par idraitiis.

Tho layeis nue off

1 t

sivi ,hs oi

upn(iiir Muid: widerind prol ialid\ graphite. It is aise ont 11.‘ a granite porphyn - d\ hot shores la) otlipr rein- iii ris te

'11\‘() oisiiiireniiiis or ,o(tionoo, ›imilor tu thcsr Of tire Fabre

sierhis are round in the ne \ I township te the riorldniiist of -Fabre, and have Hen deserihod lev \Vilson

About thiaie tuiles northoeist ef the 110/itheas1 ( ieller of the Endre Inari -silo. I . ,110 \ ;1w (WsPI'Vlai ahurit Ivvo alld a half

> oo-th,, ost or ottor l.akr, oworo the granite is intrucled

loto the liudioninn. Tho 1 the point of

ineture by grey large 111a.:-.5125 or vrliieh are itioludisi in ino granite in the vioinil y (il ' the voraitet. r]' 11 diviiling lino bel rcoeil the tutu ruila is rairly delnity. tir ?rattito Nen.cling



sinit2t.h, hoo nie

;dong ifs Inargin.”

Soeur l'ire aines ruldlier Io -Hie inorlheasl i I lle Lure dis.tpit.t, there :Ire a rrumbur of (dong:lied pillolies

or vol,-

• nonoe. imduded in the poildes

„fistule tilla

nandoll iron. e\idontdv (lori oil Înall flic

* Wascal. '1\1. E., Graolai-Cy rr an \ raa aaioining 1hr p,a.1 ride of Icaming, pp. 1S and .2n, (hsilogical Surve:, at l'atiada, Ne. 111G4,


HEOLOCY OF FABRE TOWNSHIP. 17 surrounding rocks. ne. exact geological position of these con- clomeratos is not at all apparent, though it would secm probable that the).- represent relui:nuits of the basal member of the Huron- mn, which at one tinte overlay the gueenstone."

"There are sonne quartzite rocks ineluded in the -Keewatin greonstones which May possibly lie of sedimentary origin.

Exemples of titis ()cour a short distance south of the llead rapids on Rivier°. des Quinze, and on the south shore of the same. river below the Cypress rapids.''

In South Lorrain, on the west sigle of Lake Temiskaming, aeross from Fabre, a greywacke underlying the Cobalt cone- mente, and similar to that of the Fabre series, bas been noteil by

To sain tep, it is found that uneonformably below the basal eonglomerate of the Cobalt series, and younger titan at least senne of the Laurentian dyke rocks, there is a sehistose eonglo- merate with some arkose, sehistose q nadZite, greywacke and graphitic sehists, but it is not known detinitely whether Ibis is the complete sueeession or even the proper sem:lexie° of these toeks. The uneonlormity of the Fabre seules to the Cobalt series is shown by,--(a) diffeuenee of attitudes; (h) actual orosion contact with the overlying basal Cobalt eonglomerate;

(e) relative much greater deformation of the Fabre series; (d) possible intrusion by granitic dykes in one case and not in the otber.

As will lie mentioned again, an admise pebble eontaining fragments of a sec linientary rock found in the Cobalt eonglomer- ate gives evidenee of two unconformities below the Cobalt con- glomerate. Considering the contact of the eonglomerate with the underlying greywacke as being one unconformity, then there must be still older sédiments lying unconformably bencath the greywaeke.


Areal mapping about Lake Temiskaming lias shown that two series called by Miller the Cobalt and Lorrain series, extend into Fabre, and these naines are therefore retaincd in the present report.

The Gobait series, consisting of a coarse rounded eonglo- merate overlain by greywacke, slate and arkose, is chielly dis- tributed in the northwest portion of Fabre. Just outside the township, to the north, still larger areas are found. Numerous small areas are found seattered through the central part of the map-short, but since they are generally more or less isolated and give no great vertical section, little was learned front them. For the portion of the map revised by file writer, the eonglomerate bas been separated from the greywacke, slate and arkose, but titis

*Burrows, A. G. Ontario Bureau of Mines, 1Sth Annan' Rept., pt. 1I., p. 24.


