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CBPSgen: A workload generator for evaluating content-based publish/subscribe systems


Academic year: 2022

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CBPSgen: A workload generator for evaluating content-based publish/subscribe systems

Evaluating content-based publish/subscribe solutions (CBPS) requires gener- ating a workload that verifies a set of assumptions that may impact the perfor- mance measured (resource consumption, throughput). Given the lack of publicly available datasets, synthetic workloads are widely accepted. We aim at assisting the community with tools that will help experimenters in generating workload scenarios for their experiments. These tools should provide an interface enabling experimenters to specify their scenarios (workload specification), and translate a workload specification into a particular schema of subscriptions/publications.

Different schemas should be supported, the most common being attribute/value pairs (conjunctive semantics), keywords (conjunctive and disjunctive semantics) and multi-dimensional coordinates. The D7.6 deliverable of the Onelab 2 [2]

project defines the requirements and describes a preliminary design of a work- load generator called CBPSgen [1]. Unlike existing tools, CBPSgen [8], adopts an event-based model for workload modeling which is schema-independent and which enables a better control over workload properties. The purpose of this internship is to contribute to the design and development of CBPSgen.

In particular, the following tasks will be realized:

• Benchmarking of existing solutions, including [8].

• Support of allOnelab 2D7.6 requirements. (Available on request)

• Support ofBRITE[7] andGT-ITM[3] topologies.

• Development of a GUI for the visualization of the distributions character- izing the workload.

• Extension of the workload generator with the ability of to generate schema- specific subscriptions.

• Extension to content-centric networks [5].

• Development of integration components with the PEERSIM [6] simulator and theREDS[4] middleware.

• Realization of a demonstration on the OneLab platform combiningCBPSgen andREDS

Candidates to this remunerated internship should have strong analytical skills and be comfortable with Java programming and the english language.

The intern will be hosted by the LIP6 laboratory for a six month period.

Contacts: mohamed.diallo@lip6.fr,serge.fdida@lip6.fr.




[1] http://www-npa.lip6.fr/cbpsgen/.

[2] Onelab2 d7.6, implementation of content-specific operational extensions.


[3] K. Calvert and E. Zegura. GT internetwork topology models (GT-ITM), 1997.

[4] G. Cugola and G.P. Picco. REDS: a reconfigurable dispatching system. In Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Software engineering and middleware, page 16. ACM, 2006.

[5] V. Jacobson, D.K. Smetters, J.D. Thornton, M.F. Plass, N.H. Briggs, and R.L. Braynard. Networking named content. InProceedings of the 5th inter- national conference on Emerging networking experiments and technologies, pages 1–12. ACM, 2009.

[6] M. Jelasity, A. Montresor, G.P. Jesi, and S. Voulgaris. PeerSim: A peer-to- peer simulator. URL: http://peersim. sourceforge. net.

[7] A. Medina, A. Lakhina, I. Matta, and J. Byers. BRITE: An approach to universal topology generation. In Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2001. Proceedings. Ninth Inter- national Symposium on, pages 346–353. IEEE, 2002.

[8] A. Yu, P.K. Agarwal, and J. Yang. Generating Wide-Area Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Workloads. InProceedings of the 5th International Work- shop on Networking meets databases (NETDB’09).



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