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Limit theorem for random walk in weakly dependent random scenery


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www.imstat.org/aihp 2010, Vol. 46, No. 4, 1178–1194


© Association des Publications de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, 2010

Limit theorem for random walk in weakly dependent random scenery

Nadine Guillotin-Plantard


and Clémentine Prieur


aUniversité de Lyon, Institut Camille Jordan, Bâtiment Braconnier, 43 avenue du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France.


bUniversité Joseph Fourier, Tour IRMA, MOISE-LJK, B.P. 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France. E-mail:Clementine.Prieur@imag.fr Received 12 July 2009; revised 14 August 2009; accepted 10 December 2009

Abstract. LetS=(Sk)k0be a random walk onZandξ=i)i∈Za stationary random sequence of centered random variables, independent ofS. We consider a random walk in random scenery that is the sequence of random variables(Un)n0, where

Un= n


ξSk, n∈N.

Under a weak dependence assumption on the sceneryξ we prove a functional limit theorem generalizing Kesten and Spitzer’s [Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete50(1979) 5–25] theorem.

Résumé. SoitS=(Sk)k0une marche aléatoire sur Zetξ=i)i∈Z une suite stationnaire de variables aléatoires centrées, indépendante deS. Nous considérons une marche aléatoire en scène aléatoire définie par la suite de variables aléatoires(Un)n0= (n

k=0ξSk)n0. Sous une hypothèse de dépendance faible portant sur la scèneξ, nous montrons un théorème de la limite centrale fonctionnel généralisant le théorème de Kesten et Spitzer [Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete50(1979) 5–25].

MSC:Primary 60F05; 60G50; 62D05; secondary 37C30; 37E05

Keywords:Random walks; Random scenery; Weak dependence; Limit theorem; Local time

1. Introduction

LetX=(Xi)i1be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random vectors with values inZd. We write S0=0, Sn=



Xi forn≥1,

for the Zd-random walk S=(Sn)n∈N generated by the family X. Letξ =x)x∈Zd be a family of real random variables, independent of S. The sequence ξ plays the role of the random scenery. The random walk in random scenery (RWRS) is the process defined by

Un= n


ξSk, n∈N.


RWRS was first introduced in dimension one by Kesten and Spitzer [19] and Borodin [5,6] in order to construct new self-similar stochastic processes. Functional limit theorems for RWRS were obtained under the assumption that the random variables ξx, x∈Zd, are independent and identically distributed. For d =1, Kesten and Spitzer [19]

proved that when X andξ belong to the domains of attraction of different stable laws of indices 1< α≤2 and 0< β≤2, respectively, then there existsδ >12such that(nδU[nt])t0converges weakly asn→ ∞to a self-similar process with stationary increments,δ being related toαandβ byδ=1−α1+(αβ)1. The case 0< α <1 and β arbitrary is easier; they showed then that(n1/βU[nt])t0converges weakly, asn→ ∞, to a stable process with indexβ. Bolthausen [4] gave a method to solve the caseα=1 andβ=2 and especially, he proved that when(Sn)n∈N is a recurrentZ2-random walk,((nlogn)1/2U[nt])t0 satisfies a functional central limit theorem. For an arbitrary transientZd-random walk,n1/2Unis asymptotically normal (see Spitzer [27], p. 53). Maejima [23] generalized the result of Kesten and Spitzer [19] to the case wherex)x∈Zare i.i.d.Rd-valued random variables which belong to the domain of attraction of an operator stable random vector with exponentB. If we denote byDthe linear operator on Rd defined byD=(1α1)I+α1B, he proved that(nDU[nt])t0converges weakly to an operator self similar with exponentDand having stationary increments.

One-dimensional random walks in random scenery recently arose in the study of random walks evolving on ori- ented versions ofZ2(see Guillotin-Plantard and Le Ny [15,16]) as well as in the context of charged polymers (see Chen and Khoshnevisan [8]). The understanding of these models in the case where the orientations or the charges are not independently distributed requires functional limit theorems forZ-random walk in correlated random scenery.

