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Traveling wave solutions of advection–diffusion equations with nonlinear diffusion


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Ann. I. H. Poincaré – AN 30 (2013) 705–735


Traveling wave solutions of advection–diffusion equations with nonlinear diffusion

L. Monsaingeon


, A. Novikov


, J.-M. Roquejoffre


aInstitut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Toulouse 3, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse, France bDepartment of Mathematics, Penn State University, University Park, State College, PA 16802, USA

Received 5 January 2012; received in revised form 9 November 2012; accepted 27 November 2012 Available online 12 December 2012


We study the existence of particular traveling wave solutions of a nonlinear parabolic degenerate diffusion equation with a shear flow. Under some assumptions we prove that such solutions exist at least for propagation speedsc∈ ]c,+∞[, wherec>0 is explicitly computed but may not be optimal. We also prove that a free boundary hypersurface separates a region whereu=0 and a region whereu >0, and that this free boundary can be globally parametrized as a Lipschitz continuous graph under some additional non-degeneracy hypothesis; we investigate solutions which are, in the regionu >0, planar and linear at infinity in the propagation direction, with slope equal to the propagation speed.

©2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Nous étudions l’existence d’une classe particulière de solutions d’ondes pour une équation non linéaire parabolique dégénérée en présence d’un écoulement cisaillé. Sous certaines hypothèses nous prouvons que ces solutions existent au moins pour des vitesses de propagationc∈ ]c,+∞[, oùc>0 est une vitesse critique calculée explicitement en fonction de l’écoulement mais peut-être pas optimale. Nous prouvons également qu’une hypersurface de frontière libre sépare une zoneu=0 d’une zoneu >0 et que, sous une hypothèse supplémentaire de non-dégénérescence, cette frontière peut être globalement paramétrée comme un graphe lipschitzien. Nous nous intéressons à des solutions qui, à l’infini dans la direction de propagation, sont planes et linéaires avec pente égale à la vitesse.

©2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Consider the advection–diffusion equation

tT− ∇ ·T )+ ∇ ·(V T )=0, (t, X)∈R+×Rd, (1.1)

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:leonard.monsaingeon@math.univ-toulouse.fr(L. Monsaingeon),anovikov@math.psu.edu(A. Novikov), jean-michel.roquejoffre@math.univ-toulouse.fr(J.-M. Roquejoffre).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



whereT 0 is temperature,λ0 the diffusion coefficient andV =V (x1, . . . , xd)∈Rd a prescribed flow. In the context of high temperature hydrodynamics, the heat conductivityλcannot be assumed to be constant as for the usual heat equation, but is rather of the formλ=λ(T )=λ0Tmfor some constantλ0>0 and conductivity exponentm >0 depending on the model, see[17]. We will consider here the casem=1. In Physics of Plasmas and particularly in the context of Inertial Confinement Fusion, the dominant mechanism of heat transfer is the so-called electronic Spitzer heat diffusivity, corresponding tom=5/2 in the formula above.

Suitably rescaling one may setλ0=m+1, yielding the nonlinear parabolic equation

tT Tm+1

+ ∇ ·(V T )=0. (1.2)

When temperature takes negligible values, sayT =ε→0, then the diffusion coefficientλ(T )=λ0Tmmay vanish and the equation becomes degenerate. As a result free boundaries may arise. We are interested here in traveling waves with such free boundariesΓ :={T >0} = ∅, and in additionT → +∞in the propagation direction.

WhenV ≡0 (1.2) is usually called the Porous Medium Equation – PME in short –

tT Tm+1

=0 (PME)

and has been widely studied in the literature. We refer the reader to the book[16]for general references on this topic and to[1–3]for well-posedness of the Cauchy problem and regularity questions. As for most of the free boundary scenarios, we do not expect smooth solutions to exist, since along the free boundary a gradient discontinuity may occur: a main difficulty is to develop a suitable notion of viscosity and/or weak solutions; see[13]for a general theory of viscosity solutions and[6]in the particular case of the PME,[16]for weak solutions.

The question of parametrization, time evolution and regularity of the free boundary for (PME) is not trivial. It has been studied in detail in[8–10]. When the flow is potentialV = ∇Φ(1.2) has recently been studied in[15], where the authors investigate the long time asymptotics of the free boundary for compactly supported solutions.

We consider here a two-dimensional periodic incompressible shear flow V (x, y)=

α(y) 0

, α(y+1)=α(y)

for a sufficiently smoothα(y), which we normalize to be mean-zero1

0α(y)dy=0. In this setting (1.2) becomes the following advection–diffusion equation

tT Tm+1

+α(y)∂xT =0 (AD-E)

with 1-periodic boundary conditions in theydirection.