1H BRANCII, PRO\ INCE 01' QI 1(111(C.

li as net Lets done in the remaining portion of Fabre or in South Lorrain.

The Lest section cf the CcLalt stries is Fouad on th, shore or Lake Temiskaining, south or Lavallee Bay. Here a thiekness of from three to Tell feet or oonglomerate is round lying 011 an ((rode(' surf:tee of the dense greywneke or the Fabre series men- tioned alict i. The eenglottierate is made up or genehany very

annule(' fragments vorying in size from eight inrhes aetioss clown to fine land. Aniong the inelusiens were noted hornhlende, biotite and inuseevite granites as fi le lima 001l1111(111 , next granite- porpliyrt and simili( r dyke l'OH:S, thon gratualiorite, varions undetermined grocnstones, a numher of the underlying grey- t\ aeloi, and histly one of arliose. The arkese pebble is note \\ ertll y tassilis° it ii( niait op or fragments or a stil" culer grey- waeke or arlicse. This }imans that 1...0111ell'1101'42 a greywacke or zirkose iras deposited vyliieh, «lier solidifieation tilla a. eliange of conditions, iras neted (\ti 1)y erosion. The restilting dettatiu;

alter a lime, solidilled. prebably forming part of the Fabre seriesi.

This sel formation 111 1111'11 was aise subjected to erosion, and the delritus emitaining fragments \vide!' theniselves hchl remuants of tins stili ()hier detritus, lias Vermeil the isingleammate and other deposits of Che Cobalt seriv,. This one pebble hy itself Clone gives

;vident.° or t,,,o erosion uneonformities. Censidering the limier- bing grey \cieke as giving one nneonroitinity, thon this pebble goes to show that there must be ((lier sediments lying sonieubere unconforninbly heneatli the greywaelie.

Seemingly sedimentary tiebbles ivere ;und in the conglet merate et Cobalt, lait they were eonsidered lis to lie of igneous engin, «bloc, eider sedinients \\ pro sot known to rassir, The matrix of the emigionierate varies, from dominantiv fine-grained dark-green thionine material to an arkose with a small amotint ()I' (lait( nialeria l. In gtmeral the eonglomeratc gives a dark colore °Feel. A vert' striking feature is the filet -that in Hayes the yonglemerate nury be deseribed as a g.rey- iviielte containing (freasional large pebbles, irhieh peculiarity lias carres} for it the naine or - slate" conglomerale, use(' by the cartier geologists.

Coing upwards hy a graduat and even smlden diminution in the nitinber of pehbles, the eonglemerate passes into an

arkese. The arkose is fine graine(' and varies from a greenisli gray colorer to o pinkish gray. rH beils are from six or eiglit roches to three fret in thiekness, and commonly have a elayey parting. On a. thieliness of ()Ver 135 fret of Ibis arkcse luisis a Land, one foot thick, of a purple slate.

Th, sud, is

cempose(1 of vert' Vine angular grains or quartz and felspar with plates of serieite and et iotite in parallel arrangement. 'Ille slaty elonv- age is very imperrect Al ove the slate there is sixty-fine fott of arliose siuiilar to that below, but this is followed ht- it i0 fret or tom ;min nerciie Mines, 18(11 Animal 1Z..porl, pl. II, ((p. 48-111.


GEOIOOt OF \ BRE TOWNSHIP. 19 coarse heavy-bedded pinFish arkose, eontaining occasional thin eonglomerate bands, and 'lemming the top of the hiLl. This section nias shows a thickness of 3:30 Met of these sediments.

About one mile smith of Lavidlee Cree]," a small exposure on the shore shows the soulhern nutrgin of the conglomerate resting on coarse Laurentian granite. A very striking feature is the presence in the conglemerate of a. nimber of granite and

greenstone boulders up tu three fret intross.

In the areas found in the northern part, the isonglomerate attains a mua greater thietness, even up to fifty fret. Jasper and other iron range pebbles are ais() more earnmon to the north.

'houe nowhere vert' abondant. Arlcose fragments were note{

in the conglornerate .fin lot of VIII. N., tdso 10 ;nid 13 of V I. N.