To our knowledge, only the case of strongly correlated stationary random sceneries has been studied by Lang and Xanh [21]. In their paper, the increments of the random walkSare assumed to belong to the domain of attraction of a non-degenerate stable law of indexα,0< α≤2. They further suppose that the sceneryξsatisfies the non-central limit theorem of Dobrushin and Major [12] with a scaling factornd+(βk)/2,βk < d. Under the assumptionβk < α, it is proved that(n1+βk/(2α)U[nt])t0converges weakly asn→ +∞to a self-similar process with stationary increments, which can be represented as a multiple Wiener–Itô integral of a random function. Our aim is to study the intermediary case of a stationary random sceneryξ which satisfies a weak dependence condition introduced in Dedecker et al. [11]

and to prove Kesten and Spitzer’s theorem under this new assumption. In Guillotin-Plantard and Prieur [17] the case of a transientZ-random walk was considered and a central limit theorem for the sequence(Un)n∈N was proved. In this paper the one-dimensional random walk will be assumed to be recurrent.

Our paper is organized as follows: In Section2, we introduce the dependence setting under which we work in the sequel. In Section3we introduce in details our model and give the main result. In Section4properties of the local time of the random walk are given as well as the ones of the intersection local time. Models for which we can compute bounds for our dependence coefficients are presented in Section5. Finally, the proof of our theorem is given in the last section.

2. Weak dependence conditions

In this section, we recall the definition of the dependence coefficients which we will use in the sequel. They have first been introduced in Dedecker et al. [11]. Our weak dependence condition will be less restrictive than the mixing one.

The reader interested in this question would find more details in Guillotin-Plantard and Prieur [17].

On the Euclidean spaceRm, we define the metric d1(x, y)=





m∈NΛm, whereΛm is the set of Lipschitz functionsf:Rm→Rwith respect to the metric d1. IffΛm, we denote by Lip(f ):=supx=y|f (x)d f (y)|

1(x,y) the Lipschitz modulus off. The set of functionsfΛsuch that Lip(f )≤1 is denoted byΛ.˜

Definition 2.1. Letξbe aRm-valued random variable defined on a probability space(Ω,A,P),assumed to be square integrable.For anyσ-algebraMofA,we define theθ2-dependence coefficient

θ2(M, ξ )=supE

f (ξ )|M

−Ef (ξ )

2, f∈ ˜Λ . (2.1)


Here, X 2= [E(X2)]1/2denotes the norm inL2.

We now define the coefficientθk,2for a sequence ofσ-algebras and a sequence ofR-valued random variables.

Definition 2.2. Let(ξi)i∈Z be a sequence of square integrable random variables valued in R.Let (Mi)i∈Z be a sequence ofσ-algebras ofA.For anyk∈N∪ {∞}andn∈N,we define

θk,2(n)= max


1 l sup


Mp, (ξj1, . . . , ξjl)

, p+nj1<· · ·< jl




Definition 2.3. Let(ξi)i∈Z be a sequence of square integrable random variables valued in R.Let (Mi)i∈Z be a sequence ofσ-algebras ofA.The sequence i)i∈Z is said to beθ2-weakly dependent with respect to(Mi)i∈Z if θ2(n)−→n→+∞0.

Remark. Replacing the · 2norm in(2.1)by the · 1norm,we get theθ1dependence coefficient first introduced by Doukhan and Louhichi[14].

3. Model and results

LetS=(Sk)k0be a Z-random walk (S0=0) whose increments (Xi)i1 are centered and square integrable. We denote byPX1 the law of the random variableX1. For anyq∈Nsuch thatP(X1∈ [−q, q])is non zero, we define the probability measure onZ

Pq= PX1|[−q,q]

P(X1∈ [−q, q]).

The random walkSis said to satisfy the property(P)if there existsq∈Nsuch that x∈Z; ∃n,P(n)q (x) >0 =Z.

In particular, if there exists someq∈Nsuch that the random walk associated toPqis centered and aperiodic thenS satisfies the property(P). For instance, the simple random walk onZverifies(P). Letξ=i)i∈Zbe a sequence of centered real random variables. The sequencesSandξ are defined on a same probability space denoted by(Ω,F,P) and are assumed to be independent. We are interested in the asymptotic behaviour of the following sum

Un= n



The case where theξi’s are independent and identically distributed random variables with positive variance has been considered by Kesten and Spitzer [19] and Borodin [5,6]. They studied the weak convergence of the sequence of stochastic processes

n3/4Unt, t≥0, n≥1,

whereUs is defined as the linear interpolation

Us=Un+(sn)(Un+1Un) whennsn+1.


Consider a standard Brownian motion(Bt)t0, denote by(Lt(x))t0its corresponding local time atx∈Rand intro- duce a pair of independent Brownian motions(Z+(x), Z(x)), x≥0 defined on the same probability space as(Bt)t0

and independent of him. The following process is well-defined for allt≥0:





Lt(x)dZ(x). (3.1)

It was proved by Kesten and Spitzer [19] that this process has a self-similar continuous version of index 34, with stationary increments. We denote by⇒C the convergence in the space of continuous functionsC([0,∞),R)endowed with the uniform topology.