Remark 1.For simplicity and concreteness all our results will be stated here in two dimensions(x, y)∈R×R, but may easily be extended to thed-dimensional case(x, y)∈R×Rd1. All the proofs below will indeed apply to the letter by considering separately each component of∇yinstead of simplyy.

For physically relevant temperatureT 0 it is standard to use the so-called pressure variableu=mm+1Tm, which satisfies

tumuu+α(y)∂xu= |∇u|2. (1.3)

Remark 2.Whenm=1 pressureuis proportional to temperatureT, and this particular case will not be considered here.

Looking for wave solutionsu(t, x, y)=p(x+ct, y)yields the following equation for the wave profilesp(x, y)

mpp+(c+α)px= |∇p|2, (x, y)∈R×T1. (1.4)

In the case of a trivial flowα≡0 it is well known[16]that for any prescribed propagation speedc >0 there exists a corresponding planar viscosity solution given by

p(x, y)=pc(x)=c[x]+, (1.5)


where[.]+denotes the positive part. This profile is trivial forx0 and linear forx >0, with slope exactly equal to the speedc. The free boundaryΓ = {x=0}moves in the original frame with constant speedx(t)= −ct+cst, and the slope at infinity therefore fully determines the propagation.

In this particular case the free boundary is non-degenerate,∇p=(c,0)=0 in the “hot” regionp >0. The differ- ential equation satisfied by the free boundaryΓ in the general case was specified in[10], where the authors also show that if the initial free boundary is non-degenerate then it starts to move immediately with normal velocityV = −∇p|Γ. In presence of a nontrivial flowα=0 a natural question to ask is whether (AD-E) can be considered as a perturba- tion of (PME). More specifically we are interested here in the following questions: (i) doy-periodic traveling waves behaving linearly at infinity and possessing free boundaries still exist? (ii) If so for which propagation speedsc >0, and is it still true that the slope at infinity equals the speedc? (iii) Is the free boundary wrinkled by the flow and how can we parametrize it? (iv) Is the free boundary non-degenerate and what is its regularity?

We answer the first three questions, at least for propagation speeds large enough.

Main Theorem 1.Letc:= −minα >0:for anyc > c there exists a nontrivial traveling wave profile, which is a continuous viscosity solutionp(x, y)0of (1.4)on the infinite cylinder. This profile satisfies

1. ifD+:= {p >0}denotes the positive set, we haveD+= ∅andp|D+C(D+), 2. pis globally Lipschitz,

3. pis planar and linearp(x, y)cxuniformly inywhenx→ +∞.

Moreover there exists a free boundaryΓ =∂(D+)= ∅which can be parametrized as follows:there exists an upper semi-continuous functionI (y)such thatp(x, y) >0⇔x > I (y). Further:

Ify0is a continuity point ofI thenΓ ∩ {y=y0} =(I (y0), y0).

Ify0is a discontinuity point thenΓ ∩ {y=y0} = [I (y0), I (y0)] × {y=y0}, whereI (y0):=lim infyy0I (y).

The question (iv) is still open. The non-degeneracy of the pressure at the free boundary∇p|Γ =0 and the free boundary regularity are closely related. For the PME it was discussed in[8–10]. We have, however, a partial answer under some strong non-degeneracy assumption.

Proposition 1.1.With the same hypotheses as in Main Theorem1, assume the additional non-degeneracy condition pxa >0holds inD+for some constanta. Then the functionI (y)defined in Main Theorem1is Lipschitz on the torus, and the free boundaryΓ ={p >0}is the graphx=I (y).

Remark 3.The condition of linear growth at infinity is natural because it mimics the planar traveling wave (1.5) for the PME. Let us also point out, a posteriori, that this linearity appears very naturally in our proof, see Section5.

Recalling that we normalized

T1α(y)dy=0, we will always assume in the following that the propagation speed c >0 is large enough such that

0< c0c+αc1 (1.6)

for some constantsc0, c1. This is indeed consistent withc > c= −minα >0 in the Main Theorem1.

The method of proof of Main Theorem1is standard. We refer the reader to[4]for a general review of this method and to[8]for the special case of the PME. The proof relies on a simple observation: ifpδ >0 (1.4) is uniformly elliptic; we shall refer in the sequel to any solutionpδ >0 as aδ-solution. The main steps are the following.

We first regularize (1.4) by considering itsδ-solutions withδ1 on finite cylinders[−L, L] ×T1,L1 with suitable boundary conditions. In Section2we solve this regularized uniformly elliptic problem, and derive mono- tonicity estimates of its solution in thex direction. In Section3 we take the limitL→ +∞ for fixed δ >0, and establish

Theorem 1.1.For anyδ >0small enough there exists a smoothδ-solutionpδon the infinite cylinder such that limx→−∞p(x, y)=δandp(x, y)

x→+∞cxuniformly iny.