On lots 1(1 and 11 of range VI. N. the caingleinerate over- lies an arlzose shnilar tu that usually found ahove the conglo- monte. This was interpreted as Ming £1. repetition of the con- gloinerate, the lower laids being proliably represented by the exposure about tint it' {nains to the north, "dite!" shows the proper clip and strike for that position.

The Cobalt series is found uneonformably on varions Laurentian and Keewatin rocks, also gremaelze or the Fabre series. Between the (lobait series and that next younger, the Lorrain series, there is lifte, if any, unconformity in Fabre. In the Cobalt .nul Gowganda districts there is believed to he an uneonformity.


This series eonsists almost entirely of quartzite, but with a.

sannll amount of eonglonierate, lying with slight it any uncon- formity on the arlzose of the Cobalt series. The sequenee is shown in the occurrences on lots 3G and 37. aise 43 ta 4G of Range IL Going upwards the pinhish arkese ot the Cobalt suries changes rathar suddenly to the yellowish green felspathic quart- vite of the Lorrain, the transition being marlted bv rather Humer- ons slightly conglomeratie bands. The pebbles of these bands zre remariait(' in Ming for the most part angular quartz, with oceasional jasper fragments. The section on lot 4h of Range If gives 400 feet as a. partial thiehness for the quartzite.

On lots 1 lu fi of Range V. S., the Keewatin atm lits lying on it in severid places. a conglomerate whieh rapidly grades upwards into a greenish quartzite, of exaetly siniilar charactei- to that just deserilied. The eonglomerate eonsists wholly of angular material, chielly derived from the adjacent underlying rocks. The upper portion or the Keewatin lias been broken int') large angular blocks as nmeh as fi ee Met aeross, which, having nad the interspaces fille{ with the quartz sand, now feria the loivest portion of the conglamerate. Coing uplwards the angular fragments dirninisih in size till shunt îtc foot above



ihe base they are entirely locking. and the conglomerate grades over to a. quartzite. On lots 7 and 8 or V. N. the extension of the conglomerate aveulies a dark colottred arkese or greywaeke.

Considering Lite very strong similarity of the quartzite and, to less dere°, the angular nature t : the cong.lomerate, it is believed that these occurrences helong to the Lorrain serics..

A somewlutt comparable occurrence, near Ville-Marie, not far to the nori h of Fabre, li as been deseribcd by Barlow.* There the Iypieal quartzite is fcnnd to lie derived from the decomposi- lion of n granite in place.

On lot 7, Range V. N., the angular cenglomerate, similar to ibis last, is fttund lying, on top of an arkose. Another occurrence is on lot 35, Range IV.


The "newer" diabase is so ealled in distinction to the older Keewatin diabase. The naine gabbro lias been applied Io the very coarse phases of diabase, but since the ophitie texture is Itiso shown by these eoarse varieties, titis is an improper use of the terni gabbro. Neverth eless since nie tenu is in comnton use amongst prospectors and others, it scouts advisable to retaiu if for the present.

The newer diabase ()ceints in a large number of small, more ev less isolated patelles. Considering these in a broad way, it may be said that the diabase is distributed in two Itik, one roughly paralleling the contact between the Huronian and the chier rocks, running diagonally attross ranges AL III., IV., V. S., and V. N., the Miter following the shore of Lake Temiskaming and oecupying the points between Fabre wharf and Baie de l'Africain.

The petrographic study of the diabase rocks confirmed the general facts broug,ht out by more detailed studies of geologists in ober neighbouring districts**

In hand speehnens the diabase varies from a fi ne-grained greenish black rock, showing a ferromagnesian minerai penetrat- ed by laths or a greenish yellow felspar, to a very coarse-grained reddish rock showing a network of ferromagnesian individuals in a background of dark reddish felspars.

In thin sections it is found that the diabase is generally very Inch deeomposed and it is only in a relatively small number of

*Geological Survey of Canada, Vol. X, 1897, p. 195, L

nlletoils of the pctrography of the diabase rnay ho found in the following- articles :

Barlow, Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute, Xi, 1908.

Bowen, N. L., Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute, XII, 1909.

Journal of Geology, Vol. XVIII, 1910, p. 658.