Theorem 3.1 (Kesten and Spitzer [19]). Assume that theξi’s are independent and identically distributed with posi- tive varianceσ2>0.Then,

1 n3/4Unt


C (σ Δt)t0. (3.2)

A simple proof of this theorem was proposed by Cadre [7], Section 2.5.a., using a weak limit theorem for stochastic integrals (Theorem 1.1. in Kurtz and Protter [20]). Applying Cadre’s method, Theorem3.1can be extended to any scenery given by a stationary and ergodic sequence of square integrable martingale differences. Then, a natural idea is to generalize the result to any stationary and ergodic sequenceξ of square integrable random variables as it was done for the central limit theorem. Under suitable assumptions on the sequence, for instance the convergence of the series

k=0Ek|M0)inL2, the sceneryξ is equal to a martingale differences sequence modulo a coboundary term and satisfies a Donsker theorem. However, the RWRS associated to the coboundary term (if it is non zero) is not negligible. It can be proved that the L2-norm of this sum correctly normalized byn3/4 converges to some positive constant.

In order to weaken the assumptions on the fieldξwe introduce a sequence(Mi)i∈Zofσ-algebras ofFdefined by Mi=σ (ξj, ji), i∈Z.

In the sequel, the dependence coefficients will be defined with respect to the sequence ofσ-algebras(Mi)i∈Z. Theorem 3.2. Assume that the following conditions are satisfied:

(A0) The random walkSsatisfies the property(P).

(A1) ξ= {ξi}i∈Zis a stationary sequence of square integrable random variables.

(A2) θ2ξ(·)is bounded above by a non-negative functiong(·)such that:

xx3/2g(x)is non-increasing,

• ∃0< ε <1,

i=023i/2g(2) <∞.

Then,asntends to infinity, 1





E0ξi)(Δt)t0. (3.3)

Remark. Assumptions(A1)and(A2)imply that

λ∈ [0,1/2[,


|k|λE0ξk)<+∞. (3.4)

Indeed,this sum is equal to E02)+2




and for anyk≥1,from Cauchy–Schwarz inequality,we get E0ξk)=E


ξ0 2θ2ξ(k)

ξ0 2g(k).

The result(3.4)follows by remarking that


|k|λg(k)g(1) k=1

1 k3/2λ which is finite for everyλ∈ [0,1/2[.

Remark. Ifθ2ξ(n)=O(na)for some positivea,condition(A2)holds fora >3/2.

4. Properties of the occupation times of the random walk

The random walkS=(Sk)k0is defined as in the previous section and is assumed to verify the property(P). The local time of the random walk is defined for everyi∈Zby

Nn(i)= n



The local time of self-intersection at pointiof the random walk(Sn)n0is defined by α(n, i)=




The stochastic properties of the sequences (Nn(i))n∈N,i∈Z and(α(n, i))n∈N,i∈Z are well-known when the random walk S is strongly aperiodic. A random walk who satisfies the property (P) is not strongly aperiodic in general.

However, a local limit theorem for the random walks satisfing(P)was proved by Cadre [7] (see Lemma 2.4.5, p. 70), then it is not difficult to adapt the proofs of the strongly aperiodic case to our setting: for assertion (i) see Lemma 4 in Kesten and Spitzer [19], for (ii)(a) see Lemma 3.1 in Dombry and Guillotin-Plantard [13]. Result (ii)(b) is obtained from Lemma 6 in Kesten and Spitzer [19]; details are omitted. Assertion (iii) is an adaptation to dimension one of Lemma 2.3.2 of Cadre’s [7] thesis.

Proposition 4.1. (i)The sequencen3/4maxi∈ZNn(i)converges in probability to0.

(ii) (a) For anyp∈ [1,+∞),there exists some constantCsuch that for alln≥1, E



(b) For anym≥1,for any realθ1, . . . , θm,for any0≤t1≤ · · · ≤tm,the sequence n3/2




θkN[ntk](i) 2

converges in distribution to




θkLtk(x) 2


where(Lt(x))t0;x∈Ris the local time of the real Brownian motion(Bt)t0.