The linear behavior will be actually proved in Section5for the final viscosity solution, but the proof can be easily adapted for theδ-solutions. We complete the proof of parts 1 and 2 of Theorem1in Section4by taking the degenerate limitδ0. Section4also contains the analysis of the free boundary and the proof of Proposition1.1. In Section5 we investigate the linear growth and planar behavior at infinity. We refine part 3 of Theorem1as

Theorem 1.2. Both for the viscosity solution of Main Theorem1and theδ-solution of Theorem 1.1, the following holds whenx→ +∞:

1. p(x, y)cx,px(x, y)candpy(x, y)→0uniformly iny.

2. If1< m /∈NandN:= [m], there existq1, . . . , qN andq∈Rsuch that p(x, y)=cx+x

q1xm1 + · · · +qNxNm


The second part is novel compared to the PME, for which the planar wave is exactly linearp=cxat infinity. Once again, we prove this statement for the final viscosity solution, but the proof extends to the δ-solutions. Section6is finally devoted to uniqueness of the wave profiles, and we establish

Theorem 1.3.For conductivity exponentsm >1theδ-solutions of Theorem1.1are unique up tox-translations.

2. δ-solutions on finite domains

Here we solve (1.4) on truncated cylindersDL= [−L, L] ×T1,L1 with a uniform ellipticity conditionp δ >0. We show in this section that this ellipticity can be achieved by setting suitable boundary conditions, and we therefore consider the following problem

0< δ < A < B,


mpp+(c+α)px= |∇p|2 (DL),

p=A (x= −L),

p=B (x= +L),

(2.1) where the constantsAandBare specified later.

We will show that any solution of (2.1) must satisfy px>0, and therefore pA >0 on DL. Thus (2.1) is uniformly elliptic. We prove this x-monotonicity ofp using the following nonlinear comparison principle, which relies on the celebrated Sliding Method of Berestycki and Nirenberg[5].

Leta < b,Ω= ]a, b[ ×T1and for any functionfC2(Ω)C(Ω)define the nonlinear differential operator

Φ(f ):= −mf f +(c+α)fx− |∇f|2. (2.2)

Theorem 2.1(Comparison Principle). Ifu, vC2(Ω)C(Ω)satisfyu, v >0inΩand

(x, y)Ω

u(a, y) < u(x, y) < u(b, y),

v(a, y) < v(x, y) < v(b, y) (2.3)


Φ(u)0 (Ω)

0Φ(v) (Ω)

uv (∂Ω)


⎭ ⇒ uv (Ω).

This leads to the following definition for sub and supersolutions: a functionp+C2(Ω)C(Ω)(resp.p) is a supersolution (resp. subsolution) if there holdsΦ(p+)0 inΩ (resp.Φ(p)0).

Proof of Theorem 2.1. The proof is strongly inspired from [5]. Arguing by contradiction, assume u(x0, y0) <

v(x0, y0)holds for some (x0, y0)Ω: taking advantage of the invariance underx-shifts of (2.2) we will compare uwith suitable translates ofvand obtain a contradiction with the classical Minimum Principle.

Forτ∈ ]0, b−a[let us denotevτ(x, y)=v(xτ, y)theτ-translation ofvto the right, which is defined (at least) on Ωτ = ]a+τ, b[ ×T1. Hypothesis (2.3) anduv on∂Ω implyu(b, y) > u(a, y)v(a, y), henceu > vτ in


Ωτ at least for largeτ. Slowly sliding backvto the left,u(x0, y0) < v(x0, y0)shows that there exists a first critical translationτ∈ ]0, b−a[such thatuandvhave a contact point(xc, yc)Ω. By continuity we haveuvinΩ, and (2.3) easily shows that this contact point is in fact an interior one (namely u > v in∂Ω). Invariance under x-shifts yieldsΦ(v)=Φ(v)0Φ(u), and subtractingΦ(u)Φ(v)0 we see thatz=uv0 satisfies

Lz:= −muz+


u+ ∇vτ

· ∇z


z0 inΩ.

This finally contradicts the classical Minimum Principle and the interior minimum pointz(xc, yc)=0 (the above inequality is indeed uniformly elliptic since we assumedu >0 inΩΩ). 2

Condition (2.3) may seem quite restrictive at first glance, as it requiresu,vto lie strictly between their boundary values along lines y=cst: the following proposition ensures that this is a prioritrue for any (positive) classical solution of problem (2.1). In fact we will prove later a much stronger statement, namely that solutions are increasing inx.