Cajun, W. H., Economia Geology, Vol. V, 1910, p. 538.

Hors, R. E., Collodion Mining- Journal, April 15th, 1909.

Economia Geology, Vol. VI, p. :il.


GEOURW 01' FABRE TOWNSHIP. 21 slides that the original minerais remain suif-iule/111y frasil to ho recognized.

The frosh medium-grained 00111110SPii ehiefly of tiquai_



large nugites, and letspars whiith penetrate the atigite. lu tosser quantity is quartz, ehiefly intergrown with .1.patite, tiLanito, magnetite and pyrite are Pound as towessories. The ielspar aras round tu lie a basic labradorite.

Tho coasse variety, 001mnonly humas as "gabbro," and sametimes itred rock," is similar in minerai composition tu the modiom-grained incik, bat contains it souiller proportion of quartz is more ;t'ouatant. In a number Œf locnlities if eontains emall vugs lined with quartz ervstals ami filind with calcite.

.1 thint type of rock assniiated with the diabase in small amuunt is litnowtn this itod: 1lugite is entircly Mak- hig, ifs plan,. Ming partir taken by sural! iimounts of biotite,

The :white eonsists essentialbt, of intorliwking grains of quartz and Telspar.

The relations of the diabase types are well sien on lot 44 of 1V. nt the mil! on Young's ereek. At the eontaut with the Korat-afin, the (habilite is n dense dari: calmirai t n'eh: a

ro, illohos ,o,ay do, ,oloirate grain, are

readily distingoishahle and luths of a greenidi yellow


itan hl' sein. Coing still farther from the adititteit the grain linhows priigiztssiveh ioniser, h Mb a transition int() red rock, this being typically developed as Hase as 15 Or 20 fret from the montait.

At mourrons Otill2I' lentlitie relations sers observai!, living]] if is °n'y infrequently that mitual uonmets can he seen.

On lots 21 and 22 of 1 1:, alita 211 and dit ut 111, the occur- rences show lier-grainud balaise un the margins and loti lm parts

;sud su ieessivoly nid riait: tint] aphte tatiards the. -middle and Itiglier. There souillait tu lai a progressive vertical gradation from lire-grnined diabase hiles-. theough rad na]( to u typiral aphte on top. Suggesting a furtla r step or extrome litait, it vas nuted [110 nie api •Ite Or the sentir] lacality shawed trretrular spots


calcite , i-milar tu the vugs faund in the nid ruai:.

Similar onturremies in otber districts bave ileum ascribed as du iu either assimilation of


sediments ur to differentialion of the diabase/1 The titiller considers that the evidence faveurs diMerentialtion.

flplite dykes ara 1110tit abondant in the chialas or the occurrunees 01-1 OB' ia -ke silure. (ii`BIT:Illy thi'y are fine-grainni and of a bright coluur. Some show pichets of catin., ami in nearly ail, pyrite and eliabiop)-rito are rallier abondant. The

larget:1 dyke naticed bath a maximum width ut inehes.

considerable nundier average six inches th ick.

The relations of these types


rocks may be quneralized as

'Boom, N. L. , Journal or Geology, Vol. X\ -111, 191(1, p. R5S.

Collins, \V. 11., Eronomie Geology, Vol. V, itou, p. 5:1S.



follouvs : ln simili dykes and 11t the riarginu, of hiuti:rer niasses fine grahned diabase in inuvards Frein the vontaet Ille grain buisains, pri.grissiuchu largyr: the igueous body is riel rorli uuitli aldin in anse- iated. iu eoninienientar.u- thinigh relatindu sinalt proportion.

The aphte and reil ruer ire diFiereittiatis ful the original diabase magma. \ sl ecnonitihu Ille atilile is round in dykes outting the diabase. ln soin,' fw,0 .-; 1110 (11;11RO.f. li ns digurentiuteil into hc ntal la ors. uuith ri d roi tg). The ihu Iiis are ihruilu iisiweinted the silror ores 111 1110 1. 111'101p, .\10.11111, PI Ri\ f 1' zal..1 il iv 1.01lifved that Oie si h-o r-lies ring. . 1111101';11S dif101.01111111vi l 1 1'0111 1110 WH' llifo. rit 1 1111 I;( 11.0 111.11. ;1, I lle fiplil... 11 11.1 that rrird 11110 1 1.0 veillS 11t1101.0 1110‘ art' 11.1‘‘ I (.1111(1, vil lier direetly 1,y the aphte, or by lite lieated valets I<uouvri to ah+ pronent.