(iii) For everyλ∈]0,1[,there exists a constantCsuch that for anyi, j∈Z, α(n, i)−α(n, j )


5. Examples

In this section, we present examples for which we can compute upper bounds forθ2(n)for anyn≥1. We refer to Chapter 3 in Dedecker et al. [11] and references therein for more details.

5.1. Example1:Causal functions of stationary sequences

Let (E,E,Q) be a probability space. Let i)i∈Z be a stationary sequence of random variables with values in a measurable space S. Assume that there exists a real valued function H defined on a subset of SN, such that H (ε0, ε1, ε2, . . .)is defined almost surely. The stationary sequencen)n∈Zdefined byξn=H (εn, εn1, εn2, . . .) is called a causal function ofi)i∈Z.

Assume that there exists a stationary sequencei)i∈Zdistributed asi)i∈Z and independent ofi)i0. Define ξn=H (εn, εn1, εn2, . . .). Clearly,ξnis independent ofM0=σ (ξi, i≤0)and distributed asξn. Let2(i))i>0be a non increasing sequence such that


2δ2(i). (5.1)

Then the coefficientθ2of the sequencen)n0satisfies

θ2(i)δ2(i). (5.2)

Let us consider the particular case where the sequence of innovationsi)i∈Z is absolutely regular in the sense of Volkonskii and Rozanov [26]. Then, according to Theorem 4.4.7 in Berbee [2], ifE is rich enough, there exists i)i∈Zdistributed asi)i∈Zand independent ofi)i0such that


εi=εifor someik|F0


2 Qε˜k|F0−Qε˜k v,

whereε˜k=k, εk+1, . . .),F0=σ (εi, i≤0)and · vis the variation norm. In particular if the sequencei)i∈Zis idependent and identically distributed, it suffices to takeεi=εi fori >0 andεiεifori≤0, wherei)i∈Zis an independent copy ofi)i∈Z.

Application to causal linear processes In that case,ξn=

j0ajεnj, where(aj)j0is a sequence of real numbers. We can choose δ2(i)ε0ε0



|aj| +





From Proposition 2.3 in Merlevède and Peligrad [24], we obtain that




|aj| +





β(σ (εk,k0),σ (εk,kij ))



0(u) 1/2


whereQε0is the generalized inverse of the tail functionx→Q(|ε0|> x).


5.2. Example2:Iterated random functions

Letn)n0be a real valued stationary Markov chain, such thatξn=F (ξn1, εn)for some measurable functionF and some independent and identically distributed sequencei)i>0 independent ofξ0. Letξ0 be a random variable distributed asξ0and independent of0, (εi)i>0). Defineξn=F (ξn1, εn).The sequencen)n0is distributed as n)n0and independent ofξ0. LetMi=σ (ξj,0≤ji). As in Example 1, define the sequence(δ2(i))i>0by (5.1).

The coefficientθ2of the sequencen)n0satisfies the bound (5.2) of Example 1.

Letμbe the distribution ofξ0andnx)n0be the chain starting fromξ0x=x. With these notations, we can choose δ2(i)such that


2= ξixξiy2

2μ(dx)μ(dy) 1/2


For instance, if there exists a sequence(d2(i))i0of positive numbers such that ξixξiy


then we can takeδ2(i)=d2(i) ξ0ξ0 2. For example, in the usual case where F (x, ε0)F (y, ε0) 2κ|xy| for someκ <1, we can taked2(i)=κi.

An important example isξn=f (ξn1)+εnfor someκ-Lipschitz functionf. Ifξ0has a moment of order 2, then δ2(i)κi ξ0ξ0 2.

5.3. Example3:Dynamical systems on[0,1]

LetI = [0,1],T be a map fromI toI and defineXi =Ti. Ifμis invariant byT, the sequence(Xi)i0of random variables from(I, μ)toI is strictly stationary.

For any finite measureνonI, we use the notationsν(h)=

Ih(x)ν(dx). For any finite signed measureνonI, let ν = |ν|(I )be the total variation ofν. Denote by g 1,λtheL1-norm with respect to the Lebesgue measureλonI. Covariance inequalities

In many interesting cases, one can prove that, for anyBVfunctionhand anykinL1(I, μ), cov

h(X0), k(Xn)ank(Xn)


h 1,λ+ dh

, (5.3)

for some nonincreasing sequenceantending to zero asntends to infinity.

Spectral gap

Define the operatorLfromL1(I, λ)toL1(I, λ)via the equality 1


L(h)(x)k(x)dλ(x)= 1


h(x)(kT )(x)dλ(x), whereh∈L1(I, λ)andk∈L(I, λ).