Proposition 2.1.Any positive solutionpC2(DL)C(DL)of problem(2.1)satisfies

(x, y)DL Ap(L, y) < p(x, y) < p(L, y)B.

Proof. Assumepis such a solution: sincep >0 on the (compact) cylinder[−L, L] ×T1we may simply consider

mpp+(c+α)px− |∇p|2=0 as a uniformly elliptic equationLp=0 with no zero-th order term. The classical weak Comparison Principles therefore implyA=min∂DL ppmax∂DL p=B onDL, and the classical strong Comparison Principles moreover ensure that the inequalities are strict inDL. 2

Corollary 2.1.There exists at most one solutionpC2(DL)C(DL)of problem(2.1).

We will show below that this solution in fact exists.

Proof of Corollary 2.1. Assume p1=p2 are two different solutions. ThenΦ(p1)=Φ(p2)=0 and by previous propositionp1,p2satisfy condition (2.3): Theorem2.1yieldspipj and thereforep1=p2. 2

We construct now two different types of planar sub and supersolutions adapted to our problem on finite cylinders.

An elementary computation shows that a planar affine functionp+(x, y)=A+x+B+is a supersolution (resp.

p(x, y)=Ax+Bis a subsolution) if and only if 0+(c+α)A+(A+)2(resp.A,). Due to hypothesis (1.6) this condition is satisfied as soon as 0A+c0(resp.Ac1orA0): any affine function with positive slope A+c0(resp.Ac1) is hence a supersolution (resp. subsolution).

We will also use some additional planar sub and supersolutions built as follows: we claim that for anyx0∈R, M > δ >0 andC >0 the following one-dimensional boundary value problem



muu+Cu= u2

, u(−∞)=δ,


has a unique solution, which will be either a sub or supersolution depending on the choice of C. This solution is moreover increasing and convex inx, as shown below together with existence.

Using the Sliding Method we see that any such solutionuCmust be increasing inx, and we may therefore implicitly setu(x)=F (u) >0. Hence consideringuas a variable (instead ofx) leads to solving

u > δ:mudF

du(u)+C=F (u), F (δ)=u(−∞)=0,

which has a unique solution F =FC(u)=C[1−(δu)1/m]>0 defined for all u > δ and satisfying in addition FC(+∞)=C (condition u(x0)=M will be taken care of later). Back to thex variable, the Implicit Functions Theorem yields a correspondinguC(x)satisfyinguC(−∞)=δ,uC>0 and blowing linearly asuC(+∞)=C. This solution is defined up tox-shifts, and the additional pinning conditionuC(x0)=Mfinally ensures uniqueness. Con- vexity is a simple consequence ofu(x)=F (u)dFdu(u) >0.


One then easily computes for 0< Cc0(hencec+α(y)C) Φ(uC)def= −muCuC+(c+α)uC




anduC is therefore a supersolution. A similar computation shows that ifCc1(hencec+α(y)C) thenuC is a subsolutionΦ(uC)0. This allows to build planar sub and supersolutions tailored to (2.1) and taking into account boundary conditions as follows: letδ >0 be a small elliptic regularization parameter, and define

p+(x, y):=uc0(x),


muu+c0u= u2

, u(−∞)=δ,


(2.4) If

B:=p+(L, y)=uc0(L) (=cst), (2.5)

similarly define

p(x, y):=uc1(x),


muu+c1u= u2

, u(−∞)=δ,


(2.6) As discussed abovep, p+are planar sub and supersolutions onDL= ]−L,+L[ ×T1. They satisfy all the hypothe- ses of our comparison Theorem2.1, and thereforepp+. We prove below that, choosing

A:=p+(L, y)+p(L, y)

2 =uc0(L)+uc1(L)

2 (=cst), (2.7)

there exists exactly one solutionpof problem (2.1) lying betweenpandp+.

Theorem 2.2.Fixδ >0small enough:forL >0large enough andA, Bdefined by(2.7),(2.5)there exists a unique positive classical solutionpC2(DL)C1(DL)of(2.1). Moreover, it satisfiesp(x)p(x, y)p+(x)onDLand pC(DL).

Proof. Uniqueness is given by Corollary2.1. It was shown in[11]that if there existstrictsub and supersolutions p< p+ then there is a classical solution p satisfying ppp+. Note, however, that we set C=c0, c1 in (2.4)–(2.6). This corresponds to non-strict inequalitiesΦ(p+)0 andΦ(p)0, meaning that these particular sub and supersolutions are not strict. It is however easy to approximatep±bystrictsub and supersolutionsp±ε, where p+ε > p+andpε < pare such thatp±εp±uniformly onDLwhenε0; this can be done settingc0εinstead ofc0andc1+εinstead ofc1in (2.4)–(2.6) (and also suitably modifying boundary conditions).