Torne (if : 1Fainuiliatiou or the inap large Ininiber ()yen rrentssu or (lin- hase iu ranges 1V.. V. 1-1 , N and Vl. S. tir guindai tInse ri;uu -Frein tiveiuu lu ri et al ive. the eLly tint. Tite la\ Cet perlions or the lIner giained ilian the unpur paris, in seueral cases very- niarhodla su. The nearliv iditerops of the ailler

vert'- 11111.1 11 1 10V0 Ille 0111y. s1111111.

011101.011 Of 111.1“1:-.. in 1 1p. 111111111.1\ 0, 1 001ller fir 4 or vr. N. lies at a louver leu th Oum the ini.juernt ;nid show eansiderable reerystrillisatien, due to hrat. .\ ride rittittitig iierunn luis 7-10 oF V. ;oui V. N.. in 'ensiileralilr Ithdier titan Ihese i ddier 111"a re il( 't T h I ocnIral llinli0r liontien iiihrisiists or or dia -hase, uuith unbrulls (.2 Keeuuirlin and liure/lian nhouuing nn eilLor cil le nein the feol of the niolos. The

;Iris) Keewatin iit I lle soufi' end in V, S. lorari a love Hat - toplied ridas niole \d'h+ the iiiabnse vises es il iL hart ei \hired the lieetcatin -hot 1111(1. 1 :0011 111111111f .1 lad:. At the u,ciiih end id ha 7 id Cl. N. the diabase In, n vertical ehnlad, uvitii the 11 11 II. 'Phis May be 011 Eut

I .21qieri1 1 ilivtriitutir u ()I' the dial laso it ia belieg. d to lie inerely a Laval itil iatsiur th—ding of the hediluuin-

_t brie(' reirsideral ion id the -relations ,I1151 dis.gribusl in suif - Ceieril tu iurlirale that 1- luise oseurri lires are part> of a single lornier unit or having ils inihihr ilittienni, tin horizontal and lhin, smirgesting itou ils rata is eilllor an intrinhue -,ill or

11110N11111, 1V0 11.1‘r. T110 011ii. 11 F. 1111r0-1 fliStill..tiVu Ci' ilium, Iwo typo,: 111'... Muid. 111a revins are glitssu. i.r nt leirst relativelu ver - lino-grained. usual ly espevialhu at

the lipper louver euntaids, the imper sumacs.

SEI.I. i;101.011s.: Ille r0011, 01 sil', are relallk 1.1V 0 .111.,..c-gniillutl.

I arele H1;1101.1111 and. 110-Ver f.‘ ider1.10. shows

that ne 000Erren..f., ar.. 111f. S11/110 lire], pro- lialuly lune about the sanie vertical isertioini show


GLU v UG p titlitt 23 gradation down Lo the underlying rock, whieb in seine cases is aetually exposed. The grain of the mole, howover, is eommonly tolite nuarse and net at ail glassy, onygdaleidal or seorineeous, although it, nuast be berne in mind that the original upper and possibly seorineeous surface, may have Leen removed. ln favour of a sin is the Putt that large masses of sediments, suelu ils thase On the buts around 25 uind :17 of 11., (1S of IV., and 2, pf VI . N., arc not only topographically higher Hutu the diabase ()cour- neraws, but the projection et lite present a.ttitude of the bedding indientes that the diabase was firriie probably (do-verni hy the sedimenls. Lr turtlier support (IL the intrusive cluarauter of the diabase is the l'art that -the sediments, having a no1011 less

gravity titan the diabase, tvould tend to be liftevl and floated by it, rather titan a How if to break through and pour ont on the surface as :un extrusive. 1-1- vvil l lue noted in titis cohnees tion that the sill appears [o have Leen intruded chiefly iule the Ilivronian sediments at or near the contact with the Keewatin.