The operatorLis called the Perron–Frobenius operator ofT. In many interesting cases, the spectral analysis ofLin the Banach space ofBV-functions equiped with the norm h v= dh + h 1,λcan be done by using the Theorem of Ionescu-Tulcea and Marinescu (see Lasota and Yorke [22] and Hofbauer and Keller [18]). Assume that 1 is a simple eigenvalue ofLand that the rest of the spectrum is contained in a closed disk of radius strictly smaller than one. Then there exists a uniqueT-invariant absolutely continuous probabilityμwhose densityfμisBV, and

Ln(h)=λ(h)fμ+Ψn(h) withΨn(h)

vn h v (5.4)

for some 0≤ρ <1 andK >0. Assume moreover that

I= {fμ=0}is an interval, and there existsγ >0 such thatfμ> γ1onI. (5.5)


Without loss of generality assume thatI=I (otherwise, take the restriction toIin what follows). Define now the Markov kernel associated toT by

P (h)(x)=L(fμh)(x)

fμ(x) . (5.6)

It is easy to check (see for instance Barbour, Gerrard and Reinert [1]) that(X0, X1, . . . , Xn)has the same distribution as(Yn, Yn1, . . . , Y0)where(Yi)i0is a stationary Markov chain with invariant distributionμand transition kernel P. Since f g f g v≤2 f v g v, we infer that, takingC=2Kγ ( dfμ +1),

Pn(h)=μ(h)+gn with gn n h v. (5.7)

This estimate implies (5.3) withan=n(see Dedecker and Prieur [10]).

Expanding maps

Let([ai, ai+1[)1iN be a finite partition of[0,1[. We make the same assumptions onT as in Collet, Martinez and Schmitt [9]:

1. For each 1≤jN, the restrictionTj ofT to]aj, aj+1[is strictly monotonic and can be extented to a function Tj belonging toC2([aj, aj+1]).

2. LetInbe the set where(Tn)is defined. There existsA >0 ands >1 such that infxIn|(Tn)(x)|> Asn.

3. The mapT is topologically mixing: for any two nonempty open setsU, V, there existsn0≥1 such thatTn(U )V =∅for allnn0.

If T satisfies 1., 2. and 3., then (5.4) holds. Assume furthermore that (5.5) holds (see Morita [25] for sufficient conditions). Then, arguing as in Example 4 in Section 7 of Dedecker and Prieur [10], we can prove that for the Markov chain(Yi)i0and theσ-algebrasMi=σ (Yj, ji), there exists a positive constantCsuch thatθ2(i)i. 6. Proof of Theorem3.2

6.1. Notations and preliminary technical lemmas

For anyn∈Nand anyi∈Z, we denote byXn,i the random variableNn(i)ξi whereNn(i)denotes the local time of the random walk at sitei.

We denote byG=σ (Sk, k≥0)theσ-algebra generated by the random walkS. For any real random variables X, Y, and anyt∈R, we define

dt(X, Y )=E eit X|G


eit Y|G.

Letηbe a random variable with standard normal distribution, independent of the random walkS. Let(Xi)i=1,...,3be random variables such that fori=1, . . . ,3,E(Xi|G)=0 andE(X2i|G)is bounded. LetY1, Y2be random variables such thatE(Yi|G)=0 andE(Yi2|G)is bounded fori=1,2. They are assumed to be independent conditionally to the random walk. LetXbe a real random variable and lett∈R, we define


X, η E

X2|G . The following properties ofdt andAt hold.

Lemma 6.1 (Lemma 4.3 in Utev [28]).

At(X1)≤2 3|t|3E

|X1|3|G , At(Y1+Y2)At(Y1)+At(Y2),


dt(X2+X3, X2)t2 2

E X32|G

+ E

X22|G E

X23|G1/2 ,

a, b∈R, dt(ηa, ηb)t2


The following lemma is a variation on Lemma 1.2. in Utev [28]; the proof is omitted.

Lemma 6.2. For everyε∈ ]0,1[,denoteδε=(1ε2+2ε)/2.Let a non-decreasing sequence of non-negative num- bersa(n) be specified, such that there exist non-increasing sequences of non-negative numbersε(k),γ (k) and a sequence of naturalsT (k),satisfying conditions

T (k)≤21 k+

kδε , a(k)≤ max


a T (s)

+γ (s)

for anykk0with an arbitraryk0∈N.Then a(n)a(n0)+2


γ 2j

for anynk0,where one can taken0=2cwithc >21δδε

ε. For anyM >0, we define the functions



xϕM(x)=(xM)(M) and




Letn)n1be a sequence of positive numbers tending to 0 asngoes to infinity. For anyn∈Nand anyi∈Z, we denote byZn,ithe random variable


ϕεnn3/4(Xn,i)|G .