All the hypotheses of Theorem 1 in [11]are easily checked here, and we conclude that there exists at least one solutionpεC2,α(DL)∩C1(DL)such thatpε pεpε+onDLand satisfying boundary conditionspε(L, y)=A, pε(+L, y)=B. By uniqueness (Corollary2.1) this solution is independent ofε, i.e.pε=p; taking the limitε0 yieldsppp+onDL, andpis finally smooth insideDLby standard elliptic regularity. 2

As we letL→ ∞in the next section, we need monotonicity ofpin thexdirection as well as an estimate onpx uniformly inL, the size of the cylinderDL.

Proposition 2.2.The unique solutionp(x, y)of (2.1)satisfies

0< pxc1 (2.8)

onDL, wherec1>0is the upper bound for the flow given in(1.6).

Proof. pC(DL)C1(DL)is smooth enough to differentiate (1.4) with respect tox, andq:=pxC(DL)C(DL)satisfies


(c+α)qx−2∇p· ∇q

(mp)q=0. (2.9)


We first prove the upper estimateqc1. Since we setp(L, y)=A < B=p(L, y)there exists at least a point insideDLwhereq=px>0; any possible maximum interior point therefore satisfiesq >0, and of course∇q=0, q0. Using (2.9) we compute at such a positive interior maximum point(mp)q= −mpq0, hencemp0 andmpp0. The original equation (1.4) satisfied byp >0 yields now

0mpp=(c+α)px− |∇p|2(px)2|∇p|2(c+α)px, and sinceq=px>0 at this maximum point we obtainq=px(c+α)c1.

We just controlled any potential maximum value forpxinside the cylinder, and we control nextpxon the bound- aries using sub and supersolutions as barriers for p. Recall that we set flat boundary values p(L, y)=A and p(L, y)=B.

On the right side we use the previous subsolutionp(x)as a barrier from below: recalling thatpxc1and that pandpagree atx=Lwe obtainpx(L, y)px(L)c1.

On the left we use a new planar supersolution as a barrier from above: let p(x) be the unique affine function connectingp(L)=Aandp(L)=B, hence with slopes=B2LA. Using (2.4)–(2.6) it is easy to see thatBc0L andAδ when L→ +∞for fixedδ. As a consequence sc0/2< c0 for L large enough, andp is indeed a supersolution (see discussion above for affine sub and supersolutions). Sincepagrees withpon both boundaries our comparison Theorem2.1ensures thatpponDL, thuspxsc0c1on the left boundary.

Monotonicityq=px>0 insideDLis a classical consequence of the Sliding Method[5]: non-monotonicity would indeed yield an interior contact point betweenpand some suitablex-shiftp(.+τ ), thus contradicting the usual strong Comparison Principle. Strict monotonicitypx>0 at the (flat) boundaries is finally an immediate consequence of Hopf Lemma for−mpp+(c+α)px− |∇p|2=0, seen as a linear elliptic equationLp=0 with no zero-th order coefficient (by constructionpattains its strict minimum at any point on the left boundary and its strict maximum at any point on the right one). 2

Proposition 2.3(Uniform pinning). There exist large constantsK >0,K1K−√


Ksuch that, for anyLlarge and anyδsmall enough, there existsx=x(L, δ)∈ ]0, L[such that

1. limL→+∞(Lx)= +∞, 2. K1p(x, y)K2.

The constantsK,K1,K2depend on the upper boundc1in(1.6)andm >0, but not onLorδ.

Proof. The idea is as follows. Whenxincreases from−LtoLthe mapx

T1p(x, y)dyincreases fromAδ1 toBc0L1. For fixed large K andL large enough this integral has to take on the valueK at least for some x∈ ]−L, L[. The equation forp then allows to control they-oscillations of palong this line byO(

K). IfK is chosen large enough these oscillations are small compared to the average, and p along this line will therefore be of the same order O(K) than its average

pdy. This will be our pinning line x=x (up to some further small translation).

• Choose a large constantK >1, and forx∈ [−L, L]defineF (x):=

T1p(x, y)dy: sincep(0, y)p+(0)=1 we have thatF (0) < K. By convexityplies above its tangent planetL(x)atx=L, and we recall that we had setp(L)=p(L, y)=p+(L)=B. ForLlarge andδ smalltL(x)=K has a unique solutionx=xK given by xK=L+pKB

x(L), andF (xK)p(xK)tL(xK)=K. Remarking thatF is increasing (px>0), there exists a uniquexK(L, δ)∈ ]0, xK]such that

F xK



p xK, y


Manipulating (2.4)–(2.6) it is easy to check that forK, δfixed andL→ +∞there holds B=p+(L)c0L


xK=L+KB px(L)




as a consequence of (1.6) the linex=xK(δ, L)stays away from both boundaries.