JIUIV be mentiouted as an unexpeeted Tenture that only one sinal l dyke, showing hoth wons, was round eutting the sediments. This oeeurs on lot 1 of V I. S.

The oecturrenees on the laitue shore forer what, are really cptite low knuubs, but in Ibis case rendered eonspieuous by risinet abruptly out cf a wlury flat on one su ie and Oie water on flic otites. They also give soune evidenee of betn, remuants of a

The islands in ho111 Lay:1116e and Afrieain bacs oonsist of -the Cobalt eonglemerate. Between the mass or diabase on Quinn's l'oint and that next to the souri!, there is a small low lying exposhre of arlccsc in the bottera of the bav. The arkose shows baking and the noarLy htece facto of diabase shows pro- gressively -liner grain :from the top (11»vn, In genem'al these 01 'KI Iltreln'eS of diabase show mach liner grain at the wafer's edge than higher up. These facts ben r out the view that these masses are the ruminants of a sin. On Hie ("lier l'ami the a.pproximate lincar arrangement cf (hese eceurrenots give t:uttne suggestion of their heing oulerops of a dyke, but 16evand titis sliggustinn there are no uther artr nnents in faveur of sua. a dur-, and a humilier of farts in dire:i opposition.

Contact Ph( m»ne : nie inetamorphiSm cause(' by the in- trusion bas usually Ouen limited to within a cerf- few feet of the contact. The only places showing any generat effeet arc the uouurrenees cf sediments on lots 7-9 of V. S., when, the u1HCC:•1' or quartzite Las Leen pan tly rei'rySIn 1:ized and is "spni ted." the sentit end

of vl. x., the


nnirgin il the dia hnSe bas digested a certain amount cf the seditnents. Even fi tteen cr twenty l'eut frein the contact it is seen in Oulu sections that -the diabase eontains humerons Part11(

absorbe(' shreds ou: the quartzite and arkose. These an: fonnd


94 aaIN'ES itr.ÂNcrt. l'Itù \ INC1: OF QT-E11lie.

in ail stages From relatkoly large fragments (1(»x-n to those that nui into a men) strealt or material sella -raft/1g the felspar eid.‘slids. The felspars are n(lativelt- more acid Hutu in the normal (-bal ise. and the ferrorni ..(nesian minerals are present in very :1111011111-a. annthrr rpatore or the diabase at this tot.aiity is the presenee oP irregular niasses of valvite an inch or lu° ocras and entitaining or surrounded by pyrite. vlialeop.srite.

red(lish lelspar and suinte quartz. There is no -variation in the grain or the rock surrounding these niasses, and tliey are con- shlored to te magnum-he segregations of the snitie type as Ille aplite 'l'ut or titrer chairs Io the n'est or the roui-net there are mimerons liliale; of diabase yontairting voins oint no;tol).‘-. Tho velu:. are ouniarkahle in Loing antillaise(' or a heat s entai_ GI asinite itext to the (valls and 'Weil entelle stained -))11 h eohait bloom. 'Plie only other coin ()I' this type (round, etits the Keenetlin in the east drift (d the main sitaft en lot 3 of \'. N. This loeality ila0112111 thr South end 0f' 7 ci' 1. N.. \l'HUM \Idl reply further study.

Caban o a : The diabase and girbbro helong 10 the saine suries of intrusions /IN 111111 lite Libi (.0I;?ftr (In 1, „„it, Lorrain, Cobalt and the -sarimit; ]lont- rcal districts. ()\)-ittu tu Ibis 9flb/11:11111' importance the diabase luis reeeiled ft ereal (101(1 or ,ilit•ritic.o (1 .1111 11(111 mineur9 and pueliteists. The restai lins bers to aima that oueurreriests this sailli' typo or diabase are extreinely itbundanl throughout

that part or Ontario liet).«•en datte Tentistuuning and the errent developments kee()enit man diabase iiround ! lite Superior.

117Iiile no detailed tadrographie stud.\- or the relations of ti r-s,' varions diabase cerit itenees lias twill made. it is, hinreeer, all\ Iloopinod that Ihov nll Induntt to Ila sanie generzil intrusion.