The next lemma will be a key point in the proof of Theorem3.2.

Lemma 6.3. Let0< ε <1.There exists some positive constantC(ε)such that for alla∈Z,for allv∈N, At





is bounded by C(ε)





|Zn,i|3|G +t2



23j/2g 2j ε






wherehis an arbitrary positive natural number andgis the function introduced in assumption(A2)of Theorem3.2.

Proof. Leth∈N. Let 0< ε <1. In the following,C,C(ε)denote constants which may vary from line to line. Let κεbe a positive constant greater than 1 which will be precised further.


Case 1: v < κεh1/ε. By Lemma6.1, we have






≤ 2|t|3 3n9/4E





≤ 2







since|x|3is a convex function.

Case 2: vκεh1/ε.

Without loss of generality, assume thata=0. Letδε=(1ε2+2ε)/2. Define then m= [vε], B=

u∈N: 21 v


um≤21v , A=

u∈N: 0≤uv,

(u+1)m i=um+1

Nn(i)2(m/v)ε v




Following Utev [28] we prove that, for 0< ε <1,ABis not wide forvgreater thanκε. We have indeed

|AB| = |B| − |AB| ≥ |B| − |A| ≥v(1ε2)/2 2


−3 2,

whereAdenotes the complementary of the setA. We can findκεlarge enough so that|AB|be positive.

LetuAB. We start from the following simple identity Qn3/4




=n3/4 um



(u+1)m i=um+1

Zn,i+n3/4 v



Q1+Q2+Q3. (6.2)

For any fixedn≥0, and anyi∈Zsuch thatNn(i)=0, define Wn,i=ϕε

nn3/4/Nn(i)i)−E ϕε

nn3/4/Nn(i)i)|G .

IfNn(i)=0, letWn,i=0. As for any fixedn≥0,i∈Z, the function xϕεnσn/Nn(i)(x)−E


is 1-Lipschitz, we have for any fixed path of the random walk, for alll≥1, for allk≥1, θk,2W·,n(l)θk,2ξ (l),

whereW·,n=(Wn,i)i∈Zandξ=i)i∈Z. We now claim that for any fixedn, anya, b∈N, E






C b


Nn(i)2 (6.3)




l=1θ1,2(l)which is finite from assumptions(A1)and(A2). Indeed, remark that Zn,i=Nn(i)Wn,i, then

E b


Zn,i 2


=E b


Nn(i)Wn,i 2


= b


Nn(i)2E Wn,i2 |G

+ b



Nn(i)Nn(j )E(Wn,iWn,j|G)



Nn(i)2E Wn,i2 |G

+ b




E(Wn,iWn,j|G) by remarking thatNn(i)Nn(j )12(Nn(i)2+Nn(j )2).

Then for anyj > i, using Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we obtain that E(Wn,iWn,j|G)=E



Wn,i2 |G1/2




Wn,i2 |G1/2

θ1,2ξ (ji).

By remarking thatE(Wn,i2 |G)≤E02)(since|ϕM(x)| ≤ |x|for any realx), we deduce inequality (6.3).

By Lemma6.1,

dt(Q, Q1+Q3)=dt(Q, QQ2)t2 2

E Q22|G





. (6.4)

Using (6.4) and (6.3), we get

dt(Q, Q1+Q3)Ct2v1)ε/2n3/2 v


Nn(i)2. (6.5)

Now, given the random variablesQ1andQ3, we define two random variablesg1andg3which are assumed indepen- dent conditionally to the random walkSsuch that conditionally to the random walk, the distribution ofgi coincides with that ofQi,i=1,3. We have

dt(Q1+Q3, g1+g3)


eit Q1−1

eit Q3−1



eit Q1−1|G E

eit Q3−1|G

≤Eeit Q1−12|G1/2


eit Q3−1−E

eit Q3−1|G






2G 1/2

v|t|n3/4 v




Ct2v3/2n3/2 v



g vε

by (6.3), Definition2.2and assumption(A2)of Theorem3.2. Hence, dt(Q1+Q3, g1+g3)Ct2f (v)n3/2



Nn(i)2, (6.6)


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