• Let us now slide the whole picture to the left by settingp(x, y)˜ =p(x+xK, y), so thatx=xK corresponds in this new frame tox=0; for simplicity of notation we will usep(x, y)instead ofp(x, y)˜ below. The corresponding domain still grows in both directions whenL→ +∞, and by definition ofxK we have that


p(0, y)dy=K.

We claim now that there exists a constantC, depending only onm=1 and the upper bound for the flowc1, such that

x >0,


|∇p|2dxdyC(K+x). (2.10)

Indeed, integrating by parts the Laplacian term in−mpp+(c+α)px= |∇p|2over a subdomainΩ= [0, x] × T1and combining the resulting|∇p|2term with the one on the right-hand side yields





ppx(0, y)dy−m


ppx(x, y)dy+


(c+α)pxdxdy=0. (2.11)

1. If m−1 > 0 we use m

T1ppx(0, y)dy 0 and

Ω(c +α)pxdxdy 0 in (2.11). This leads to (m−1)


T1ppx(x, y)dy, and since 0< pxc1


|∇p|2dxdy mc1 m−1


p(x, y)dy.

Our monotonicity estimate 0< pxc1again yields


p(x, y)dy=


p(0, y)dy+


pxdxdyK+c1x, and together with the previous inequality

x >0,


|∇p|2dxdy mc1


2. If 0< m <1 we useppx(x, y) >0 in (2.11) to obtain (1m)




ppx(0, y)dy+



Since 0< pxc1and 0< c+αc1this leads to


|∇p|2dxdy mc1



p(0, y)dy+ 1 1−m




withC=11mmax(mc1, c21)depending only onmandc1.

• In the spirit of[12]we control now the oscillationsO(x)= |maxy∈T1p(x, y)−miny∈T1p(x, y)|in theydirec- tion: by Cauchy–Schwarz inequality we have that



py(x, y)dy 2


py(x, y)2dy


|∇p|2(x, y)dy,

and integrating fromx=0 tox=1 with (2.10) leads to


(1−0) min

x∈[0,1]O2(x) 1 0




Let now x∈ [0,1] be any point where O2(x)attains its minimum on this interval; along the particular line x=xthe last inequality yields

O x

C(K+1) (2.12)

and these oscillations are therefore controlled uniformly inL(Cdepends only onmandc1). Moreover,x∈ [0,1]

and 0< pxc1controlpin average from below and from above K=


p(0, y)dy


p x, y

dyK+c1xK+c1. (2.13)

• ForK large enough but fixed (2.12), (2.13) imply 0< K1p(x, y)K2as desired, withK1KO(K) andK2K+O(

K)up to constants depending only onc1andm. Finallyx∈ [0,1]may depend onL,δ,c1 (and actually does) but stays far enough from both boundaries, so that the new translated domain still grows to infinity in both directions whenL→ +∞. 2

3. δ-solutions on the infinite cylinder

From now on we will work in the translated frameDL= ]−Lx, Lx[ ×T1, wherex=x(L, δ)is defined as in Proposition2.3above. Since the domain depends onL, the solution depends onLas well. We emphasize that by writingp=pL(δ >0 is fixed so we may just omit the dependence onδ), and let also setD=R×T1to be the infinite cylinder.

Theorem 3.1.Up to a subsequence we havepLpinCloc2 (D)whenL→ +∞, wherepC(D)is a classical solution ofmpp+(c+α)px= |∇p|2. This limitpsatisfies

1. 0pxc1, 2. pδ,

3. pis nontrivial:K1p(0, y)K2

whereK1,K2are the pinning constants in Proposition2.3.

Proof. Using interiorLq elliptic regularity arguments for fixedq > d=2 we will obtainW3,q estimates onpL, and this will allow to retrieve the strong convergencepLpinCloc2 .

The most difficult term to estimate is|∇p|2. We handle it using a different unknown which appears very naturally in the original setting (AD-E), namely

w:= m2

m+1pm+m1 =m m+1

m 1


Tm+1. (3.1)

An easy computation shows that this new unknown satisfies onDLa classical Poisson equation

wL=fL, (3.2)

where the non-homogeneous part fL:=(c+α)



pxL (3.3)


involves only pL andpLx, on which we have local L control uniformly inL. Indeed,pL is pinned atx =0 by K1pL(0, y)K2and cannot grow too fast in thexdirection because of 0pxLc1.