The ririons ki• ilii, 1;ptiel are: lb) throughout an) or opeurrenias or 0111 type, witivil ih•c•orrigives

nuit 1111-1\ in 111120 broad irai ares but 11119.9 eHlterialle III fl ic details if diherentiit tion; the intrusi\tes or the han), ag. iu so Jar ;is Loing l'est-Illironiun. An inldithinal point of simil.irid\- is th() vointtent assitidittion cl' ore deprsits. i •rsi(obsilt _ro-. per (11S0S 111 lite T19111`11:i1/11111LI IlisialbtS. 001 119' al linier :\ 1 1110S errai Alielii itientrn, si l ci r in the l'art .Arthur (listriet, amui most ,'rcbably ;i ls() l elourgiug pire.—the iliol,01</ppor ores of sildbur:\-.

it miglir ho olootull lo ((ail luis ii19 lleevrnatcail dinbase fur the Tomisltaining district it appidirs preferahle tait to da se tintil I hi' eorrelittion li as Leen more l'uldsr ostablishe(l.

The percer i ii;11:1>a i s ratant 19 the yonrigest salir( reelii in Fabre .11)i itidant iutrusicr emitilets 'acre t'oit -nit in the Kees

‘tatifi. d'or the Ilaroniiin i'()\)er aettull vont:lets wtere 50011. lad Oie ovidene() or ifs Liter agi) 'cas t l itite siiii-ifindory.


(nE01.00y Or rArRE ToWNSITIP.



Of the arec indieated on the inap as "elays, sands and grilvels," proltably over ninety-five per cent. is °couplai by clips. Froslily exposed sections of the surface deposits are rare, but by piecing together fragmentary information from varions exposares, t fairly gond ide; of the eonditions may lie obltiined.

On Young's Creek in Range VI I. N., one of the few gond se tons situas twelve feet of unassorted boulder Hely lying on bed-rock, fanon-cd hy about thirty fuel of stndified elay. The holfinn layers of (Tay are about four Maltes thick, but in about tien fret upwards they have deereased Lu an average of half an inch. In Miter hatalities both thith tout tain layera are found, Lut it may lie sait that in ganterai the stratification of the elay varies from one to aient one inch. Froid stream rut batiks it is faund that the elay rembes a thickness of Pt- foot. At varions points ;dong the rorhy ridge erossing lots 8 and 9 of V. N. and V. S., there are abundtint kaki depcsils of gravel appmently ocaupying the mincir hollows of the rock surface.

Neklr the West end Of lut :t2 of. 11E., rund ballast bas. been obtailled from ;1. dcpcsit aross-hedtled samly gravel, which saints to underlie the elay. The top of tlft hill ou lots '25-27 of [I., by the lakeshere, is largely mampied lis deposits of boulder titi. Ln vannerons Miter places sand and graitut \vette foute' oh the bill tops, while (Tay girdled the foot. Observations [mille in a num- ber of tomes, but not sititioiently widespread ofiofiefi to lue aon- t`irtnatory, go -to show that the stratified alay lias Mit luron depeSited in Fabre al heights greator thon 150 fret above Lake 'fiemishatoing.

Sunmring np the ratite]. insufflaient information, the conclu- sion is reathed that the Ited-rmh. at all levels, is overlain by 'rive:Mar variable deposits of imassorted Till , sand or gravet, on top of whieb up to a. levai of about 150 foot above Lake Ternis- eaming, is a deposit of stratified el,ly varying in thickness from nothing up to over forty feet. Wells and s'oings issuing front the (Tay, tuner

mention. or. ithidi

m'in lie made latex under

" water reselirees," confirni the presence of e imitants stratum lioneatli the elay.


K ceiratin : The roeks whieh are gronped as Keewatin corres- pond in position, in general lithological eharacter, and in their disturhed condition tu the Keewatin as defined hy the International Commitlee on nomenclature. The Keewatin rocks of Fabre are elosely comparable with those of the South Lorrain. Cobalt and Tlowganda. districts. Tu these other districts the varions types have net been n'appert separately, but a.ppar-


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