Ifm <1 the exponent m1 −1 in (3.3) is positive and we controlfLuniformly inLon any compact set. However, ifm >1, this exponent is negative and we need to boundpLaway from zero uniformly inL. Forδ >0 fixed this is easy since we constructedpLp> δ >0, but this will be a problem later when taking the limitδ→0 (see next section).

As a consequence, for any fixedq > d=2,fLis inLq on any bounded subsetΩDand we control fL


uniformly inL(C may of course depend onΩ,q andδ). SincewLis defined as a positive power ofpLandpLis locally controlled in theLnorm uniformly inLthe same holds forwL,



Let Ω = ]−a, a[ ×T1D and K=Ω; let alsoΩ2= ]−2a,2a[ ×T1 andΩ3= ]−3a,3a[ ×T1 so that Ω Ω2Ω3. By interiorLqelliptic regularity for strong solutions (the version we use here is[14, Theorem 9.11, p. 235]) there exists a constantCdepending only onΩ2,Ω3andqsuch that





. As discussed above we controlwLandfL, hence


W2,q2)C (3.4)

for someC >0 depending only onΩ3, Ω2andq.

The next step is using (3.1)–(3.3) to expressfLonly in terms ofwL fL= c+α


wLmm+1 wxL.

Expressing ∇fL only in terms ofwL,∇wL andD2wL (which are controlled by wLW2,q2)), using the lower boundpLδ >0 and uniform control onpL, (3.4) implies that



for someCdepending only on the sizeaofΩ. Differentiating (3.2) implies


=ifL, i=1,2.

Repeating the previousLqinterior regularity argument onΩΩ2yields






and our previous estimate for∇fLtogether with (3.4) finally yields the higher estimate wL


The setK=Ω= [−a, a] ×T1is bounded and the exponentq was chosen larger than the dimensiond =2. Thus compactness of the Sobolev embeddingW3,q(Ω)C2(K)implies, up to a subsequence, that

wL−−−−→C2(K) w

whenL→ +∞. By the diagonal extraction of a subsequence we can assume that the limitwdoes not depend on the compactK. It meanswLwinCloc2 on the infinite cylinderD. The algebraic relation (3.1) andpLδ >0 imply that

pL C

2 loc(D)


It implies that we can take the pointwise limit in the nonlinear equation. The limitpsolves therefore the same equation

mpp+(c+α)px= |∇p|2on the infinite cylinder.

The remaining estimates are easily obtained by taking the limit in 0pxLc1,δ < ppLand in the pinning Proposition2.3. Lastly,pis smooth by classical elliptic regularity. 2


Proposition 3.1.We havelimx→−∞p(x, y)=δuniformly iny.

Proof. The previous lower barrierδ < pLonDLimmediately passes to the limitL→ +∞, and

(x, y)D, pδ. (3.5)

In order to estimatepfrom above let us go back to the untranslated framex∈ [−L, L]and remark that by definition p+does not depend onL, see (2.4). An easy computation shows thatp+(L)δwhenL→ +∞. The subsolution pactually depends onLthrough boundary condition, see (2.6), but using the monotonicityxp>0 it is quite easy to prove thatp(L)δwhenL→ +∞. The left boundary condition consequently reads

pL(L, y)=A=p+(L)+p(L)

2 ∼


However, the limit limx→−∞p(x, y)=??limL→+∞pL(L, y)is not clear because the convergencepLpis only local on compact sets (and also because we translated from one frame to another).

In order to circumvent this technical difficulty we move back to the translated frame and build forx ∈ ]−Lx,0[ ×T1a family of planar supersolutionspε(x)independent ofLsuch thatpε(−∞)=δ+ε. The construction is the following: fixε >0 and definepε(x)as the unique solution of Cauchy problem



muu+c0u= u2

, u(0)=2K2,


(3.6) whereK2is the constant in Proposition2.3such thatpL(0, y)K2. As already computed the settingC=c0c+α in (3.6) implies thatpε is a supersolution. By monotonicity bothpLandpε satisfy condition (2.3), and forLlarge andδ, εsmall it is easy to check thatppεon the boundariesx= −Lx,0: Theorem2.1guarantees that

(x, y)


×T1, pLpε.

Forδ, εfixed,pεis independent ofL: taking the limitL→ +∞yields

(x, y)∈ ]−∞,0[ ×T1, p(x, y)pε(x). (3.7)

Taking now the limitε→0 in (3.6), it is easy to show thatpε(x)p(x) uniformly on]−∞,0], wherep is the solution of the same Cauchy problem aspε – except forp(−∞)=δ instead ofpε(−∞)=δ+ε – and satisfies limx→−∞p(x)=δ. Combining the limitε→0 in (3.7) with the lower barrier (3.5) we finally obtain

(x, y)∈ ]−∞,0] ×T1, δp(x, y)p(x) δ

as desired. 2

Remark 4.The proof above actually implies a stronger statement than limx→−∞p(x, y)=δ, namelyδppfor x→ −∞: just working on the ODE−mpp+c0p=(p)2it is straightforward to obtain the exponential decay

|pδ| =O(ec0x/mδ). The exponential ratec0/mδdegenerates whenδ0, which is consistent with the fact that a free boundary appears in this limit (see next section).

As stated in Theorem3.1the limitpis non-decreasing in thex direction (as a limit of increasing functionspL).

We establish below the strict monotonicity.

Proposition 3.2.px>0on the infinite cylinder.

Proof. The argument is very similar to the proof of Proposition2.2: differentiating the equation forp with respect toxyields a linear uniformly elliptic equation satisfied byq=px0. The classical Minimum Principle implies that eitherq >0 everywhere orq≡0, and latter would contradictp(−∞, y)=δ < K2p(0, y). 2


4. Limitδ→0 and the free boundary

In the previous section we constructed for any smallδ >0 a nontrivial solutionp=limL→+∞pLof−mpp+ (c+α)px= |∇p|2on the infinite cylinderD=R×T1, satisfying the uniform ellipticity conditionp > δ >0. Let us now writep=pδin order to stress the dependence onδ. The next step is now to take the limitδ0 (δis an elliptic regularization parameter), yielding the desired viscosity solution.

Forδ >0 letEδC0(D)be the set ofδ-solutions, which we recall are positive smooth solutionspδsatisfying 1. limx→−∞pδ(x, y)=δuniformly iny,

2. pδ(x, y)cxuniformly inyat positive infinity.

According to our comparison Theorem2.1these must satisfypδδ >0, in which case the equation becomes uni- formly elliptic, andδshould therefore be seen here as a regularization parameter (this is very close to the vanishing viscosity method, but the equation itself is not modified). We define viscosity solutions as

Definition 1.A functionpC0(D)is a viscosity solution if there exist a sequenceδn0 andδn-solutionspnEδn

such that limδn0pn=pinCloc0 (D).

This is not the standard definition: any viscosity solutionpwill however turn to beCon its positive setD+= {p >0}(see proof of Theorem4.1below), which is not clear with the usual definition (in addition to being a difficult question, see e.g.[7]). The delicate issue in the proof of existence is of course the loss of ellipticity whenδ0.

Ifpδδdenotes theδ-solution constructed in Section3, we will boundpδand∇pδuniformly inδ. Extracting a (discrete) sequenceδn0 Arzelà–Ascoli Theorem will therefore yield convergencepnpinCloc0 , hence existence of a viscosity solution in the sense of Definition1. At this stage we have pinned 0< K1pδ(0, y)K2, and 0< pxδc1holds on the infinite cylinder: we therefore controlpδandpδxuniformly on any compact set, but we still have no control at all onpδy:

Proposition 4.1.For anya0there existsCa>0such that, for any smallδ >0, xapyδ(x, y)Ca.

Proof. We will first establish this estimate forpLon finite domains[−Lx, a] ×T1by controllingq=pLy at the boundaries and estimating the value of any possible interior extremal point. Taking the limitL→ +∞will then yield the desired estimate forpδ=limL→+∞pL.

• Fixa0 and chooseLlarge: uniform pinningK1pL(0, y)K2 and monotonicity 0< pLx c1allow to controlpLuniformly inδ, Lfrom above and away from zero on any small compact setK= [aε, a+ε] ×T1. As in the proof of Theorem3.1, applying anLqinterior elliptic regularity forw=mm+21pm+1m on the slightly larger setΩ2= ]a−2ε, a+2ε[ ×T1Ω:=K˚ we obtain







for some constantCa depending only on Ω, Ω2and q >2 fixed, hence ona (it is here important thatpL is bounded away from zero uniformly inδonΩ2, see proof of Theorem3.1for details). In particular we have

pLy(a, y)Ca. (4.1)

Differentiating now (1.4) with respect toy we see thatqL:=pyLsatisfies the linear elliptic equation


(c+α)qxL−2∇pL· ∇qL


qL= −αypLx. (4.2)

LetΩa= ]−Lx, a[ ×T1: on the leftx= −Lxwe had a flat boundary conditionpL(x∗ −L, y)=cst so thatqL(Lx, y)=0, and on the right boundaryx=a(4.1) holds. We therefore control|qL| = |pyL|Ca on the boundaries uniformly inL.


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